Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/21/2009 11:48:28 AM)

In first meetings, first emails, first dates, have you ever thought to yourself:

"I wish he asked me more about my kinks."
"I wish he made a move to kiss my feet without my asking."
"He isn't submissive enough, he has not begged me for anything yet."
"I wish he would not say a word until I tell him to speak."
"I wish he would use an honorific without me telling him to."

Is it safe to say that a submissive really is better off really turning off ALL his kinks, urges, submissive inclinations - and let the lady really, honestly take the lead and set the pace? Or is that potentially dangerous and a man may not seem "submissive enough" when getting to know a lady?

I know what I like personally, but I wonder if other women do PREFER if a man is more "proactively submissive" (do not confuse this with polite or chivalrous) -- meaning, he kind of puts the submissive agenda on the table so there is no confusion about his kinks or hot buttons, or his ability/desire to serve at her whim.  Rather than, for example, just being an equal, but a gentleman, and waiting for her to set the tone.

Some subs are very, very eager to please. In doing so, they come off as pushy or one-track-minded.  These are not bad eggs, they are misguided.  But are they potentially missing out if they change this behavior and honestly just act -- well, NOT submissive?  Just like an average guy, and let her define the boundaries and roles?

As a femdom, I have never had trouble setting the femdom stage.  With submissives, I have generally had to tell them to back off, turn it down a notch, chill out, calm down or simply, "wait."  If I have to keep telling them to tone it down or knock it off, and to just "act like a normal guy - don't be so shot out of a cannon" then I lose interest.  If I look to the single most prominent characteristic in all my highly successful femdom pursuits, the man (submissive OR vanilla) did not push the kink agenda - EVER - not one bit, not even a hint, a question, or a comment.  It was 100% at my pace. 

Chemistry is a weird thing.  What I'm trying to illustrate is another point here:  there have been times I met a man (submissive) who I was not initially attracted to. Over time, my attraction to him grew.  Chemistry just took off.    There were also men I met (submissive) who I was VERY attracted to initially (and thought were hot) who quickly were a turn off to me because they could not settle down and chill with the kink stuff.  Chemistry is immediately destroyed at the first "minor irritation" with most of these guys, because it's "same ol, same ol" and they get lumped into that bad category. No matter how much they bring to the table.

Yet I fear that some submissive men think it's their duty to at least properly proactively show their submission, share their kinks, or make sure the lady knows he's available to submit.  It's as if he thinks if he never, ever says one thing about his kinky side, or tries some random submissive gestures like kneeling in public or calling her "My Goddess" then he will be cast aside by her.  Yet, I have not met any femdoms who are too shy, who don't know what they want, who can't ask for what they like or can't define their parameters when they feel the time is right.  Look guys - we know what we like, after all, we're femdoms.  Can you give us some breathing room?

Or do some ladies *like* this shot-out-of-a-cannon approach and enjoy "reeling them in"?


kccuckoldmist -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/21/2009 1:28:02 PM)

I wanted any communication to be from the man being himself. Personally any stranger, to me anyone I have not met in person, I found it troubling, insincere and in a way objectifying for them to act somehow submissive to me. Maybe because this is always relationship based for me but submission should come with some feelings attached.

Now in terms of kink things and ways to “show” they are submissive you can toss all the chat room type junk away. But I want and expect them to be able to communicate their interests and reasons for those interests in power exchange and specific kinky things they are drawn to pretty much from the start when I was looking. To me discussing those things is where it is easy to find the sincere and not how they “play at” being submissive.

I want real men who are submissive and not actors playing submissive. This should come with pride and a backbone.

SLAVEBOY32 -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/21/2009 1:42:58 PM)

I definitely opt for more vanilla converation until I see a serious hint or two from her. Short of a compliment here or there on her profile, I keep things very vanilla. I hear over and over about how subs are only concerned with D/s. Truthfully, I really like to establish a good vanilla base with someone anyway, or at least see that we have a good chance at compatability outside of kink. I feel more comfortable showing my submissive side to someone I am comfortable with as a vanilla person. The more I know about them, the more comfortable I feel with them, the nastier I want to be with them. Additionally, I am always trying to show them, that I care about them as a person, as well as a Domme. I have talked to Dommes on here for months without saying a kink related word before. Waiting for them to initiate it. Truthfully, kink is one of my favorite subjects, and this lifstyle fascinates me. I could talk about it for hours. But, how would she know I was interested in anything else if I started right in with the kink talk.

