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Katerina -> BDSM Intuition (3/19/2004 12:00:00 PM)


Leonidas -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/19/2004 12:21:33 PM)

I had a pretty young recruiter from an outsource agency searching for candidates for me one time. The way that she behaved around me led me to think that she was not only submissive, but knew that I knew she was. When she failed to follow up with a candidate that I wanted to hire, and I lost the candidate, I offhandedly told her that she could use a good spanking. I wasn't too surprised when she showed up to get it.

Take care of yourself,


EStrict -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/19/2004 12:27:24 PM)

I remember years ago (though I don't recall where) reading a survey that stated 3 out 10 people admitted to being *kinky* in the bedroom (bondage, spankings or more), and 1 out of 18 admitted to having an *instrument of sadistic pleasure* such as a crop, whip or flogger. So, yeah,,, just about anywhere you go you will find someone in the lifestyle, and I know personally I am pretty good at picking them out.

sub4hire -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/19/2004 3:27:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Katerina

Have any of you ever met someone in a really vanilla setting, say at work or church, and gotten the very strong feeling that they were D/s'ers?

And have you ever found out that your feeling was right?

Everyone I meet everywhere to me is into D/s. Maybe not full blown bondage..but they could be lead that way if need be. At least to try it..and who knows they may like it.

iwillserveu -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/19/2004 3:40:08 PM)

I have no clue, and I will never have a clue unless She hits my upside the head with a riding crop.[:)]

I forgot the "[:)]".

inyouagain -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/19/2004 4:35:04 PM)

A1 - No, but could the flip side of that be meeting D/s people in a BDSM setting (like a message board?), and getting strong feelings they are in fact vanilla players?

A2 - Yes as the benefit of doubt shrank considerably to a miniscule level.


belongtoyou -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/19/2004 6:39:26 PM)


This is a great question!

i do believe my supervisor is a sub. It started last halloween when he wore black leather pants, a black sleeveless shirt, a black leather collar with spikes, (he had a leash, but did not wear that at the office), etc.

i'm dying to ask him about his life as a sub/slave, especially since i'm so new to this scene, however, he is my Supervisor, (for the time being) and i don't want to change the (vanilla) nature of our relationship.

It does drive me wild, however, when i'm talking to him, and he starts biting/sucking on his finger. (he's gay, so nothing will ever happen, but it's hot b/c it's so taboo).


masterdstar -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/21/2004 2:23:27 PM)

Being a "natural" Dom, an Artist and a Master for 30+ years I can say I always trust My intuition, even when it breaks My heart.
Enjoy your wonder-filled day

ShadowHwk -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/22/2004 1:44:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: Katerina

Have any of you ever met someone in a really vanilla setting, say at work or church, and gotten the very strong feeling that they were D/s'ers?

Yes, I have. Often I get that impression from women I am attracted to in the vanilla world.


And have you ever found out that your feeling was right?

More than once. One woman I dated, when asked where she would like to go for dinner replied with a "Wherever is fine your the boss". When pressed about how far that went she said "As far as you want your the boss". You know, come to think about it, I really like that whole attitude. *laugh*.


topcat -> RE: BDSM Intuition (3/22/2004 3:44:44 PM)

I always assume that everyone I meet is submissive.

I am wrong, often (though it's so much fun when I meet someone who is!).

"when all you have is a hammer, Everything looks like a nail."

Stay Warm,

MistressDREAD -> RE: BDSM Intuition (4/20/2004 1:50:39 PM)

Like You Lawrence I to
have always naturally
looked at everyone as
submissive and I can tell
you it has gotten Me into
more trouble then not be
cause being a Woman many
do not take Dominance as
casually from Us naturally
as they would a Man,
especially men. But
against ALL others trying to
get ME to become more femine
in My younger days My natural
Alpha always comes thru and My
BDSM Intuition in the general
public has always been about 99%

rain -> RE: BDSM Intuition (5/12/2004 7:01:37 AM)


have been looking for this thread for quite awhile!

i had an interesting conversation with my supervisor, which only, to me, clarifies things!

Not sure how to topic was started, probably by me though, and He says: S&M, mmmmmmmm, which of course led me to ask: so, are you into S&M then?

His response: i will neither confirm nor deny that.

HAHAHA to me, that means "hell yeah!"


proudsub -> RE: BDSM Intuition (5/12/2004 10:50:07 AM)


i had an interesting conversation with my supervisor, which only, to me, clarifies things!

Not sure how to topic was started, probably by me though, and He says: S&M, mmmmmmmm, which of course led me to ask: so, are you into S&M then?

His response: i will neither confirm nor deny that.

HAHAHA to me, that means "hell yeah!"

Dang rain, maybe what you've been looking for is right there under your eyes. Is he married? Are you going to pursue this more with him?

iwillserveu -> RE: BDSM Intuition (5/12/2004 11:36:47 AM)


She said he was gay.

rain -> RE: BDSM Intuition (5/12/2004 7:08:44 PM)

Thanks for reminding her, iwill- yes, proudsub, he is gay- however, even if he was not, i don't think it would be wise to get involved with my supervisor at work...that has trouble written all over it.

i'm wondering if i'll run into him at the upcoming events: Shibiracon, May 29-31, here in Chicago, and IML, (can't recall the date, but it's soon enough).

If i do see him, i wonder if he'll be wearing his collar (the one he wore last halloween) and leash? hmmmmm :::evil grin:::: i'll have to bring my camera!


iwillserveu -> RE: BDSM Intuition (5/13/2004 2:12:47 AM)


use a cell phone so you can be "discreet".[sm=lol.gif]

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