For the ugly pussies out there... (Full Version)

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Chaingang -> For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 12:46:40 PM)

KatyLied -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 1:01:24 PM)

I laughed when I read the "say no to" list.

Lordandmaster -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 1:02:36 PM)

Very brave KatyLied, very very brave.

KatyLied -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 1:04:30 PM)

I can't help it.  I have dreams beyond "perfect vaginal lips". 


Real0ne -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 1:08:00 PM)



I can't help it.  I have dreams beyond "perfect vaginal lips". 


so thats what gurls dream about!

ownedgirlie -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 1:49:24 PM)



I laughed when I read the "say no to" list.

Particularly the loss of relationships.  i know that's all my relationships have been based on, after all!!  [:D]  (other smileys feature not working or i would put the laughing guy up)

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 1:56:59 PM)

However, for some people this is exactly perfect for them- whether by defect, accident or huge weight loss, their skin might be deformed or very uncomfortable for them.  Surgery like this can help a lot of people.

maybemaybenot -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 3:02:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

However, for some people this is exactly perfect for them- whether by defect, accident or huge weight loss, their skin might be deformed or very uncomfortable for them.  Surgery like this can help a lot of people.

Very true LA. A few months back I watched a show on A&E or Discovery
< can't recall > about this procedure. The woman they were follwoing had extremely large labia minoras as a result of pregnancy/childbirth. Apparently they were so elongated and
" deformed" that during intercourse, they would be pushed inward to the vagina, making sexual relations very painful. She and hubby were all smiles on there 6 week check up.


NakedOnMyChain -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 4:40:26 PM)

I agree with you, Lucky A, but I can't help but think that this is also being used as yet another ad that has a negative impact on some women's self-esteem.  With the current trend in self-modification (and I don't mean piercing) and all of the advertisements that can't help but leave some women paranoid and with a skewed self image, do we really need something else toting the claim that it will make you more beautiful, and that you'll be ugly without it?  I agree that this is a wonderful avenue for those with a real need of it.  I simply think they could have done a better job advertising it.  They should market it to the crowd that needs it, not as a beautification technique that you'll be ugly without.

Here's a quote to illustrate my point:
"Browse the site to find out more about what Labia Enhancement can do to help you improve the looks of your vagina naturally.  So that you can sport a gorgeous vagina giving you one hand up on the other girls."

That's just not the way it should be looked at.  'Nuf said.

MHOO314 -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 4:46:20 PM)

good gawd, I don't care if its pretty, I care if it works! It isn't designed to carry on a political debate--

mnottertail -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 6:14:08 PM)

Couldn't a feller just use some ductape and spraypaint, what the hell good would subscribing do? 


You live long enough, it is ALL gonna get trotted by you, I guess.

Lordandmaster -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 8:04:34 PM)

I'm not a girl, but I know what it means.  I'll just call you Hiero.

It's not a BAD misquotation, is it?


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

"quod nihil illi deerat ad regnandum praeter regnum." Machiavelli misquoting Justin. (girls get extra points for knowing what this quote means)

TemptingNviceSub -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 8:21:05 PM)

Oy Vey!  another thing I have to worry about!...sighs..nope not gonna do it! gotta go with Mistress Hathor on this one..A girl needs a break somehow..If a man doesnt like it, if  its not 'pretty enough' for him, well....he does not need to go there then! well.. the vaginally incorrect Tempting.:0)~~~~

yourMissTress -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 8:33:07 PM)

So there are men that turn down pussy because the lips aren't perfectly aligned?  I want to see this group of men.  Really, I do.  I want to take a look at the man that would DARE to be so picky about physical appearance...cuz let me tell you, while I can and do appreciate a pretty penis, and I've seen one or two sets of balls that were aesthetically appealing, on average we aren't talking about anything I want to gaze at for any length of time unless I've a purpose in mind.

Moloch -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 8:34:06 PM)

Wow this is almost as bad as the brans new  "anal bleaching" procedure

mnottertail -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 8:40:47 PM)

To the apostles in Syracuse..........
I figured you had that out of hand, Lam. No, it is not a bad quote, I rather fancy I have a less eloquent one with like intent in my profile.

A whore, a whore, my kingdom for a whore!!! (Charles Laughton or some such, horridly misquoted)

Someday, somewhere you and I gotta sit down in the shade with a drink. And visit about everything and anything.


LuckyAlbatross -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 8:48:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: NakedOnMyChain
They should market it to the crowd that needs it, not as a beautification technique that you'll be ugly without.

I have mixed feelings on this- because I'm ok with people doing things to make themselves feel prettier. I use clothes, nail polish, toothbrushes, hair accessories, waxing and all manner of methods to do things that I consider making me prettier- because I want to be.

I also plan on having breast surgery at some point, and hopefully tooth surgeries as well. Part of my job actually involves technology that supports surgery- surgeries that are functional but we do market their aesthetic capabilities as well.

The fact is that wanting to be prettier isn't bad, wanting to change things about yourself in order to feel prettier and more secure and functional isn't neceesarily wrong or bad either.

I agree- making someone intentionally feel bad just to market something to them is ethically gross, and we should feel confident about ourselves and who we are through our entire being. But surgeries for beauty is just an extension of the things we do for beauty already.

Dollbecky -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/20/2006 11:59:33 PM)

Heheee there are some cultures that have girls stretch their labia  to achive a more attractive womanly look...

unownedredhead -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/21/2006 1:15:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster
I'm not a girl, but I know what it means.  I'll just call you Hiero.
It's not a BAD misquotation, is it?

ORIGINAL: mnottertail
"quod nihil illi deerat ad regnandum praeter regnum." Machiavelli misquoting Justin. (girls get extra points for knowing what this quote means)

Master Lordandmaster,

I do not get extra points.  I have no idea what Ron is talking per usual...  it is a good think I have a perfect pussy and might I say very pretty  pink pussy.......I have enough things to worry about without having that one on my plate as well.



Driver1961 -> RE: For the ugly pussies out there... (3/21/2006 6:09:40 AM)

He enters, dips His lid to all, 

I have another laugh,  to have labia surgically altered can be so sad.   I know one woman who had hers altered and her vagina tightened at behest of her husband.   Poor woman deeply regrets it now.......little did she know (nor was she told) that her husband's thumb was not the average size of a penis!   She now cant have penile sex...... She says that she only did it to please her husband and now (divorced) has no money to change it.....

Men hang low, tight, left, right and as Nick Nolte states- he could not cross his legs for the pain of crushing his- understandably Notle had a scrotum tuck- perfect healthy justification.

Yes, some women with triple fold lips etc do complain of being uncomfortable yet others state it's a consistant 'turn on' particularly on a throbbing motorbike-   very subjective to the headspace of the owner... But this website's sales pitch does approach the subject negatively- but that's advertising for a buck!

Personally- I think there's nothing better than to have large or very lopsided lips.  (Nice when held out on display under direction) It's a celebration of the uniqueness we all possess!

Absolutely no shame in being 'john holmes' sister! (A comment I have made and ensued some wonderful connective sex)

Sad that people are put down for their uniqueness

Who else goes nuts over big noses?! (Thinking of a nose and tongue enlargement)

Warm regards to all

Driver, Sir to His Wild

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