And now we have proof..... (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> And now we have proof..... (11/2/2009 6:10:03 AM)

And now we have proof governments babble bullshit, they employ scientists to advise, but ignore them when their advice is contrary to their political agenda.

The story as it transpires

pahunkboy -> RE: And now we have proof..... (11/2/2009 6:30:25 AM)

allright-  lets throw CODEX into the mix.

vits- mins- herbs- are all toxins and about to be illegal.

how does that sound?

Best stock up on the shit,  12-31-09, US- game over.

Anarrus -> RE: And now we have proof..... (11/2/2009 7:00:49 AM)

Game not over.
I was told this by someone. I actually did my homework and checked with a very knowledgeable sources, namely the Codex website's FAQ which debunks the myths and mis-information and also my Dr. and pharmacy.
Being a man who prefers to check several sources, I also checked with a few of the online and catalog vitamins-herbs-supplements retailers too. They'll still be selling their products after said date and without any requirements of  a Dr's. rx.
Now wouldn't plain ol' common sense tell you that if after such and such date they wouldn't be able to sell said products, they'd be practically giving their inventories away for free right now to get rid of them while they could and also advertisng a cutoff date for non-rx sales? That's not the case, it's just same ol' business as usual.

pahunkboy -> RE: And now we have proof..... (11/2/2009 7:12:34 AM)

Then why does Ron Paul complain about this?

I looked at the CODEX language- and I find it restricting.   Maybe you are correct-  the WTO will punish us if we do not comply.

What this means is any trade complaint the country that has not enacted CODEX will lose any complaint.  On the OP-  Junk science is a problem.  90 scientists have had untimely deaths in the past 10ish years-  mostly germ warfare dudes.

Aneirin -> RE: And now we have proof..... (11/2/2009 7:29:15 AM)

Ah, but is it junk science, are the politicians correct on this one, if they are, why employ scientific advisors, are they just window dressing to display when it suits their purpose ?

I think what has happened is we have received so much information, both good and bad now, that scientists even if they are correct in their findings are treated with mistrust by the public, but I do wonder at people who trust the words of politicians over learned people.

Hmm, theres an idea, accept the drug problem is not going to go away, so deal with it, control and license the stuff, cut out the dealers with their bleach powder and fuller's earth additives, that way lessen the health risk, and make an income from taxation in the light of dwindling alcohol and tobacco revenues. Stop destroying poppy fields in Afghanistan, buy the stuff of them, give them a commodity they can sell to get them back on their feet, and who knows maybe the religious nutters who target the poor and disgruntled will lose their grip, and cease to become a threat, expensive war over. Even if not for recreational usem the opium can be used for medical use.

Just what is it the politicians are afraid of, why this stance on drug classifications, what do they know that the scientists don't ?

pahunkboy -> RE: And now we have proof..... (11/2/2009 8:05:17 AM)

Well the whole issue of drugs is convoluted.

There is an effort by George Soros to push for his profit margin.   The drug trade- who makes big money on it?  And it is not the pushers altho they do share some of the blame.

Lets not get me started.

The CIA is a big detractor.

Do as I say- not as I do- there in lies the problem.

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