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RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads?

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RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 6:39:04 AM   

Posts: 42360
Joined: 9/7/2007
From: Quietville
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The answer to any fat thread should just be....

"Holly's cooking"





(in reply to Jeffff)
Profile   Post #: 281
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 7:24:58 AM   

Posts: 9792
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Isn't this the DV that took in some English / UK chick a few yrs ago (ok, or less) and it went on *and on,  in the rooms about the meet, then it died out soonafter they met?  Or a diff guy and gal?  she was a lil chubby but he adored her all the same?  Is that why she left? Her fat? Or did he just suck in bed?  Wonderin'?

Young girls fresh out of puberty arent what they use to be. Old guys got to take whats offered when elevating ego with a "young thing".


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(in reply to came4U)
Profile   Post #: 282
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 7:26:02 AM   

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Anda, for real?  You could just say hi to me, instead of creating an artificial difference of opinion to start a conversation.  You're a dancer, and have been for years.  Five pounds.  My comments -- and the entire thread -- had to do with obesity, not dropping the five pounds needed to get back into that size two miniskirt after the Christmas season.

Hi, Red, I didn't mean to be abrupt when I responded to you, but I was in a bit of a hurry and wanted to reply before I had to leave.

I know I didn't loose much, but some people do seem to feel it is a blanket unacceptable thing to ask of anybody. I have more experience with the other side of the coin. My former submissive lost about 50 pounds in the first year and a half or so that we were together, and kept it off for about 7 years, although he did put it back on after he married someone else. A couple of Tops I dated also asked me for some help and support in losing weight, and lost ~30-40 pounds in a bit over a year, and have kept it off since. None wound up skinny per se, but were able to develop healthier eating and exercise habits.

No crash diets, starving, or beating them for gaining or not losing enough, just things like going grocery shopping with them, helping them find healthy recipes they liked, doing martial arts or going dancing or working out *together*, stuff like that. I'm not a nutritionist or a personal trainer, but I did ask that each of them go to their doctor for a checkup and to find out if they had any restrictions I needed to be aware of first. I didn't ask any of them to loose weight, they asked *me* to help them, which was what you had said you weren't comfortable with in your post. They didn't feel they knew where to get started, and were a little overwhelmed, but I didn't ride them about it or handle it in a negative way, or set a specific goal for them.

One of them also asked me for help getting over his extreme discomfort with needles - he felt sick to his stomach, lightheaded, and had a hard time sitting still when the doctor had to draw blood. Again, it was *his* idea to work on it, and I helped him in a positive, uplifting way. I got a couple of syringes and needles, and photos of them, and we gradually worked on getting closer and closer until I could touch his skin with the needle without any fear. We didn't do needleplay - it wasn't the pain that bothered him, but the build-up to it, if that makes sense. A different guy asked me for similar help with spiders, I've taught a few of my ex-boyfriends to drive stick shift and one to drive at all, tutored them on classwork for school, and so forth. I enjoy helping people, as long as they're motivated to put effort in, too.

Smutmonger, since I have lost weight very quickly and unintentionally, I do tend to be sympathetic that other people might have the opposite problem. I couldn't eat enough to keep up, even by taking Ensure or other supplements. It didn't quite get to the point where I had to be hospitalised, but people were asking if I was sick or doing drugs, and I lost my period for 3 months without being pregnant, since I was so underweight. It was very scary, and I didn't feel at all in control of my body. In general, I have no problem with people for being attracted to whatever characteristics they're attracted to, it's only when they feel the need to insult people who don't fit their standards that I get annoyed at them.

< Message edited by Andalusite -- 3/29/2010 7:35:05 AM >

(in reply to RedMagic1)
Profile   Post #: 283
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 7:50:45 AM   

Posts: 42360
Joined: 9/7/2007
From: Quietville
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ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19


Isn't this the DV that took in some English / UK chick a few yrs ago (ok, or less) and it went on *and on,  in the rooms about the meet, then it died out soonafter they met?  Or a diff guy and gal?  she was a lil chubby but he adored her all the same?  Is that why she left? Her fat? Or did he just suck in bed?  Wonderin'?

Young girls fresh out of puberty arent what they use to be. Old guys got to take whats offered when elevating ego with a "young thing".
i am pretty sure it had nothing to do with her weight.
If i recall correctly...she thought he was an asshole.





