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Strippers (M/F spanking, humiliation) - 12/30/2010 8:37:48 PM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 3/31/2010
Status: offline
(I apologize for the awkward paragraph spacing, CM is for some reason not posting this the way I wrote it)
It was a Monday night and Steve and his friend Vince were getting ready to head to the local bar to catch the Jets-Patriots game on TV. Their wives, Jennifer and Rachel were also close friends and were planning (or so they told their husbands) on just having a girl’s night in at Steve and Jennifer’s apartment. The real truth, however, was that Rachel’s sister had secured two tickets to a Chippendale’s show for Jennifer and Rachel and they were planning on spending their night ogling naked men. They’d worked it out so they’d get back about a 15 minutes before Steve and Vince were set to return from watching the game and figured their husbands would be none the wiser. As Steve and Vince prepared to leave, Steve turned back to the girls and asked, “Are you sure you girls don’t want to come along? It’s ladies night at the bar and you could both get drinks for half price.” “No, we’re just going to mellow out and spend the night here, don’t worry about us”, said Jennifer, smiling sweetly. “Don’t be out too late guys!” joked Rachel.           
   Just as they were leaving the apartment building, Steve turned on what he thought was his cell phone and saw that he had a new text message. He and Jennifer had very similar phones and often ended up taking each other’s phone by mistake. Steve quickly realized that this was one of those times when he saw that the new text message had come from Rachel. As he turned to go back into his apartment and switch phones, something in the message from Rachel caught his eye. He took another look at it and saw that it read, “Hell yeah Jen, I’ll be stuffing the singles down both in the back AND front!” Getting a little suspicious as to what this might mean, Steve looked to see what Jennifer had originally said to Rachel, and the following message confirmed his suspicion: “Ready to hit Chippendales (and of course the strippers LOL) tonight?”             Steve looked away from the phone and said to Vince, “It looks like we’ll be sitting this game out. I think we have some bigger issues to deal with at home.” “What the hell is so important?” asked Vince. With that, Steve handed Vince the phone and saw the texts between Jennifer and Rachel and remarked, “See for yourself.” Vince read the messages and taking a more serious tone said, “Well Steve, I think it may finally be time to put some of your advice into action.” Nodding with agreement, Steve turned and accompanied Vince back up to the apartment.  For the past few months, Rachel had been acting very bratty and more and more had seemed to be under the impression that she was free to walk all over Vince. Vince had told Steve about this and Steve had suggested that Vince should put Rachel over his knee and spank the bitchiness right out of her. At first Vince thought that Steve was just joking, until Steve explained to him how he’d been spanking Jennifer ever since they’d been dating. He said that Jennifer hated the embarrassment and burning bottom from her spankings so much that she’d try anything to avoid one, even if it meant swallowing her pride and falling in line when told to be good. This was especially true whenever Steve threatened to let other people know that Jennifer was handled in such a way. Jennifer thought that she would simply die of embarrassment if anyone ever found out that she was spanked like a bratty child, even though she often deserved it. Vince hadn’t really planned to follow Steve’s advice with Rachel, but as time wore on and her behavior became more and more unbearable, Vince started to think that maybe he should take his friend’s advice and give his naughty wife a burning red bottom. This newest offense was the last straw, and he decided that Rachel was going to face her first punishment that night.             Steve knocked on the door and it was answered by his beautiful Jennifer. At 5’7’’ with long straight maple colored hair, beautifully tanned skin, and deep blue eyes, Jennifer was quite a catch. While she had natural firm D cup breasts, it was her round, full baby-smooth bottom that got the most attention from Steve, even when he wasn’t spanking her. “Back so soon? What’s up guys?” she asked as she brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Steve took her by the hand and led her back to the kitchen, where he then pulled a chair away from the table and placed it in the middle of the room. “Sit down Jennifer”, he directed her. Vince meanwhile took Rachel into the kitchen as well and sat her down next to Rachel. Rachel was a very slender 5’2’’ with very curly light brown hair which she often wore up in a bun, but tonight she was wearing it down. With perky little A cup breasts and a tiny ass, Rachel had the market on the innocent-but-kinky girl next door look.           
