The natural power that women have over men... (Full Version)

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subartist -> The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 9:45:19 AM)

I've become fascinated by the natural power that women have over men, often unknowingly, and how it has everything to do with sex and desire.  I once had a coworker, who was really cute, and she ordered a pizza.  And when the guy came to deliver it, she asked him if it came with a soda?  He said no of course.  But then he came back like 5 minutes later with a soda for her.  I'm sure he went to the little market down the street and bought it himself.  And she was not at all dominant, just really cute.  But I wonder, if dominant women find themselves subtly controlling or dominating men out in the world, not in an explicitly D/s situation, but just as a woman who is dominant, and is engaging socially with a man.  I wonder if a woman who is aware of her dominance over men, this sexual power really, if anyone has ever tested it and tried to push a man to do something for you.  And I mean not a sub, offering himself, but just a man.

sirsholly -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 9:54:41 AM)


And she was not at all dominant, just really cute.
was she wearing boots?

mnottertail -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 9:58:10 AM)

OP, why do you think they show cleavage and wear bras that dont fit? Ja, they are clueless. 

ReginaMirus -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 9:59:14 AM)


CarrieO -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 10:10:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: subartist

I've become fascinated by the natural power that women have over men, often unknowingly, and how it has everything to do with sex and desire. 

Does it?  I'm fascinated by the way any woman, pretty or plain, can cause a man to do a simple action like the one you describe just by being pleasant.

Yes, men are driven, generally, by the visual but to call the use of beauty by a woman to be an act of dominance is, in my opinion, misleading.  I'd have to wonder what the working relationship between the two individuals you spoke of was and what, if any, part simple flirtation played in their actions.

My question dominance based on sexuality or personality...or both?

BTW...what makes you think all of "this" is done unknowingly? [;)]

subartist -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 10:32:29 AM)

I'm sure it isn't always so unknowingly, and that women are often aware of their subtle power.

I think that maybe, at least for me, a woman's natural dominance is sexual in an immediate way.  You can control a man because you are a woman, and there is this desire.  As you said, just being pleasant, it feels good to be around a woman, if a woman smiles at me in passing it can make my whole day.  But it is a kind of sexual desire, maybe.  And there is a kind of inward desire as well.  That maybe a man will naturally want to make a woman happy, because of how it makes him feel about himself, pleasing her to please himself.  But now I'm thinking in riddles... 

I think that there is another, deeper kind of dominance that has to do with personality, but I think it never seizes to be based on a natural sexual desire.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 10:42:41 AM)

If there is any "dominance" in the situation you describe, it's the dominance of a penis over its owner.

AquaticSub -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 10:44:51 AM)

As a submissive woman who has been in a lot of situations where men have done things, or attempted to do things for me, because they found me sexually attractive or wanted to date me, I gotta say... dominance has nothing to do with it.

In fact, I'd almost say that it's the opposite. Even with men that I know would want me to control them, I feel like I'm fending them off so that I don't become obligated to them and put in a position where I'm not in control.

Now, a situation like you've outlined could occur, regardless of genders, because of an unspoken dom/sub interaction. It could also occur because the guy knows that if he does something sweet, he's more likely to get her number and that increases his odds of getting to score with her.

In these situations, it's not the actions but the motives - something we are rarely privy to.

CarrieO -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 11:06:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: subartist

I'm sure it isn't always so unknowingly, and that women are often aware of their subtle power.

I think that maybe, at least for me, a woman's natural dominance is sexual in an immediate way. 

For you, yes.  For others, maybe not.  Funny how that "individual" thing works.

You can control a man because you are a woman, and there is this desire. 

What about a man who isn't sexually attracted to me who feels no desire and yet is willing to do something for me simply because I ask?  Is that control?  Is that manipulation?  Or, is that just one person doing for another?

As you said, just being pleasant, it feels good to be around a woman, if a woman smiles at me in passing it can make my whole day.  But it is a kind of sexual desire, maybe. 

Maybe...maybe not.  Maybe it's you who has confused feeling a sense of pleasure from being helpful or being show kindness by a woman with sexual desire.  Do you feel this way when a not-so-pretty-and-very-plain woman smiles at you in passing?

And there is a kind of inward desire as well.  That maybe a man will naturally want to make a woman happy, because of how it makes him feel about himself, pleasing her to please himself.  But now I'm thinking in riddles... 

Ohhhh, that's a riddle I'd love to solve!  But, is that inward desire sexually based or does it come from somewhere else?   Is it the same for everyone?

I think that there is another, deeper kind of dominance that has to do with personality, but I think it never seizes to be based on a natural sexual desire.

Again, it would depend on what turns on your submissive switch, in my opinion.  Some men are very attracted to a dominant personality that kicks in their sexual desire and some men are sexually/visually driven in their desire to show submission. 

Subatomic311 -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 11:06:58 AM)

So you're talking about "hot women". Let's face it, if the girl who answered the door was not attractive and weighed 250 pounds would the guy have come back?
Nope. Hot women do have some perks but mostly it's a guy just trying to get laid more than anything.

