Forced Lactation Device (Full Version)

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Mercnbeth -> Forced Lactation Device (3/24/2006 7:14:57 AM)

Those interested in pursuing this objective may want to look into this aid. It's battery operated, so it's portable. It can be worn around the house while vacuuming.

(Okay - now the 'insert link' doesn't permit renaming? DAMN - And I just learned how to do that!)

BalletBob -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/24/2006 4:56:27 PM)

Hi Merc N Beth. That looks so KEWL ! Does that mean, some one with Bigger Boobies than my Little Ones, can walk down the street with this strapped and pumping on the back? I guess one of those old fashion Moomoos would be able to hide everything in the front.....LMCLAO

Now it makes me jelious that I don't have any mild, just powdered Creamer.

Now how will this look for Halloween, BalletBob

Termyn8or -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/25/2006 7:03:35 AM)

I like how it gives hours of puming on only 8 AA batteries.

BTW, you can force the name of a link quite easily;

(substitute < for [ etc.)

[a href="put the link here"]The best booby boilin itty biity titty pump of all time dammit[/a href]

For example :

<a href=">One of these days I'll get this done, REALLY !</a href>

Now if you "view source" of this page you can see the proper syntax once you find it in all the gibberish. Hint, almost everything else comes first, so start looking at the end.

In fact, if you can find simple webpages without alot of Java and crap, you can learn alot about webpage design with "view source", I did.

That's where I learned the target tag:

[target="the link"]Clicking here will open the page in a new window[/target]

I am not 100% sure on the syntax for that, if anyone needs to know I will find out.

Anyway, just so everyone knows I am nucking futs and worthy of sticking around, when I was a kid we were cat people, we didn't have dogs, we had cats. Well one day I was awakened by a kitten sucking my nipple. I put a stop to it right away, but then maybe I shouldn't have. Is that beastiality ? I am confused here.

And to think they eat cats in China, what a waste. Then in bumfukt Egypt somewhere they used to think cats were gods. I bet Cleopatra would have no problem with a couple of kittens chomping her choochies. Probably figure it's some kinda omen of good fortune or something.

OK, on beastiality, if they put you in a cage with an 800 lb gorilla and he rapes you, is that beastiality ? Or is the gorilla engaging in "humanality" ?

I better stop now or they'll find me and take me back to........nevermind.


Termyn8or -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/25/2006 7:06:07 AM)

Oops, now that I see the post, I see that regular HTML doesn't work. So forget about the HTML stuff, and that other stuff, forget that too. I am not crazy. Really.


fyreredsub -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/25/2006 5:05:53 PM)

wow a device...
when manual is soooooooooo much fun[:)]

MontaukDaisies -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 4:30:28 AM)

lactation... a fantasy/past reality of mine.. I miss it. I'm sure there are machines (and aren't there drugs you can be prescribed, too??) to induce lactation.

Me? I would love one more child.. and while nurse him/her.. nurse my Master too..

Weird or wild? You decide. I just know what would turn me on!

fyreredsub -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 5:28:43 AM)

i haven't nursed an unmentionable in over 8 yrs but when master said he wished..he sent me to a website with  a great manual technique.
i was lucky less than a week later i was successful in my quest to please master in this manner

MontaukDaisies -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 5:33:06 AM)

What website? what website?

fyreredsub -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 5:59:13 AM)

Badkitty0810 -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 6:07:28 AM)

You may also wish to do a Google search under "induced lactation".  Searching under "forced lactation" brings you to a lot of porn sites.  I made that mistake once  :)

MontaukDaisies -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 7:40:46 AM)

Thank you to you both.. Am going to wander the sites now!

Urza -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 12:07:05 PM)

Can men lactate?

MontaukDaisies -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 4:05:22 PM)

I believe they can, yes. :)

MontaukDaisies -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 4:07:42 PM)

So there I am this afternoon... thinking about what I'd just read on the web about inducing lactation.. laying on my bed... thinking - thinking - .. lol Can you guess what I did next???

Badkitty0810 -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/26/2006 4:11:02 PM)

You went out and bought the hellaciously expensive milking machine?? [:D]

MontaukDaisies -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/27/2006 2:40:19 AM)

Uhmmmmmmmm nope, not exactly!!!!!

fyreredsub -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/27/2006 4:17:43 PM)

lol, i bet i can guess, hehe[;)]
you'll get larger and sore from milk when it comes in

milkingpup -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/27/2006 4:52:47 PM)

lactation is a dedicated thing from what i have read and achieved. and it takes a LOT of work. how about the rest of the women? did you achieve this fast or slow?

petwolf22 -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/27/2006 5:03:11 PM)

just out of curiousity...are there porn sites that have the forced lactation using machines?  every one ive seen is just women squeezing it out of her breasts...

i only ask because this is a fantasy i dont get to indulge in right now, but would be fun to see [:)]

milkingpup -> RE: Forced Lactation Device (3/27/2006 10:01:59 PM)

yes there are a couple sites that i have seen for the forced lactation, i think they were yahoo groups tho. you just need to look around and check them out.

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