I have a question (Full Version)

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Termyn8or -> I have a question (7/21/2009 4:59:02 PM)

I came to this section to ask a question but decided to read a few things here first just for the hell of it.

Now this appears to me to be a newly created section, it simply wasn't here before. So where do these poists from four years ago come from ? Were they moved here to sort of jump start it or what ? Perhaps a Mod will be able to answer.

I am not bitching at all, I applaud the creation of this wing of CM, hopefully it will do well. But the presence of those old posts has piqued my curiousity. It may have killed a cat, but it hasn't killed me yet. Almost but not quite. So therefore I ask.


dcnovice -> RE: I have a question (7/21/2009 7:25:55 PM)

I've been wondering about that too.

Reform -> RE: I have a question (7/21/2009 8:21:50 PM)

I'm guessing they got moved here. On other forums I frequent, they move relevant threads into newly created sub-forums. No matter how old they are. That way, someone who's new can still find everything easily. :)

SteelofUtah -> RE: I have a question (7/22/2009 2:11:41 PM)

I was to understand it was a Forum has been reopened.

Perhaps I am wrong.

Mod Oh Mod Can you hear me? Give us a hint will ya?


Alphascendant -> RE: I have a question (7/23/2009 3:13:43 AM)

This makes sense, I have seen several threads suggesting that others share a variety of creative creations, even suggesting one myself. At least it's called creative writings and not creative BDSM writings to allow for any creativity and not only creativity related to BDSM. Chances are not many come here looking for creativity though, just the same old internet shit. I don't really think anybody is saying, "Oh , i want to read some decent poetry, prose, or playwrights, I think I'll log on to collarme!" Maybe the powers that be just got sick of seeing it scattered throughout and gave it it's own special place, as it does seem to have it's own special row, especially for all those who enjoy writing and reading it?

More and more, this site has become less and less appealing, as it seems the majority here is more interested in running others down than promoting any kind of peace and equality as if they somehow have the cure for what ails love and war, yet overall, that is what I have discovered almost every internet social circle to be, and I haven't been here very long at all. A bunch of freaks trying to pretend that they are more normal than the entire remaining population that doesn't come here because they like to tie up or be tied up and spanked. I have discovered that it is more fun to try and get the rope on somebody that has not ever been tied than trying to get the ropes on someone who has. It also seems that the older a woman is before she has been tied the first time, the faster she ends up on her knees begging for it again. So to all you out there that think it is somehow more special to tie you up? You are so much more of a hassle than it's worth.

I have learned a lot from this site, yet, I haven't learned anything I didn't already know, only an awakening, like using Algebra for the first time fifty years after studying it. A smile will bring a woman to her knees faster than any leather or chain. Creative writing? Wouldn't that be anything that has yet to be written in the form presently presented? Oooh, ooooh, <hand raises> I have a poem, I have a poem! I will write my poem here and everybody will read it and I'll be the most popular person on craigs... I mean collarmeaol. Submissive females? Submissive males? Submissive dogs and cats? Maybe there should be different levels like sub1, sub2, sub3 and etc. Maybe that's my problem, i am so dominant that I can not understand or relate to a submissive in any way? Creative writing? Does it have to be already created before we bring it here? Or may we just create it on the spot? I am beginning to lean toward believing that the internet socializing urge is gay, not that I am condemning that lifestyle, but just not for me. Sort of like sucking on a straw. Men have become pussies because of too many lazy bastards. If women are equal to men, why are there different divisions in the olympics? Seems as if a woman could at least finish third in the 100 yard dash.

And to the stupid cunt that said all men play with there dink, maybe all the men you know do. That is gay as well, a guy playing with a cock, even if it is his, because he doesn't have the patience or perseverance to get a woman to do it for him, as obviously if he gets a guy to do it he is gay. Nothing against gay people, I just don't want any semen on anything that touches my lips unless it's pink and attached to something that spits out a little egg once a month, or at least used to.... yes, dogs lick there balls because they can, but has any dog ever sucked itself off to comletion, and swallowed? Hell, they eat their own shit and vomit, yet thet don't want to swallow there own cum? Seems as if they could at least made that connection over the past few million years. One more comment and i must go. So, dogs were created one day, and people the next, according to the bible? Does a corn seed grow as fast as a bean? Before a cob forms, the plant is still considered corn, it's corn before it even sprouts out of the ground. If we were formed from dust and water, we are like plants that figured out how to unroot ourselves from the ground. Beans produce fruit much faster than apple trees. Since it can not be determined exactly when the apple becomes an apple, it must be when the seed was planted if it so survives. So now, we have an apple. The creation of a creative writing thread has produced an apple. My mother once told me, listen closely men as this explains so much, that if it happens in the mind, then it happened. So possibly, the creations of heaven and earth, all the little animals, and puppies and people with nuclear bombs, actually were created in six days, in the mind. It just took longer for some of those ideas than others to materialize, and if anybody has paid enough attention to what has been written, there are two heavens, and the sun is not the original light. Shit, I should have ended this back at the hole dripping blood scene.

hlen5 -> RE: I have a question (8/2/2009 11:20:29 PM)

Wow. So much angst is such a little space. Or was this a very free form stream of consciousness creative writing exercise?

sirsholly -> RE: I have a question (8/3/2009 5:42:45 AM)


I have learned a lot from this site, yet, I haven't learned anything I didn't already know,
well damn if this doesn't disqualify you as the sharpest knife in the drawer...[8|]

DesFIP -> RE: I have a question (8/3/2009 7:07:32 AM)

Anyone else notice the irony of saying that more and more people on this site just run others down before he proceeds to do just that?

I'm assuming the mods moved creative writings that had been posted in other places into here.

tazzygirl -> RE: I have a question (8/3/2009 7:22:04 AM)


Some sites allow the different forums to be hidden without deleting them. Could be it was just hidden then when interest came up it was opened back to viewing.

HerLovingDom -> RE: I have a question (8/26/2009 4:20:32 PM)

I too never noticed before but I'm posting up some of my journal experiences.  I like reading real life stuff and it's great to see collarme embrace it too.

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