diet pills (Full Version)

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azjojoba -> diet pills (7/16/2009 2:31:18 AM)

I have a belly and I think it turns off dominant women. Of course we all know how hard it is to lose weight.

Do any of you have suggestions about prescription diet pills. Which ones are easy to get, and where do I get them, and which ones work the best.

OsideGirl -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 7:24:06 AM)

I suggest a trip to the doctor: 1) Because there may be an ubderlying health issue for that weight and 2) since you're asking about prescription drugs, the only legal way to get them is through a doctor.

DemonKia -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 10:24:22 AM)


& you probably won't like this, but diet pills are a lousy way to lose weight. They're really meant to be a temporary aid to changing one's eating habits.

Long term, permanent weight loss is a result of (a) eating fewer calories & (b) increasing physical activity. Focusing on how to do those two things in your life, with whatever assistance you & your physician decide is appropriate, is what will help.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 10:27:14 AM)

I have tried diet pills and they only work until your body gets used to them. Try the South Beach diet and go on an induction that will remove you craving for sugar. That would be 2 weeks without refined sugar, potatoe, breads etc. After that diet is easy. Nothing but good old fashion changes in eating and burning calories will work.

Phoenixpower -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 10:32:44 AM)

I lost last year 12kg in 4 months with just cutting down my sweet-habbit to once a week...which meant in my case coca-cola and chocolate just once a week...that helped a lot and am currently working on myself to get back to that. But it also depends what your individual weakness is...I disagree with DemonKias view about that diet pills are a lousy way to loose weight as they can be a good encourager to start it off with and then from there, once you are motivated you might do well without it (once you have seen that your personal change of intake - with or without those pills - lead to results).

azjojoba -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 12:03:40 PM)

I don't have much of a sweet tooth but I do drink a lot of alcohol and regular food. It could be I'm picking up the fat because of the alcohol.

DemonKia -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 2:57:44 PM)

Alcohol is essentially condensed sugar from a calorie perspective. Carbohydrates & proteins contain 4 calories per gram, alcohol 7 calories per gram, & fats 9 calories per gram.

Also, one's metabolism slows down with age so either activity levels have to increase or calories decrease to maintain the same weight . . . .

& the reason I say diet pills are a lousy way to lose weight is that either way, with or without the pills, one needs to basically make permanent changes in one's calorie intake & / or activity level to see long-lasting changes in body mass & fat versus muscle ratios. Might as well just focus on the life change stuff without the assistance of the pills. Things like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, support groups, or hypnosis are probably more effective, & safer, assists for major life change . . . . My opinion, of course . . . .

Ah. & since your concern is the tummy chub, note that spot toning won't do much, you'll need to reduce your overall body-fat composition thru aerobic exercise & / or caloric reduction. Fat increases or shrinks all over. How it deposits is based on genes more than anything else . . . .

My suggestion would be to focus way more on increasing your activity level, as it has all kinds of cumulative benefits above & beyond the body size / shape ones . . . . . & it can be as little & as simple to start up as taking stairs instead of elevators, parking at the edge of parking lots, & walking a coupla extra blocks to get where you're going (pick a more distant parking lot or get off the public transit a stop short), that kinda stuff . . . . . Increasing muscle mass also raises metabolism, & thus counteracts the decrease in metabolism that accompanies aging . . . .

LadyConstanze -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 3:25:09 PM)

Additionally getting the thyroid checked, just in case it might be a metabolic problem, a lot of it is linked to the thyroid

subtlebutterfly -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 3:29:13 PM)

I read the OPs post as "we all know how hard it is to lose weight so what's the easy way to do it" why not try the good old fashioned exercising and healthy diet before going all medical. Sounds plain lazy to me.

LadyConstanze -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 3:35:02 PM)

True, but in case he couldn't shift it despite dieting, there might be a metabolic problem and getting the thyroid levels checked can't do any harm.

subtlebutterfly -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 3:45:52 PM)

But of course[;)]
The post just came across a tad differently to me[8D]

azjojoba -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 4:10:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze

Additionally getting the thyroid checked, just in case it might be a metabolic problem, a lot of it is linked to the thyroid

That's a very good idea. I'm due for a physical so I will ask him to do a thyroid check.

azjojoba -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 4:12:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: subtlebutterfly

I read the OPs post as "we all know how hard it is to lose weight so what's the easy way to do it" why not try the good old fashioned exercising and healthy diet before going all medical. Sounds plain lazy to me.

I'm not lazy. I walk every day, hike, even lift some weights. I'm sure I would be 300 lbs if it wasn't for excercise.

cagliostro -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 9:12:13 PM)

My suggestion is avoid the pills. I don't know of any that are really worth it. It's liable to be expensive for minimal results. And some of them have dangerous side effects. If you're already exercising you may want to try exercising differently. I'm a huge fan of interval training and high intensity weightlifting. But you need to find what works best for you and your body. Whatever your particulars the odds are that someone wrote a book on it. Or did a video or something. I'm a believer in work smarter not harder.

