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Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 2/11/2011 12:46:15 PM   

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On the Block, Part 6

A Fantasy of Slavery by Wheldrake

I opened my eyes only when I heard the creaking of the punishment block being wheeled into the room.  The two burly male slaves who were bringing it in applied the brakes in a space that Karyana and her guests had cleared among their various chairs, couches and divans.  The block was oblong, about waist high, and entirely covered in black leather.  Straps of the same material festooned its surfaces.  One captive could evidently be strapped down on top of the block, lying either prone or supine, or two could be bent over it in various configurations.  I wondered exactly what Karyana had in mind for Lohni and me.  She had said we would be restrained together, and a reckless part of me almost looked forward to sharing that adventure with her.  I only wished that we could somehow be alone with Relkada, at her mercy and no one else's.  It was a senseless thought, considering that Relkada's vocation was to offer these performances to others.  

Well behind the block came a naked man, towering over the two male handlers who held his shackled arms.  Even allowing for his height, he was simply enormous, his belly vast and his limbs thick with what looked to be a combination of fat and muscle.  His cock was a good handspan in length and already fully erect, like a battering ram.  His skin was of a brown so dark that it was almost black, which meant he was from the far south, and he had very little hair anywhere on his body.  

Golaz's wrists and ankles were chained, and he wore a steel slave collar far more massive than my own.  I was not surprised by any of that, but he was also wearing a steel mask, an elaborate one in a stylised, foreshortened likeness of a bull's head.  The huge horns threw curving shadows on the walls.  

Relkada, for her part, was on her feet and taking off her gown.  I had not imagined that she had any intention of displaying herself as part of the night's performance, and I watched in amazement as the gown tumbled to the floor to reveal a mature, pleasantly rounded figure clad only in a loincloth and a scanty halter-like garment of black silk.  With brisk, unceremonious movements, Relkada untied the single knot holding the loincloth in place and let it drop to the floor.  More aroused than ever, I gave a small sigh of longing as the soft cloud of hair between her thighs was laid bare.  There were murmurs of interest from the audience, but no sign of the applause and lustful clamour that I half expected now that Relkada was standing before them in a state of almost total nudity.  I stole a glance at Lohni and saw that she was watching Relkada warily, as if eager to know what our lady intended.  

I turned my head to follow Relkada as she sauntered over to the rack of implements.  I thought for a moment that Lohni and I were in for another beating, but Relkada took down a cylindrical object that was dark in colour and attached to an assembly of long leather straps.  I watched her fasten the straps around her own waist and upper thighs, anchoring a phallus that was thicker, longer and apparently much harder than that of the slave Golaz.  Relkada smiled at the audience and stroked the intimidating implement, exactly as a man might stroke his cock to give himself pleasure.  I glanced at Lohni, and was not entirely displeased to see that she looked as apprehensive as I felt.  

"Which one of them are you going to fuck first?" called out Karyana, sounding almost beside herself with anticipation.  I bit my lip and awaited Relkada's answer.  

"With your leave, your excellency, I'm only going to fuck one of them," she said lightly.  "Which one remains to be seen.  Golaz, I expect, will oblige me by fucking the other."  She descended from the dais with a light step, almost as if she was dancing, and I found it impossible to take my eyes off the smooth undulating movements of her buttocks as she went up to Golaz and pressed her lips to his bare chest.  He made a sound deep in his throat and shifted his weight a little, but otherwise seemed indifferent to her attentions.  She reached down and took hold of his cock, caressing and toying with it, then laid her artificial phallus alongside his real one as if to prove once and for all that hers was the larger.  She chuckled and slapped her cock back and forth against his, hard enough that it probably hurt him a little.  Golaz shifted in place again, but remained passive in his chains and in the grip of his handlers.  

"Good boy," Relkada purred.  "You'll fuck a pretty little northern slave ass for me tonight, won't you?"  

The grotesque steel mask nodded slowly, and  I blanched and lowered my head.  I wondered suddenly whether his cock or Relkada's would be easier to endure.  

