RE: special needs kids-checking in (Full Version)

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BeingChewsie -> RE: special needs kids-checking in (5/1/2010 7:52:50 PM)

Congrats!! Our son has made great strides this year as well. We have not had a meltdown that resulted in injury to us, himself, property or one that required police intervention in over a year. He just turned 11, enjoys homeschooling, is playing soccer, and is currently not on any meds. He still has his tough moments and we allow him the room to recover when he blows and that seems to have really helped.


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19

So I am dredging this wonderful thread up to check in. How has your child done this year? My son has matured. He no longer threatens to shoot everyone and himself. He has figured out his triggers and has permission to walk away when he is over-stimulated and about to blow. So he excuses himself to a quiet corner and reads or does homework. He hasnt had a meltdown in school since september. Success!!!!

xXsoumisXx -> RE: special needs kids-checking in (5/1/2010 8:04:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly

This thread was my outlet for the nearly overwhelming frustration we felt when the LoudOne was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder last year.
Everyone was so encouraging and positive, sharing your experiences. You gave hope when at times i was too tired to see the positive. Now, it is my turn to perhaps give encouragement to someone. An update:

The LoudOne was diagnosed at three with Autism as well as Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The ODD diagnosis was due to the violent behavior he would display when he became frustrated. At three he is a big kid and was beginning to do harm.

One the many, many things the Ph.D suggested was the Feingold diet.
Loosly put, it is a method of eliminating dyes, additives and preservitives from the diet. It is highly recommended for children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD but also suggested for behavioral issues irregardless of the diagnosis.  The most commonly mentioned culprit is Red Dye #40, so i focused on that to begin with (not as easy as you might think. Red Dye #40 is even found in white cake frosting). Within 2 days without this and most dyes, the change is the LO was noticeable. Within a week, i had a different child here.

I was able to pinpoint the allergy to dyes only. Additives and preservatives had no noticeable effect on his behavior. The main problem is the red dye, but green dyes also cause his behavior to be altered.

I waited a few months before going back to the diagnosing doctor. Truthfully, i was afraid he was going to think i was telling him i "cured" the LO's Autism, or, at the very least, was in denial. Neither happened. The Dr spend a great deal of time interacting with the LO, and kept referring back to his previous notes. After an hour he readily admitted there was a mis-diagnosis.

We are not out of the woods. The chances are very high that there will be a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD in a few years. That is expected and we will deal with it when/if it comes.

The reason i am writing this...there are entirely too many labels being tossed onto our kids. I am not blaming the Dr that diagnosed the LO...he worked with what he saw and the information we gave him and his diagnosis was correct for the behavior he witnessed. Thank God, the doctor and the contributors in this thread were encouraging about how detrimental additives in the diet can be.

I am not a nutrition expert, or an expert in anything, for that matter. What we did was by trial and plenty of errors.

I have tried to share info such as this with the families of the children I work with,(ages 3-5) and I mostly get no response. Some say their child just need more whippings..:(
To follow a diet such as this requires dedication and commitment .I am amazed that there are families soo not willing to try it.. I tried so many things when my son was young..I didn't know about the red dye, but i did find that protien could help get him out of a rage mood.

I am so pleased to see that you were successful for your son, holly, congrats!!

delicatelydirty -> RE: Parents of special needs kids (7/6/2010 3:38:53 AM)

Hi all, I haven't yet read the whole thread but I wanted to jump in (and bump it) I have 4 children and one of my boys  (8) is diagnosed aspergers and has learning difficulties, I also suspect that my youngest boy(5) is only months away from diagnosis and the middle boy (7) shows definite signs however functions well enough at this point to not require diagnosis. My daughter (10) is just a diva who requires the right coloured m&m's in her dressing room [:D]

Biggest challenge at present is mister 8 who is becoming violent at home towards myself, his siblings and my house and with no decent male role model (their dad is aspergers although he and his family refuse to acknowledge it) sometimes I feel at a complete loss and scared to death because as he gets older I just don't know how I will deal with these outbursts.