LadyPact -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/22/2009 12:35:09 AM)

Here's a decisive answer.  Yes and no.  LOL.

I'm very up front about My purpose here.  I'm not on this site to 'date' and I have no interest in additional vanilla relationships.  I'm not searching for "the one" and I don't delude anyone about that.

My interest is about BDSM.  Usually, the S/m part.  If I go to a first meet, that is usually My objective.  I want to know if I am investing My time wisely.  A person coming to introduce themselves for the first time had better catch My eye.  It's quite the balance act.  Show Me that hint of submission, without going overboard.  I don't care about his cock (unless it's CBT) his orgasms, or any of his other sexual interests.  I'm not here to cater to his needs.  I'm here for Mine.

With Me, it's a balance.  Show Me those bits of interest.  Have some class about it.  Don't announce that you want Me to fuck you with a strap on.  Come closer and give Me a subtle response.  Lower your eyes at the table.  Show Me that you will offer Me this tiny bit for Me to take.  That will make Me want even more and give Me the drive to take it.

Andalusite -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/22/2009 6:05:04 PM)

Nope. I've had a couple of casual playpartners, both male and female in the past, who I've discussed kink with fairly quickly, but even so, I preferred to get to know them as people first. Getting pushy isn't a positive. There are a lot of things that men (or women) can do to express their submission without being so overt about it, though.

DavanKael -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/22/2009 7:33:15 PM)

In first meetings, first emails, first dates, have you ever thought to yourself:
"I wish he asked me more about my kinks."
"I wish he made a move to kiss my feet without my asking."
"He isn't submissive enough, he has not begged me for anything yet."
"I wish he would not say a word until I tell him to speak."
"I wish he would use an honorific without me telling him to."

On first anythings, the answer to the above queries is no.  I would consider that to be presumptuous.
Asking about my kinks would be the most quickly reasonable as long as I was relatively certain that he wasn't just grooving on wank fodder. 
Having my feet kissed by a partner would be cool; have not experienced that. 
I hate begging. 
Having to tell someone to speak would piss me off unless we were operating under amped up protocol.
Someone who has no station in my life really,really, really pisses me off if they use honorifics toward me. 

IBused -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/22/2009 8:10:54 PM)

yadda, yadda, yadda...each time I have I end up with panties in my mouth.

LadyPact -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/23/2009 12:40:35 AM)

I can absolutely see that.  There are some that are preferably gagged.

frankieboy52 -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/23/2009 6:00:15 AM)

Hello LP,the sub formerly known as chezzy52 here.I am glad you brought that up or responded that there are some preferably gagged.I have a gag fetish as most know here if they paid any attention to numerous other postings about gags or breathplay.I try to put it out there for one reason and one only.It is the kink that i love to discuss especially my burning penchant for having a hand clamped over my mouth.I bring it up rather quickly and i realize that most see this as a "do me" type of thing when that is the furthest thing from the truth.I would love to talk with someone about the subject then drop it for quite awhile so that the learning process can begin for both parties..but knowing that particular kink about me is just as vital as knowing me the regular guy.And in my defense somewhat..i would love to talk to a Domina that would tell me flat out what flipped her switch kink wise and again,move on to know the person.I am getting to long in the tooth to be expected to guess right all the time.I certainly wouldn't want any Domina to beg..that would be defeating her purpose.I can see where Aakasha is coming from though.I think sometimes we spend too much time on the knowing of the person without talking a little bit about kink.I think it would be refreshing to bring up a small piece of it(kink) at the beginning of each and every conversation,very quickly,then dropped and spend the remainder of the dialouge talking about art or history or literature or whatever it is in this world that makes everyone tick.Sorry for the length but i was trying to all-encompassing i guess.By the way,congrats on the move out to the left coast and glad y'all made it safely.

