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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/23/2009 5:33:24 PM   

Posts: 40310
Status: offline Obama was responsible for this?
Three bombs, apparently dropped Sunday by an American aircraft, killed nine people and wounded nine others in the tribal area of South Waziristan that provides sanctuary to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, a Pakistani security official said Sunday. The strike, described as the third in less than three months by the United States at suspected terrorists, appeared to be part of a stepped up program by Washington to hit militants who are using the tribal area as a base to fight across the border against U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.This is dated 16-03-08It was already going on


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Duchess Of Dissent
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(in reply to tazzygirl)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/23/2009 5:50:49 PM   

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Lucy by the standard that Bush killed x number of people, yes.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/23/2009 5:54:08 PM   

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hi tazzy, yes, 'we' the allies are out of iraq and left them to hopefully get on with themselves now.

(in reply to tazzygirl)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/23/2009 6:08:44 PM   

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RWH... I was thinking more of the fact that the US had already bombed a sovereign nation, ie pakistan..that it was a continuing policy of going after the taliban. Actually not the number of people killed as a result.
Im well aware of the title of this post.


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Duchess Of Dissent
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(in reply to lally2)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/23/2009 7:55:30 PM   

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The Administration set a record in July and ordered an escalation.


Afghan conflict serious, 'deteriorating'-Mullen
President Barack Obama ordered a troop buildup to confront a resurgent Taliban, with a record 44 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan in July."I think you need to see a reversal of these very alarming and disturbing trends on attacks, casualties and areas of the country that the Taliban has increased control of,"

More, more, more...


Obama already plans to increase the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan to about 68,000 by year's end, more than double the 32,000 the United States had there at the end of 2008.

Mullen declined to comment on U.S. media reports that McChyrstal might recommend additional increases of 15,000, 25,000 or 45,000 troops

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/23/2009 8:14:46 PM   

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I love the title of this thread and I really love the predictable liberal responses...beautiful.

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/23/2009 10:01:11 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic Obama was responsible for this?
Three bombs, apparently dropped Sunday by an American aircraft, killed nine people and wounded nine others in the tribal area of South Waziristan that provides sanctuary to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, a Pakistani security official said Sunday. The strike, described as the third in less than three months by the United States at suspected terrorists, appeared to be part of a stepped up program by Washington to hit militants who are using the tribal area as a base to fight across the border against U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.This is dated 16-03-08It was already going on

Can you show me where I claimed the attacks on Pakistan started with Obammy?

I never claimed it, nor did I condem Obammy, once again, I pointed out Mars hypocrisy of blaming Bush for attacking a soverign nation that had nothing to do with the 9-11-01 attack, and his claim that Obammy hasn't killed any civillians or children.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 1:46:41 AM   

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I love the title of this thread and I really love the predictable liberal responses...beautiful.

Whats predictable is your post. The double standards in calling Obama on casualties but not Bush, Is stunning yet....Predictable.

(in reply to FatDomDaddy)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 2:42:24 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

I recommended a nuclear solution with not one soldier on the ground, from September 12, 2001 to today. Granted, not a popular solution, but that was, and is, my position regarding any terrorist attack. I thought then, and think now, that not one drop of US soldier blood should be shed for those people; who have a 3000 year history of killing each other. When the towers fell, notice Saddam and any other of the regimes who held parties, that unless bin Laden and/or the other orchestrator's were delivered, a LOT of their sand would be turned into glass. And if bin Landen wasn't the perpetrator and/or planner, no matter. The action would have sufficed to insure we wouldn't be in Iraq or Afghanistan today and not one soldier or the family of soldiers, would have had to suffer as they have since 9/11.

You do not have a 3000 year history of killing ''each other''? And do you consider the blood of an American more valuable and does this count for all Americans or do you distinguish there as well? And why do you ignore the fact the Americans helped these regimes and terrorists in the saddle?

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 4:26:38 AM   

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What I wonder is how far would we be in Afghanistan if we hadn't taken our focus from it to war with Iraq?  How much extra money did we spend in Iraq?  How many young lives were killed there?  And aside from that diversion, our wonderful administration back then was hiding things like torture, Iraq not really having WMD.  All the stuff that wasted time, money, and made us look like uncivilized red-necks.

I didn't hear anyone complaining when Bush started the war in Afghanistan.  That Obama brings the focus back to that war; back to the people who bombed us and killed those thousands of Americans, is something bad?  Am I missing something, here?  Or is this just some good republican/bad democrat scheme again.  I'm thinking its the latter. 


