RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (Full Version)

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RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 6:55:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy





You don't have to be a genius to realize that while RO is a whack job, one man's account is just that, one man's account.

I am not trying to diminish his service, I don't know anything about it.

Of course, I didn't try to diminish John Kerry's service either.

Whatever his reasons for serving I would thank him for his service. That doesn't mean I have to buy into anyones agenda

The reason many Vietnam Veterans diminished John Kerry's service during the 2004 election was because during his 1971 testimony under oath before the Senate Foreign Relations Committe on Vietnam Affairs he desparaged the service of all Vietnam Veterans. In addition, if not moreover, during that same testimony Kerry self-incriminated himself as a traitor and war criminal.

Vietnam Veteran

No. the main reason that you diminished his service was because you are a Republican and you believed everything that the Swift Boaters told you to believe.

That pretty well sums it up.

You allowed yourself to be duped.

Typical liberal, you can't refute the truth so you attack the messenger thereof...just like the Kerry campaign, the DNC and the mainstream-media did regarding Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and just like Obama and the DNC and the mainstream-media are now doing to anyone who opposes Obama.

DomYngBlk -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:01:50 AM)

I will. The swiftboaters ran a pack of lies against Kerry and his service. Even when Kerry produced his own evidence of his service Swiftboaters and Repugs like you didn't take him at his word. Talk out of both sides of your mouth much?

RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:05:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


Kerry self-incriminated himself as a traitor and war criminal.

As did John McCain

When, where, why and under what conditions?

mnottertail -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:10:23 AM)

No, one chunk of bullshit at a time, lets go back to the swiftboat fuckheads, now who among them actually served with Kerry, on the boat, and were there when he won his medals?

RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:16:33 AM)



I will. The swiftboaters ran a pack of lies against Kerry and his service. Even when Kerry produced his own evidence of his service Swiftboaters and Repugs like you didn't take him at his word. Talk out of both sides of your mouth much?

I invite you to post the pack of lies the SBVT ran against Kerry and/or his service. Even after a Kerry campaign spokesperson admitted during a televised press conference that Kerry's 1st Purple Hear Medal had in fact been awarded for an accidently self-inflicted wound AND that he was not in Cambodia on Christmas Eve 1968, as the SBVT alleged, Demoncraps like you and the msm still called the SBVT a pack of liars. Not only did Kerry never release his complete records to the general public but, to those of us familiar with military service in general and service in Vietnam in specific, many of the records he did release served the SBVT better than Kerry.

mnottertail -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:18:10 AM)

Nor did John McCain nor George Bush release theirs, so the point would be?

DomYngBlk -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:18:42 AM)

Nah-uh. You post first. You are spouting, again,  pack of fucking lies and when called on it you can't produce shit. Quit the fucking lying.

RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:20:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

No, one chunk of bullshit at a time, lets go back to the swiftboat fuckheads, now who among them actually served with Kerry, on the boat, and were there when he won his medals?

One chunk of bullshit at a time indeed...military medals are not won, jerkoff, they are earned.

RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:21:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Nor did John McCain nor George Bush release theirs, so the point would be?

You Lie!

Jeffff -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:23:11 AM)




ORIGINAL: mnottertail

No, one chunk of bullshit at a time, lets go back to the swiftboat fuckheads, now who among them actually served with Kerry, on the boat, and were there when he won his medals?

One chunk of bullshit at a time indeed...military medals are not won, jerkoff, they are earned.

Actually, they are awarded.

DomYngBlk -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:28:19 AM)

[quote]ORIGINAL: RacerJim


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

No, one chunk of bullshit at a time, lets go back to the swiftboat fuckheads, now who among them actually served with Kerry, on the boat, and were there when he won his medals?

One chunk of bullshit at a time indeed...military medals are not won, jerkoff, they are earned.

Why not just answer the questions? Oh yeah, you can't or else your argument  flies right out of  the window. Good luck convincing yourself you are right.

RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:28:47 AM)



Nah-uh. You post first. You are spouting, again,  pack of fucking lies and when called on it you can't produce shit. Quit the fucking lying.

No way're the one who spouted off first...the pack of lies by the SBVT. I called your bluff and you didn't produce the pack of lies, in fact not even one lie. Take a hike.

mnottertail -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:29:07 AM)

well, fuckstick----

What happens is that you write up some paperwork, and if the paperwork is correct in form, (except at the distinguished level or the medal of honor)..... you own it.

