from cuckold to slave... (Full Version)

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subartist -> from cuckold to slave... (4/25/2010 5:01:11 PM)

We met, and fell in love, we became partners, and moved in with each other.  But then one day we confess to each other our own sexual fantasies of submission, discovering that we are both submissive.  And then she tells me that she used to be with a Dom man, a man who used to treat her like his sex slave, treating her rough, humiliating her, and treating her like his bitch, and taking her sexually in any way at any time.  He used to show up drunk in the middle of the night, waking her up to rape her, and that he would beat her hard if she ever tried to resist.  And she told me that soon she just never resisted, and would submissively do anything he said.  She did have this strange look in her eyes when she let out that he had this huge penis, but stopped herself when she saw that I looked a little embarrassed, knowing that mine is not very large at all.  I confessed to her that I had also once been with a Domme woman, as her sub, and that I had served her as her personal slave even, for a while.  And we slept that night after some great sex, with our minds full of submission, though neither of us would dominate the other, we were both sub.

I didn't think about that night, or of her Dom ex again for several months, until one day we were cuddling together in bed, and she told me that she had received a phone call from an old friend that day.  He was in town, and wanted to see her.  I of course focused on the word "he," and asked the obvious, who is he?  Well, she looked hesitant, it is my ex boyfriend, but it has really been a long time, and he knows we're together now, and that I'm happy.  We're just going to go out for a few drinks, and catch up with each other.  I asked, you mean your ex who was your Dom, remembering what she had told me about him?  She looked embarrassed, yes, it is him, but it isn't like I'm going out to fuck him, he was a huge part of my life, years ago, and it would be nice to say hello and see him again.  I think it's important to keep up with people I used to know, especially when we used to be together.  And on the phone, he didn't sound the same at all, he seemed as if he's straightened out a bit.  And I felt apprehensive about this turn of events, but what could I say, she didn't need my approval to see an old friend, and it isn't like she was keeping this meeting a secret.  And we didn't discuss it anymore.

But that evening she got dressed to go meet this ex of hers, and I couldn't help but notice that she was going out in this short mini skirt, and a revealing top.  And I asked her why she was dressing like this?  She simply told me that he had always required her to dress like a slut when she was with him, and he had asked her if she would dress up for him the way she used to, for old times sake.  And she had agreed, but told me not to worry, and that when she after a few drinks she was coming home to me, not to him, and that she was mine now.  And that had to satisfy me as she left to meet him, dressed to tease.

It was hours since she had been out, and the night was getting late.  And I was feeling apprehensive about where she was, and what had happened.  And I just told myself that I was worrying for no reason, as I knew she loved me.  But finally she came home, and I got up to talk to her and see how it went.  But she just looked at me, with this flush over her face, her hair was noticeably messy, and her clothes looked twisted and turned.  I couldn't say anything at first, then, just "what happened?," in a weak quiet voice.  And she just hid a smile, and said nothing baby, I just need to take a shower.  And she left without saying another word.

Later she came to bed, where I was laying but not sleeping.  And she held me, and cuddled with me, reassuring me physically.  And she told me she loves me.  I felt like I was shaking, but she guided my face to her breast and let me suckle on her nipples, helping me to feel calm and loved.  And she pet my head lovingly, quiet for a while.  Until she finally told me.  I need you to know, that it's true what you imagine.  He did fuck me, I didn't mean for it to happen, I didn't meet him for that, but it just happened.  And you should know, because I love you, and I hope you'll forgive me.  And I just nursed as she confessed this to me, not knowing what to think, feeling betrayed, but knowing that I would never leave her, and that I wanted this to just be resolved, and for us to go on together as we always had.  I finally told her, that I felt jealous and sad, but that I loved her as well, and that I didn't want this to come between us.  And we held each other and cried, and touched, and finally I moved to fuck her, and she stopped me.  I'm sorry baby, I'm sore, he's so huge, and forceful, I'm sorry, but I hurt...  And I cuddled back up with her, and asked how it had happened.