"No need to stand on ceremony," Relkada declared, clapping her hands briskly.  "Crell, Clista, strap them into position.  Like we did with Tarin and Nelka earlier this month."  

"A repeat performance?" a woman in the audience asked archly.  "How delightful."  

"I never repeat myself in detail, Askani," Relkada replied calmly.  "There are too many delicious possibilities to explore."  

I remained where I was on the edge of the dais, propped on my elbow with my head bowed, until Clista grabbed my arm and dragged me roughly to my feet.  Crell, meanwhile, simply took Lohni in his arms and carried her bodily to the punishment block.  Clista shoved me in the same direction, laughing aloud at my stiff movements as muscles that had been strained during my struggles on the spiderweb protested at being pressed into service.  By the time I reached the block Crell had already thrown Lohni across it, and was in the act of fastening tight leather straps around her wrists, ankles and waist.  She was bent over one side of the block, her breasts pressed against its smooth leather surface and her buttocks upturned and vulnerable.  The block was high enough that her feet were well off the floor, and the straps held her ankles wide apart but closely pressed to the side of the block.  Her head dangled over the far edge, easily within Karyana's reach.  The Suzerain's hand was already toying with Lohni's short blond hair, and scratching idly at the slave girl's face and neck with long lacquered nails.  Lohni gasped and whimpered under the slow, undoubtedly painful onslaught, but did not turn away from Karyana or make any other effort to protect herself.  I suppose she understood, perhaps from bitter experience, that to do so would only invite harsh punishment.  

Clista grabbed me by the hair and slammed me roughly down on the block, beside Lohni but facing in the opposite direction.  She kicked my legs apart and strapped my ankles into place, although unlike Lohni I was able to at least keep my toes on the floor.  I did not resist as Clista attached my wrists to the far side of the block, though I half regretted my acquiescence when she hauled on the waist strap as if she intended to cut me in two.  It was suddenly difficult to breathe properly, and I felt a moment of uncharacteristic sympathy for the corsetted ladies of the royal court in my northern home.  

My shoulder was close to Lohni's hip, and vice versa.  The straps gave me just enough freedom that I could shift slightly towards her, and to my surprise she did the same so that my skin was pressed firmly against hers.  Even that degree of human contact was a comfort to me in my state of helplessness and vulnerability.  Relkada circled us, inspecting our restraints and our bodies with a glinting, critical eye.  I tried to turn my head to follow her movements, but she halted directly behind me and laid her warm hand between my shoulder blades.  

"Poor little slave," she remarked, without the slightest hint of sympathy in her tone.  "Was someone scratching up this back of yours?"  

I was unsure whether I was meant to reply, but I was suddenly tired of simply absorbing everything they wanted to do to me.  "I seem to remember something like that, my lady," I said in a loud voice.  

The audience murmured, and Relkada leaned over me from behind to take hold of my hair with both hands.  As she pressed against my back I felt the smoothness of her belly and the softness of her breasts, but also the menacing hardness of her cock against my thigh.  She pulled on my hair with an implacable strength that forced my head up and brought tears to my eyes.  

"Whoever it was obviously didn't succeed in clawing the insolence out of you," Relkada remarked dryly, and everyone in the room apart from Lohni and me seemed to laugh aloud.  Even Golaz gave a deep guffaw.  

"Nor she did attend properly to this bottom of yours," Relkada added, suddenly releasing my hair and dropping her hands to my buttocks instead.  "Viyana, did you spank the boy while he was in your care, if I may ask?"  She already knew the answer, of course, but I suppose she wanted the audience to hear it for themselves.  

"Not personally," Viyana answered coolly.  "I had it done to him on one or two occasions, but never very hard.  For the most part he behaved himself."  

"Well then, Areth, it falls to me to introduce you to yet another facet of slavery.  Will someone please bring me a decent paddle?"  

"Oh, please," I moaned, unable to help myself.  Another ripple of laughter arose from the audience, and this time I thought I detected a distinctly predatory note.  

Relkada patted my right ass cheek.  "Are you begging for mercy again?" she inquired.  "Because if you are, you had better make it a good deal more eloquent than that."  