The Purple Heart is awarded for a service related injury. 

How many guys got a punji stick in their ass, taking a dump?  Purple Heart.  How many cooks who spilled grease on their dicks? Purple Heart.

you meet the criteria, doesnt have to be any gashes there, gotta see a doc?

Done, Purple Heart.


thishereboi -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:30:19 AM)



You don't have to be a genius to realize that while RO is a whack job, one man's account is just that, one man's account.

I am not trying to diminish his service, I don't know anything about it.

Of course, I didn't try to diminish John Kerry's service either.

Whatever his reasons for serving I would thank him for his service. That doesn't mean I have to buy into anyones agenda

You also don't have to be a genius to figure out that domi has a real problem with sanity and will go to any lengths to slam one of his posts. And you will follow behind agreeing with anything he says in the hope of making sanity look like an ass. There are times, I would even agree with the two of you, but to get your panties in a twist because sanity suggested the OP might be setting some things straight is a bit of a reach.

DomYngBlk -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:31:41 AM)

Funny thing is is that HFC posted and pretty much ran off. I guess his "rr" is over.

RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:34:02 AM)






ORIGINAL: mnottertail

No, one chunk of bullshit at a time, lets go back to the swiftboat fuckheads, now who among them actually served with Kerry, on the boat, and were there when he won his medals?

One chunk of bullshit at a time indeed...military medals are not won, jerkoff, they are earned.

Actually, they are awarded.

They are indeed awarded...AFTER the recipient has done, "earned", whatever it takes to meet the criteria for same

domiguy -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:35:13 AM)



Typical liberal, you can't refute the truth so you attack the messenger thereof...just like the Kerry campaign, the DNC and the mainstream-media did regarding Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and just like Obama and the DNC and the mainstream-media are now doing to anyone who opposes Obama.

Typical conservative who fought in a losing and ill conceived war and now wants to rewrite history.

Have you ever read the transcripts from what John Kerry said before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on April 22, 1971?

Of course not.

If you read it in it's entirety and you take the words of a young John Kerry and move them ahead 39 years it is rather amazing. I know that people with an agenda took umbrage with the fact that he spoke of the U.S. "murdering" 200,000.

However, even more pronounced and totally omitted by the lying Swift boaters was when Kerry said........

"We are asking Americans to think about that because how do you ask a man to be the last man to dies in Vietnam? How do ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake? But we are trying to do that, and we are doing it with thousands of rationalizations, and if you read carefully the President's last speech to the people of this country, you can see that he says, and says clearly: But the issue, gentlemen, the issue is communism, and the question is whether or not we will leave that country to the communists or whether or not we will try to give it hope to be a free people.

But the point is they are not a free people now under us. They are not a free people, and we cannot fight communism all over the world, and I think we should have learned that lesson by now.

That my friend, is some fairly insightful and powerful shit!!!

Racer you should try reading and researching before you come out here and make yourself look like a complete ass hat.

RacerJim -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:37:11 AM)



[quote]ORIGINAL: RacerJim


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

No, one chunk of bullshit at a time, lets go back to the swiftboat fuckheads, now who among them actually served with Kerry, on the boat, and were there when he won his medals?

One chunk of bullshit at a time indeed...military medals are not won, jerkoff, they are earned.

Why not just answer the questions? Oh yeah, you can't or else your argument  flies right out of  the window. Good luck convincing yourself you are right.

Why bother to answer the questions of someone who calls a bunch of bonafied Vietnam Veterans fuckheads simply because they opposed Kerry?

mnottertail -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:38:19 AM)

If you read it in it's entirety and you take the words of a young John Kerry and move them ahead 39 years it is rather amazing. I know that people with an agenda took umbrage with the fact that he spoke of the U.S. "murdering" 200,000.
Roughly the number of Viet Nam vets who qualified and received a purple heart.  Dunno how many clusters went with that. 

pahunkboy -> RE: Back from Iraq for a short time, ready to answer your questions if you have any... (5/6/2010 7:39:25 AM)



Funny thing is is that HFC posted and pretty much ran off. I guess his "rr" is over.

Oh come on.  Give the guy a chance to sleep and shower and eat.   Not all of us live online.

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