Well, I met him at the bar, after fending off the men who were coming on to me.  I was dressed kind of, well...  And he just came over to me, and pulled me over to him, he's so strong and forceful.  And he embraced me right there, and would have kissed me but I stopped him of course, and I reminded him that I'm with you now.  And he smiled, seemed to lay off, but started complimenting me on how sexy I still look, and was looking me over.  He actually reached under my skirt and grabbed my ass before I could stop him.  But he would just laugh it off as "kidding around."  Soon we were talking about old times, and about sex, about the crazy things he made me do for him, and how submissive I used to be.  And I don't know, I was turned on, and had a few drinks in me, and I confessed that I do miss being dominated, and treated like his bitch.  And he asked me about you, if you're strong and dominant for me.  I even laughed, I'm sorry, I wasn't planning on doing any more than talk with him, I didn't think it would matter.  But soon it came out that you're submissive, and he coaxed me into accidentally telling him you have a small penis, which he thought was hysterical.  And he thought it was so funny that I had gone from being his sub, to being with someone like, well, you... 

I was feeling quite embarrassed by now, as she was telling me this, but had just decided to accept that this had happened, and I wanted to just move on.  She went on.  And I was going to go, he was walking me to my car, and he put his arm around me.  And I just let him, I wanted to be passive and submissive with him just naturally, when he's so dominant and aggressive, it's so much more difficult to fend him off.  I thought he would put his arm around me, I would go, and no big deal, so I let him.  And as I got to the car, and opened the door, I turned to him to say goodbye.  But he just reached up and grabbed my breast.  I was shocked, but he reached into my shirt and had pulled them out right there in the parking lot before I could say anything.  I started to say something but he just slapped me, and I felt submissive and accepting, I fell into my old pattern with him.  And it was dark, so he just forcefully laid me down and pulled my skirt up to my waist, and fucked me.  I tried to say something, but I just couldn't, I felt like I had to just submit when he was being so dominant.  And I couldn't help it, it felt so good to be taken, to have his huge cock filling me up.  I wasn't used to his size (and as she says this I feel myself getting red).  And he was forcing me, and fucking me hard, and I came, over and over again, before he did.  And he just looked at me and laughed, and left.  And I came home to you...

We loved each other, and this had happened, but we both just wanted to put it behind us.  And I wouldn't do anything to lose her, least of all by making this an issue.  So we went on like before, for a while, not talking about it.  Though since that day it had been several weeks, and she still had not let me fuck her since then.  She would say she was sore for a while, and then she just didn't want it right then, and sex between us was a tease.  She would stop my advances on her, though she did like me to lick her, and would redirect my advances to licking her often.  But she would stop me from penetrating her.  She had never given me a blow job, saying she had done this before with guys, and just didn't like to do it.  And I was always one to understand, and wouldn't want her to do something she doesn't like.  She would usually reach over and give me a hand job, if she felt up to it.  Though more and more sex became suddenly very one sided.