   “Ok, so out with it, what’s the fucking deal?” snapped Jennifer. “The deal Jennifer is that you and Rachel lied to both of us and were planning on doing something you know we would not approve of”, Steve responded. “Oh, and what would that be? Not that it matters, you don’t fucking own us!” was Rachel’s snippy reply. Vince then handed his wife the phone, with the text messages on display. “So you were planning on stuffing dollar bills into some other guy’s underwear?” he confronted her. “Well we were tired of dealing with you two dicks so we thought we’d go out and see some real ones!” Jennifer angrily snapped. Steve, having had quite enough, began to lecture the girls. “That does it young lady. Your behavior has been inexcusable and I’ve let it slip for far too long. You are getting the punishment you’ve earned tonight.” Vince then followed, “And the same goes for you Rachel. You’ve been completely bratty and out of control for too long now and it stops here. I’ve been talking a lot with Steve and he’s explained to me that the only way to get little Jenny here in line is to put her over his knee like he’s five years old. To say you’ve even been acting as mature as a 5-year-old is a bit of a stretch, but tonight you will be punished as one.” “That’s right Rachel. My sweet little Jennifer acts up every now and then and when she does, she gets her perfect bottom spanked as red as a rose. From what Vince tells me you’re in need of quite the same treatment.” Steve began, “But first, since you’re so into strippers, you’re going to see what it’s like to do what they do. We’re staying in tonight and you’re going to put on a little show for us.” “What the fuck are you talking about?” Rachel demanded. “Watch your mouth young lady!” Vince commanded. “I think I have the solution to our problems” said Steve as he opened up a fresh bar of soap and handed another to Vince. The two friends then shoved the soap into their naughty wives’ mouths. Steve went to his bedroom and took a few belts as well as a paper bag, and then came back to the kitchen and used them to secure the two bratty girls to the chairs. “Hey Vince, why don’t you go and get Rachel’s costume real quick. In the meantime, I’ll stay here and babysit the girls.” With that, Vince departed. Earlier, when they were on the way back up to the apartment, Steve and Vince had formed a plan to make Jennifer and Rachel learn their lessons. They felt that just a spanking wouldn’t be quite enough punishment to fit the crime, so they decided they’d have both of their wives strip down to their bare asses in front of them. Halloween was approaching and both of their wives had purchased some sexy costumes - Jennifer’s was a sexy lady cop outfit, and Rachel’s was a naughty army uniform, complete with a camouflage bra and g-string.             As the girls squirmed against their binds, Rachel had a look of horrified disgust on her face and Jennifer’s beautiful face was the definition of pure rage. She was furious at Steve for embarrassing her for letting out the secrets of her discipline to Vince and Rachel. Just a few minutes, later, Vince returned and had Rachel’s costume with him in bag. He then brought it over to the kitchen, and then he and Steve untied their wives and removed the soap from their mouths. “Go into the bedroom and change into what we’ve put into the bags. You may rinse your mouths out first, but if there is so much as one peep out of either of you, the soap is going right back in to your mouths.”             The girls wanted to protest, but thinking better of it, they rinsed their mouths and then headed for the bedroom. Once they were in the privacy of the bedroom, they undressed and then opened their bags and saw that they contained their Halloween costumes. “So let me fucking get this straight Jen. Steve spanks you whenever he feels like it?” Rachel asked incredulously. “You heard him”, said Jennifer in defeated humiliation. “Why the fuck did I have to leave my phone right next to his? If I hadn’t, we’d have been tit-deep in male strippers right now instead of being about to strip ourselves”, said Jennifer as she stepped into the sheer blue thong that would go under the pants of her police outfit. “I just can’t fucking believe I’m going along with this. Vince has never stood up to me like this before. I reamed him out so bad the one time he went to a bachelor party with strippers and now I’m being punished for trying to do the same thing. This doesn’t have to be a punishment though…let’s give them a real show and just try to get them off. Maybe they’ll forget about the spanking”, Rachel mused. “We can try, but Steve NEVER forgets to spank me”, said Jennifer doubtfully. The two painfully beautiful women then finished putting their outfits on and came out to the living room where Steve and Vince were waiting for them.          
