Granny tasers in TX~! (Full Version)

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pahunkboy -> Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:28:28 AM)

Grandmother Tasered at
Traffic StopUpdated: Monday, 01 Jun 2009, 9:13 AM CDT
Published : Friday, 29 May 2009, 9:17 PM CDT A 72-year-old woman is pulled over for speeding, then tasered and sent to jail.


how pathetic!   Check out the bad azz threat to the cops!   Man oh man.   This has gone too far.   She likely was referring to common law- not statutory law.

BitaTruble -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:59:38 AM)

The tazer is a bit much. That said, she got violent and brought it on herself and needs to pay for the consequences of her actions. She left very few options for the cop. I guess he could have bulldogged her to the ground when she got violent, but the end result would have been the same. If ya can't do the time, don't do the crime, especially in Texas. At her age, she should have known better and just signed the damn ticket.

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 2:12:06 AM)

Seems to me, this is a story of how exactly the tasers are supposed to work, ie be a non-lethal alternative to a physical fight. If a 72-year-old woman can be tased and be fine, then the "perfectly healthy" people who somehow die from being tased clearly had unknown and unforeseen circumstances that would otherwise make the taser lethal.

In other words, the tasers *are* non-lethal in the majority of cases as they are supposed to be and should not be discontinued because a few people with extraneous conditions died as a result. The alternative, as I previously alluded to would be a physical confrontation with the officer. Which, due to his ASP and his training, could easily result in broken bones and permanent maiming if "conditions are just so."

Back on the topic at hand. The truth will come out. Those lovely dash cams will show all. If they indeed show the granny to be violent, then she brought it on herself. If they do not show that, the cop will be reprimanded or worse. No point in taking sides until the dash cam footage comes out.

DesFIP -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 4:40:35 AM)

She was speeding in a work zone and then got violent with the police officer. She was safely subdued and taken to jail.
Work zone speed rules are strictly enforced because so many construction workers have been badly injured and killed by speeders. If she is unable to abide by the rules, then perhaps she ought to lose her license.

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 5:28:34 AM)

Wondering if there is evidence out that there others have seen, or were those assessing that the women is guilty, making their verdict form the report in the OP?


Asherdelampyr -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 5:45:57 AM)

Ok, I have to know, how much of a threat is a 72 year old lady? I know that they got them bony fingers, but other than that...

I understand the right of a cop to use any tool at his disposal, it just seems odd.

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 6:00:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr

Ok, I have to know, how much of a threat is a 72 year old lady? I know that they got them bony fingers, but other than that...

I understand the right of a cop to use any tool at his disposal, it just seems odd.

Is this true? Is there not suposed to a consideration toward necessity?


pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 6:15:08 AM)



She was speeding in a work zone and then got violent with the police officer. She was safely subdued and taken to jail.
Work zone speed rules are strictly enforced because so many construction workers have been badly injured and killed by speeders. If she is unable to abide by the rules, then perhaps she ought to lose her license.

The law- allows for points and lose of license in a construction zone.

A frail granny is such a huge threat to the police.  man oh man. so she was an awnery bitch.  so are 90% of us.  Even still- how is it a person has a right to taze someone else.   Per haps if the cop wasnt acting polite- I should taze him.  ANd the road crew too. If they are not flowing as they should be- Ill just whip out my handy dandy tazer and cattle prod them.   Same thing at the burger joint.  the line wont move faster- taze the loiterers.

Taze anyone but congress.  Taze anyone but wall street. Taze anyone but the bankers.

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 6:22:08 AM)

Funny enough, I have to go to DMV this week.    Where did I put my tazer.!!!  ;-0

DarkSteven -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 6:22:35 AM)

She admitted to speeding in a construction zone with workers present.  (That in itself surprises me - I have seldom seen workers in a construction zone.I think that the orange cone people simply have strong lobbies.)  The rest is in dispute.

barelynangel -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 6:28:32 AM)

Maybe the cop was PROTECTING a woman he was unable to control and arrest without physically restraining her and bodily hurting her. Instead of wrestling her to the ground he used the legal means he had at his disposal due to the circumstances he may have had no other choice.

There are two conflicting stories here but to me he may have choosen what he saw as the lesser of two evils in order to restrain and arrest a woman who 1) ASKED to be arrested rather than sign a ticket, 2) the officer said was struggling and not calm by any means. Sorry folks i don't believe she did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and simply got out of the car and put her hands where he could then place her in cuffs. I think the woman is banking on the fact that people will see her age and believe her saying she didn't do anything and look at me i am a lil old lady, instead of recognizing the officer did HIS JOB.

Just to quote from the article --- which seems very plausible:

"She refused to get off the side of the road, he said to her, Ma'am, you're under arrest. She used profanity," the Constable said. He adds she got violent, and the officer used a taser on her."

Perhaps he should have body slammed her to the ground or wrestled with her breaking one of her frail lil ole fragile lady bones.

You know, if the lady admitted to cussing or something, i would give her SOME credibility, but her ""I wasn't argumentative, I was not combative. This is a lie. All of this is a lie, pulled away from him I did not" is just trying a little too hard for me.


pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 6:42:59 AM)

Have y'all ever driven in a construction zone?   NO ONE does 45 MPH.  

Profanity?    is that anything like one would see at the movies?   the ones the public pays $8 to get into and bally hoo as works of art.