(in reply to lusciouslips19)
Profile   Post #: 284
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 8:18:53 AM   

Posts: 3572
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From: London, Ontario
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Young girls fresh out of puberty arent what they use to be. Old guys got to take whats offered when elevating ego with a "young thing".

hun I read that profile and it was endless blathering of random "I'm drunk (again), eating fried foods and other unknown nonsense."  When my girls went off to university if they had done any of the above...well, LOL it wouldn't be pretty.  My only concern would be that someone that spun would be nothing but too much work and headache for a geezer and tire his fata$$ out.  (hehe, u dudes over 30 are geezers to them yanno).  Hell, 27 is OLD to a 19 yr old.  But, the 27 year guys are likely are busy workin' towards something (avoiding the too young and too stupid) unlike the 'old n bitter' whinin' about gal's baby's-got-back-bacon online. 


It hurts.....that you call me a masochist

(in reply to lusciouslips19)
Profile   Post #: 285
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 11:16:25 AM   

Posts: 3572
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From: London, Ontario
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i am pretty sure it had nothing to do with her weight.
If i recall correctly...she thought he was an asshole.

*in defense of assholes.....nah well, let them defend themselves lol

but, no kiddin'? I never would have guessed LOL. Hey, maybe he makes himself feel better by preying on the overweight gals so he can feel better.  Eventually though, he is gonna have to wake up and realize 'hey, this meaty bitch don't even like or respect me, wtf'

awe.  kinda feel sorry for assholes now.


no not really, I faked it.


It hurts.....that you call me a masochist

(in reply to came4U)
Profile   Post #: 286
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 3:43:08 PM   

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Not all of us assholes are alike, also.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
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Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to came4U)
Profile   Post #: 287
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 8:05:56 PM   

Posts: 3873
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ORIGINAL: marie2


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: Opalescence

I really don't spend much time on CM. Most of my journal entries about his awesomeness are on FL. :D

Still surely you would say least the mention of a relationship?

I have no investment in this argument, nor do I even know these two people, but this caught my eye. It's not all that uncommon for people to be involved in relationships without naming their partner or relationship status in their profiles. That's really no indication of anything other than they don't feel the need or desire to do so.

That is my perception as well, and it appears this may be more of a casual thing, than an actual relationship. Just my view on it, but not everyone likes to divulge everything on their profile, esp. regarding weight or maybe casual occasional hook ups.


As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.
—Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate (1902–1991)

(in reply to marie2)
Profile   Post #: 288
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/29/2010 8:14:43 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

Oh please, not all fat women can't control their emotions. I can also control my eating, and do so regularly. I actually do not eat enough, often going all day with no food to little food or just one meal a day, Sure there are days  I choose to eat a gigantic amount of food, but it's not uncontrollable. My dr even says I am under eating.  I just don't care to exercise and choose not to make efforts to loose weight since I am content where I am.

I am  a fat broad happy to be fat, and I am perfectly capable of controlling my emotions as are other fat broads I know. I also have no inner turmoil either I am a very happy and content person.

ORIGINAL: DarkVictory

Honestly it is because fat broads lack self control.  Given that they can't control their eating, they usually can't control their emotions or much else.  When you look at a fat broad, you're literally seeing the degree to which she lacks self-discipline and self-control.  You're seeing an outward manifestation of their inner turmoil.  Every fat broad alive knows that once she hits the 'obese' category, like it or not she's shortening her lifespan and putting herself at risk for diabetes, heart attack, etc. 

So threads erupt in flamage because they hate themselves at some deep inner point (or else they wouldn't be killing themselves) and they don't want to face that (that's why they're still fat), *and* because there are so many retarded white knight idiots running around trying to save women over the internet from the harsh voice of criticism.

Wait a second TFTB, this is your post on the other weight thread, polar opposite of what you just said. This is why fat threads mae me nuts, which is it? I am confused.

"Actually yes it is something I have chosen for myself. I refuse to eat right I refuse to exorcise And so there for I choose to be fat. It's not medical, it's not  metabalisim problems, it's nothing but the fact I choose not to do anything about being fat. I got fat by stuffing my face day twice a day in and day out for about a year strait. by stuffing my face I mean having like 6 helpings. mine  my seconds and 4 other people's plates. NowI didn't intend to get fat, but I did.

and I refuse to care that it bothers others I am fat."

< Message edited by YourhandMyAss -- 6/29/2008 10:04:28 AM >


As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.
—Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate (1902–1991)

(in reply to Toppingfrmbottom)
Profile   Post #: 289
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/30/2010 4:47:10 AM   

Posts: 14463
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ORIGINAL: Opalescence

There are these big metal contraptions that are able to deliver people from state to state and even (*gasp*) country to country. Strange, I know.

Yes, I know, they are called trains. I think maybe he kicked you a little bit too hard in the head. You seem to be having trouble with simple words.


