RE: Reactions to Hostel (Full Version)

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amayos -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/16/2006 11:56:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: missnoir

I was reviewing the "bdsm in vanilla movies" thread and saw no mention of the recently released Hostel. (

If you haven't seen it, the movie was based on a website discovered by director Eli Roth that advertised a fetish club in Thailand allowing wealthy businessmen to pay for a human to torture. A group of traveling twentysomethings are lead to a lesser known hostel in Europe with the promise of sexy locals "up for anything". Upon arriving they are picked off, one by one, and sold to businessmen who torture them in every imaginable way possible. Needless to say, one of the kids is able to escape and thus, their story is told.

Initially, I was drawn to the movie because of the promotional website. Themes of bdsm ran throughout. There is even a link to a website called "humans for sale". Visitors are able to fill out a thorough questionnaire and evaluate their worth on the black market. The site also gives shocking true stories of human slaves and actual hostel nightmares.

Upon seeing the movie, I was astounded to see several of my very own fetish tools featured in the torturous chambers of these madmen. Don't believe me? See the movie and then visit

Needless to say, the movie brought about quite a bit of conversation between myself and fellow dommes. I'd like to know what others think. What did the movie do, if anything at all, to the reputation of domination and fetish? Although considered unacceptable by most, is this form of extreme fetish at the very least understandable? Do you think shedding light on such practices might encourage others to follow in-step?

I find this subject fascinating. I would love to hear what everyone else thinks.

I find the fascination "Hollywood" has with such subject matter somewhat disturbing as it intentionally misinforms in order to be more outrageous. I do hope people remember that movies are meant to entertain and not enlighten—even in our current day of "documentaries", "true facts" and so-called "reality television".

Regarding the movie itself, I found it quite disappointing in that it was so formulaic. I found myself considering the premise—which I have admittedly thought of so many times before—and wondering about how great a film it could have been. Personally, if I had a human being that I selected, paid for and was at my complete disposal, I'd want to take it home and make it love me. I think that would have been a much more original and daring story to tell, but even in a fantasy setting, I'm not sure audiences would want to consume that. Better to reinvent movies in the same vein as "Saw" repeatedly in different skins. As for its correlation to BDSM, the movie has none—despite the fact many won't see it that way. It's simply one of many films which has continued to feed sensational misinformation to the public about the nature of sadism and sex. Precious illusions for the masses, I suppose.

Slave making, human trafficking, rape camps, private torture chambers and institutions of violence have existed since civilized humanity. They are shadow reflections of humanity's darker animal side, and will never go away completely. Would I, could I endeavor in such pleasures? Of course. I am in many ways amoral but ultimately pragmatic; a night's infernal pleasure isn't worth being ground up in the wheels of the law, or haunted by what ghosts may linger on in one's conscience so many years later in life.

mantis65 -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/16/2006 1:38:46 PM)

I never go into a horror movie thinking there will be an accurate depiction of an alternative lifestyle. (Remember the killer in silence of the lambs? he based more on Ed Gien than any real person that cross dresses. They broke the mold when they made Ed Gien there’s very few in real life that disturbed.

Horror movies no matter how realistic or campy are an exaggeration of things that we dread. They are like a roller coaster ride not so much social commentary . Some movies like those of Corenburgs may some sort of message underneath the horror.  

I see horror movies as entrainment only once in a while an Exorcist or Henry Portrait of a serial killer pops up. Most are campy entertainment like American Psycho which I thought was hilarious

Slipstreme -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/16/2006 1:58:06 PM)



and those sadists were some of the most loony people I've ever seen portrayed.

I think they were acting just like people I've seen who needed to get their next fix.


And vandalous children? Laughable.

Ummm ok, remind me to take you to see my old neighborhood.