LPslittleclip -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/23/2009 6:42:44 AM)

Ive never tried to be something I'm not, i just don't see the point in it. when i met my Mistress LadyPact for the first time i was only looking for a play partner, W/we met and did not play that time but now after being collared for 2 years and being part of a poly family i am very glad i was being normal, look at all i would have missed.

Drifa -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/23/2009 7:48:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Andalusite
Nope. I've had a couple of casual playpartners, both male and female in the past, who I've discussed kink with fairly quickly, but even so, I preferred to get to know them as people first. Getting pushy isn't a positive. There are a lot of things that men (or women) can do to express their submission without being so overt about it, though.

I think a casual playdate is a different set of groundrules than dating for a longer-term relationship. If I know there is going to be sex and/or BDSM a bit later in the evening, I'd rather have a brief talk about expectations and limits early on. For example, I'm DDF and if I am "here" for a playdate doing this it's because I have explicit permission (possibly in writing and on my person) from My Lady. My Lady insists on barrier methods, so I come equipped with a lovely selection of dental dams, gloves, mint-flavored condoms, and usually a couple of flavored lubricants. Even if you swear on a stack of holy books you are also DDF, I don't have the latitude in my permissions to waive barrier methods, so if that's a problem we should consider parcheesi instead.  I like to ask a few questions about my play-partner's expectations. Then, armed with that info, I can let myself sink into the role of being their plaything for this now, this moment, and let further cues flow naturally as the evening progresses.

If I were single and looking for a long-term partner, early on I'd like to talk a little about the meta level of kink - what brought me to understand my own desires for kink, what limits I have found I need. I also like to learn a little about my prospective partner's needs and desires and meta-kink issues. Long before I ever started having even vanilla sex with this person, I hope I'd be finding a level of service that makes us both comfortable, whether it's just rubbing tired feet when needed, or handing them a cold beer in a mug I kept chilled in the freezer, or offering to read to them from some book we'll both enjoy.

I've never dealt with a male sub coming on to me (well, except for the reams of inappropriate mail I get on the Other Side), but as a lesbian sub I like to offer a lady romantic touches that are not too pushy.

I won't clobber her with a dozen roses (The Aggie sorority girl exclained, annoyedly, "Dang that Billy Bob! He just sent me a dozen yaller roses. I guess I'll be spending my whole weekend with my feet in the air!" Her Aggie roommate asked puzzledly, "Why? Don't you have a vase you can put 'em in?" /rimshot) Instead, I may offer a single pressed flower that I pressed and framed myself. Or two roses, one red and one white. Or, if I know anything about her preference in flowers, one or two of whatever her favorite bloom may be.

If the evening is to be quiet dining in, just as I would with any other hostess, I ask in advance if I may bring anything. If she says no, then I will bring a nice dessert wine -- Trockenbeerenauslese, if I can get it. If I can't get a good dessert wine, I will bring a small tub of good quality vanilla ice cream, a small pound cake, and a bottle of Godiva chocolate liqueur and a bottle of Chambord raspberry liqueur. Either way, I've contributed a sweet and very sensual experience. A very good dessert wine is more than just sweet, it's a whole complicated chemistry of "yum". The ice cream and cake may or may not get eaten at all... depending on how the evening is going, I may be offering to lick my share off of whatever portions of her anatomy my date will allow. Or I may be enjoying building the person a shortcake with thin slivers of the pound cake, layered with ice cream, and slathered in Godiva and Chambord. Serve with two spoons!

If we will be going out for the evening, I pay attention to the weather. If it's cold, you can bet I have two pairs of gloves with me. I might even have an extra scarf tucked into the collar of my coat. And if my date seems chilled I am ready to offer them, with a courtly flourish. In really hot outdoors situations, I will have a small ice-chest in the car filled with small bottles of water and those gel-filled tubes of hankerchief material that soak up and hold a lot of ice cold water and feel so good wrapped around your throat on a really hot day. I want her to be comfortable and hydrated, and while these little touches aren't necessary they are kind and considerate. I probably have some lawn darts and washers in the car, in case outdoor entertainment is called for. And you can bet I have sunscreen and will offer to apply it.

I think the key to what I envision doing that's hawt on a date has to do with thinking ahead about how I can -- with the least amount of flash and "LOOK AT ME!!!!" -- provide service and small sensually pleasurable touches (not sexual, necessarily, this is about comfort and pleasure, not about sex for me or anyone else until the person I am dating makes it clear that's what is desired.

