Forgot you have a wife?? (Full Version)

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urnotworthy -> Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 7:57:30 PM)

I am starting to get really discouraged. It seems the quality of subs to be found in my area on both collarme, and alt. is very very low. I have encountered wanna be's, and liars repeatedly. The last one I though was a perfect match, forgot he was married, and finaly ended up telling me 4 months into the relationship. Yes, I know there were signs..things seemed a bit fishy. However, there were circumstances that made it semi acceptable, one being distance. I am starting to wonder if I'm a looser magnet lol. I am to the point where I would gladly give up the lifestyle if I could, but it is a big part of me so it seems I am stuck here. Going in a circle of dissapointment over "subs" that are either not real, don't have chemistry with me, or lie about themselves and their circumstances. This last one has left me feeling kind of broken. How do all of you happily paired up couples do it??

MHOO314 -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:03:39 PM)

I interviewed over 200+ to get to a few that I met ( less than 10)--I never gave up, a few of the ones I met are friends, one My dearest friend--then I met the boy--5+ months of talking, travelled across the country to meet him, placed him under Training Collar and moving him in the fall---it takes time, patience, wise interviewing skills and a sense of humor. Good luck

artglfr -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:12:09 PM)

Hang in there, I contact many subs on this list and have found many to be extremely intelligent and responsive, for one reason or the other we were just not right for each other. I had a real time sub here that I started to believe had a secret life going on so I set parameters, she failed and I had to let her go.

Don't give up there must be people out there for US.

fergus -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:18:05 PM)

*sigh* gotta kiss a lot of frogs I reckon.

You'll get there.


enslavegirl -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:21:56 PM)

i was on CM a short time...i was not looking really

just comming in to talk and make friends..i was myself...and before long,,my Master found me and swept me off my feet.

so dont give up hope...

DivaZya -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:26:18 PM)

Greetings,  Unless you only seek that one love relationship you dream of- your limits and requirements might be higher than if you aim for a handfull of potentials.
DO you seek 'the one for you', one at a time?
Or are you allowing yourself to discover and test others as they apply for your attention?
I set My requirements to fairly specific, so no matter how many dopey wannabee's send messages that show clearly they have not paid any attention to My wishes, I have -no- guilt problem weeding them out from the intelligent, clearly appealing submissives that step up.
I have 3, more than 5 years dedicated submissives - pet, clean up boy and bodyguard.
It takes a long time to really focus and define what types you will even look at.
That is up to you. accept no less than whatever type makes you feel Right in your Domination.

mnottertail -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:30:00 PM)

It don't really matter if I am worty or not, you are an asslick and a cocksucker
so you see dominance in that...........
so, what do you do for fun?
My name is Ron, I am gonna go for the moment that you know what you have..........
(Do you got big tits?)

wigglinessa -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:32:03 PM)

i just found out my Daddy was married, thankfully after only a couple months...the verity of not finishing one relationship before getting into another indicates a NON dominant personna. Don't you think? I refuse to think I  am  a loser. This is such and easy place for cheaters to get away with it. Submissives do as you ask, they don't make demands. We DO expect honesty. It is an immense gift we give you when we place our hearts/souls/trust in you. We only want complete honesty. I am simply digesting it as a learning experience. From now on, I want home/work/cell phone and work/home address up front. I will send a card to home and the correct response should be........delight. If they don't want to give the above...NO WAY, not happening. I may be a little girl in heart; but that doesn't make me unintelligent.

mnottertail -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:46:27 PM)

the immense gift thing, can't hang............but you are pretty.

apb -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 8:57:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: enslavegirl

i was on CM a short time...i was not looking really

just comming in to talk and make friends..i was myself...and before long,,my Master found me and swept me off my feet.

so dont give up hope...

I've been here for a while too .... lurking ... not looking for anything or anyone.  In fact anyone who did come along either online or real-time got the same mantra from me "not interested in a relationship, not looking for a relationship".

Then a certain Domme came along and swept me off my feet and now I am venturing into a wonderful realtionship with a D/D couple ... 

So - yeah - hang in there.  Just when you least expect it your ship will sail in to port.

littlesarbonn -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 9:58:55 PM)

I am constantly amazed at how much people get away with and attempt to get away with in our community. When I find myself starting to see a dominant woman, I go out of my way to make sure I'm avoiding even paying unusual attention to other women. Then I find out there are these guys that are seeing women and they happened to be long term married at the same time.