It was just about 1 month since that night, when he showed up at our door.  I answered the door one evening, and this man was there.  He looked arrogant, as if he was gloating, or looking down at me, with this look of disgust.  But he also looked strong, and intimidating.  Before I could ask who he was, he interrupted me with, so you're the little dick bitch of a man who makes her "happy" now, huh?  With a sarcastic bent on happy.  I'm stunned, as he pushes past me and calls out for her.  She rushes over in a panic, recognizing his demanding voice at once, and suddenly at once afraid.  She sees him, and calls his name, and I suddenly realize who this is.  I start to get angry, and come up to him telling him he has to get out of here, but he just forcefully punches me in the stomach, and then knocks me in the face, as I fall over in pain and shock.  I can vaguely hear her begging him not to hurt me, and he just kind of laughs and tells her to come over.  I stay on the ground cowering, afraid now, feeling submissive and confused.  I can see him pulling her into him and sliding his hand into her pants to grab her ass.  But I feel afraid and submissive, as does she, and she looks at me, and we exchange a look that says to just get through this.  To submit, and let him have what he wants, and to get through it until it's over.  And so I stay cowering on the floor, as he tears her clothes off, and forcefully bends her over the side of the sofa, and fucks her from behind.  As I watch, noticing his penis is maybe 3 times the size of mine, he looks over at me with disgust, laughing at how I cower and submit while he fucks her.  And then she is so overcome by his hard fucking that she starts to moan, and to come, and I'm forgotten for the moment.  She had never come like that with me, not even close, and I start to feel really humiliated by this, telling myself over and over again, this will be over soon.  And soon it is, when he comes inside of her, smacking her ass as her pulls out of her, and zips himself up.  He looks at her and calls her a whore, and tells her that she may have her pussy boy now (looking over at me), but to remember who her pussy belongs to.  And then he looks over at me with disgust, and spits in my face.  I do nothing, and say nothing, and then he leaves.

We are quiet for a while, what can we say.  And she says I need to take a shower.  Yes, of course, I manage in return, what can I say?  And she goes off to clean up, and we we are both left with our thoughts.  What was happening?  This man came in here and fucked her right in front of me, he hit me, hard, and spit in my face, and I did nothing as he took her.  I was feeling ashamed, I had not stood up for myself, or for her.  But I love her, we had to go on together, we couldn't let this come between us. 

She was in the shower cleaning up, feeling his come running down her leg, freshly sore and glowing with sex.  What was happening?  She knows that she loves me, but she also can't help but realize that she can't resist this dominance, he had taken her right in front of me.  But she had wanted it, she would have done anything he wanted, and she came like she never could with me.  But she thought of her love, he had been too submissive to resist, I stayed there on the floor, cowering, as he took her.  She didn't want to hurt me, but we can't resist him, neither of us, and he'll be back too.  And this forgotten submission, this feeling of being taken, there was no escaping the thought that her Dom could bring her to a place sexually that her love never could.  How could she go back to brief sexual encounters with my little penis now?  She had been thinking of this since that night, a month ago.  She had resisted my advances, but she just felt so unfulfilled with me inside of her.  After being taken by her Dom...  She realized also that he is her Dom, once again, if not always...  But she loves me, that is undeniable as well...

And another night, or nights, of crying and confessing, of realizing our love, but also the undeniable need to submit to Him.  And she confessed to me the sexual fulfillment He brings to her, in a way that I never could.  But I would never let anything come between us, and would do anything for her, and so I tell her that I understand.  And we cuddle, and kiss, and make love, with her stopping my final advance, and not allowing me to penetrate her.  Not tonight, she says...

This time it is just a week before He shows up again.  This time it was a phone call, and I answered.  Hey bitch, let me talk to my whore.  There is a rush of jealousy in an instant, but I look over to her, my love, and give her a look, she was in the same room.  It's Him.  She suddenly gets up and takes the phone, walking into the other room to be alone.  In just a few minutes she comes through the dining room again, dressed in her short skirt and revealing blouse, and I can't help but notice without a bra.  I wonder if she has panties on...  She stops when she sees me, and has this look of hesitancy, but then just tells me that she has to do this, and that she'll be right back.  And she goes out.  I look out the window, and see her go over to a car parked by the street, and get in.  They don't go anywhere, they just stay there for maybe 10 minutes.  And she gets out, hurrying back to the house.  And the car drives away.  I knew of course what was happening, while watching her walking back to me.  She had given Him a blow job, something she had never done for me.  I start to feel jealous, but tell myself that she loves me, and that making an issue out of this, out of Him, would only tear us apart.  And I realized I would accept anything to be with her.