Me and my friend Mike just couldn't stop laughing is all. It just seemed over the top.But its a good combination for me, gore and comedy in one package. :P

Gauge -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/16/2006 2:03:41 PM)

I am not sure what was more horrible to me in Hostel; the fact that someone actually put that dreck on film or the fact that I wasted $3.99 to rent it.

The premise of the movie is fine and could have been a fantastic film if I would have given a shit about the characters involved. The sign of a good movie is that you care about what happens to the characters, Hostel never made me care, in fact I began to be relieved as they were dispatched because the movie would soon be over.

I can handle gore and a few spots made me cringe but overall I was not drawn into the overt offerings of blood and severed limbs. This movie did nothing to challenge its audience, it didn't make you think very much, if at all. I would think it horrible to be in that situation, but that was as far as I got drawn into the movie.

It took far too long to get to the point and when it did, I had expected all hell to break loose. It didn't. And enduring 1 full hour of drunk and drugged young guys going through Europe getting laid as the premise for me to care about them was, at best, weak.

Sadly, I watched this movie the same day I watched Wolf's Creek which was equally abysmal.

RedRedWine -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/16/2006 2:17:08 PM)


It took far too long to get to the point and when it did, I had expected all hell to break loose. It didn't. And enduring 1 full hour of drunk and drugged young guys going through Europe getting laid as the premise for me to care about them was, at best, weak.

I agree. I love horror movies, but sitting there showing nothing but an hour of sex and booze kills everything. It was like a teen horror flick. Not to forget the part where the one young guy decided to yell about being an American and how they shouldn't throw him out of a bar, even though he violated one of the countries laws. It's sad to know that people actually say that in reality when they go to other countires. That was another turn off because it pretty much added to bad names we've been given.

And even though I didn't care too much about the movie, it was terrifying. The fact that stuff like that actually goes on.

mantis65 -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/16/2006 7:13:39 PM)


Me and my friend Mike just couldn't stop laughing is all. It just seemed over the top.But its a good combination for me, gore and comedy in one package.

You may like Cabin Fever then ……it’s funny also. It’s about an Ebola break out in a small southern town.

Skuggi -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/28/2006 10:01:23 PM)

Well, Hostel is a fiction - a movie and should be taken as such....

However the humor in the movie - specially by the character Óli - played by Eythor Gudjonsson - is excellent - although Icelandic people are party animals (me included) we are not quite that crazy :-)

But overall - this movie is to watch on those rainy nights :-)

Daddysredhead -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/28/2006 11:25:43 PM)

I rented the movie, knowing nothing at all about it, because I was intrigued by the photo on the back cover of the guy with a ball gag in his mouth.  As soon as the movie got to the part where the psycho doc-wannabe cut through the guy's Achilles tendons, I had to turn it off.  I have watched many, many horror flicks, but that scene just really icked me out.  Couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Paragon -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/29/2006 9:46:55 AM)

wow..I saw it, but nver really had the thought about sexual tormenting there (probably since I don't torture with power drills and chainsaws..grin) What I saw was a gore-type horror movie mixed with just a slight sense of kink with the restraints.The only specific focus given was a ball gag that was there for only a few minutes. After the movie, my inclination of any motto was "don't get mixed up with east european mobsters" rather than any feeling (beyond what is normal) of being wary of safe, sane and consentual kinky people. I honestly think Tarantino was pointing at the mob, not at kinky folks and that it does provide a good reminder despite itself, to be careful.

smilezz -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/29/2006 2:50:08 PM)

 Ehh, saw it.  Was bored.


mantis65 -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (5/29/2006 9:47:33 PM)

There’s no way people will ever agree on horror movies because unlike other Genres Horror depends on a situation in which you fear being made real for you.
If your not afraid of the situation or don’t believe it’s possible the genre fails.

An atheist is not going to find the Exorcist scary (or not as scary) not because the story fails so much as the viewer doesn’t believe in an actual Devil.   

I love Voodoo movies like Angel heart for their creepy atmosphere but sense I don’t believe in Voodoo it’s more the suspense than the supernatural that I find scary.  