For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearance, as though they were realities and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are. - Niccolo Machiavelli

(in reply to Politesub53)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 7:00:48 AM   

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I didn't hear anyone complaining when Bush started the war in Afghanistan


The double standards in calling Obama on casualties but not Bush, Is stunning yet....Predictable.


I love the title of this thread and I really love the predictable liberal responses...beautiful.

Fat Daddy,
There must be an epidemic of selective amnesia. An interesting strain in this case. Developed early in 2008 when millions drank the kool-aid regarding campaign rhetoric of "immediate withdraw", "honoring the sovereignty of other nations", and "apologizing for the regretful actions of the USA", and (personally I think this is where the virus really took hold) "we will not use military action as a first response. We will talk and enjoin with our allies to sit down and resolve our differences in a civilized manner." What happened to the "talk"? What happened to the coalition of allies presenting a united front? And just for fun - Anyone know how it will be determined if we 'win' in Afghanistan? Is bin Laden really worth the causalities? If we "get him" will every terrorist and potential terrorist give up? Seeing what occurred in Libya the only victory in killing bin Laden will be the statue makers and party planners in the Muslim world.

Here's a fun google search - put in US goals in Afghanistan. Not even everyone in the Administration has agrees to what it is. Is it any wonder the line troops and commanders have trouble knowing that it is?

Nobody complaining about Iraq? Cindy Sheehan's one woman campaign against the Bush administration's war efforts got daily coverage. Now -there is a news story about Iraq or Afghanistan maybe once per week.

I agree there is a huge double standard. The USA killing civilians, occupying countries, and military casualties must only be bad if the Republican party is in office. The predictability is the hypocrisy exposed. The same efforts condemned are now rationalized as needed to insure the security of the US. What bullshit!

Iraq is guard duty for the oil companies. Afghanistan is a quagmire to placate the military contractors who need a source for their product. What better place to have an ongoing market than a place that couldn't be 'won' with millions of Russian troops; yet the Administration is considering another 45,000 US troops in addition to the 25,000 they sent earlier this year. Trillions of dollars wasted to pay off campaign contributors and other special interests and because its a Democrat that's okay with the posters here formally at the forefront pointing to the waste of humanity and resources, now at the forefront as war hawks.


(in reply to Louve00)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 10:47:30 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


I didn't hear anyone complaining when Bush started the war in Afghanistan


The double standards in calling Obama on casualties but not Bush, Is stunning yet....Predictable.

Merc, why did you chose to quote me in two sections ?  Doing it that way twists my word, as you well know. If you wish to check my posting history, I have always been against the war in Iraq and for the war in Afghanistan.

When i claimed about the double standards on calling Obama, but not Bush, I was refering to posters on here. Again as you well know.

You constantly claim no bias, yet your posts dont actually show that picture. Obama seems to be a constant target of yours for some reason.

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 11:10:13 AM   

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Merc, why did you chose to quote me in two sections ? Doing it that way twists my word, as you well know. If you wish to check my posting history, I have always been against the war in Iraq and for the war in Afghanistan.

When i claimed about the double standards on calling Obama, but not Bush, I was refering to posters on here. Again as you well know.

I quoted you because I did not know, or consider, your posting history or position. The quote, in context, was an illustration of many posters, and commentators, who now have changed their position regarding the actions of the US government. Stipulating to your consistency, I'm sure you share my sentiments; especially since we have a common goal of not using our respective country's blood and assets for whatever the foreign cause 'de jour'. You say yours were only directed to posters; to me the posters reflect a general ambivalence to the pragmatic reality of this Administration's complete and utter disregard for the rhetoric flowing during Obama's campaign.

Similarly, I don't know why to you it appears Obama is a target. My posts usually quote his Administration's actions and related policy decisions. He is no more, or less, a target than any prior President. You'll have to find the answer within yourself to explain why they appear biased to you.

Maybe you feel Obama is a "target" because he is. He is the President. He has a filibuster proof majority to end the conflict today. Instead he and his Administration call for escalation. Based upon your stated position, he should be a target for you as well. Why isn't he? Is that a representation of your bias?

(in reply to Politesub53)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 11:51:31 AM   

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Merc, first I am sorry if you felt I was suggesting you were targetting Obama personally and not his administration as a whole. My reason for asking was i dont recall you asking the same volume of questions of the previous administration, if you did I apologise in advance.