"I know it wouldn't do any good anyway," I replied, perhaps a bit sullenly.  "You're going to hurt me no matter what I do."  

"Oh, yes," Relkada assured me.  "But who knows, you might be able to persuade us to hurt you a little less, or at least to wait a few minutes before we start in on you.  Ah, my paddle.  Thank you, Crell.  You chose a nice heavy one, I see."  Something hard, flat and smooth pressed itself gently against my buttocks.  

"No need to make things too easy for the boy," Crell said cheerfully, and I cursed him with all my heart.  

"My sentiments exactly," Relkada agreed.  "Are you sure you don't have anything to say, Areth?"  

I was convinced that she was only toying with me.  No matter what I said or promised, no matter how much I abased myself by pleading with them to spare me, Relkada would eventually give a half-sympathetic laugh and proceed to beat me just as hard and fast as she had originally intended.  I was absolutely certain that this was the case, and yet I was tempted to throw myself on their mercy in the faint hope that I might somehow be wrong.  I raised my head, hoping to look out at the audience and gauge their mood, and found myself face to face with Viyana.  She was mostly naked, her clothes hanging about her in disarray, and she had leaned her bulk eagerly forwards to witness my sufferings.  The male slave who was attending her this evening, a hard, wiry man old enough to be my father, was on his knees with his head buried somewhere between Viyana's massive thighs.  Her eyes glinted with a cruel eagerness, but in her expression I thought I could also read something else, a professional concern for how I would acquit myself.  After all, she had sold me to Relkada just that afternoon, and I would be a credit to her House if I performed well.  Don't embarrass me, boy, her slight frown seemed to warn, and to my surprise I badly wanted to live up to her expectations.   

I took a deep breath and lowered my head again.  "Do whatever pleases you, my lady," I mumbled.  

"Ah, but that's hardly the question," Relkada replied instantly.  "The question is what will please our distinguished audience.  And to accomplish that, I'm afraid I'm going to have to make you squeal."  

"Oh, yes," Karyana purred, but the paddle was already descending.  It slammed against my bare buttocks with a force that first took my breath away and then elicited a high-pitched wail of pain.  I had to admit I found the rippling muscles in Relkada's arms rather arresting, but I inwardly cursed them as she landed a second blow that was at least as hard as the first.  Her strength and the weight and hardness of the paddle made for a brutal combination, and I knew that if she kept this up much longer I was going to end up begging for mercy after all.  

"Come on, Relkada," said Karyana impatiently.  "Stop playing games and hit him."  

I tried to brace myself, but the next stroke of the paddle landed like a smith's hammer on an anvil.  I gave a full-throated scream, and to my surprise a hand that was surely Viyana's ruffled my hair and touched my cheek as if in sympathy.  At the same moment Lohni's soft lips pressed themselves to my hip and stayed there.  

"Naughty girl," Relkada laughed.  The warmth of Lohni's mouth was abruptly removed, and I heard her gasp in pain.  I imagined that Relkada had probably grabbed her by the hair to drag her head away from my body, but it was frustrating to be unable to see what was happening back there.  

"When are you supposed to touch and kiss other slaves, Lohni?" Relkada asked sharply.  

"When you tell me to, my lady," Lohni mumbled.  

"Exactly."  There was the unmistakable sound of a slap, followed by another gasp from Lohni.  "You've made your inexplicable affection for Areth very clear this evening, but that doesn't mean you can slobber all over him whenever you think he needs a little sympathy.  If I wanted him to be comforted I'd send for his mother."  

"I'm sorry, my lady."  

Relkada slapped my buttock, this time with her open hand and not particularly hard.  Nevertheless, the paddle had made my skin so sensitive that I winced and squirmed in the restraining straps.  "His body belongs to me," Relkada told Lohni firmly.  "Not you."  

"I understand, my lady."  

"Good.  But I think you need something better to do with that mouth of yours.  Golaz, come."  

"Oh, perfect," Karyana chortled.  

