RE: Prey (Full Version)

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Ellise56 -> RE: Prey (12/14/2009 6:13:49 PM)

                                         Captives POV I can feel hot and cold. I can control and move all of my limbs, joints and fingers smoothly and slowly. This assures me that the paintballs didn’t inflict any serious nerve damage. I can twist, move left, right, up and down all of my limbs and joints so this informs me no bones are broken. The collar is tighter then usual but it is not rubbing against my neck. She is volatile but consistent. I dream of freedom but her retaliation would out pace all of her past punishments. The leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles are gentler then the steel cuffs she routinely uses. I could still walk slowly with my ankles cuffed in this manner but it appears that she cuffed my wrists back of hand to back of hand palms facing outwards and behind me for a purpose. I can’t get my wrists down and over my ankles with them facing palms outwards, my shoulder joints simply do not move in the required manner. I couldn’t do it even if I dislocated both shoulders. I also have become aware that when she ties me with rope she soaks the ropes in warm water for a few hours before for a reason. As the ropes dry they tighten. She is informed on the art of bondage. She is not a monster. Not a vampire or a werewolf or some other beast we can separate ourselves from and attribute her savage side to her clear differences between her and people like you and me. She is a person like myself and like every other person. All the evil actions she is capable of we are all capable of as humans. She experiences the same emotions as all of us and it is the fact she is a human like myself and all other humans that makes her so scary. Does that say more about men and women like her? or more about the rest of us?

Ellise56 -> RE: Prey (12/18/2009 11:53:56 AM)

   Captures POV I had decided that today would be the day I allowed you out with me. We head to town. First to the pay the bills and then to the store, I notice that your eyes are going to everyone as if pledging for help… Help? How dare you after every damn thing I have done for you, you ungrateful bastard! I will not be merciful when we get home. At all! I have been easy on you recently in light of recent events, no more. You even look at the other women. That is it! I hesitantly pay the bill, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the car, you get in with out a word knowing something is different, the atmosphere is heavy with tension and your body stiffens under the heat the car along with the heat of the sun. you do not speak nor look at the me the whole way home, I have forgot about groceries, there’s no need I do not need to feed you for a few days, not after this my fingers tighten on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white with the lack of blood flow, my eyes cut to you, your frame bent over in a hunching manner, I reach out, with my right , I call your name as you turn that angelic head toward me , I punch you square in jaw, knocking you into oblivion. Its then that I arrive at the house I open the passenger side door and drag you out and put you into the shed, were I keep all my other toys(not enough room in the house). I strap you the bench removing all of you cloths this time including the underwear, I tie both your feet and hands with the first thing I see, an old seed bag that have been ripped into shreds , after all this was once farm land.  I then go to collect some form of gag and blindfold, for the gag I use an old tobacco pole, and tie a rope to it almost like a bit but a little long, the cold metal looks half way decent on you, this is when you finally come around, staring at me wide you really can’t see me after all this place has no windows. “Remember you brought this on yourself” are my final words to you, before I begin my most horrific punishment to date. It is then that I hear the car pull up in the driveway. I look through a crack in the door and notice the police car. Carl Odden is the one my favorite deputies, so dumb that boy and a sucker for a pretty face. “Hey Carl what brings you here?” I ask in a sicken cheerful voice. “What ever happened to that guy you were seeing?”  He asks me. “Oh him, he stayed awhile and then said something about going off to find himself, ain’t seen him in a while, why ya need to know?” I ask batting my eyelashes. I see his face go redder then normal in this heat. I laugh inwardly to myself. Carl starts to stammer “his families been lookin for him said he ain’t called home or nothing since he moved in with ya.” “ you know Carl your right he never did call home while he was here only been  today that he left, just a little while ago as matter of fact, I asked him why he never called home, never did give me a straight answer.” With a satisfied answer Carl turns says his goodbye and leaves. Good thing that bench was in the middle of the room in the shed. I walk back in there to see your face against the wood your eyes so sad at almost getting out of here. I know then that your love for me has turned to something more evil, loathing. Great this hurt that pride just as much as that beautiful body. I grab the plastic spade and draw my hand back as far back as my arm allows, I knew discarded the blindfold would be a good idea , the first sound to fill the air was a slapping ,the second was a snap from the plastic breaking, the third was an effort to scream . and so it begins  