"Sweetie, you're wasting your gum" .. Albert

This here is the boi formerly known as orfunboi

(in reply to Opalescence)
Profile   Post #: 290
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/30/2010 4:48:54 AM   

Posts: 14463
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ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: Opalescence

I really don't spend much time on CM. Most of my journal entries about his awesomeness are on FL. :D

Still surely you would say least the mention of a relationship?

If you were hooking up with DV, would you admit it to anyone?


"Sweetie, you're wasting your gum" .. Albert

This here is the boi formerly known as orfunboi

(in reply to zephyroftheNorth)
Profile   Post #: 291
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/30/2010 4:58:16 AM   

Posts: 42360
Joined: 9/7/2007
From: Quietville
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ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

Oh please, not all fat women can't control their emotions. I can also control my eating, and do so regularly. I actually do not eat enough, often going all day with no food to little food or just one meal a day, Sure there are days  I choose to eat a gigantic amount of food, but it's not uncontrollable. My dr even says I am under eating.  I just don't care to exercise and choose not to make efforts to loose weight since I am content where I am.

I am  a fat broad happy to be fat, and I am perfectly capable of controlling my emotions as are other fat broads I know. I also have no inner turmoil either I am a very happy and content person.

ORIGINAL: DarkVictory

Honestly it is because fat broads lack self control.  Given that they can't control their eating, they usually can't control their emotions or much else.  When you look at a fat broad, you're literally seeing the degree to which she lacks self-discipline and self-control.  You're seeing an outward manifestation of their inner turmoil.  Every fat broad alive knows that once she hits the 'obese' category, like it or not she's shortening her lifespan and putting herself at risk for diabetes, heart attack, etc. 

So threads erupt in flamage because they hate themselves at some deep inner point (or else they wouldn't be killing themselves) and they don't want to face that (that's why they're still fat), *and* because there are so many retarded white knight idiots running around trying to save women over the internet from the harsh voice of criticism.

Wait a second TFTB, this is your post on the other weight thread, polar opposite of what you just said. This is why fat threads mae me nuts, which is it? I am confused.

"Actually yes it is something I have chosen for myself. I refuse to eat right I refuse to exorcise And so there for I choose to be fat. It's not medical, it's not  metabalisim problems, it's nothing but the fact I choose not to do anything about being fat. I got fat by stuffing my face day twice a day in and day out for about a year strait. by stuffing my face I mean having like 6 helpings. mine  my seconds and 4 other people's plates. NowI didn't intend to get fat, but I did.

and I refuse to care that it bothers others I am fat."

< Message edited by YourhandMyAss -- 6/29/2008 10:04:28 AM >

good catch LovelyLady.

And ToppingFromTheBottom...if in fact this is true

I actually do not eat enough, often going all day with no food to little food or just one meal a day, Sure there are days  I choose to eat a gigantic amount of food, but it's not uncontrollable. My dr even says I am under eating.
your weight would not be where it is. If there are days (and you make them sound few and far between) that you are eating enough to maintain your weight, i would call your caloric intake on those days HUGE. That is a sign of a Binge Eater...and if you google the term, you will read that there is a documented lack of self control.





(in reply to Aynne88)
Profile   Post #: 292
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/30/2010 9:46:34 AM   

Posts: 3873
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ORIGINAL: sirsholly




ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

Oh please, not all fat women can't control their emotions. I can also control my eating, and do so regularly. I actually do not eat enough, often going all day with no food to little food or just one meal a day, Sure there are days  I choose to eat a gigantic amount of food, but it's not uncontrollable. My dr even says I am under eating.  I just don't care to exercise and choose not to make efforts to loose weight since I am content where I am.

I am  a fat broad happy to be fat, and I am perfectly capable of controlling my emotions as are other fat broads I know. I also have no inner turmoil either I am a very happy and content person.

ORIGINAL: DarkVictory

Honestly it is because fat broads lack self control.  Given that they can't control their eating, they usually can't control their emotions or much else.  When you look at a fat broad, you're literally seeing the degree to which she lacks self-discipline and self-control.  You're seeing an outward manifestation of their inner turmoil.  Every fat broad alive knows that once she hits the 'obese' category, like it or not she's shortening her lifespan and putting herself at risk for diabetes, heart attack, etc. 

So threads erupt in flamage because they hate themselves at some deep inner point (or else they wouldn't be killing themselves) and they don't want to face that (that's why they're still fat), *and* because there are so many retarded white knight idiots running around trying to save women over the internet from the harsh voice of criticism.

