Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (Full Version)

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Brain -> Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 7:35:36 PM)

'We Few, We Happy Few, We Band of Brothers' by Dr. Andy Thomson, AAI 2007

Dr. Andy Thomson gives a talk on the motives behind suicide terrorism at the Atheist Alliance International 2007 Conference in Washington, D.C. This video is available on DVD as part of the 'AAI 2...

tazzygirl -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 7:43:46 PM)

Well, gee.  Thanks Brain.  never thought i would be considered a plague.

DarkSteven -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 7:53:43 PM)

Because I'm Jewish, I'm of the same ilk as suicide bomber terrorists?  As well as the Christian guy across the street?

Brain, I have no issues with your atheism.  But why do you hate the religious?  If someone actually FOLLOWS their religion, they do NOT kill others in the name of God.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 7:57:17 PM)


chiaThePet -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:01:32 PM)

Much like Crocs, pestilence is soooooooo 2007.

We moved on to the Fanatic Fashion Forward Suicide Makeovers.

Try to keep up.

chia* (the pet)

Rule -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:19:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven
Because I'm Jewish, I'm of the same ilk as suicide bomber terrorists?  As well as the Christian guy across the street?

Christianity in its first couple of centuries was plagued by martyrs. They did their best to have themselves killed in horrible ways because that was a free pass into Heaven. That destructive foolishness stopped only after the Church declared that anyone who committed suicide would go straight to Hell; it is one of the essences of Christianity.

Martyrdom appears to be typical of the worshipers of the God of the Jews. I cannot recall any examples from the Old Testament. (An example from the New Testament is of course the martyrdom of Jesus.) In the Jewish sect called Islam martyrdom is rewarded with the free pass into Heaven and the martyr getting 72 virgins when arriving in Heaven. (72 is a quaint number; I cannot explain that yet.)

DarkSteven -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:21:04 PM)


In the Jewish sect called Islam

You are joking, right?

MasterJack53 -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:38:15 PM)

Atheists make up only 18% of our total population, why then can they get so much banned? What if we did to them what they do to us. Attack their beliefs. I read their is no such thing as a true atheisit because an atheist has no beliefs but these guys believe they are atheists. Oh by the way, I always celebrate your holiday. April Fools day. As God said, those who dont believe are fools. Jack in Tennessee who will be glad to see these people get booted out of Gods sight at the end time.

tazzygirl -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:39:17 PM)


DS, they know not of what they speak

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:47:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJack53

Atheists make up only 18% of our total population, why then can they get so much banned? What if we did to them what they do to us. Attack their beliefs. I read their is no such thing as a true atheisit because an atheist has no beliefs but these guys believe they are atheists. Oh by the way, I always celebrate your holiday. April Fools day. As God said, those who dont believe are fools. Jack in Tennessee who will be glad to see these people get booted out of Gods sight at the end time.

That "whoooshing" sound you all just heard was the average IQ on this board dropping 30 points.

MasterJack53 -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:48:57 PM)

yesit droppedwhen your fingers hit the keys and hit the send button. I agree with you 100% on that one.

Wolf2Bear -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:55:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJack53
..... Oh by the way, I always celebrate your holiday. April Fools day. As God said, those who dont believe are fools. Jack in Tennessee who will be glad to see these people get booted out of Gods sight at the end time.

So what you are saying is your god is the only one true god, even if this god entity  is also known as: Jehovah, Krishna-Vasudeva, The Creator, The God/Goddess, Allah or Muhammad?

SpinnerofTales -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:56:10 PM)


yesit droppedwhen your fingers hit the keys and hit the send button. I agree with you 100% on that one.

ORIGINAL: MasterJack53

When atheists burn, hang and torture Christians, then we can have a conversation about how badly religion is treated by we godless heathens. Until then, count the bodies of those killed in the name of Christ and Allah and consider yourself lucky.

Musicmystery -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:56:36 PM)


I'm an atheist, and I gotta say---

Give it rest. You just keep making the same point over and over. People get it.

Learn to live and let live...that, after all, is what you're asking of believers.

And be fair. Believers do a lot of good in the world as well. At its best, it's a healthy belief to hold.

Please. Let it go.

MasterJack53 -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 8:59:39 PM)

all believers except you believe in a supreme God or Godess. Wether they are Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, or whatever. It is highly possible this one supreme God is the same being. I did not say my God was the only God. btw, I like your guys idea for your tombstones: Here I lie an atheist. All dressed up and no where to go.

Musicmystery -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 9:00:25 PM)


There is no such thing as a true atheisit because an atheist has no beliefs.

What utter nonsense.

The word itself means the opposite of a theist, one who believes in God. Plenty of other things to believe.

Wolf2Bear -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 9:10:45 PM)

Wow, I'm impressed how you determined what my beliefs are just from me asking a question. 

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 9:13:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


There is no such thing as a true atheisit because an atheist has no beliefs.

What utter nonsense.

The word itself means the opposite of a theist, one who believes in God. Plenty of other things to believe.

OK, you take that one and I'll take this one -


ORIGINAL: MasterJack53

Atheists make up only 18% of our total population, why then can they get so much banned?

For pretty much the same reason that even though blacks comprise only 14% of the population, you're no longer allowed to own any. It's something called the "Constitution."

People's rights are not allocated on the basis of their proportion of the population. You could argue that a lot of the things that atheists have had banned, or fought to have banned, are just plain absurd, and in principle I'd wholeheartedly agree with you. But the fact remains, the Constitution protects them from having their right to live in a religion-free zone infringed upon. Do you seriously not understand how Constitutional rights work, or are you just trolling?

dcnovice -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 9:13:40 PM)


When atheists burn, hang and torture Christians, then we can have a conversation about how badly religion is treated by we godless heathens.

Persecution of Christians was not unknown in the Soviet Union and its satellites, nor in Maoist China.

Kirata -> RE: Believer(s) of god are plague to this world. (10/16/2009 9:14:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

The word itself means the opposite of a theist, one who believes in God. Plenty of other things to believe.

The nice thing about atheism is that you don't go to hell if you don't believe it. [:D]


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