I raised my head apprehensively, only to see Golaz's two handlers guiding him out of my field of vision.  His chains rattled as he walked calmly between them, still masked and still sporting one of the largest erections I had ever seen.  Viyana and the other members of the audience, even the male slaves, seemed to be watching him excitedly.  

No one spoke, but I heard sucking and slurping sounds from behind me and imagined Lohni's pale pink lips locked around that giant dark brown cock.  Golaz groaned, deep in his throat, and I instantly heard the sound of the paddle striking flesh.  It took me a moment to realise that Relkada had hit him.  

"Control yourself," she said sharply.  "You can't imagine what I'm going to do to you if you go spurting into my slave girl's mouth without permission."  

"I'll give her a free hand, of course," Karyana declared.  "And if you think I beat you hard, Golaz, you should see Relkada when she's angry."  

Golaz did not reply, and I wondered if he could even speak a civilised tongue.  He had demonstrated earlier that he at least understood the dialect of Ariskayne, but understanding and being able to express himself were two different things.  At any rate, the women did not seem inclined to demand an answer from him, and the room was quiet apart from the murmuring and quiet laughter of the audience and the sounds of Lohni's mouth working at Golaz's cock.  It occurred to me that she might be deliberately doing a bad job, trying to keep him from going over the edge and having to endure the torments Relkada had threatened to inflict on him.  The sudden swish of the paddle and an explosion of pain in my buttocks drove the thought brutally from my mind, and I shrieked again.  This time Viyana did not touch me, and I thought I heard her say something to the slave who attended her and then sigh in pleasure.  I kept my eyes resolutely on the floor.  

Relkada must have hit me three or four more times, and I screamed and struggled and genuinely wondered I was going to faint.  The Goddess did not see fit to grant me that mercy.  At the beginning of the evening I would probably have faced up to the paddle better, but after the torments of the spiderweb I felt pushed to the limits of my endurance.  

"Please," I sobbed in desperation.  "I can't be eloquent, but please stop hurting me, my lady."   

"Golaz," Relkada said crisply.  "Pull out of the northern wench and come this way.  I think he's ready."  

"Ready for what, my lady?" I whimpered, and a sharp open-handed slap immediately landed on my buttocks.  I was disconcerted to realise that the person who had struck me must have been Karyana herself.  I waited, crying and biting my lip and forcing myself to refrain from asking further questions.  I found myself wishing that Lohni would put her lips on me again, now that Golaz had "pulled out" and her mouth was presumably free, but of course she did not dare.  It was foolish of me to hope for such a thing.  

Two pairs of bare legs appeared in my field of vision: one slender, shapely and olive-coloured, and the other massive, considerably darker, and a little hairy around the calves and upper thighs.  Relkada grabbed me by the hair and the chin and forced me to look up.  The intimidating black piston of her phallus was far too close for comfort, but it was Golaz's cock that was practically in my tear-streaked face.  

It was smaller than the artificial monstrosity Relkada was wearing, but far longer and thicker than my own penis.  Golaz was uncircumcised, but I could see the purple glans winking out from behind the dark brown foreskin.  His pubic hair was black, coarse, and rather sparse.  With the two of them standing in front of me, the smell of male and female arousal was almost overpowering.  I felt my heart pounding wildly in my chest, and I would have tried to turn away if the idea of struggling with Relkada had been just a little less unthinkable.  Raising my eyes, I saw that Relkada was smiling down at me, delighted by my fear and helplessness.  The taurine mask that concealed the face of Golaz was as inscrutable as ever.  Viyana was standing practically at Golaz's elbow, leaning eagerly in, and I saw with a twinge of unease that Karyana herself had got to her feet and come around to my side of the punishment block for a better view.  Other members of the audience, including the woman in the red sash and the bearded man from the auction hall, made a half-circle at a slightly greater distance.  Most of them had slaves either standing just behind them or kneeling at their feet.  Golaz's two handlers were nowhere in sight, but with his hands shackled behind him and his ankles connected by a length of sturdy chain he was surely harmless enough.  

