A legend returns ... (Full Version)

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BLoved -> A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 6:39:54 AM)


One does not get banned from every bdsm site easily.

One must argue persuasively in favour of a Love-based paradigm while opposing, persuasively, a Lust-based paradigm.

I do both quite well, as those who have read my profile and journal can attest.

My name is Robert, tho' I've been known as "BLoved" and "LoveIsAllYouNeed" ("LIAYN" for short).

For over a little more than a quarter-century I've shared love within the context of a monogamous bdsm relationship three times lasting six years, four years, and ten+ years, respectively.

The end of my last relationship is described in "Endings - A True Story" which you will find in the Creative Writing forum. You will also find there my story: "Introductions", where I describe my love-based paradigm for bdsm.

I seek true love, with a lady who understands bdsm as I do. I've no interest in meaningless, multiple sexual encounters with virtual strangers.

Perhaps that explains why I've remained date-less for two years. So many prefer to be abused by strangers than the intimacy and love of a life-long partner.

I may well be seeking the proverbial needle in a stack of haystacks, but she is worth it.

To those of you seeking true love, the very best of luck and if I may be of assistance, do not hesitate to ask.


sirsholly -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 6:45:28 AM)

oh goodie...you're back.[8|]

But an FYI here, Bobby ol boy.......calling yourself a legend is rather laughable.....[sm=rofl.gif]

Kaiel -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 6:46:48 AM)

welcome back! 

BLoved -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 6:54:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly
calling yourself a legend is rather laughable.....[sm=rofl.gif]


There are very few people who are banned for political incorrectness, and on a bdsm site one does not get more politically incorrect than to condemn casual bdsm for being emotionally damaging.

It is a testament to my integrity that I've not backed away from that position, despite the fact it would result in less flack from those who demand I sing the praises of casual bdsm.

RedMagic1 -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 6:54:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly
But an FYI here, Bobby ol boy.......calling yourself a legend is rather laughable..

I don't know about that, holly.  I had heard of him long before I knew who he was.

kittinSol -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 6:54:57 AM)

"Legend"? How preposterous.

Jeffff -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 6:58:55 AM)

I am not so sure about that... legend might indeed be appropriate........[8D]


BLoved -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:00:31 AM)



I don't know about that, holly.  I had heard of him long before I knew who he was.


There are a lot of people whose reputations for mature, responsible behaviour went out the window after tangling with me.

That's why I get banned ;)

When the opposition is unable to respond in an intelligent manner, the opposition resorts to censorship.

Jeffff -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:01:26 AM)

LOL!.. that's it Bob... get off on the right foot.


DarkSteven -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:03:33 AM)

Words are expensive, Bob.  Why use forty dollar ones when the fourteen cent ones work just fine?

RedMagic1 -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:04:39 AM)


I am not so sure about that... legend might indeed be appropriate........[8D]

Indeed.  Much as, elsewhere in the world, the parent posters warn their little posting children that if they are not careful, their time, their patience, and, yea, their very souls, will be devoured by the Spirit of Baba Yaga, so to, here in CollarMe, users will run the same risks if they get too close to Bobkin Rerisen.

So mote it be.

BLoved -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:09:37 AM)


Much as, elsewhere in the world, the parent posters warn their little posting children that if they are not careful, their time, their patience, and, yea, their very souls, will be devoured by the Spirit of Baba Yaga, so to, here in CollarMe, users will run the same risks if they get too close to Bobkin Rerisen.


The more attention you draw to me, while telling everyone to ignore me, the more mysterious I become and the more you generate curiosity.

Works for me ;)

BLoved -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:10:59 AM)


LOL!.. that's it Bob... get off on the right foot.


Integrity doesn't come cheap, Jeff.

kittinSol -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:12:05 AM)

Hey, emotional vampirism is a kink like any other!

lusciouslips19 -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:14:29 AM)




ORIGINAL: sirsholly
calling yourself a legend is rather laughable.....[sm=rofl.gif]


There are very few people who are banned for political incorrectness, and on a bdsm site one does not get more politically incorrect than to condemn casual bdsm for being emotionally damaging.

It is a testament to my integrity that I've not backed away from that position, despite the fact it would result in less flack from those who demand I sing the praises of casual bdsm.

Many people do not engage in causal BDSM. But to condemn others for it is just judgemental and arrogant.

xxblushesxx -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:15:19 AM)




LOL!.. that's it Bob... get off on the right foot.


Integrity doesn't come cheap, Jeff.

There's lots of people in monogomous relationships here.
There's lots who aren't interested in that, and just want to play.
I find it interesting that you've got both groups irritated at you already.
Seems to me your stand on bdsm love and monogomy is overshadowed by your one true wayism, and your ego-centric posts.

Oh, and btw, welcome...

lusciouslips19 -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:16:05 AM)




LOL!.. that's it Bob... get off on the right foot.


Integrity doesn't come cheap, Jeff.

What you cant afford it? [8|]

kittinSol -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:16:16 AM)




Is ~smile~ the new O.o?

BLoved -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:19:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19
Many people do not engage in causal BDSM. But to condemn others for it is just judgemental and arrogant.

I provide my arguments in my profile. Feel free to point out the flaws.

So far no one has managed it without resorting to wishful thinking.

BLoved -> RE: A legend returns ... (2/17/2010 7:23:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx
There's lots of people in monogomous relationships here.
There's lots who aren't interested in that, and just want to play.
I find it interesting that you've got both groups irritated at you already.

I find it curious that monogamous people would suggest that meaningless multiple sexual encounters with virtual strangers is a wise choice. To suggest that monogamy is just another flavour of ice cream is to suggest they are not very devoted to monogamy, nor that they have any real convictions regarding it.

I suspect they speak of tolerance because they have friends in the casual camp and to speak out against that choice would threaten their friendships.

I suffer no such conflict of interests.

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