At the moment I am working on trying to calm him by providing things that help him calm himself, music being a big thing, he adores his cd player and his guitar. Spending time with animals is also soothing for him but I have to keep him away from them when he is in a temper as he lashes out randomly.

One of the biggest things that has come out of all this is that I had never shared my hurt and fear about all this until just recently when I broke down in tears to my man (who also has a special needs son (10) that he has sole custody of) and it turns out that at the moment he is facing the same issues. It was a relief beyond what you can imagine to know that he can not only listen but completely understand the fear, stress and grief and to know that I won't be judged for my vents and rants and raves.

And bless you lushcious for starting this thread

MonicaLeigh -> RE: Parents of special needs kids (9/3/2010 11:17:43 PM)

I know im not a parent but i figured i would post since i have delt with simliar issues over the years. At the age of six I was diagnosed with tourette syndrome (which is considered and autistic spectrum disorder and all the co-morbid disorders. I was on medication for years, up until two years ago actually. It is a struggle not only for the person going through it but for the entire family. If you want to have a test of patience, this kind of situation will definetly test them. I guess for me the hardest thing was knowing that i had no control over what was wrong with me, i could only control how i chose to handle it and react. Its so hard to truly understand what someone else is going through if you cant physically and emotionally stand in there shoes, all we can do is sympathize and try to understand the best way we know how.

But moms and dads, there is hope that things can get better. I remember when i got diagnosed, the doctors told me not to have high expectations and pretty much insinuated that i was a hopeless case. But i am now 19 and have come off of all 5 medications and am functioning in the real world and i found happiness.. Never give up hope.
I think this is a really good thread! It will be benefical and also a wonderful outlet for parents in similiar situations. Having the understanding of people who can truly identify with us always makes the going easier.

I hope this thread stays up, I love it!

wandersalone -> RE: Parents of special needs kids (9/4/2010 7:22:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: MonicaLeigh
But moms and dads, there is hope that things can get better. I remember when i got diagnosed, the doctors told me not to have high expectations and pretty much insinuated that i was a hopeless case. But i am now 19 and have come off of all 5 medications and am functioning in the real world and i found happiness.. Never give up hope.

smiles...what a wonderful post MonicaLeigh.  How wonderful that you have been able to come off your medications and especially that you have found happiness. I am not a parent however I am sure the other parents that read this thread will love hearing about your story so thank you again.[:)]

DesFIP -> RE: Parents of special needs kids (9/4/2010 7:29:50 AM)

Mine turned 21 this year. She will graduate college next spring and then is going for her master's. She wound up challenging one of her professor's about kids with her diagnosis. Her teachers, since she's a psych major, are astonished that she's done everything she has. I'm a little nervous about her handling the real world, I think she'd be a great psych professor and that she would thrive better in the 'ivory tower'.

She's the first with her diagnosis to graduate high school, to not be an addict, and not to die by age 20. Soon she'll be the first to graduate college as well.

And now that she's older, the medication levels are being reduced which is eliminating her main side effect of fatigue.

purepleasure -> RE: Parents of special needs kids (9/7/2010 6:36:06 AM)

MonicaLeigh - congrats on being able to do without medications, and may your happiness last your entire lifetime plus one day.

Des, that fabulous news! 

DesFIP -> RE: Parents of special needs kids (9/7/2010 11:12:08 AM)

Monica, I would just caution you to not believe that taking medication is failing. Diabetics take insulin several times a day, it doesn't mean they're failures, just that they need the medication. There's no shame to it.

Voluptuousgrl27 -> RE: Parents of special needs kids (9/7/2010 3:03:46 PM)

Wow now I am truly glad to be back on the site and to have found that there are others in my shoes as well that are kinky and struggling with the challenges in raising children with special needs. My son has Hi Functioning Autism and is 6 1/2. He has come a long way in a short few years since diagnosis at 3yrs old, but it will always be a part of him and who he is. Thanks to the original person who started this thread and keep them coming.

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