I love J –horror because it’s all atmosphere my friends don’t “get it” they don’t understand what’s so scary.  I personally believe that Japanese horror and ghost stories revel in the absurd as sinister surreal things that are never explained. Some people expect the horror movie to explain every detail to them then it loses its nightmare like quality.
They want the psycho in the ski mask to break down the door.

No one is ever going to agree on what’s scary. When I was a kid I loved Italian Zombie movies stupid gore and silly zombies.

.  I thought they were funny as hell. My dad an ex cop found the gore disturbing because he said no matter how crappy the special effects some things reminded him of real accident victims he has seen in car crashes and corpses that had been found somewhere.

I don’t think it scared him as much as disturbed him sense he has seen something in the real world that resembled the fictional horror no matter how bad the special effects.  

So I think horror movies are relative but Hostel may scare some people because unlike zombies thrill killers preying on travelers can be very real. They may not be the decadent rich elite but Ted Bundy and Henry Lee Lucas were not fictional killers.  

My point is fear is relative and if you don’t buy the premise then it won’t scare you.

lostsoul92468 -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (6/19/2006 8:06:17 AM)

I have seen the movie and greatly enjoyed it. it was as gorey as i like and the sex was nice and raunchy. I did the questionair and am with much more than i ever thought. I am sending this to several others to look at.

JessieMe -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/1/2006 6:44:32 AM)

I was going through some old postings and found this one.. I am really surprised that with all the movies listed with a BDSM theme.. no one mentioned "Strangeland" with Dee Snider and James Woods.. Its an older movie with LOTS of fantastically graphic torture scenes. (The sword cage is astoundingly hot) Dee Snider plays the very believeable villain who picks up his victims via the internet and then takes them to his home dungeon to torture them. You even get some philosophy into the "body mod" culture. James Woods plays the "detective" father of one of the victims. Great visuals and the plot while occasionally cheesy..(ok pretty much cheesy) has alot to offer by way of pulling you into the story. At least I think so.

Nosathro -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/1/2006 8:20:16 AM)

Tal and greetings
I have to say that I am not a big fan of the modern Horror/Gore movies.  I also do not think that such movies as mentioned here are truly related to the BDSM Lifestyle.  I do not think that movies like this portray the BDSM Community in positive way.  Okay I will admit I do have and enjoy some of the old black and white "Euro Shocker" movies but they are cheesy.
I wish you well

BBBTBW -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/1/2006 12:47:05 PM)



I am not sure what was more horrible to me in Hostel; the fact that someone actually put that dreck on film or the fact that I wasted $3.99 to rent it.

The premise of the movie is fine and could have been a fantastic film if I would have given a shit about the characters involved. The sign of a good movie is that you care about what happens to the characters, Hostel never made me care, in fact I began to be relieved as they were dispatched because the movie would soon be over.

I can handle gore and a few spots made me cringe but overall I was not drawn into the overt offerings of blood and severed limbs. This movie did nothing to challenge its audience, it didn't make you think very much, if at all. I would think it horrible to be in that situation, but that was as far as I got drawn into the movie.

It took far too long to get to the point and when it did, I had expected all hell to break loose. It didn't. And enduring 1 full hour of drunk and drugged young guys going through Europe getting laid as the premise for me to care about them was, at best, weak.

Sadly, I watched this movie the same day I watched Wolf's Creek which was equally abysmal.