Yeah, I know it happens all the time, but I'm constantly amazed nonetheless. Sorry to hear this happened to you and wish you luck in your search.

yourMissTress -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 11:17:05 PM)

I lucked out, in everyway.  The love of my life found me in a chatroom.  Our relationship quickly progressed to IM, then phone, then meeting, then more visiting, then moving.  On our second visit he came to my home, met my friends and some family.  On our third visit I went to his home met his friends and some family.  We were really who we claimed to be and had no problem showing that to the other person. 
There was no secrecy, no sneaking, and no deceit. 

subtlesubie -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/30/2006 11:50:59 PM)

Part of the problem has got to be your profile.  Advertise for dogs you can kick around, and guess whose gonna come knocking.  Even your nick - urnotworthy - that's a self fulfilling prophesy if I've ever seen one.

ivorylace -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/31/2006 1:16:58 AM)

I would begin with your profile before calling others 'wannabes'

~ lace

RiotGirl -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/31/2006 1:54:57 AM)

i'm sure i dont have a wife.. but it'd be nice cos then i could make her clean my house naked alot.  i think i'd enjoy having a wife actually.  Maybe i should take applications?  And i doubt i'd forget about having a wife as she'd be keeping the house clean alot.  Sounds like a grand idea.. a wife.. 

masochistecstacy -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/31/2006 1:55:02 AM)

Well, I'll start by saying that it's not just the submissives who have problems with that. As you put it, there are just as many "wannabe" Dominants out there as submissives. You'll find them everywhere, and not just on this site. But trust me. When I posted my original profile, looking for a Dominant, I got more messages than I could possibly handle, most of them from such people. Even now, I get the occaisional message that makes me wonder what the sender is on. You just have to forge through it. Wait it out. There are wonderful submissives and Dominants on this site. I met the Love of my life here. *warm smile* It's going on our one year anniversary, and I met him here, on collarme. So just keep searching, and good luck.

LordKhensu -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/31/2006 3:40:23 AM)


*sigh* gotta kiss a lot of frogs I reckon.

ORIGINAL: fergus

LoL good one There are indeed a lot of frogs out there. Just have to look in a different pond maybe lol.

Unfortunately there are many who are not upfront about who they are or parts of their lives they keep hidden. I am married with vanilla and that is always the first thing I say to anyone contacting me. No lies period. Of course it does not lead to many contacts but that is my station in life right now and I accept that. I am fortuante to have foundan online slave and that is by mutual aggreement on both our parts.

I can not see the benefit ever in any way of lying in this lifestyle. One way or another it will catch up to you!

collaredheart -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/31/2006 3:46:58 AM)

I think sometimes that people tend to attract the people that want the same things. If your profile is geared towards submissives being unworthy? then thats maybe why you attract people that are just after play and not that serious. No submissive or slave is ever unworthy.

smilezz -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/31/2006 3:47:26 AM)


How do all of you happily paired up couples do it??

It's like any other type of weed out the ones that do not make you happy, do not have what you are looking for...........then one day that person is standing right in front of you.  It takes much effort and in alot of cases, heartache.
It took me years to find a Man such as Thorns. 

It's work, and you put in the time.

Happy Friday!


fyreredsub -> RE: Forgot you have a wife?? (3/31/2006 4:03:41 AM)

i'm sorry to hear this has happened to you, ecspecially when honesty is the most crucial dynamic in WIITWD.

one does get kind of an inner

i had this guy write the other day and i was like whooooooooohooooooooooo finally someone in this are, well he said how badly he wished to speak on IM, yada yada yada...

well gee, the ONLY time is seems to be on is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay late at night, so my little alarm is going wee, not your work hours, sooooooooooooo hmmmmmmmm, perhaps a vanilla wife?

poly is okay but  married men whose wives have no idea what they are about, seems rather hypocritical of them doesn't it? you can't control; your wife and home, you lie about who you are yet you wish to control me?

i can only understand keeping it from the workplace.*shrugs*

i guess it is the way of the world.

for a man to forget to tell you 4 months into, baby he's NOT worthy, of you.
and you certainly deserve better

if you can't build a foundation of trust what is worth building????

unless its just sm play w/ no sex???which it doesn't sound like that was how the dynamic was set up...

(((((big hug))))

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