Relkada released my chin, though she still had one fist clenched firmly in my hair.  With her other hand she slapped Golaz's buttock, and he grunted and stepped even closer.  The moist head of his cock touched my cheek, and I made an involuntary sound that I suppose was somewhere between a moan and a whimper.  It was hard to believe that Relkada was going to make me put another man's cock in my mouth, but that seemed to be precisely what she had in mind.  The whole thing confused me almost as much as it frightened me.  Did the ladies of the Suzerain's court really enjoy watching that sort of thing?  I thought a moment later of how I had felt when I had seen Relkada touch Lohni's breasts earlier in the evening, and stroke her between the legs, and suddenly it seemed possible that the ladies of the court would enjoy watching Golaz and me very much indeed.  

"Smell him first," Karyana said suddenly.  "Take a deep breath through your nose."  

I obeyed immediately, without really thinking about it.  Not surprisingly, the scent was familiar to me from times when I had lain pleasuring myself, not that I had been permitted to do that very often since handing myself over to Viyana nearly three months ago.  To smell that raw, intense odour coming from the groin of another man was almost enough to throw me into panic.  

"Please don't force me to do this," I quavered, completely forgetting how frantic I had been just a minute ago to avoid further pain.  "I'll take more of the paddle, or go back on the spiderweb, or even-"  

"Hush," said Relkada firmly, and I instantly fell silent.  "You're a slave, Areth, and you're strapped down in a room full of people who want to see you suck cock.  You know you can't escape this, no matter how desperately you might want to."  Her voice had become gentle, almost sympathetic.  "The only question is whether you're going to cooperate, and have this go as easily as possible for you, or squirm and plead and have to be beaten into acquiescence.  If you need to be beaten a little more, I'll be happy to oblige, but it's going to be hard and merciless and very businesslike."  

"I want to please you, my lady," I replied feebly.  "I'm just so frightened."  It was an utterly inadequate word for the strange alchemist's brew of feelings that I was experiencing.  Fear and a kind of revulsion were prime constituents, as was the desire to please.  There was a dash of anger at my plight, a generous dollop of resignation, and even a sprinkling of absurd resentment towards Lohni for not defying Relkada and kissing my hip again.  But the most subtle and alarming ingredient was a kind of excitement at being the centre of so much attention, and at being forced to do something so outrageous, decadent and improbable.  I was a long way, I thought suddenly, from my father's quiet smallholding in the north.  

"Frightened," Karyana repeated mockingly.  "Perhaps someday I'll be able to persuade Relkada to let me acquaint you with the dungeons beneath this very palace, and the thoroughly brutish and depraved men and women who guard them.  Then you'd have a better sense of what it is to be frightened, I promise.  Golaz could tell you a story or two."  

Relkada still had one hand clenched painfully in my hair, but she used the other to caress my cheek.  "You had better give his cock at least a little kiss, Areth, before I decide your stubbornness warrants a trip to the dungeons right now."  

Remembering the pain I had experienced on the spiderweb at the hands of Lohni, Clista and Relkada, I quailed more than ever at the thought of being dragged to an actual torture chamber by trained dungeon guards who would no doubt take considerable pleasure in making me suffer.  I was almost sure that Relkada would never really give permission for that, not in the case of a newly purchased slave whom she wanted to make into a prize performer, but the uncertainty was just enough to convince me not to tempt fate any further.  Besides, Relkada had been quite correct to say that I was strapped down without any possibility of escape.  It was time, then, to accept my fate and take some comfort from the hope that I might at least please her in my surrender.  

I steeled myself, clenched my tethered fists, and pressed my lips lightly and fleetingly to the side of Golaz's shaft.  Golaz gave a sudden, forceful exhalation and shifted his tremendous weight just a little, which made his cock slap insistently against my cheek.  A wave of breathy, excited laughter rose from the members of the audience who had clustered around Golaz and Relkada.  Someone was also clapping, and I turned my eyes upward and saw that it was Karyana.  