Ellise56 -> RE: Prey (12/21/2009 8:24:21 AM)

I walk back into the shed where the darkness is broken  by the single ray of light that is cast as I open the door. Your unmoved but I can tell you have been struggling. The ropes give you away. They have started to chip away the already loose paint. I move to the garden spade. The metal feels cool in my hand after all it is a stuffy in here. I then run the smooth edge over your muscled skin, not realizing that the edges where sharp enough to cut until you start to bleed and squirm. It is then that I take the hose pipe and wrapping one end around my hand I swing, knowing this piece of rubber will not snap in half. I begin to flail on you as hard and as fast as I can showing no mercy. Blood is spattered everywhere you try and scream but not much is coming out. I beat you until I am tired and you way past unconsciousness. The cuts are many, an angry red color not just from the blood but from the tool used. I untie you when you awake moving you out side. The blood shines in the bright full moon, It runs down your back, to the crack of your ass, which speaking of your ass is bleeding as well. Some cuts are longer and deeper then others, most of them will leave scars. I take a match from inside my pocket, throw it lit onto the shed and we watch as it catches fire. I then lead you down stairs into the basement tie you to a wooden splinted chair. You semi-scream as you sit. I  will leave you there to go deal with the firemen, policemen and for the rest of the night as well as the next 3 days.

Ellise56 -> RE: Prey (12/23/2009 4:16:09 PM)

* not feeling my best but i thought i would post this anyways,Merry Christmas*

3 days have passed I haven’t even given the room a second glace, spare giving you water. I want you to pay not die. Your too valuable to lose. After all I spent too much time and money to lose my work. I walk into the basement seeing you attached to the chair. Walking in front of you, your eyes squint because of the light behind me. I slap you across the face. Your head moves with force of the slap and I see the marking on your neck, the scar from the knife. I untie the rope from around your hands and feet, allowing you to stand. I survey the damage done to your body. Quit a few scars, and splinters all over your ass. I lead you up the stairs into the kitchen where I lean you over the table. The leash hanging off the table could get in the way. I pick it up when I hear him approaching, Rodney, an old dear friend of mine. He sits and begins to set things up. He starts to work on the tattoo, the all seeing eye with my initials encoded in numbers under it. You try and jerk your head but Rodney and I both have you rooted to the spot. After 2 hours Rodney’s handy work it is done. I must say your neck has never looked so good. “Happy Birthday” I whisper in your ear as I walk out of the kitchen.

Ellise56 -> RE: Prey (1/2/2010 9:30:13 AM)

As time goes by you slowly become less and less rebellious and start to comply with my wants and wishes. From time to time I see a smile creep across your face. You walk back through the front door with bags of food. Whistling to yourself, you come over to were I am on the couch lean down and kiss me on the cheek. It is then I rise, grab your hand and lead you to the master bedroom where I force you to unclothe and I tie you to the bedpost in a rather vulnerable position that some people refer to as spread eagle. I blindfold you but there won't be a gag for there isn't any pain this time. I take the paint brush and the different colored paints and begin to drawer and write all over your body. With each stroke you move. The feather light traces tickle you. After I am done with my so called art, I begin to lick it off excluding all the agonist zones. The heighted sense of awareness that comes from the black cloth around your eyes is oh so evident in your body’s movement and the sounds you make. As lick your body I begin to nip at random intervals, which seems to turn you on even more. It is then that I know the time is right; I take you there and then as my own for the first of many times. this  is your great reward.

TheLadyandLimey -> RE: Prey (1/9/2010 2:29:10 PM)

I am pregnant. I should have thought before I acted but I did not. I walk into the bedroom where you are vacuuming and tap you on the shoulder. Automatically you whirl around while falling to your knees facing me. Your eyes are trained to the floor. Body tense. Waiting for anything. I look down at you, my eyes taking in your body though the clothing. “I am pregnant.” Your head snaps up, eyes bug out and your faces pales. With that I walk off to go finish my reading leaving you to finish the cleaning. After you are done with your chores you come and sit at my feet while I play with your hair. “I have my first appointment tomorrow. You will stay here.” You nod your head in response, twisting my hands in your hair I yank back hard. “Answer me maggot!” “Yes I will stay here tomorrow!” you respond.