    “Ok girls, who wants to go first?” Vince inquired. When neither girl volunteered, Steve decided that whichever girl had come up with the idea to go to the strip club would be the one to perform first. When Rachel admitted guilt, Vince gave her a sharp slap on the bottom and put a cd into the nearby cd player. The track that began to play was “American Woman”, quite fitting considering Rachel’s outfit. “Ok baby, show us what you American girls are made of!” Vince called out. Rachel started into her routine, furious and utterly humiliated, but determined to avoid a spanking. After a while she started really getting into it, tearing off each successive item of clothing, swinging her hips, and shaking her g-string clad buttocks. “C’mon baby girl, keep going. Don’t be shy, you’re going to spend even more time with your ass bare later on during your spanking” Vince chided. Upon hearing this, Rachel was furious as she’d thought she’d be able to charm her way out of the humiliating punishment with her feminine wiles. Deciding to get even with Vince in the only way she knew how, she then started focusing all of her attention on Steve, throwing off her bra then draping it around his shoulders, then turning around and shoving her ass in his face. Both Steve and Vince realized her angle pretty quickly, so Steve then picked her up by the back of her g-string and bounced her, giving her the wedgie from hell, then tore the g-string down. “You asshole!” Rachel shrieked. Before she could say anything more, Vince smacked her now bare ass and that shut her up. She turned around, exposing her pussy and her soft patch of pubic hair as the song ended. “Ok Rachel, you may sit down, but don’t even think of putting any clothes on”, directed Vince. A humiliated Rachel then threw herself down on a nearby chair, crossing her legs and holding her arm out across her small but sexy breasts.           
   “All right Jenny, your turn”, said Steve. Jennifer then nervously got up and walked to the middle of the room, as Steve changed the cd. As “867-5309/Jenny” started to play, Jennifer launched into her act. Jennifer was beyond pissed off at this point and figured she’d take Rachel’s lead and act as flirty with Vince as possible to get back at Steve. As Jennifer’s clothes started coming off and the catcalls and ass grabs ensued, Jennifer felt increasingly mortified, but a little more appreciative of what the strippers that she was going to see had to go through. She was feeling a little guilty about lying and mouthing off to Steve, but was so pissed off at him at the moment that she wasn’t quite ready to consider those feelings yet. As the song ended she closed her eyes and pulled down her thong, being fully naked in front of Vince for the first time. “Good girl Jen, good girl. Now before we go on to the next stage of your punishment, we’d like to see you two girls have a little bit of a booty clap contest. The winner will just get spanked by hand and will be spared the hairbrush”, Steve declared. “What the fuck? We are not going to do that!”, screamed Rachel. “Oh yes you will, if you don’t want me to take a hairbrush to your pretty little rump”, Vince admonished her. “All right, fine”, said Rachel. After that, she and Jennifer were instructed to go to the couch and to get in position for the contest with their hands on the cushions and their asses up in the air. “Ok commence clapping those sexy booties!” Steve ordered. On his command, the two naked little vixens began shaking and clapping their perfect asses for all they were worth. Jennifer, knowing the sting of the hairbrush put a little more into it, but with such a full and shapely ass, she pretty much had this competition in the bag, as Rachel’s tight and tiny rear end couldn’t match her shake. “The winner!” yelled Steve as he grabbed Jennifer’s bottom and jiggled it in his hands. “Looks like you’ll be getting the hairbrush, babe” said Vince as he grinned at Rachel. “Come on, that isn’t fair! Her ass is so much bigger than mine I didn’t stand a chance!” Rachel whined indignantly. “Well Rachel, it wasn’t fair that Jennifer had to be completely naked and exposed while you got to hide your pussy behind that pubic hair which you’ve refused to shave off. Don’t you think little Jenny here was embarrassed having her shaven pussy on full view?” asked Vince. “You son of a bitch! My pubic hair is my own business and I don’t have to look like a little girl if I don’t want to! What the hell is with you anyway? You’ve had an empty sack for our whole marriage, there’s no need for you to grow a pair now!” she screamed back at him. “Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, you just never learn, do you young lady. I think maybe you need to look more like the age you’re acting”, said Vince. Before Vince could say much more, Steve cut in, saying, “Well Vince, if you want her bare, that can be arranged. Jen, go into the bathroom and get you razor and some shaving cream. Your pussy and Rachel’s pussy are about to become twins.” With an apologetic glance toward Rachel, Jennifer got up and did as she was told. Steve and Vince admired the way her full twin globes bounced and moved back and forth with her every step. “Damn man, you’ve got yourself quite a piece there”, commented Vince. “Your hot little number isn’t so bad either”, replied Steve as he looked Rachel’s nude body up and down.            