"A magnificent performance," she said in a voice that dripped with irony.  "Now do it properly, slave.  Open wide and hold still.  Golaz, I'm tired of putting up with the boy's mincing reluctance.  You fuck his mouth hard."  

I tried to cast an appealing glance in Relkada's direction, but she was now holding me so firmly that I could not even turn my head to look up at her.  In any case, she did not seem to be in a merciful mood.  Her free hand seized my ear and twisted it painfully when I hesitated to obey Karyana's instructions.  

"You heard her," Relkada said shortly.  I found Golaz's cock as repellent as ever, but Relkada's grip was relentless and the straps digging into my limbs made me all too aware of my helplessness.  To my amazement,  Lohni pressed her mouth to my hip again, perhaps gambling that everyone would be too busy watching Golaz and me to bother about her, and at the same moment I resigned myself and let my mouth fall open.  A female hand, though I could not tell whose, took Golaz's shaft in a delicate grip and lifted it so that it was perfectly aligned with my parted lips.  Golaz grunted in anticipation and thrust forwards, fucking my mouth hard as Karyana had commanded.  I gagged as I felt his glans literally slam into the back of my throat, and I think I might have reflexively bitten him had not Relkada and the woman who had been guiding his cock both seized my lower jaw to hold my mouth wide open.  

No one commanded me to lick or suck, or indeed do anything at all except lie across the punishment block with my mouth hanging open for Golaz to ravage with his cock.  Nevertheless, he was moving his hips vigorously and groaning far more loudly than he had been with Lohni a few minutes ago, and I tasted his pungent fluid every time his shaft pumped back and forth across my unmoving tongue.  He was stiff enough to exert a painful pressure with every thrust, and I realised that the feeling of touching the back of my throat with the head of his cock was enough to keep him excited and indeed drive him towards greater heights of arousal.  Meanwhile hot tears were trickling down my cheeks again, brought forth by the humiliation and revulsion that engulfed me like a black cloud as much as by the physical discomfort of having my mouth pounded.  Some of the women in the audience were laughing and egging Golaz on, and I heard them slapping his back and buttocks to encourage him to thrust harder and faster.  In some ways it was among the most unbearable experiences of my life, at least up to that moment, but at the same time it was undeniable that my own cock was every bit as hard as Golaz's.  I could feel it between my belly and the smooth leather surface of the punishment block.  

"Enough," Karyana said abruptly, and I heard Golaz cry out in surprise or perhaps frustration as strong hands  instantly dragged him back.  I closed my mouth and swallowed hard, grimacing at the lingering taste but relieved to have the interior of my mouth to myself again.  Lohni hastily withdrew her lips from my body.  

"Poor boy," Relkada laughed, patting Golaz's shoulder.  "How does it feel, to be owned by a woman who can dole out moments of pleasure like scraps of meat, and snatch them away just as easily?"  

"It is interesting, my lady, to be instructed so thoroughly in what it means to be a slave," Golaz replied from behind his mask.  His voice was more highly pitched than I would have expected, given his height and bulk, and he had a strange, plosive accent that gave his speech an exotic flavour without making it particularly difficult to understand.  It seemed that he could indeed speak the dialect of Ariskayne, and even express himself with some measure of eloquence.  To my amazement, this huge southern barbarian slave in the animal mask was evidently a man of some refinement.  

"You can talk to my delightful brute later, Relkada," Karyana admonished.  "At the moment you have two slaves of your own strapped down and awaiting further attention, and I for one am ready to see them grasped and taken.  Which one do you have your eye on for yourself, and which are you going to leave for Golaz?"  

Relkada smiled and tossed her head, making her three braids dance.  She put her hands on Lohni's buttocks and pushed them back and forth, seeming to savour their texture.  Lohni gave a low, helpless moan, and I wondered if she was hoping that Relkada would choose her or consign her to Golaz's ministrations.  For my part, I would have cheerfully given years of my life to avoid being fucked by Golaz, even if it meant having Relkada's monstrous artificial phallus slam into my anus without mercy.  I silently willed her to release Lohni and turn her attention to me.  

