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AquaticSub -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:16:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: YoungBlondeSlave


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

I need some math majors, some kinksters and a whole lotta graph paper! And probably some towels. Female ejaculation has to be measured and calculated as well. [:D][:D][:D]

i totally want to volunteer for this

*cracks knuckles* I think this can be arranged. Now I just need to check out my academic connections to get some liberally minded "fancy math" folks. Also ones who have a good 'bedside' manner so our test subjects will be comfortable.

The interviews would be hilarious. "So how do you feel about calculating the volume and potential splatter patterns of female ejaculate to quantify the value of the vagina in question?"

DarkSteven -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:19:41 PM)

I'll take Ejaculate of Famous Women for $200, Alex.

DeeDeeElisabeth -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:21:14 PM)

i don't have a problem with nice tigger. but i do have a problem with rude and people not welcoming newcomers to the forums. also none of us ever know how much experience a person has when we start giving out advice so freely. it's different when we tell people: hey, this is what worked for me...

unfortunately, my first experience with the forums here on this particular site have not been good.

and why point out the obvious about photos? who cares? has anyone looked around the site lately? there are explicit photos and photos of all types of things that obviously have been published elsewhere.

i just don't see the point in pointing out the obvious and pretending to be know-it-alls. there are no know-it-alls in this lifestyle. i have been around long enough to figure that out.


LanceHughes -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:31:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

ORIGINAL: YoungBlondeSlave

ORIGINAL: AquaticSub
I need some math majors, some kinksters and a whole lotta graph paper! And probably some towels. Female ejaculation has to be measured and calculated as well. [:D][:D][:D]

i totally want to volunteer for this

*cracks knuckles* I think this can be arranged. Now I just need to check out my academic connections to get some liberally minded "fancy math" folks. Also ones who have a good 'bedside' manner so our test subjects will be comfortable.

The interviews would be hilarious. "So how do you feel about calculating the volume and potential splatter patterns of female ejaculate to quantify the value of the vagina in question?"

// Puts eye-glasses in friendly, look-over-the-top position. //
// Grabs pristine white lab-coat, thinking "That boy did a nice job on this.  I'll have to remember to beat him extra well tonight." //
// Picks up clip-board, and says, "I've got a BS in Math and an MS in Computer Science.  Let's ROCK." //
// Looks around for ethics commitee and says, "Ahem. I am ready to present my credentials.  If approved, we can proceed. //

ETA:  As to my "bedside manner" - (A) Being gay, I would have a completely detached, totally profession approach to the actual process of measuring and (B) One need only note the number of females who have, by their own choice, added a tag-line of: [Charter] Member of Lance's Fag Hags.

AquaticSub -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:36:42 PM)

I did say welcome. I also took the time to let a "newcomer" know of the house rules so that they didn't accidentally get themselves in trouble - akin to a neighbor letting you know that colored holiday lights aren't allowed in a particular neighborhood per the agreement.

Considering that the mods routinely remove photos, I would say they care. Since it's their sandbox and not yours, if you plan to stay you need to at least be aware of what the rules are.

Like I said... Oh no. People warned you that you were in violation of the rules so that you could change it before the mods stepped in. Oh... truly... terrible wicked people. Never mind that no one said "EEWWW CUNT!". Just "Oh hey, FYI, this is against the rules - you might want to do something about it".

Truly you have been oppressed by the posters here.

AquaticSub -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:38:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes

// Puts eye-glasses in friendly, look-over-the-top position. //
// Grabs pristine white lab-coat, thinking "That boy did a nice job on this.  I'll have to remember to beat him extra well tonight." //
// Picks up clip-board, and says, "I've got a BS in Math and an MS in Computer Science.  Let's ROCK." //
// Looks around for ethics commitee and says, "Ahem. I am ready to present my credentials and then we can proceed. //

You, good sir, are hired. We believe your ethics and bedside manner will be superb for this particular project.

Lockit -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:39:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: DeeDeeElisabeth

i don't have a problem with nice tigger. but i do have a problem with rude and people not welcoming newcomers to the forums. also none of us ever know how much experience a person has when we start giving out advice so freely. it's different when we tell people: hey, this is what worked for me...

unfortunately, my first experience with the forums here on this particular site have not been good.

and why point out the obvious about photos? who cares? has anyone looked around the site lately? there are explicit photos and photos of all types of things that obviously have been published elsewhere.

i just don't see the point in pointing out the obvious and pretending to be know-it-alls. there are no know-it-alls in this lifestyle. i have been around long enough to figure that out.


You want a nice welcome and many here give them, however... you came in with pictures you got from somewhere claiming they were of you. I call bull shit. You see I read your profile yesterday and today. You have changed it. Yesterday it read that you were five foot four and one hundred and seventy five pounds. Sorry babe... but no fucking way where those pictures you unless you have really big hair and lots of spray.