LadyPact -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/23/2009 11:01:13 AM)

Good Morning frankie.  The comment was really less about the gag fetish, and more about how I could see that some would prefer certain comments not being heard.  LOL.

However, I do agree with what you wrote here.  The way I see it, if two people are coming together to meet or one is introducing themselves to the other, it's because they (hopefully) have something in common.  From the outset, it seems that would be something relating to BDSM.  It seems to Me that it wouldn't be productive to expand on that in some way and determine compatibility, rather than just knowing another kinky person exists in the world.  Why avoid the thing in common that you have with the other person that made you want to know them in the first place.

For the record, it doesn't mean folks have only the extremes to talk about.  How about how BDSM is a part of your social llife (munches or events) or what brought you to the lifestyle in the first place?  How is it in your day to day life or how has it been a part of who you are?

I always see the comments on these types of threads that say when they meet someone, they want to know the whole person and don't want to hear about D/s or BDSM.  To Me, that's a contadiction.  If that's who they are and someone doesn't want to hear about that, they are getting less of the 'whole person' that they say they want to get to know.

LadyNTrainer -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/23/2009 11:28:10 AM)

As a dominant, I very much enjoy and appreciate a contribution of creative energy, ideas and impetus from the sub's side. In fact, I need it in order to stay sane and healthy in a D/s relationship. Life would pretty boring if I was the only one who ever thought up or initiated a scene. I really don't want to be in a relationship with a blow-up doll. I don't think that a long term D/s relationship would be healthy or sustainable for me if I had to supply 100% of the creative energy and initiative in it.

I know myself well enough to say that the stresses of my everyday life are going to weigh me down enough on a day to day basis that my energy and impetus towards kink is likely to wear down considerably without an inflow of positive energy from a partner. I need to feed on the energy of active consent and initiative from my partner, or else I will eventually end up feeling drained and more likely to retreat into a book or my computer than to make a play date.

I personally have no interest in being the only person in a relationship who is contributing energy or initiative or creativity to our play. When I start feeling like I'm stuck in that role, I end up in "top drop" and lose all my interest in playing for awhile. So for me, if a submissive partner doesn't periodically approach me with good creative ideas, input and insights into our D/s relationship, requests to play, etc, I will lose interest in him and feel like I might as well go buy a blow-up doll to beat on. I need to feel that spark of energy from my partner that gets me ignited, because if I’m the one who has to stay on fire all of the time, my gas is definitely going to run out.

As always, your mileage may vary. This is just how I roll.

porcelaine -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/23/2009 11:54:13 AM)



In first meetings, first emails, first dates, have you ever thought to yourself:

"I wish he asked me more about my kinks."
"I wish he made a move to kiss my feet without my asking."
"He isn't submissive enough, he has not begged me for anything yet."
"I wish he would not say a word until I tell him to speak."
"I wish he would use an honorific without me telling him to."

Is it safe to say that a submissive really is better off really turning off ALL his kinks, urges, submissive inclinations - and let the lady really, honestly take the lead and set the pace? Or is that potentially dangerous and a man may not seem "submissive enough" when getting to know a lady?

i always follow the dominant's lead in a conversation. the best ones are able to flow interactively where we're both throwing out bits of information and responding simultaneously. i've had one experience where that didn't occur and things were more uniform. i felt that dialogue made me feel submissive stirrings for some reason. i suspect a lot of it was due to his demeanor as well.

i prefer not to have sexual discussions early on. it gives the impression that he's merely interested in something physical which is a real turn off. i have managed to do this in the context of kink, shared interests, and opinions about various elements of the exchange. however, it was always from an intellectual standpoint and not intended to stimulate me in my nether region. or if it was, i missed it. i have blonders often.

i can understand the question about speaking. i've conversed with some individuals that are easy to talk with and very laid back. i never felt as if i had to give consideration to what i said. i do blurt things out on occasion. oops. however, there was someone that did make me feel this way. those freudian slips never went over well. admittedly, it made me mindful of his presence and potential reaction to what was said.

i find this preferable to a relaxed environment instead. too many odd things roll around in my mind that shouldn't come spilling out. which might be viewed as disrespectful, inappropriate, or could strike a nerve with him. the boundaries provide clear guidelines and allow for better communication in my opinion.