To my relief she finally gave the slave girl a hearty slap and moved away, her artificial cock swinging between her thighs.  She passed out of my field of view, and a moment later I felt her strong fingers and sharp nails pressing relentlessly into my own upturned rump.  I suddenly wished that I could wake up and find that the whole evening had been a bizarre nightmare, that I was actually asleep in Viyana's slave dormitories still waiting to be sold or perhaps even back in my own bed in the northlands.  Nevertheless, I knew that everything that was happening to me was perfectly real, and that what was about to happen would be all too real as well.  I told myself that Relkada would at least be better than Golaz, and I hoped with all my heart that she would not go back to Lohni now.  

"Which one indeed?" Relkada mused, and the audience murmured in hungry anticipation.  For once, Karyana seemed to have no inclination to interfere with her choice.

[So, which one indeed? Should you happen to have a preference, dear reader, please let me know. And I promise not to be so long with Part 7.]
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RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 2/11/2011 3:07:23 PM   

Posts: 8998
Joined: 8/9/2007
Status: offline
I swear, I never comment on creative writings and I am a female sub, but for some reason I love this ongoing story.

I just think it is hot and I look forward to your next installment.

(in reply to Wheldrake)
Profile   Post #: 2
RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 2/13/2011 3:36:07 PM   

Posts: 8
Joined: 11/4/2010
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I have read every story and I must say, it would simply elate me if areth was fucked by Golaz and was forced to endure hid ultimate humiliation. Great story, keep them coming please.

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 3
RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 2/15/2011 1:06:32 PM   

Posts: 477
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ORIGINAL: sexyred1

I swear, I never comment on creative writings and I am a female sub, but for some reason I love this ongoing story.

I just think it is hot and I look forward to your next installment.

Thanks for the continuing encouragement! I'm actually really glad that the story can appeal to a submissive woman, even though the focus is on a male slave. Conversely, I'm a male submissive and I can get turned on by all kinds of BDSM erotica, as long as it's well written and has the right kind of tone and atmosphere. Who knows - perhaps I'll even write something about a hapless slave girl someday.

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 4
RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 2/15/2011 1:08:59 PM   

Posts: 477
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: MzKitty023

I have read every story and I must say, it would simply elate me if areth was fucked by Golaz and was forced to endure hid ultimate humiliation. Great story, keep them coming please.

I haven't had any other input, and I'd hate to miss an opportunity to elate a long-term reader, so I guess poor Areth's fate is sealed. Details soon!

(in reply to MzKitty023)
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RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 2/21/2011 1:42:29 PM   

Posts: 8998
Joined: 8/9/2007
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ORIGINAL: Wheldrake


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

I swear, I never comment on creative writings and I am a female sub, but for some reason I love this ongoing story.

I just think it is hot and I look forward to your next installment.

Thanks for the continuing encouragement! I'm actually really glad that the story can appeal to a submissive woman, even though the focus is on a male slave. Conversely, I'm a male submissive and I can get turned on by all kinds of BDSM erotica, as long as it's well written and has the right kind of tone and atmosphere. Who knows - perhaps I'll even write something about a hapless slave girl someday.

You are very welcome. It is your skill as a writer that makes the story so evocative and while I am a woman I can relate to the male slave (and the female slave). Yours is the only story I keep looking for on here!

(in reply to Wheldrake)
Profile   Post #: 6
RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 2/23/2011 12:59:22 PM   

Posts: 208
Joined: 6/21/2010
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In fact   ...    in fact   ...   if it isn't too late to "vote," I'd prefer to see Arreth getting taken by Relkada, for a number of reasons.

Wheldrake, I've been following the story from the beginning (though I didn't realize until today that you'd posted Part 6). I've enjoyed it all the way through, but I think you started to lose me a couple of parts back.