So you start out by lying and expect people to be sweet to you? They warned you that your picture was against the rules and you flipped out. Your picture was against the rules and you can make light of that all you want, but the bottom line is you stole pictures from somewhere and used them in a manner that is against tos. Then you show even more character and defend yourself with anger and blame.

Then you talk about man meat... I will leave that for another post, but it was rather rude in an introduction.

The only one that doesn't have your number... is you.

YoungBlondeSlave -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:40:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

ORIGINAL: YoungBlondeSlave

ORIGINAL: AquaticSub
I need some math majors, some kinksters and a whole lotta graph paper! And probably some towels. Female ejaculation has to be measured and calculated as well. [:D][:D][:D]

i totally want to volunteer for this

*cracks knuckles* I think this can be arranged. Now I just need to check out my academic connections to get some liberally minded "fancy math" folks. Also ones who have a good 'bedside' manner so our test subjects will be comfortable.

The interviews would be hilarious. "So how do you feel about calculating the volume and potential splatter patterns of female ejaculate to quantify the value of the vagina in question?"

// Puts eye-glasses in friendly, look-over-the-top position. //
// Grabs pristine white lab-coat, thinking "That boy did a nice job on this.  I'll have to remember to beat him extra well tonight." //
// Picks up clip-board, and says, "I've got a BS in Math and an MS in Computer Science.  Let's ROCK." //
// Looks around for ethics commitee and says, "Ahem. I am ready to present my credentials and then we can proceed. //

i've got a BS in a whole lot of things.

AquaticSub -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:43:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: YoungBlondeSlave

i've got a BS in a whole lot of things.

I have a BA. It saddens me that I can't make naughty jokes about it. [:(]

YoungBlondeSlave -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 6:45:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: YoungBlondeSlave

i've got a BS in a whole lot of things.

I have a BA. It saddens me that I can't make naughty jokes about it. [:(]

Possibly, it just means i'm full of BS.

LanceHughes -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 7:16:55 PM)

BS = Bull Shit
MS = More of the Same
PhD = Piled Higher and Deeper

BA = Bad Ass <?>

Actually, my University was not accredited to issue BA's which is what my course work ended up representing.  There was no such thing as a Computer Science degree at any level back in 1971 when I graduated.  I had taken every Comp.Sci. class and had a really strong minor in CS to back-up my "official" major of Math, but not enough Math creidts to get a BS in Math.

The University DID have a College of Liberal Arts (to teach all those geeks something about Phil., Eng., Linguistics, Psych., etc.)

So, my Degree is technically a Bachelor's of Science in Liberal Arts (Math.)  The diploma reads BSLA(Math)

All the more reason to be conducting measurments.  I'm not a hard-science guy, rather I'll use a "softer" approach......

HEY! Lance!  You were hired for your PROFESSIONAL (aka "hands off") approach. LOL!

------------- MOD-Slap avoidance MODE : ON --------------------

I came to this thread directly from the Marquee.  Now that I've read the first page anna-half <could NOT bear reading more.>  I've formed a hypothesis about Ms. DeeDee, the OP.

I do believe that this is the latest scam-a-rama.  We all know that male, straight D-types are looking for the "right" female, straight s-type. Demand for subs-high, supply-low.  Doesn't take long to see that when any of deedee's target group so much as ackowledges her presence, she bends over backwards for them.  Yeah, literally, too.

I'm thinking deedee is nothing more than the reverse of the NOT-legitimite pro-Domme.  I support professional pro-Dommes, but I think we can all agree that there are scammers in amongst the Pro-Domme community.

So, deedee gets some (not many, mind you) points for a brave attempt at a new scam ("new-to-me" that is.)  Maybe it's new to some others here as well.

Tip-off?  Title is "FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS" but no where in her requirements do we see anything about skill set nor mentoring nor experience level.

Well, she does say target must be "experienced."  Okay, but experienced in what?  Changing one's own oil?  And that's another BIG RED FLAG!  Every person alive believes themself to be experienced, especially if being experienced leads to what you "want."

Along those lines, she says "please send pic and philosophy regarding lifestyle along with what you are seeking."  That is the sign of the confidence man.  "Tell me what you want to hear, so that I know what to say."  <shudders at any poor sucker that has responded to her OP.>

DAMN!  She does brag about all the replies so far!  <post #18>  Lying bitch (I hope for the sake of her suckers.)

Glad you all drifted this thread..... it's what happens to trolls, bless their hearts.

LadyPact -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/19/2010 8:21:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: DeeDeeElisabeth

i don't have a problem with nice tigger. but i do have a problem with rude and people not welcoming newcomers to the forums. also none of us ever know how much experience a person has when we start giving out advice so freely. it's different when we tell people: hey, this is what worked for me...

unfortunately, my first experience with the forums here on this particular site have not been good.

and why point out the obvious about photos? who cares? has anyone looked around the site lately? there are explicit photos and photos of all types of things that obviously have been published elsewhere.

i just don't see the point in pointing out the obvious and pretending to be know-it-alls. there are no know-it-alls in this lifestyle. i have been around long enough to figure that out.