Her relationship with Him, went on.  He would call her for blow jobs, and random sex.  Sometimes He would show up, and take her into the bedroom, while I just looked down and said nothing.  Sometimes He would take her out, to bars she would tell me, dressed like a slut.  And during this time she still would only rarely let me fuck her.  Sometimes she would, but it was not like before, she looked like she was tolerating it, for my sake, but not enjoying it.  I asked her about it finally, and she confessed to me, that after having His huge cock inside of her, mine just felt small and unfulfilling, even uncomfortable.  It just felt like she couldn't feel it, and couldn't make her feel sexy.  I felt humiliated, and cried, and asked her if she still loved me, and wanted to be with me.  She spent that night reassuring me, and holding me, telling me that she loves me.  She loves my understanding, about Him, and her need to submit to Him.  He could never be so intimate with her, the way I was.  And I loved her no matter what.

This went on for months, where He would show up every few days, and she would satisfy His every sexual desire, and then He would go.  But everything changed one day when He showed up and decided to stay.  He had been evicted from his apartment, and had decided to stay with his sub whore for a while.  He announced that from now on I would be sleeping on the couch.  And that night I tried to sleep in the living room, listening to the sounds of His fucking her in the other room, a sound that had become quite familiar.  And I just laid awake, feeling jealous and ashamed, wishing it was me inside of her.  And now He would sleep with her at night, and I would be cut off, from her, my love.

In the morning they came out together, her looking injured.  I was eating my breakfast already, and she was going to submissively prepare His.  And He intervened.  No, your pussy boy can fix us breakfast, come here.  And He pulled her close to Him, hand aggressively cupping her breasts, and squeezing them.  He looks at me with a look that says do as I say, and I get up, and fix them breakfast.  Serving it to them as He touches her.  As they eat I turn to go, and He stops me.  Bitch.  I freeze in my tracks, and turn around.  I want you to get on your knees, and bow on the floor while we eat.  I don't know what to say, but realize that I don't need to say anything, and do as I was told.  And for about 10 minutes I bow on the floor in front of them while they eat, and ignore me, and while He aggressively touches her.

He finally gets up.  Bitch, I want you to clean up after us here, and you need to understand something.  I would just kick you out, and take back my whore.  But you're going to be my slave.  And that's the way it's going to be, or else you can go, and never see her again.  From now on you cook and clean for us, you wait on us, you do as you're told, you're our very own slave.  Do you understand?  Yes, I understand, I manage, not really understanding the depth of what was happening.  You will address me as Sir, he says, as he knocks me over with a hard hit to my face.  Yes, Sir, I reply, shaking.  And he goes. 

There is a moment of silence between us, what will happen?  But she rushes to me, and holds me, I'm sorry, I do love you, I do.  We cry and hold each other, and cry some more.  And we are kissing and touching, and I advance on her.  She stops me.  No, He won't allow it.  What?  The spell is broken, and I remember all that has happened.  He made me promise, I'm sorry, I can't let you fuck me ever again.  I'm in shock, thinking, never again...  But she holds me, and pushes me down to lick her, as if a gesture of at least we can still be intimate this way.  And I lick her and think of how much I love her, and how I would do anything for her.  I can't lose her, if this is how it has to be...

I become a slave, He becomes my master.  Soon I have a regular regiment of household chores and duties, and He has completely taken over the household as His own.  And she was His as well.  Though I serve them, both of them, and clean after them, and have become a docile slave.  But He has a way of pushing me further into my submission, and one day it came out that she sometimes would cuddle up with me, and let me lick her.  When He was not there.  That she had been faithful in His order to never let me fuck her again, but that she had been intimate with me in other ways.  And she was severely beaten that night, when He found out.  And He spent that night thinking and deciding new rules to govern her relationship with me, her love.  He had decided that she could have me for anything she wishes, physically, sexually, intimately, but that I am to be locked into a chastity device, permanently, and will no longer be allowed any use of my penis.  And the device was locked onto me immediately, he took the only key, a key I never saw again.  That was the last time I was allowed to come, or to ever have an erection, forever kept limp and frustrated by the device after that.  They had a small chastity device custom made for my small penis, to keep me forever at my limp 1 inch.  After that, not allowed any use of my penis, she could cuddle with me, and make love with me, in any way she wished, if he wasn't there.  As long as I was not allowed any use of my penis.  And that was the beginning of my emasculation.

