RE: Submissive adaptation. (Full Version)

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sexyred1 -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/8/2010 5:13:03 PM)



Submissive adaptation.

I have found that some submissives have this ability to adjust their intelligence to a certain degree to whatever man they may be interested in at the time. If he is not quite as smart as she is she can dumb down a bit to enable the fantasy that she has a wise and knowing dom.

I’m not disparaging this, it is after all part of the package that makes them a submissive.

She wants this so energetically that when going to him for advice or explanation that if he can come anywhere near the proper response, she immediately will think it’s gods honest truth and adapt it on the spot. When she has questions regarding her own motivations and if he is observant enough and can come up with a plausible explanation, she will enfold it into herself and it becomes the truth. So in effect he is explaining and molding all at once.

One may wonder if it’s wise for me to put this out there, won’t it hinder me in my search? Not at all remember I said this is instinctive, they can’t act any other way and besides some of the dears may think this is oh so wise of me.

Remember the hand is smarter than the ass.

Well that has been my observation from my past, milage may vary.

This is a crock, insulting and a sweeping generalization about submissives. But since I already articulated my explanation the last 3 places you posted this, I will not bother to repeat my answer.

Carry on.

osf -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/8/2010 5:14:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarlingSavage


have found that some submissives have this ability to adjust their intelligence to a certain degree to whatever man they may be interested in at the time. If he is not quite as smart as she is she can dumb down a bit to enable the fantasy that she has a wise and knowing dom.

I could never do this! I could not submit to someone that was always saying things that I knew were wrong. I have a pretty extensive academic background, so, this is just an absurd notion to me. I want the person that I'm submitting to to be smarter than I am, period. I wouldn't be able to respect someone if I was constantly wanting to correct their spelling, among other things.

i said some not all and i said a certain amount not a so great an amount it would be imposible

osf -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/8/2010 5:16:17 PM)

most that vehemently complain about what i say seem to never have read it

lovingpet -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/8/2010 6:13:22 PM)



but still the final decisions has to be his

i sincerely believe in a way its harder to be the sub, because after all it's your body that is the playground but i doubt even so you'd want it any other way

i do have a since of reality about me

fantasies should be measured by the yard stick of reality, and again that is not your responcibility

what is done should not be as important as it is important that you do it

or what may be a whim on his part is an obligation on your part

i'm full of quips i made up lol

but any way the responsibility is his and he should be certain of his desires and his ability to handle them

That's the paramount issue in any power exchange relationship. The one who has the power absolutely must be responsible for how they manage it. If not, then that submissive is not going to remain. Not to mention, one can break their toys. It is their perogative. They can also expect that, in so doing, that toy may never be able to function at its optimal again. When we are talking about a human being, distrust, fear, and undeniable injury usually makes it impossible for the dominant spell to continue. Any action has a price tag attached in terms of value or cost to the relationship as a whole. I would caution any dominant to be prepared to make that investment before undertaking any action. Risk assessment is crucial, especially in extreme play.


elleX -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/8/2010 7:06:34 PM)

Hi osf and everyone
interesting question , to me if i talk with a less intelligent Dom , i will surely do my best to adjust his level, because i respect him , but never never that would make me feel that i speak with a wiser Dom
further in the discussion ;
I am capable of quite good insight so when my Master show me something about myslef it is most of the time because i dont want to see it or try to ignore it,,,and it can be a  struggle for me to face it and accept
and i also beleive it takes a lot of sensitivity for a Master to be able to bring a sub to overcome her limits ,take her the road  he choose and then bring her back  in a status where she is not broken ,  harmed  ,,but instead feel more bounded to Him and strong when looking at herslef
osf ! very good subject again!

osf -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/8/2010 7:17:55 PM)



Hi osf and everyone
interesting question , to me if i talk with a less intelligent Dom , i will surely do my best to adjust his level, because i respect him , but never never that would make me feel that i speak with a wiser Dom
further in the discussion ;
I am capable of quite good insight so when my Master show me something about myslef it is most of the time because i dont want to see it or try to ignore it,,,and it can be a  struggle for me to face it and accept
and i also beleive it takes a lot of sensitivity for a Master to be able to bring a sub to overcome her limits ,take her the road  he choose and then bring her back  in a status where she is not broken ,  harmed  ,,but instead feel more bounded to Him and strong when looking at herslef
osf ! very good subject again!

i have expounded on all you say in my profile

but hormones and need can make a sub do some pretty strange things

and the desire to elevate him can create blinders she doesn't even realize exist, mostly a sub problem, would you want a dominant that didn't have a better grasp of reality?

elleX -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/9/2010 2:26:49 AM)

 ... yes i agreed mostly about need ,
a needy submissive women can lower her standard and could enter a relation where she has to compensate for the lack of skills of her Master ,, she would in some way direct him from the bottom,,,
i will say honestly that i  dont think i could do that myself ,, but i can talk as i live with a very strong Man,,,so i am not into the shoes of a women who is awaiting for years to meet her Dominant ,,,
but to me a relation with a man who does not have a real capacity to analyse situation is and good graps on reality  , i'm afraid ,will outcome as a failure .

osf -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/9/2010 3:55:08 AM)



 ... yes i agreed mostly about need ,
a needy submissive women can lower her standard and could enter a relation where she has to compensate for the lack of skills of her Master ,, she would in some way direct him from the bottom,,,
i will say honestly that i  dont think i could do that myself ,, but i can talk as i live with a very strong Man,,,so i am not into the shoes of a women who is awaiting for years to meet her Dominant ,,,
but to me a relation with a man who does not have a real capacity to analyse situation is and good graps on reality  , i'm afraid ,will outcome as a failure .

i think your missing the point

it's not skills i'm speaking about but basic intelligence, some have a way of dumming down to compensate for their need to look up to him, or maybe see him as smarter than he is, the affect is the same

osf -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/9/2010 3:57:02 AM)

but i have to add, if the degree is substantial such situations don't seem to last, i guess you can only fool yourself so long

DarlingSavage -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/9/2010 9:43:31 PM)


most that vehemently complain about what i say seem to never have read it

Well, you're really just picking things apart here. You're expecting everyone to examine every single word you say. However, the general meaning of what you wrote is exactly what I replied to. I thought it was only necessary to apply the implication for myself, as I cannot speak for everyone, though I often feel that I can be representative of a good number of my ilk, as I'm not so far from the norm.

elleX -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/10/2010 2:35:24 AM)

Hi osf,, by skills i meaned intelligence in the same whay you mentiioned , it is just that i dont make alway the good choice of words
as i am french
have a nice day

osf -> RE: Submissive adaptation. (1/10/2010 7:48:35 AM)



Hi osf,, by skills i meaned intelligence in the same whay you mentiioned , it is just that i dont make alway the good choice of words
as i am french
have a nice day

your english is way better than my french

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