   After a minute or so, Jennifer came back from the bathroom with a razor, a jar of shaving cream, a washcloth, and a bowl full of warm water. She set the items down in front of Vince. Vince then ordered Rachel to lie down on her back on the couch, and then he dipped the wash cloth into the water and gently wet Rachel’s pubic area, before spraying out a handful of shaving cream and massaging it in to her mound. Once that was done, Vince took the razor and carefully shaved her bare as she stared up at him in humiliation as a tear ran down her cheek. After Vince had shaved her pussy, he had her stand up and bend over and he went to work on shaving off the tiny amount of pubic hair that extended down in back of Rachel’s pussy and around her anus, leaving no question that they were entering into a new chapter in their marriage – one in which Rachel would be held responsible for her behavior. “There we go sweetheart, smooth and bare as a baby”, Vince said as he patted Rachel on the bottom and stood her back up. Jennifer, being more of a natural submissive than Rachel, was intensely aroused by this whole scene and without thinking, her hand strayed to her clitoris and she began to gently rub. “Just what do you think you’re doing young lady?” Steve scolded, “This is a punishment, not something designed to get you off. If seeing Rachel’s bare pussy gets you off so much, maybe the two of you need to kiss for us a little.” “Hell yeah bro, that I need to see!”, Vince chimed in.            
   Both girls exchanged looks of nervous shock, but obediently walked over to each other. What Vince and Steve didn’t know was that during their college days, Rachel and Jennifer had both done some partying and had a little bit of experience with the fairer sex, though they’d never done anything with each other before. As the two mildly aroused and very naked women approached each other, they awkwardly embraced and exchanged one quick kiss on the lips. “Come on girls, that’s not nearly enough. We missed the game because of your behavior and you have to put on a good show for us to make it up”, chided Vince. Looking into each others eyes, Rachel and Jennifer held each other a little closer then locked lips, running their hands over each other’s bodies, with each girl’s hands ultimately resting on the other’s bare bottom, rubbing and softly squeezing. “Not bad, not bad at all girls”, said Steve as they let go of each other and looked down at the floor in embarrassment.            
   Steve and Vince then took their wives by the hand and led them back to the kitchen, and each took a seat in the chairs that had been pulled out earlier and put their wives over their knees. As Steve got ready to spank his beautiful Jennifer for yet another time, Vince prepared himself to give Rachel her first ever spanking. “Spanking isn’t exactly rocket science; all you have to do is smack her bare ass with your hand. This is her first spanking though, so be prepared for lots of squirming and screaming”, Steve instructed Vince. With that, the spankings commenced. Both Jennifer and Rachel were determined to take their spankings stoically and not give their husbands the satisfaction of thinking they were making any kind of impression. This strategy didn’t last long with Rachel though, as she quickly lost her composure from the sting that her bottom felt from receiving its inaugural spanks. Pretty soon both girls were squirming, kicking, and screaming, as well as shouting out every obscenity in the book. “Jen, I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again. When you get going with that dirty mouth of yours, the only thing I hear is ‘Please spank my naughty little butt harder’”, Steve lectured. “Fuck You, You Fucking OW! son of a OW SHIT bitch!”, the sexy little spankee squealed in reply.          
    After a few more minutes the spanking was over and both men rested their hands on their wives naked and reddened behinds. “Well Rachel, as discussed, it’s time for you to take your hairbrush spanking. I’m going to give you one for every year of your age, so that’ll be 24 spanks”, Vince stated as Steve handed him the flat-backed wooden hairbrush that was on the table.  “You’re a fucking cunt”, as Rachel’s only reply. Vince then set about the task of giving Rachel’s sweet little hindquarters their first taste of the hairbrush. After already being spanked by Vince’s hand, Rachel’s ass was already tender and the hairbrush quickly changed the heat factor of her ass from blazing to inferno. She openly screamed and cried with rage as Vince finished up his work, then tossed the hairbrush over to Steve, who then gave Jennifer 10 quick swats. “What the hell! You said I wasn’t going to get the brush!” Jennifer squeaked. “Well that was before your bratty behavior during your spanking. Now both of your girls get your asses to the corner. Jennifer, you stand in the left hand corner of the room and Rachel, get your bare little bottom to the right corner. You are to stand there for five minutes and you are not allowed to speak or touch your asses”, Steve ordered. As each girl got off of their husband’s lap, they received a hard parting swat in the center of their perfect bottoms and then made their way to the corner where they stood and sniffled in embarrassment.            