I've had the same thing happen to me.A girl that liked me bringing me a gift to my house. hmm I wonder if I have power over women<g>

has anyone ever been manipulated? I think the answer is yes. for both sexes

LaTigresse -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 11:10:57 AM)

Through my eyes, most men are very easy to control. Even most of the men that consider themselves dominant. 

subtee -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 11:12:07 AM)

Like you and Ward!

He'll be here any minute...

Lockit -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 11:49:43 AM)

Being a hot chick, controlling a cock, is no special dominant power! Just about any cock leading a man will respond to just about any hot chick. That isn't dominance, as you have heard already.

A very long time ago, I ran into a man who looked like the cover of many popular romance novels. He was buff, he was handsome and he had long flowing hair, whether he was an duke, pirate or prince. This man was drop dead gorgeous, personable and intelligent! I talked with him for a while, wanting to hook him up with some people I knew in the Hollywood scene. I had had two male wives basically and yet didn't know about d/s and bdsm. So I was surprised when this man was interested but had to check with his woman. I asked who she was because I was thinking I would have a little chat with her. He pointed and I nearly fell off my chair!

This Adonis had been madly and submissively in love with a woman who had not been graced in life with any good looks whatsoever! I could not believe his devotion to this woman who clearly did not care for herself in any manner and who acted more like a bar room whore, totally ignoring him until he was of use.

Some of the most dominant women I have known with a long term relationship with very handsome men, were not even on a pretty scale. It was how they conducted themselves, the mental and emotional triggers that they caused in men and man was I envious!

I've had men I could influence with my looks, sexy dance and humor, but the men that understood me, loved my brain and humor and thought I was a great person, as well as sexy to them... their devotion meant something far more than the enticement of a cock. Anyone can entice a ready cock...

OttersSwim -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 12:04:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: subartist

I've become fascinated by the natural power that women have over men, often unknowingly, and how it has everything to do with sex and desire.  I once had a coworker, who was really cute, and she ordered a pizza.  And when the guy came to deliver it, she asked him if it came with a soda?  He said no of course.  But then he came back like 5 minutes later with a soda for her.  I'm sure he went to the little market down the street and bought it himself.  And she was not at all dominant, just really cute.  But I wonder, if dominant women find themselves subtly controlling or dominating men out in the world, not in an explicitly D/s situation, but just as a woman who is dominant, and is engaging socially with a man.  I wonder if a woman who is aware of her dominance over men, this sexual power really, if anyone has ever tested it and tried to push a man to do something for you.  And I mean not a sub, offering himself, but just a man.

In the guy's head:

"Was that a come on?  Was she coming on to me?  I think she wish I had a maybe if I go get one...yea, she was so coming on to me!  Damn!  Got'ta get that girl a soda and then maybe...maybe she will sleep with me!   Yea!  It was a come on!  Damn!  Can't pass this by!  Here I go!"

JhonDean -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 12:48:46 PM)


Some of the most dominant women I have known with a long term relationship with very handsome men, were not even on a pretty scale. It was how they conducted themselves, the mental and emotional triggers that they caused in men

Locket, I am often impessed when reading your comments.

LadyAngelika -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 4:56:19 PM)




Some of the most dominant women I have known with a long term relationship with very handsome men, were not even on a pretty scale. It was how they conducted themselves, the mental and emotional triggers that they caused in men

Locket, I am often impessed when reading your comments.

I agree both with what Lockit said as well as your assessment of what Lockit said ;-)

I think the bottom line of what works is charm. One doesn't have to be a model to have authentic charm, and yet, some women could be technically drop dead gorgeous and have no authentic charm.


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse
Through my eyes, most men are very easy to control. Even most of the men that consider themselves dominant. 

This statement will be true for any woman who has authentic charm. But I'd say persuade or influence rather than control, but that's me.

- LA

Andalusite -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 6:29:01 PM)

I agree with the people who've said it doesn't really sound like a D/s interaction or power exchange. He might have just been helpful, or he might have been using it to flirt with her. There are plenty of women who do nice things for other people as well, with various motivations.

DarkSteven -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 7:48:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Through my eyes, most men are very easy to control. Even most of the men that consider themselves dominant. 

Yes, dear.  May I get you a soda or iron your lab coat?

PeonForHer -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 7:52:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

This statement will be true for any woman who has authentic charm. But I'd say persuade or influence rather than control, but that's me.

- LA[/font]

Just occasionally, men can do that to women, too. But it does indeed feel like persuading or influencing rather than controlling.

dreamerdreaming -> RE: The natural power that women have over men... (5/13/2010 8:03:25 PM)

Men aren't ruled by women, silly! [8|]

They're ruled by their hormones. Their (generally) high levels of testosterone make them want to fuck everything in sight. What disturbs me the most about this, is that a lot of them seem pretty clueless about that, and a lot of the the ones that have some self-awareness about it don't seem to use the knowledge to their advantage.

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