Youre right about us having common ground with not wanting to see loss of life. I may differ a little as I see going after Bin Laden and those that hide him as legitimate. I saw the invasion of Iraq ( By a right wing US administration and a left wing UK administration ) as an unjust war carried out by using lies to the population. As I have said many times, Iraq just took away from where the real effort should have been made. Sure Saddam was tyranical, the same can be said for dozens of world leaders, so i dont agree with Bush and Blair using that as an excuse for war either.

As for rhetoric, spin and soundbytes seem the order of the day for many politicians. The reality will always be that an incoming administration will always have to pick up the pieces of the outgoing one. I am suprised so many people on here seem to expect the democrats to achieve it in such a short time. This morning there was a thread started about the recession ending, I said on there no one can claim a political victory, as it was a universal effort. So i dont just praise Obama for the sake of it.

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: "Hey, Obama, What do you say - How many kids h... - 8/24/2009 1:05:38 PM   

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Merc, first I am sorry if you felt I was suggesting you were targeting Obama personally and not his administration as a whole. My reason for asking was i dont recall you asking the same volume of questions of the previous administration, if you did I apologize in advance
No need, but my feelings at the time were that any US troop deployment was wrong. To that end I distanced myself from any reference to supporting the troops. I see that rationalization as self gratifying but ultimately hypocritical. I appreciated that my position against the troop deployment of this and previous Administrations, provides comfort and hope to those who define victory simply - the end of US occupation. It is incredible that basic lesson of Vietnam is lost on those who have decided to put this nation, its people, and its resources in a similar situation where 'victory' isn't, and can't, be defined by a ceremony on carrier. If given the opportunity I'd want to ask one question about Afghanistan. How will we know when we 'won'?

This may come off as an attempt at humor or sound disingenuous; but I learned a valuable lesson about protecting the US from 'terrorists' from beth's attitude about household pests like ants who infested our house when we bought it. she educated me that people and a house can never expect to control the natural course of things. The best you can hope for is to establish a perimeter and defend it to the best of your ability and resources. So we hired an exterminator, he cleared out the big nests and 5 years later still come every couple of weeks to spray the perimeter. Works pretty good, but guess what, every so often some hard core ants get through; we suffer some losses and readjust our defensive parameters. I find that option a lot more economically and collaterally sustainable as opposed to carpet bombing my neighbors' lot and house in a foolish attempt to never see an ant in my house ever again.


I may differ a little as I see going after Bin Laden and those that hide him as legitimate. I saw the invasion of Iraq ( By a right wing US administration and a left wing UK administration ) as an unjust war carried out by using lies to the population.
I remember a smilier case presented to me in college by the Jesuits, never ones to put their Catholic faith in front of the pragmatic lessons provided by debate. They asked; would there be need of 'god' if there were no suffering or evil and a 'Satan' didn't exist?

I always have that in mind anytime some caricature of an individual is presented to me to represent 'evil' or even just my 'enemy'. Not trying to generate any conspiracy theory, but there are more reasons for the US to keep bin Laden 'alive' then there are to produce his dead body for a CNN photo op. Whether you look at it as justification for military action in Afghanistan or if you want to avoid a dead 'hero' situation in the Muslim world; the status quo serves a political purpose.

I said it at the time and nothing has come to light to change it. Another US foray into Iraq was destined as soon as George II was elected to office. It was a son avenging his father; a modern day 'Greek Tragedy'. Were it not for 9/11 some other rationalization would come into play; inspection access, some wayward missile launched at a ship in harbor, a high-jacking, whatever, but is WAS going to happen.


The reality will always be that an incoming administration will always have to pick up the pieces of the outgoing one. I am surprised so many people on here seem to expect the democrats to achieve it in such a short time.
Too many people hate to consider anything positive from the Reagan presidency so I'll go back further in time. FDR is more relevant anyway. Unlike Reagan, he too enjoyed a Congressional plurality similar to Obama. By August of their first terms; things did change dramatically and positively. Many actions taken by of FDR weren't even Constitutional and were overturned by the Supreme Court, but there positive impact and the sentiment that the Administration was "doing something" was obvious. The debate whether all his programs would have worked without the start of WWII is legitimate; however anyone living at the time saw immediate results, immediate efforts. Why can't we see the same things today?

Stipulating that 'Heath-care' is a problem and 46,000,000 only have the emergency room as an option for care 254,000,000 million don't have that as an issue. Employment, stability in the economy, hope for a future for their children to thrive are real concerns.

Meanwhile - what else could have been done with this much money?

< Message edited by Mercnbeth -- 8/24/2009 1:09:42 PM >

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