I concur

chainedsinner -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/3/2006 7:51:00 PM)

i am a HUGE horror fan and yes i live for gore. lol i did see Hostel. First, let me say that i haven't seen that much t&a in one movie since Showgirls. lol On the BDSm topic, i have to admit i didn't make the connection until i read this thread. Now that i think about it, there are quite a few references to this lifestyle throughout the movie.
~makes mental note to rent Final Destination 3~

srllile7 -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/4/2006 1:13:44 AM)

Personally I am addicted to horror movies and i thought this one was awesome it scared the crap out of me lol then again i am a big baby but love fear so it works for me.  This movie seemed very realistic in 2 ways the number one as mentioned before it could really happen and number 2 the footage seemed real they had the snot and vomiting lol which often times gets over looked and makes it that much more real.   Personally on connection with bdsm lifestyle i didn't see much.  But in my idealistic little head i like to think that you have to have a Masochist to go along with the Sadist. In this movie it is pretty apparent that none of these poor victims enjoyed any of this.  Then again would anybody on deaths door step lol.  I enjoy entertaining my own thought that recipient of the torture should enjoy it some what as well or at least be enduing it for the sake of another.  So other then the fact that some of the tools have been seen in play i had no connection.   But it is a nice little scary movie to watch, I think.

slavejali -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/4/2006 6:19:58 AM)

I had my eyes closed through a lot of it.

I dont think they did a very good job carrying off the dynamic between the torturer and the tortured. They tried,,,but it just didnt work very well.

Wicken -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/4/2006 10:16:12 AM)


With Horror movies it’s a matter of taste. But sense I know the J –horror formula its using I may not be to surprise by the gruesomeness then again I thought the same think about Audition and there was some nasty stuff that actually disturbed me.
I usually find horror movie gore almost comical in a b-move type way with Audition
I didn’t

Hey Mantis
just for giggles I rented "the Audition". That is one very weird
a little hard to follow at the nd with all the dream/nightmare sequences, but I found the use of the acupuncture needles quite.. "informative"  [sm=applause.gif]

fullofgrace -> RE: Reactions to Hostel (7/4/2006 6:52:23 PM)

i swore i'd never see this movie, but my cousin forced me to watch part of it with her today. i watched up until the "hero" vomits around the ball gag and then i left for a few minutes until the escape, but i saw most of it. personally, as a horror movie (and i must admit i'm not a fan of horror movies), i thought it sucked. it was amusing in parts (i loved the bubble gum gang, i found them downright hilarious, if a bit creepy) but for the most part it was...tits and gore.

it's easy to think of it that way to keep myself from considering that there are actually people who find that fun. la mentioned that bdsm isn't all fluffy handcuffs and endorphin rushes, but she uses the phrase "s&m."

this movie is not about "s&m" - this movie is about sadism, pure and simple. to me, s&m has to involve some sort of masochism, which i understand as someone WANTING a sadist to inflict pain upon them. these people were not masochists. they were unwillingly being tortured. there is a difference between enjoying having pain inflicted upon you, or enjoying being tortured and killed (and if being tortured and killed is your particular brand of masochism, by all means, have at it), and being tortured and killed when that's really not how you felt like spending your vacation. maybe this is just my interpretation of bdsm, but i find it really disturbing that people are drawing parallels between unwilling victims of horrible acts of torture and people who CHOOSE to be tortured, who WANT it. imho, this movie was about a bunch of sadistic killers with way too much money and time on their hands, not about bdsm.

no, we're not really that different from "evil wrong people" (agan i'm quoting la - i don't mean to be picking on her, it's just that her post stood out the most to me). but the difference that is there - the recognition that it's wrong to torture an unwilling victim and then murder them - is important, to me. we do push that difference a bit, in the way limits are pushed in scenes, but even then, we (most of us anyway) claim that the bottom has the right to withdraw consent, and that implies that they gave some consent in the first place. these people did not consent for this. that line is, in a way, very thin, but it IS a very important difference, if not a very big one.

maybe i'm being naive in not seeing that perhaps there are some sadistic people in the bdsm lifestyle/subculture/whatever who think it would be a whole lot of fun to torture and kill some random innocent person - i'm perfectly willing to admit that. but then excuse me for thinking consent MEANT something. to me it's the difference between bdsm and torture/assault/rape/murder.

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