DemonKia -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 9:22:15 PM)

If you're already active, then you'll need to do some combo of upping your activity level & / or reducing your calories . . . . .

One way to reduce calories, that I've found effective, is to increase the amount of veggies & fruit as a proportion of your food by volume . . . . . . Fruit & veggies tend to be bulky & filling for relatively low calorie density (plus high nutrient density) . . . . . I also avoid eating refined carbs (white flour, white rice) in favor of eating whole grains, both for the increased filling power & because the body tends to convert simple carbs to fat more effectively . . . . .

& watch how much fat you're eating, try to find ways to reduce the amounts of fatty stuff (gravies, rich sauces, butter / margarine) . . . . . The body-builders really watch the fat intake, & prior to competitions they cut fat to a bare minimum to get that serious definition thing going on by reducing subcutaneous fat . . . .

Weight training is really good for boosting metabolism cuz it increases overall muscle mass versus fat . . . . . Increasing the weight lifting thing is generally highly recommended for weight control . . . . . If you do a lot of lower body stuff (walking, bicycling, hiking), then focusing on upper body weight lifting would be useful for increasing your overall calorie burning capacity . . . . . .

You can use one of the many metabolic resting rate calculators online to roughly figure out your base calorie needs per day; I selected the following one cuz it includes activity level:

BossyShoeBitch -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 9:43:16 PM)

Way too expensive to "ride the white horse" (and illegal)- so no.

Phentermine (Adipex)  has been prescribed for over 50 years.  (It's NOT fenflueramine, which is off the market).  You can go to a diet Doctor to get it.

But by far the most sensible and magical weight loss program out there is Weight Watchers.  To coin a 12 Step phrase, "It works if you work it!"

DesFIP -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 9:51:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: BossyShoeBitch

Phentermine (Adipex)  has been prescribed for over 50 years.  (It's NOT fenflueramine, which is off the market).  You can go to a diet Doctor to get it.

The big problem with Fastin (Phentermine) is it causes high blood pressure. Unfortunately if you need this med to lose weight, jump start a loss, you are very likely to already have high blood pressure as a result of the overweight.

DemonKia -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 11:11:47 PM)

FR, after continuing read thru

Our bodies are designed to hold onto calories, it's what saw us thru millions of years of uncertain calorie availability. The result is that extreme low cal deprivation & doing the same physical activity for any length of time tend to have paradoxical results.

Extreme low cal (starvation diets & similar) tends to have a rebound effect where the end result is the body hanging onto proportionally more calories as fat, as protection against future episodes of hunger . . . . . & doing the same physical activities tends to have a diminishing returns thing as the body gets used to that activity, the 'plateau' thing that many pursuing weight loss experience.

So. Many small meals throughout the day & not subjecting oneself to hunger helps to keep the body from clicking into that survival mode of increasing efficiency in converting calories to body fat . . . . . & having a wide array of different kinds of physical activities to engage in to challenge the body's resistance to shedding calories. Plus, having lots of different ways to move ones body helps keep it interesting . . . . Something as simple as adding one new physical activity to your week, 30 to 60 minutes worth, might be worth pursuing . . . . .

Also, the slower the weight loss, in general, the more likely it is to last long term . . . . .

BossyShoeBitch -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 11:22:58 PM)




ORIGINAL: BossyShoeBitch

Phentermine (Adipex)  has been prescribed for over 50 years.  (It's NOT fenflueramine, which is off the market).  You can go to a diet Doctor to get it.

The big problem with Fastin (Phentermine) is it causes high blood pressure. Unfortunately if you need this med to lose weight, jump start a loss, you are very likely to already have high blood pressure as a result of the overweight.

The most common side effects are irritablity, shakiness, dry mouth and constipation. There are others but they are much more rare.  But if your Dr. puts you on this medication, it means the risk of being how ever much overweight you are outweighs the risk of taking the drug.

BossyShoeBitch -> RE: diet pills (7/16/2009 11:28:11 PM)



FR, after continuing read thru

Our bodies are designed to hold onto calories, it's what saw us thru millions of years of uncertain calorie availability. The result is that extreme low cal deprivation & doing the same physical activity for any length of time tend to have paradoxical results.

Extreme low cal (starvation diets & similar) tends to have a rebound effect where the end result is the body hanging onto proportionally more calories as fat, as protection against future episodes of hunger . . . . . & doing the same physical activities tends to have a diminishing returns thing as the body gets used to that activity, the 'plateau' thing that many pursuing weight loss experience.

So. Many small meals throughout the day & not subjecting oneself to hunger helps to keep the body from clicking into that survival mode of increasing efficiency in converting calories to body fat . . . . . Also, the slower the weight loss, in general, the more likely it is to last long term . . . . .

Absolutely.  Which is why I think Weight Watchers is so sensible .  There are some weeks when you feel like you have eaten a tremendous amount of food just to make sure you have consumed your alotted points each day, and you wind up losing like 4-5 pounds that week!

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