Breast Cancer & Breast Play/Torture (Full Version)

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acctonthelook -> Breast Cancer & Breast Play/Torture (4/9/2006 7:24:39 AM)

HELP! My Mom had breast cancer twice and lost both her breasts. Being her daughter I want to be careful myself, but so often this is a major turn-on for Dom's (Breast Play/ Torture).
I am nervous and always state to potential Dom's that it's a limit for me re: the nipple area (low pain tolerance big time)  yet I can do some things.
Part of my problem is mental...though does anyone think my fears are unfounded or do you agree I should maintain this limit for health safety?

mons -> RE: Breast Cancer & Breast Play/Torture (4/9/2006 2:52:48 PM)


I understand you fear and I think you should be careful
I am a breast cancer survior I still have both of my breast
I hope your mother is ok now! If you have check ups and
a mamogram and since your mother had breast cancer you
must look out for you. I see your young the mistake is that
even young you must and I say must be careful. limited
what someone does to you breast any infection is bad. If you
enjoy this type of thing do not let someone
really hurt you enough that you need to be see at a doctor's office
I think with the history of breast with you mother I think it is
a bad ideal to do this. This is my opinion I rather be safe the sorry
remember have a mamogram each year> not all dom's want to torture you
breast find one who is into something other then your breast. I was hit with
a basket ball many years ago and that is the breast I had cancer in. so
take care and i wish you well

mons/ Jane

TxBadMan -> RE: Breast Cancer & Breast Play/Torture (4/9/2006 7:45:14 PM)


It's important to look out for your safety first. Staying healthy, and having regular doctor visits should be your number one priority. However, breast/nipple play/torture does not cause cancer. If you have been advised by your doctor that abnormal tissue or cells have been found, then safety should be your first concern; in which case your nervousness is not unfounded.
All in all though, you should only partake of those activities that you are comfortable with. If breast/nipple play/tortue causes you distress, then by all means, stick to your guns and keep it as a limit.

acctonthelook -> RE: Breast Cancer & Breast Play/Torture (4/9/2006 7:56:41 PM)

Thanks to both of you for responding and being so kind. 
I have discussed this limit w/ several Dom's and so far they say they're ok with my limit and understand my fears.  Which does make me feel safer.  I will however, speak to the doctor when I move back home this month, but probably won't make it to the office for a couple of months.
Every month I do self exams and each visit to the dr's they have felt nothing either.  So far, knock on wood.  I have no pain or discomfort so far either. 
I just wanted to know from others their opinions on the subject.  I feel somewhat like it's one area I just cannot take any chances.  I will stick to my limit and leave it at a hard one, at that. 
I know breast play or torture does not 'cause' cancer, but after my mom, I'm not playing russian roulette!  My mom is still here after 10 yrs! 

TxBadMan -> RE: Breast Cancer & Breast Play/Torture (4/9/2006 8:01:03 PM)

this is a very good link with some information if you feel like looking at it.

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