Acer49 -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/24/2009 12:28:38 PM)



In first meetings, first emails, first dates, have you ever thought to yourself:

"I wish he asked me more about my kinks."
"I wish he made a move to kiss my feet without my asking."
"He isn't submissive enough, he has not begged me for anything yet."
"I wish he would not say a word until I tell him to speak."
"I wish he would use an honorific without me telling him to."

Is it safe to say that a submissive really is better off really turning off ALL his kinks, urges, submissive inclinations - and let the lady really, honestly take the lead and set the pace? Or is that potentially dangerous and a man may not seem "submissive enough" when getting to know a lady?

I know what I like personally, but I wonder if other women do PREFER if a man is more "proactively submissive" (do not confuse this with polite or chivalrous) -- meaning, he kind of puts the submissive agenda on the table so there is no confusion about his kinks or hot buttons, or his ability/desire to serve at her whim.  Rather than, for example, just being an equal, but a gentleman, and waiting for her to set the tone.

Some subs are very, very eager to please. In doing so, they come off as pushy or one-track-minded.  These are not bad eggs, they are misguided.  But are they potentially missing out if they change this behavior and honestly just act -- well, NOT submissive?  Just like an average guy, and let her define the boundaries and roles?

As a femdom, I have never had trouble setting the femdom stage.  With submissives, I have generally had to tell them to back off, turn it down a notch, chill out, calm down or simply, "wait."  If I have to keep telling them to tone it down or knock it off, and to just "act like a normal guy - don't be so shot out of a cannon" then I lose interest.  If I look to the single most prominent characteristic in all my highly successful femdom pursuits, the man (submissive OR vanilla) did not push the kink agenda - EVER - not one bit, not even a hint, a question, or a comment.  It was 100% at my pace. 

Chemistry is a weird thing.  What I'm trying to illustrate is another point here:  there have been times I met a man (submissive) who I was not initially attracted to. Over time, my attraction to him grew.  Chemistry just took off.    There were also men I met (submissive) who I was VERY attracted to initially (and thought were hot) who quickly were a turn off to me because they could not settle down and chill with the kink stuff.  Chemistry is immediately destroyed at the first "minor irritation" with most of these guys, because it's "same ol, same ol" and they get lumped into that bad category. No matter how much they bring to the table.

Yet I fear that some submissive men think it's their duty to at least properly proactively show their submission, share their kinks, or make sure the lady knows he's available to submit.  It's as if he thinks if he never, ever says one thing about his kinky side, or tries some random submissive gestures like kneeling in public or calling her "My Goddess" then he will be cast aside by her.  Yet, I have not met any femdoms who are too shy, who don't know what they want, who can't ask for what they like or can't define their parameters when they feel the time is right.  Look guys - we know what we like, after all, we're femdoms.  Can you give us some breathing room?

Or do some ladies *like* this shot-out-of-a-cannon approach and enjoy "reeling them in"?


The following replies are to the questions only and in no way a reflection upon the OP or anyone who may have assited in their composition.

Since it is a first email, first date. The dominant has no reasonable justification for expecting anything that even remotely resembles submission.

"I wish he asked me more about my kinks."
Why? the submissive can't act on this information. The only thing they need to voice is any and all hard limits, the rest is up to the dominant after collaring

"I wish he made a move to kiss my feet without my asking."
Unless the dominant has said that the submissive may be proactive and not concern themselves with other factors, a submissive's actions could be virewed as attempting to satisfy their own needs, which is unacceptible behavior for a collared submissive

"He isn't submissive enough, he has not begged me for anything yet."
Unless intrstructed to do so, begging is an unacceptible behavior by a properly trained, collared submissive

"I wish he would not say a word until I tell him to speak."
Unless collared, a dominant as no right to expect such behavior

"I wish he would use an honorific without me telling him to."
Unless collared, a dominant has no right to expect this and even if collared, the dominant would have to have earned said praise if they want it to considered genuine; since it is at most, a first date, that is not possible

undergroundsea -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/24/2009 1:03:29 PM)



Here's a decisive answer.  Yes and no.  LOL.