Maybe it's just that I'm not that much of a sadist, but at this point I would like to see less heartless torture and more of a sexual spark between Areth and Relkada. I saw a hint of that in the first part or two, but it seems to have leveled off. Yet out of the blue Areth keeps telling us things like, " ...   and despite the pain my cock suddenly got hard as ever  ...  "  I just can't imagine -- no matter how masochistic our protagonist is -- that he'd be getting erections while receiving all that heavy torture. But the real issue I have with Areth's insistent arousal is that there doesn't appear to be enough of a connection between he and Relkada to elicit it. So unless he's into pain for pain's sake, I just can't imagine him getting as excited as he is over all this.

Areth notices Relkada's figure and an occasional soft touch or whatever. I'd like to see more. I'd like to see something happen that shows a gentler, more attractive side of Relkada, that ultimately makes Areth feel some true loyalty to her. Maybe the Suzerain tries to take it just one step too far and Relkada comes to his defense/rescue? I don't know. I thought her using her strap-on on him might be a way to forge more of a connection between the two -- just a thought. And maybe it's too late for that to evolve at all at this point. But while I'm still enjoying the story, I feel like it's begun missing a vital element for me.

Good luck, Wheldrake. I look forward to Part 7.


(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 7
RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 3/7/2011 1:23:45 PM   

Posts: 477
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ORIGINAL: SpyUnderCover

In fact   ...    in fact   ...   if it isn't too late to "vote," I'd prefer to see Arreth getting taken by Relkada, for a number of reasons.

Wheldrake, I've been following the story from the beginning (though I didn't realize until today that you'd posted Part 6). I've enjoyed it all the way through, but I think you started to lose me a couple of parts back.

Maybe it's just that I'm not that much of a sadist, but at this point I would like to see less heartless torture and more of a sexual spark between Areth and Relkada. I saw a hint of that in the first part or two, but it seems to have leveled off. Yet out of the blue Areth keeps telling us things like, " ...   and despite the pain my cock suddenly got hard as ever  ...  "  I just can't imagine -- no matter how masochistic our protagonist is -- that he'd be getting erections while receiving all that heavy torture. But the real issue I have with Areth's insistent arousal is that there doesn't appear to be enough of a connection between he and Relkada to elicit it. So unless he's into pain for pain's sake, I just can't imagine him getting as excited as he is over all this.

Areth notices Relkada's figure and an occasional soft touch or whatever. I'd like to see more. I'd like to see something happen that shows a gentler, more attractive side of Relkada, that ultimately makes Areth feel some true loyalty to her. Maybe the Suzerain tries to take it just one step too far and Relkada comes to his defense/rescue? I don't know. I thought her using her strap-on on him might be a way to forge more of a connection between the two -- just a thought. And maybe it's too late for that to evolve at all at this point. But while I'm still enjoying the story, I feel like it's begun missing a vital element for me.

Good luck, Wheldrake. I look forward to Part 7.


Thanks for your comments, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond. This is the kind of thoughtful, detailed feedback I always hope for when I post bits of fiction, so it's much appreciated.

I imagine Areth as someone who's not exactly masochistic in the classical sense, but who finds it exciting to be the focus of female erotic attention even if it's sadistically inclined. It's less about the person than the situation. With that said, Relkada owns his ass and he knows it, and her personality and mystique elicit reactions from him that go beyond just being turned on because a woman has her eye (and sometimes her hands, lips and implements of corporal discipline) on him. This has faded somewhat into the background as he "performs" in front of a big audience, but it will be coming to the fore again in more private surroundings in the fairly near future.

Meanwhile, I did make a promise to MzKitty, so Areth is in for a good, hard shagging courtesy of Golaz before retreating to greater intimacies with Relkada. As for Relkada coming to Areth's defense - well, I did have something like that in mind, and you've helped persuade me to go ahead and put it in. Details soon.

And yes, I've probably gone over the top now and then with the erections and such. Thanks for pointing that out.

(in reply to SpyUnderCover)
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RE: Femdom Fiction: On the Block, Part 6 - 3/12/2011 1:19:03 PM   

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Joined: 6/21/2010
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My turn to apologize for the delayed response this time, Wheldrake. I checked back for your reply a couple times but hadn't checked again for a few days. I'm glad you found my feedback useful and again, I look forward to reading the next part.


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