   When the 5 minutes were up, Steve and Vince had one more punishment in store for their beautiful wives. “Given the language that was coming out of your dirty mouths during your spankings, we can tell that your mouth soapings didn’t have much of an effect. Since you continued to use such dirty language, we have one more punishment for you before we’re even.” Vince stated. “That’s right girls”, began Steve, “Since you love talking like dirty girls, we’re going to give you a punishment fitting a dirty girl. You are each going to take an enema and then sit on the toilet together and expel them as we watch.” “We’re not going to fucking –“, started Rachel, but Jennifer quickly shushed her, helping them to avoid further punishment. Steve and Vince then took their wives gently by the hand and let them to the bathroom and instructed them to get on all fours on the floor. Then they opened up two disposable enema boxes and produced the enemas from inside.
   “Ok girls, bottoms up!” laughed Steve. Jennifer and Rachel obediently raised their sexy rears up, exposing their tight assholes. Steve eased the enema nozzle into Jennifer’s anus and then Vince did the same with Rachel’s little puckered orifice. As the enemas began to flow into their rectums, Jennifer and Rachel reached out and held each other’s hands for some moral support. After the enemas had drained, the nozzles were removed from the girls’ bottoms, and then were replaced with butt plugs to prevent them from having an accident. “All right girls, you are to hold your enemas for 10 minutes, then we will allow you to release them under our supervision”, Vince informed the girls as he and Steve stood them up. They then led their wives back to the living room and put them over their laps as they turned on the TV and caught the final moments of the football game. When the game ended, the girls begged to expel their enemas, feeling like the plugs were about to explode out of their assholes. Only six minutes had gone by, but Steve and Vince decided to have some mercy on their wives and took them to the bathroom, then sat then removed the girls’ butt plugs before sitting them down together.
   As the two naked and humiliated girls sat down, they briefly enjoyed the cooling effect that the porcelain toilet seat they were sharing had on their red hot bottoms. Before they could think about this very much, they were instructed to expel their enemas, which they obediently did. Waves of embarrassment flushed over the women as they shit in front of their husbands, with the shit and contents of the enema being accompanied by some equally embarrassing noises. Before long, Jennifer and Rachel’s faces were as red as their bottoms as they gradually released what remained of their enemas. Both girls then felt the urge to pee as they hadn’t done so in quite some time and blushing, they let their warm golden liquid flow out of them and into the toilet. This was a bit of an unexpected bonus for both Steve and Vince. When the girls were finally finished, they stood up and wiped their bottoms. As a final embarrassment, Steve and Vince then had both girls bend over and expose their anuses so that they could inspect the wiping job the girls had done. As luck would have it, neither girl had done a thorough enough job, so Steve and Vince then went to work on cleaning their naughty wives’ bottoms. “If you aren’t mature enough to even wipe your little bottom holes correctly, I can see why you pulled the stunt you did tonight”, Steve observed as he finished wiping Jennifer and flushed the toilet.
   Both men then took their wives into their arms and hugged them tightly, telling them that all was forgiven and that they were not to behave in this manner again. Vince then dressed his wife and took her home, where he then undressed her and rubbed some soothing cream into her hot punished buns. Meanwhile, Steve laid Jennifer down on their bed and lovingly rubbed some baby oil into Jennifer’s ass to comfort her as she purred in appreciation. The next day, Jennifer and Rachel discussed their experience, with Jennifer deciding that they’d best give up misbehaving and sneaking around behind their husbands’ backs. All Rachel could say was, “I think we just have to get better at not getting caught.” This drew a little bit of exasperated laughter from Jennifer, and that line of thinking ended up earning Rachel several more trips over Vince’s knee.  

< Message edited by Covert -- 12/30/2010 8:42:57 PM >
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