One day He is having a small party.  There is a group of His friends, 5 guys, and I am serving them drinks and dinner, laughed at as a slave.  And by this time I had accepted that this is what I am, a slave.  And she, she was there to sexually satisfy them all, she was giving them all blow jobs, and there was a line.  He had been first of course, but was happy to share his whore.  I was just the running joke, the little dick sub kept in permanent chastity, in love with the whore, and kept as a slave.  They would have me serve them drinks, and watch while she had her mouth on their cocks.  She had never had mine in her mouth, and she never would...  I hadn't come, or even been allowed an erection in months...

There is one guy in particular, who seems to delight in ridiculing and humiliating me, and he is particularly rough, and abusive with me.  He casually beats me, and everyone laughs.  And I go on serving and accepting my place, getting through it, it will be over soon.  Finally he grabs me by my hair, and shoves my face onto his cock, in some joke.  But once there, he rubs my lips on his obviously erect (and huge) penis.  Then with his other hand, he pulls out his cock, and shoves my head down onto his cock.  And I give my first blow job.  I feel completely humiliated, but have learned to submit and accept, and I see her giving another man a blow job, looking at me with a cock in my mouth, and we have an understanding.  We wait to be together again, submissively accepting our Dom's will.  He comes in my mouth, and I taste his come and gag, while he laughs and tells me that since I'm not allowed to come anymore, I should appreciate it.  A joke, but something He takes to heart.

After that, He required me to eat His come, all of it, always, no matter what.  If He comes inside of her, I would lick it out.  If in her mouth, she would give it to me.  If on the floor, I would lick it up.  And soon He would have me give Him blow jobs as well if she was gone.  A poor substitute.  But at this point I am a slave, and have no will accept to submit and to please, accepting that I love her, and would accept anything to be hers.  And that this is the way it is, giving up any use of my penis, forced to serve another man, to eat his come, while I'm not even allowed to have an erection, ever.  But I am a slave, and I accept my place...

sub2tie -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (4/26/2010 8:38:02 AM)

Fantastic story. I could see my accepting the role of the sub guy.

VirginPotty -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (4/30/2010 12:45:04 PM)

Wow! GREAT story! (Or is is an autobiography)?
Either way very HOT!
Is there a part 2?

subartist -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (4/30/2010 5:13:49 PM)

Thank you for reading!  If only it were an autobiography, it certainly is the stuff of my deepest desires.  Alas, it has even been many months now since my cuckoldress ex let me out of chastity and left me...  But I've grown to love the cuckold stories, I've written several now, in different variations, all involving cuckoldry, humiliation, and chastity.  One day, it will all be reality...

dreamerdreaming -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (4/30/2010 5:26:06 PM)

Ummm... I need to... ummm.... Be right back....

*scurries away*

LookieNoNookie -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (5/1/2010 5:32:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: subartist

Thank you for reading!  If only it were an autobiography, it certainly is the stuff of my deepest desires.  Alas, it has even been many months now since my cuckoldress ex let me out of chastity and left me...  But I've grown to love the cuckold stories, I've written several now, in different variations, all involving cuckoldry, humiliation, and chastity.  One day, it will all be reality...

Dude!!! You write extraordinarily well!

VirginPotty -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (5/10/2010 1:05:59 PM)

[&o]Still no part 2[&o]

domiman -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (5/12/2010 5:14:51 PM)

From Chicago ... just luving it man!

laurell3 -> RE: from cuckold to slave... (5/12/2010 5:23:41 PM)

great story, excellent writing and welcome to the boards

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