There are mechanisms into place that deduct points and take the license away.  She had a license.   So she is denied graduated punishment.

Heck- in PA- the cops can impound your car.     That is still better then a cattle prod tazer.

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 7:52:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

Perhaps he should have body slammed her to the ground or wrestled with her breaking one of her frail lil ole fragile lady bones.

Why not, she was guilty, after all. Do people think she stayed standing after she was hit?


pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 8:07:37 AM)

Mess with me, and I aint happy.\

Mess with my momma and YOU WONT be happy-

just sayn-

cpK69 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 8:51:53 AM)

I was being facetious, Hunk. (Just a little frustrated in my realization that there is a lack/nonexistence of a “we the people”.)


Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 9:16:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
Have y'all ever driven in a construction zone?   NO ONE does 45 MPH.  

Relevant how?


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
There are mechanisms into place that deduct points and take the license away.  She had a license.   So she is denied graduated punishment.
Heck- in PA- the cops can impound your car.     That is still better then a cattle prod tazer.

License points, loss of license and car impound all occurs after COURT. Cops' jobs are to make sure people show in court when they are ticketed for an offense. The lady was combative. You would prefer an asp and a broken hip to a taser, perhaps? You can't say the lady was not a threat, because you weren't there. The fact, as we know it so far, is that they were on the side of a ROAD likely with cars passing by. Tasing was likely for her safety as much as the officer's. She could have pushed him into the road, ran into the road herself. If she was truly combative, then the cop didn't know what she would have done. Let a cop accidentally let someone get run over by a car when he could have prevented it and see the outcry that follows.

The underlying and undeniable point here, is that you don't know. You weren't there. How about you wait until you see the dash cam footage before you immedaitely jump to the defense of this "saintly old woman" who flat out refused a cop's instructions?

That's right, we don't blame those who start the mess, only the cops. The lady *could* have just signed the damned ticket and none of this would have happened. Funny, everyone wants to be their own lawyer on the side of the road. Everyone thinks they "know their rights" and what the cops can and can't do. Funny thing is, REAL lawyers know that on the side of the road is the LAST place to "be a lawyer."

Lawyering happens where it's supposed to happen -- in COURT. Not on the side of a roadway while a cop (not a prosecutor) is trying to do his job.


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
Profanity?    is that anything like one would see at the movies?   the ones the public pays $8 to get into and bally hoo as works of art.

And this point isn't remotely relevant to this conversation.

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 11:23:46 AM)

I personally would not have been argumentative.    We cant just go around tazering people because they are argumentative.

She broke the law. She was rude.    But throwing a large electrical volts into her nervous system was too much.   This for a traffic stop.

So she was ornery.   Maybe grocery shopping would be funner if we all brought squirt guns to the store.  Then that way- if any one did not act precisely as we think they should- squirt.

The construction probably went on for 6 weeks- to put up a sign that says "bump".

This whole war on terror thing is pathetic. You dont know who is mentally ill- or mentally retarded or has any number of ailments that can cause the human to not act the way - - we think they should.

..this in a world where you taking photos of certain buildings is suspect.

why not just install land mines.  drive too fast and kaboom.      speeder solved.

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 11:37:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
I personally would not have been argumentative.    We cant just go around tazering people because they are argumentative.

She broke the law. She was rude.    But throwing a large electrical volts into her nervous system was too much.   This for a traffic stop.

So she was ornery.

You should re-read the story that you yourself posted on this board. The following quote comes directly from the story:


ORIGINAL: The story pahunkboy posted
"She refused to get off the side of the road, he said to her, Ma'am, you're under arrest. She used profanity," the Constable said. He adds she got violent, and the officer used a taser on her."

That shows that she was more than "rude" more than "argumentative" more than "ornery." Again, as I said in my first post on this board, until we see dash cam footage, taking one side over the other is silly. However, since you seem to want to do that very thing, I have no trouble taking the opposing side, especially when the story YOU posted debates your own point so nicely for me. It's really effortless on my part.


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

Maybe grocery shopping would be funner if we all brought squirt guns to the store.  Then that way- if any one did not act precisely as we think they should- squirt.

The construction probably went on for 6 weeks- to put up a sign that says "bump".

This whole war on terror thing is pathetic. You dont know who is mentally ill- or mentally retarded or has any number of ailments that can cause the human to not act the way - - we think they should.

..this in a world where you taking photos of certain buildings is suspect.

why not just install land mines.  drive too fast and kaboom.      speeder solved.

Not only does this section of your post not make any sense whatsoever, it also "attempts" to go against what I have already explained to you. And that is you are incorrectly considering the tasing a punishment. Punishment happens when you are convicted. Tasing is an effective, LEGAL, NON-lethal way to control a violent SUSPECT. When someone has become violent and a danger to themselves, the officer, or surrounding passers by exists, the officer may elect to tase them. Again, the taser is an ALTERNATIVE to tackling the "poor old woman" and possibly breaking her hip.

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:05:43 PM)

Of course tazing is a punishment.

She wasn't a threat to the cop or herself.    She was treated like cattle.   a taser is a cattle prod.    

I doubt she is a hard azz criminal that simply HAD to be tazered.  The cop is a public servant. he works for the public. not the other way around.

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:11:09 PM)

....I dont know that she HAD to sign the ticket.   But she did make things bad by being a jerk.   

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