Show Me that hint of submission, without going overboard.

I agree with Lady Pact.

I draw a parallel to flirting or extending gestures in romantic, vanilla courting. In addition to person-to-person conversation and getting to know one another, there are positive gestures that express an interest beyond friendship or platonic talk. I think the same can be done in BDSM situations. Just as one can go too far, intrude on space, make a gesture too sexual, or be too focused on such gestures, the same can apply in BDSM situations.



LadyNTrainer -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/24/2009 2:14:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea
I draw a parallel to flirting or extending gestures in romantic, vanilla courting. In addition to person-to-person conversation and getting to know one another, there are positive gestures that express an interest beyond friendship or platonic talk. I think the same can be done in BDSM situations. Just as one can go too far, intrude on space, make a gesture too sexual, or be too focused on such gestures, the same can apply in BDSM situations.

Well said.  I am pretty hardline on expecting my partner in a D/s relationship to take his share of the responsibility for keeping the spark alive and contributing his creative energy, taking some of the initiative in setting aside playtime for us, etc.  But the key word here is "relationship".  If I've just met somebody five minutes ago and they're drooling on my shoes, masturbating furiously and telling me how much they want to lick my pussy.....uh, no.  In fact, hell no, I'm calling the cops and getting a restraining order.  [:'(]

What you've described definitely works and makes sense.  Mild flirtation and suggestion is good.  Being too explicit or pushy before it's appropriate, not so much.  There are subtle and tasteful ways to let a lady know that you are interested and willing to be at her disposal.

It took me awhile to figure out that one of the subs I was very, very interested in was also interested in me, because he just wasn't any good at subtle signaling and went overboard on the quiet and polite side.  Fortunately I have no trouble at all being aggressive, so it worked out.  But it might not have, so it's a good idea for male subs to learn how to signal their interest and availability to dommes without seeming either standoffish and uninterested or going overboard to the point of rude slobbering.  There is a middle ground, and it's a good place to find.

Politesub53 -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/24/2009 5:55:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyNTrainer

Well said.  I am pretty hardline on expecting my partner in a D/s relationship to take his share of the responsibility for keeping the spark alive and contributing his creative energy, taking some of the initiative in setting aside playtime for us, etc.  But the key word here is "relationship".  If I've just met somebody five minutes ago and they're drooling on my shoes, masturbating furiously and telling me how much they want to lick my pussy.....uh, no.  In fact, hell no, I'm calling the cops and getting a restraining order.  [:'(]

What you've described definitely works and makes sense.  Mild flirtation and suggestion is good.  Being too explicit or pushy before it's appropriate, not so much.  There are subtle and tasteful ways to let a lady know that you are interested and willing to be at her disposal.

It took me awhile to figure out that one of the subs I was very, very interested in was also interested in me, because he just wasn't any good at subtle signaling and went overboard on the quiet and polite side.  Fortunately I have no trouble at all being aggressive, so it worked out.  But it might not have, so it's a good idea for male subs to learn how to signal their interest and availability to dommes without seeming either standoffish and uninterested or going overboard to the point of rude slobbering.  There is a middle ground, and it's a good place to find.

Ah, the last paragraph makes perfect sense to me. I can see a few of my own traits in there. That said, I did smile at the irony of a Domina getting a restraining order. Lady cops bring me out in a hot

zenny -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/24/2009 6:00:01 PM)

Ahh, such an interesting and black and white take on things. To be certain not everyone's (I'd say most peoples) 'collared' sub/slave isn't the essence of a trained dog. From whence is chemistry even a concern under such circumstances?

SomethingCatchy -> RE: Ladies, have you ever wished your guy talked more about kink (10/24/2009 7:16:48 PM)

I've talked to several men who were perfectly capable of showing their personality, humor, and who were very interesting to talk to on a basic human level, who were also capable of being overtly submissive and had no problems with putting out their information for me.

It's the men who approach me blabbing about their kinks who aren't capable of holding a basic, human conversation unless it involves 'Sit on my face!' or 'How big is your strap-on?!?' that get really old and boring really quick.

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