Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (Full Version)

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onmynees2u -> Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/18/2010 5:06:19 AM)

Myself, it has to be William Blake. 'Augries of Innocence', has haunted my mind since time immortal, as Blake states..."To see the world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild to hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour". A lover asked for the entire poem to be written on his lounge wall in Durban, in exchange, he directed me to Blake's poem, The Rose. The Rose, "...his dark secret love, doth his life destroy". Who is your favorite writer/poet ?, but, most the question Why ?. I would love to hear from all...

inlikeflynn2 -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/20/2010 3:50:30 PM)

My favorite thinker is Oscar Wilde. I am constantly amused and inspired reading his quips.

Bertrand Russell is a great mind...

I think everyone, particularly in America where War seems to ALWAYS be in session should pick up John Steinbeck's, The Moon is down.

It is the best Anti-war book I've ever read.

I also like, myself!

Please visit my site and write in my GUEST BOOK. I just love attention!


thequeenofspades -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/20/2010 3:55:49 PM)


thequeenofspades -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/20/2010 3:57:03 PM)

oh, because....she's SYLVIA PLATH.

How can you ever fully explain her work?

Jeffff -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/20/2010 3:58:37 PM)

I think of her every time I clean my oven.

Ted Hughes

thequeenofspades -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/20/2010 4:07:19 PM)


I had a fake Ted Hughes journal on livejournal once. He is back from the dead and had to go to a cognitive therapist to help with his OCD, which made him check the gas on the oven exactly 251 times a day. He also had a cat.

TheLadyandLimey -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/20/2010 7:25:05 PM)

Mine being Edgar Allen Poe,why the imaginary in that man story was great, I personally was always drawn in by the first few lines.  "TRUE! nervous, very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why WILL you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How then am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily, how calmly, I can tell you the whole story" Tell Tail Heart-Edgar Allen Poe

thequeenofspades -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 5:26:14 AM)

oh *thank you* for that quote. Haven't read that in years. Awesome.

masonerd -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 5:48:32 AM)

Nabokov was a brilliant writer in two languages and none-too-shabby in a third (French).  He was insightful, dazzlingly brilliant, and (like Wilde) had a knack for a kind of subterranean moralism.  Borges was a brilliant if laconic thinker and one of the subtlest prose artists of the late, unlamented 20th century.

Wallace Stevens and Rilke are my favorite poets.  The former had the mind of a banker and the soul of a poet while the latter wrote with a feverish urgency that made the words burn off the page into my brain.

My favorite writers of "weird stories" (horror stories and the like) are of course Poe and Dylan Thomas.  Lovecraft is up there too, though he's more of a guilty vestige of an adolescent pleasure.

For carnal pleasure there is always Blake, Burroughs, de Sade, Masoch, and Ballard.

Aynne88 -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 5:51:08 AM)

Blake and Burroughs, absolutely. [:)]. For poetry, the French, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Verlaine. Fleurs de Mal dazzled me.

Cormac McCarthy ( The Road, No country for Old Men ) for his stark brilliant style.

Walt Whitman, anything, but especially "Leaves of Grass".

masonerd -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 5:55:17 AM)

Rimbaud is excellent. Baudelaire was beautifully twisted.

Mallarme is perhaps my favorite French poet, although his work is notoriously difficult to translate.

McCarthy said once that he couldn't stand other writers--he wrote and thought like a scientist so he hung around scientists when possible.

angelikaJ -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 8:29:38 AM)

I am going to depart a bit from the mainstream and mention poets many people have never heard of... who are relatively local to me and I have seen at my local venue.

Tony Brown who also sometimes performs as part of a duo: Duende. (I like Carve)

There are others:
Jon Wolf:

Ryk McIntyre

Bill MacMillan

Edit: clarity

masonerd -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 8:56:26 AM)

As far as relatively obscure poets, I'd also like to nominate David "DC" Berman.  I don't think most of the better poems from his book Actual Air are online, but there are a few examples.  From "Self-Portrait at 28":

It is a certain hill
the one I imagine when I hear the word "hill"
and if the apocalypse turns out
to be a world-wide nervous breakdown
if our five billion minds collapse at once
well I'd call that a surprise ending
and this hill would still be beautiful
a place I wouldn't mind dying
alone or with you.

There is more of his stuff here .  Berman is wicked smart, and was the comet of the season in indie rock several years ago, back when he released American Water.

Arpig -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 9:10:22 AM)

Leonard Cohen...why? because he's that damned good!! I adore the way he combines the sublime with the dirty down-to-earth. He has an insight into humanity that none can match.

You told me again you preferred handsome men
but for me you would make an exception.....

Aynne88 -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/21/2010 4:47:59 PM)

Oh yessss! I *adore* Leonard Cohen, he is so...*swoons*. Good reminder. Heading over to my CD's now. Thanks[:)].

onmynees2u -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/23/2010 3:49:50 AM)

How I do thank all for sharing such sweet words of silence, for thoust all shall join brilliant introspective souls departed. Once I dreamed I am, now, am I. Faced with mortality, eyes closed, so that I may see, that which never could be. 'Me'. This was concocted by my grey matter on the spot, anyone care to share what this girl is on about?, thank you for posting. girl is very humbled. love to all. kathleen.

OMGlikegagme -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (1/23/2010 6:41:50 AM)

Kafka's Hunger Artist and Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener both helped teach me that non-participation can be the most effective act of defiance and that self-deprivation can be a rite of gorgeous arrogance.

Borges's Lottery in Babylon was mind bending, and played with the notion of identity more dazzlingly than any other work I've read.  It made me question what I even mean when I refer to "me" or talk about "my actions" and "my memories."

Deleuze's Coldness and Cruelty articulated with elegance and precision so many of my own deeper and darker masochistic urges.  What was it that Emerson said of genius?  That in every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts returning to us with a kind of alienated majesty?  That was precisely the experience I had reading Deleuze for the first time.

onmynees2u -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (2/9/2010 11:16:28 AM)

[sm=applause.gif] Thank all of you who taken the time to share your love affairs with writers/poets...for those of you do write, even if it is a journal, in couple of months, you will experience the sheer joy/cringe of your thoughts forgotton, Perhaps more importantly all of us can continue to devour our love of the power of the pen. My deepest thanks to all of you who have posted.

mikeyOfGeorgia -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (2/9/2010 11:22:29 AM)

my poem "The Search" was recently published in an anthology. i'm so happy about that

MzLillysRealm -> RE: Most Admired Writer/Poet...and Why . (2/10/2010 1:41:20 AM)

I was surprised to see that Edna St Vincent Malay and Dorothy Parker didn't make anyone's list.  I however love both.  Parker for her dry wit and irony and Malay for her sense of justice.  I would have to also say Frederico Garcia Lorca and his poems on love and death.  Of course, no one did a better job on those, in my humble opinion, then Rilke. 

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