Wait a second TFTB, this is your post on the other weight thread, polar opposite of what you just said. This is why fat threads mae me nuts, which is it? I am confused.

"Actually yes it is something I have chosen for myself. I refuse to eat right I refuse to exorcise And so there for I choose to be fat. It's not medical, it's not  metabalisim problems, it's nothing but the fact I choose not to do anything about being fat. I got fat by stuffing my face day twice a day in and day out for about a year strait. by stuffing my face I mean having like 6 helpings. mine  my seconds and 4 other people's plates. NowI didn't intend to get fat, but I did.

and I refuse to care that it bothers others I am fat."

< Message edited by YourhandMyAss -- 6/29/2008 10:04:28 AM >

good catch LovelyLady.

And ToppingFromTheBottom...if in fact this is true

I actually do not eat enough, often going all day with no food to little food or just one meal a day, Sure there are days  I choose to eat a gigantic amount of food, but it's not uncontrollable. My dr even says I am under eating.
your weight would not be where it is. If there are days (and you make them sound few and far between) that you are eating enough to maintain your weight, i would call your caloric intake on those days HUGE. That is a sign of a Binge Eater...and if you google the term, you will read that there is a documented lack of self control.

I love it when you call me lovely lady! How's my most favorite lovely herself momma to be?

At least now you have an excuse to pig out....yay. Although as trim as you are, I doubt you do that often anyway. 


As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.
—Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate (1902–1991)

(in reply to sirsholly)
Profile   Post #: 293
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/30/2010 11:15:38 AM   

Posts: 4470
Joined: 9/23/2005
From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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I am fat to, and while I would like to be thinner I am happy with who I am. I think the reason why many do not like to discuss weight is that it is a sore spot for so many, and so many which are overweight have been so bullied and harassed about it that it get very touchy. Personally I do not see why one should not discuss it. However for some it might be a very sore topic and they might react in a negative way to it being discussed.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

(in reply to AQuietSimpleMan)
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RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/31/2010 8:03:00 AM   

Posts: 2492
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Annye, maybe she's changed her eating habits in the past two years? *shrugs*

< Message edited by Andalusite -- 3/31/2010 8:28:45 AM >

(in reply to nephandi)
Profile   Post #: 295
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/31/2010 6:01:20 PM   

Posts: 3873
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ORIGINAL: Andalusite

Annye, maybe she's changed her eating habits in the past two years? *shrugs*

Well, I have been here for the past two years and seen many posts that suggest otherwise.


As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.
—Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate (1902–1991)

(in reply to Andalusite)
Profile   Post #: 296
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/31/2010 6:17:05 PM   

Posts: 17673
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Ok, so here's my answer....

People think it's ok to be mean to fat people. That's the beginning and end of it.


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

(in reply to Aynne88)
Profile   Post #: 297
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/31/2010 6:20:29 PM   

Posts: 8159
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From: The Great Frozen North
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ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: Opalescence

I really don't spend much time on CM. Most of my journal entries about his awesomeness are on FL. :D

Still surely you would say least the mention of a relationship?

If you were hooking up with DV, would you admit it to anyone?

Good point....


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(in reply to thishereboi)
Profile   Post #: 298
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/31/2010 6:22:40 PM   

Posts: 4742
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ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Ok, so here's my answer....

People think it's ok to be mean to fat people. That's the beginning and end of it.

Agreed. There's nothing like an obvious target. Unlike drunks, druggies , smug people -these people aren't immediately obvious.

< Message edited by kiwisub12 -- 3/31/2010 6:23:45 PM >

(in reply to sunshinemiss)
Profile   Post #: 299
RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? - 3/31/2010 6:26:04 PM   

Posts: 8159
Joined: 10/5/2009
From: The Great Frozen North
Status: offline

Wait a second TFTB, this is your post on the other weight thread, polar opposite of what you just said. This is why fat threads mae me nuts, which is it? I am confused.

"Actually yes it is something I have chosen for myself. I refuse to eat right I refuse to exorcise And so there for I choose to be fat. It's not medical, it's not metabalisim problems, it's nothing but the fact I choose not to do anything about being fat. I got fat by stuffing my face day twice a day in and day out for about a year strait. by stuffing my face I mean having like 6 helpings. mine my seconds and 4 other people's plates. NowI didn't intend to get fat, but I did.

and I refuse to care that it bothers others I am fat."

....and THAT after claiming she got fat eating the food of some other girl so she wouldn't get in trouble.


And there's a smile when the pain comes
The pain gonna make ev'rything alright ~ Black Crows

Team Troll Trollop
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(in reply to Aynne88)
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