TheLadyandLimey -> RE: Prey (1/13/2010 10:52:47 AM)

 My mood changes sporadically, meaning you’re caught off guard quit a bit. The beatings are more frequent. More blood, more pain, you take it. Not for me, not your heath but for this unborn child. I laugh at your pain. To me it is fun. But some of the simplest things set me off into a blind rage. Like the bath water not being right or the bed not being made to a tee. These small things set me off. Thinking this brought me back to reality, the Cat-o-nine tails whip above my head digs into your right shoulder causing a hissing sound from your cleaved mouthed. I peel the flesh off your back dragging it down to your left hip. Muffled screams echo off the wall along with my maniacal laughter. The blood spatters on the floor, your feet unclench. Until I bring the whip back up to hit you again. Your hands hold on to the rope above you searching for the wood beam above your head. Your feet look for ground, not finding any knowing what is coming you try and prepare yourself. I bring the weapon back over my head and I stop mid swing looking at your now freshly scared back with a multitude of open wounds the last blow the worst. Back up to the pale yellow wall sink down with the sun with sunlight in my eyes, looking at you at your body, I clutching my stomach and cry.

TheLadyandLimey -> RE: Prey (1/18/2010 1:34:57 PM)

  The months passed quicker then I expected and finally the day came. I was the one in pain this time. Your face brighten while I was in pain. As soon as I had given birth and the child was cleaned up I looked over to you.  Your eyes were full of happiness. “ Because of your pleasure while I was in pain you will be the one up when he crys at night. If he needs to be fed there will be bottles and if he wakes me you will pay dearly!!!” The doctor whom was a friend of mine just laughed, patted you on the back and walked out of the bedroom. A week passed and your beatings became very frequent. I walked into the kitchen with death in my eyes. You turn in my direction with the boy still crying in your arms. Your eyes widen. “I am so sorry, he will not hush I have tried everything!” I get the child from your arms with my voice dangerously low. “How dare you blame this on the baby!!” I walk in to the nursery and rock the child to sleep. I then put the now sleeping child in the crib and walk out of the room. I walk back into the dimly lit kitchen, the rising sun hitting the lime green wallpaper. I look down and see you kneeling on the floor your head hung. “Get up” I say in the same low tone as I walk up into the attic.

TheLadyandLimey -> RE: Prey (1/21/2010 9:41:34 AM)

I look behind me knowing full well that you are following me. I set the baby monitor down and walk over to your leash, yanking it over to the wall. You partially run to keep yourself from falling. I take off you pants and underwear, revealing your naked body. I then attach you to my newest toy. One of those mid-evil stretching racks. I gag you with a ball gag and slowly turn the crank pulling your limbs with each turn, making you scream out in pain. The now rising sun shines on your sweating body, causing a slight glimmer. The muscles that define the curves of your body are more defined, more appealing then normal. I then untie you and flip you over on to your stomach then retie you. Instead of beating you like I normally do I come up with an even better idea. I would strip you of your manhood. I leave you there calingl the old lady down the road to come to stay with my child and leave. When I come back I have what I need the old woman leaves. I go up to the attic, where in I insert the butt plug into your ass unlubed. Your screams are muffled by the gag.  Then I take the violet wand and start to shock your ass making your muscles contract around it. I leave you there as the child begins to cry. I come back to apply a strap across your ass to hold the plug in place. I walk out leaving you supporting your own weight.

TheLadyandLimey -> RE: Prey (1/25/2010 1:01:48 PM)

Years go by. The beatings keep going on and the child has grown to be a boy. He is so much like his mother. The boy’s father has started to love the beatings, which the boy knows nothing of. I hear movement behind me but before I can turn around I feel something come in to contact with the back of my knees. I fall to my knees and my face hits the carpet. I go to pull myself up, enraged but I am hit full force in side of the head with something hard and metal. I roll over on to my front to look at my attacker. My son is the one who is causing his mother this pain. As the sun sets behind his head one ray cast over his eyes I see the same gleam in his eyes that are in mine. I know without any doubt  this boy is going to be known. The bat comes down and now as I laying bleeding unable to move from the blood loss I call out to his father who is in the shadows. The final blow from the bat is dealt, my dimming vision only sees my angel, my Victor.

                                                                ~ That is it for Prey hope ya'll like it~

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