Yeah, did it. (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> Yeah, did it. (10/6/2009 3:40:30 AM)

A while back I posted here asking about the electro fly swat bat things, and have since created what I was after, and it is most satisfactory. Out of play, the thing is scary with that crack and blue flash and smell of singed hair, but in play, fantastic, I am most pleased with it. What I did was simply remove the tennis bat part, create a stopper out of moulded milliput, to fill the cavity where the bat part was located. Milliput is fantastic stuff, a two part epoxy putty that can be smoothed whilst drying, filed, drilled and shaped once dry. Anyway, I drilled two holes in the end, and fitted short lengths of silver wire, about a millimeter thick, these silver wires went into the handle, where I soldered on the wires from the circuit, two wires, the sheathed one and the bare one. There is one other wire, another sheathed one, coming from the same terminal as the other, but it can but cut off. With everything in place and it working, I filled the handle and circuit connection area with more milliput, screwed the clamshell handle together, and filled any remaining cavities and holes with more milliput. Smoothed down and the handle area cleaned up of sharp bits and rough plastic, it was done.

Cheap, and simple and it works, probably cost me about £1.50 all in, time, not including drying times, about an hour, easy. Next job, a prod type affair.

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