I did welcome you.

I honestly don't care how much experience you have.  If the pic wasn't yours and you put it up as your main profile pic, you're attempting to deceive people.  The same as it would have been had it been someone else's face.

I don't care if your supposed experience or lack thereof led you to put up a cunt shot.  I'm not interested in looking at your cunt or  those belonging to anyone else.  If I was, I'd be on the Hustler site or some other place where I could look at snatch.  (Which should show you just how little I'm interested in looking, because I'm sure there's a better site for it than that.)

I don't care if other people put up pictures of pussy and you thought it would be a great idea to follow suit.  Their bad taste doesn't excuse yours.  Didn't your Mother ever teach you that bit about "if other people jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too" bit?

Compared to the attitude, I'd rather have to deal with looking at the picture.  At least somebody did a nice piercing.

Edit - 

Dear Mods,

In the spirit of the season, I am giving you the gift on not having to send the note with the gold boarder.  I already know and I'm willing to save you the time.  I will consider Myself chastised without you having to make the effort.  [8D]

DeeDeeElisabeth -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 2:40:58 AM)

thank You Sir,
i will! :) dd

DeeDeeElisabeth -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 2:42:42 AM)

thanks for the feedback. take care.

DeeDeeElisabeth -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 2:50:47 AM)

Dear Mod,

they were pics i had collected and liked. i am into photography & design and collect many photos of many subjects. i liked each of them for different reasons, none of which were meant to be offensive or rude. i personally liked the pussy piercing pic because it was locked or 'forbidden', not because it was a closeup of an open gash.

guess everyone has an opinion. it just felt like an attack when i first viewed my mail...

i'm over it. photos are gone. thanks for inquiring though, instead of jumping on the bandwagon of everyone else in the room. much appreciated.


DeeDeeElisabeth -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 3:02:16 AM)

not looking for a dom. was looking for possible mentor or master.

in terms of physical preference and age... just a personal preference. i have been unable to submit to men younger than myself or women EVER.

i am trying to address these issues after taking a break. i was literally feeling attacked. it was a posted ad.

i figured listing exactly what i wanted would reduce the amount of responses to more of what my personal tastes were. after all it was 'my' post and they are 'my' preferences, right? i am entitled to those just as everyone else is.

i never meant to offend anyone with my pics or my words. i want what i want in a relationship. some of the things on my list of things are things that simply do not work for me.

reading the responses hasn't changed my preferences any. just makes me question the forum and the sight. thankfully i have met some friends here and i do enjoy myself here or i wouldn't be back.

anyway, i am yawning now... thanks for asking. way better than pointing the finger, at least in my eyes.


GreedyTop -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 7:04:13 AM)

so.. do you want a MENTOR or a dominant?

you say mentor, but then talk of being unable to submit to younger men.

so which is it?

sunshinemiss -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 7:04:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

I put glitter on my cuffs. Glitter is the herpes of the arts and crafts world. Even when the arrest is over, the glitter will always be there... [:D][:D][:D]

I can not believe I missed this.  You, dear Aqua, get the much coveted 
Sunny Quote of the Day Award
for ...
Glitter -  herpes of the art world.

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 7:08:19 AM)

For one, I asked in my sig line to be called Poohbear or Honeypaws, not Tigger. It's not hard to miss.

Two, you jumped on the "woe is me" bandwagon in no time at all, and you were rude to everyone but the women, and the replies you did get were trying to be helpful. Learn the word.

Three, Mod21 is the one who asked about the pictures, as well as some of the other posters. What the mods say "rule". And believe me, the mods have a thankless job to do, monitoring all of us loony tunes AND at times the pics that are posted.

Four, your preferences, definitely your choice to post as just but note that this is the intro forum, it's not for want ads. Keep that to the other side and you'll have much better luck. We come on these boards to welcome people, to have discussions, to argue, to spar, to have fun and to generally be silly if given half a chance.

Five, the friends I've made here are some of the very posters you attack. Learn to have a sense of haha and to ignore that which you don't like. It's easy to do. A) Either don't reply B) put them on hide from their post or block them. Again, your choice to make.

Not everyone here likes everyone else, it's like the real world. Put on your big girl panties and learn to deal with that.

***THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT*** We now return you to our regurlarly scheduled program***

O, and in case you haven't figured it out, I'ma female. But since I withheld making rude comments, and o boy could I have, I do know better than to anger the Mods or stray too far off topic, I don't like getting golden tickets.

'Nuff said, I apologize in advance to the Mods for going off tangent, but some things needed to be pointed out. I'd like to think I did it in a manner that wasn't out of line. [:)]

DeeDeeElisabeth -> RE: FEMALE SUB LOOKING FOR MENTOR IN KANSAS (12/20/2010 7:14:44 AM)

didn't know they were mods.
sorry to offend. brand spanking new to forums.

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