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reekon -> BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 5:37:14 AM)

Hi all I am kinda new here but trust me I have put in some hours reading and snooping around this site, I got the sore neck and burnning eyes to prove it. Anyway I am a graphic desiner and i love doing magazine layouts and have always wanted to start my own magazine. The problem is I am not a writer. What i would like to find out is are there any members here who would love to create a BDSM magazine with me? I know there are a few out there but I am think tank and have great ideals for such a mag. I can do all the layout work all i need is some dedicated writers and it's a go.

I would love some input on this from the Members and the owners of

dreamerdreaming -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 8:59:57 AM)

In the current climate- print magazines and newspapers have been going under for some time now- what's your business plan?

And is this print, or online- or both? [8|]

Palliata -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 9:11:00 AM)

I'm open to the idea, at least. As dreamer says, though, a print magazine at thsi point is the equivalent of investing in a draw-mule farm 10 years after the advent of the tractor. Still, if you have a compelling business plan (maybe something online?) I'd love to hear it. Feel free to drop me a message or something.

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 9:56:14 AM)

The idea of putting forth a magazine in print, as has been mentioned, is going the way of the horse-drawn carriage.  T'ain't workin so well anymore.  Especially new mags.  On-line is another thing.  And yeah, a business plan is a good idea, you're going to need one to present to investors, be it a bank or personal financing.  As far as I know, these things aren't started on a dime and a dream.

If you're looking for CM members, then I suggest you go to "arts and photography" and "writings" to see what's being posted there.  Maybe you can approach someone who's contributed and ask for their help or advice.  Never know what type of answers you get, so being polite will go a long way in helping pave the road to your dream.

January -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 10:19:22 AM)

Hi reekon,

A lot of the posters here have blogs. You might want to take a look at them, find interesting articles and essays, and then ask the kink bloggers for permission to reprint. That would give you some material to start with. You also might start with a blog yourself to get your feet wet in electronic media.

You will have to do the google legwork, the compilation, the editing etc...


sirssubk2008 -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 12:03:18 PM)

I agree with those saying you should consider an online version of your magazine. I am new to writing in this kind of context so therefore would not be of much help in the writing department, but I would love to read your magazine if you get it up and running. Please keep us posted on your progress. [;)]

reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 2:24:29 PM)

Of course i would love print but it is dying fast, but even if it was still a booming business ideal I would do a online Ezine first. Putting out a print magazine cost a lot of money. I'm talking $1,000's even for a small run.

I would do it online but it will still have the look and feel of a print mag and when the readership got to a certain level i would try to convert to a print mag and also port to E-Readers. Most novice think that the money for mags are generated by subscriptions and that is not the case, You make your money from the advertisers buying ad space and we all know sex sells. I also have a plan to get readers that I will discuss at a later point.

For as content I already figure this will be a easy one there are tons of blogs on BDSM and i have read some journals on here that are gold. There are a lot of kinksters and everyday normal folks that who are intrigued by this lifestyle. There are countless photographers and artist looking for a outlet to showcase their work and a lot of howto docs to keep this mag fresh with new content for years.

I know the print magazine is a slow dying dog but BDSM can breathe new life into it if done right.

reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 2:29:38 PM)

@ january that is what i had planned, I also want to cover product reviews and interview a new couple every issues to give reader a lil inside peak in the day and life of a Dom/Sub. I also want it to be the standard goto guid for newcommers wanting to explore the lifestyle. with out having to jump all around the net looking for info

mnottertail -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 2:33:18 PM)

you could look in creative writings and photography forums and ask some of those guys by cmail if they are in....

Insofar as a how to question and answer or authoritative article, nearly every dominant on this site male or female knows everything there is to know, and how everything should be...hell, just read the threads.......... 

reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 2:37:40 PM)

@ tiggerspoohbear

I understand what your saying and trust me this is not a fly by night dream. I have been running what if scenarios in my head about the makings of a magazine for well over 6 years. Yes A print mag will cost tons of money, a online E-zine on the other hand will cost next to nothing if the contributing writers and photographers understand and agree that there will be no money generated for at least six months. a domain name and Host is the only upfront cost and that will cost less than $200

When things get rolling and we are cranking out regular content and the readership numbers have grown ad dollars will come then pay checks will start going out.

sexyred1 -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 2:38:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: reekon

Of course i would love print but it is dying fast, but even if it was still a booming business ideal I would do a online Ezine first. Putting out a print magazine cost a lot of money. I'm talking $1,000's even for a small run.

I would do it online but it will still have the look and feel of a print mag and when the readership got to a certain level i would try to convert to a print mag and also port to E-Readers. Most novice think that the money for mags are generated by subscriptions and that is not the case, You make your money from the advertisers buying ad space and we all know sex sells. I also have a plan to get readers that I will discuss at a later point.

For as content I already figure this will be a easy one there are tons of blogs on BDSM and i have read some journals on here that are gold. There are a lot of kinksters and everyday normal folks that who are intrigued by this lifestyle. There are countless photographers and artist looking for a outlet to showcase their work and a lot of howto docs to keep this mag fresh with new content for years.

I know the print magazine is a slow dying dog but BDSM can breathe new life into it if done right.

I am in media sales. So yes, advertising is where you make your money since subscriptions won't work when there is a myriad of free content in this arena online.

However, when launching an online publication, you have to develop the traffic to provide to the advertisers. You need a certain base level of site traffic and page views to make it attractive to ad buyers.

Also, due to the subject matter, you will not get the big spend advertisers, like national brands. So you will have to rely on volume from the niche advertisers who would provide ads for this category.

Many, many established publications have tried to move their print properties online with limited success, but it can be done if you find a niche that is underfilled or you can do it better.

Good luck.

reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 2:44:38 PM)

well the howto's are more for newbies, and yes the forms are great reads but some of do still like magazines and the more read friendly layout it has. Also it is not 100's of post replys of off topic comments. the magazine offers a more pin point answer are covers a topic better than a message post.

Don't get me wrong I love reading message boards but books and magazines are easier reading

RCdc -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 2:57:57 PM)

There is a lot of things you will have to consider like age restrictions. Artwork and photography will need model releases and you have to be careful of your local laws. Then it depends if you are wanting to start off paying your writers and contributors, whether you are going to get advertising and how you are going to finance. If you are going to start off non commission, then I don't think you can a set time limits on the magazine (monthly or bi monthly for example).

I wouldn't personally go for bloggers. What you want are good, stable writers that you can depend on because people return to read established writers and like the familiar. Master writes freelance and the usual route is getting people to submit good solid examples when they apply.

January -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 3:45:03 PM)


I wouldn't personally go for bloggers.

Reekon's looking for free content. Other than design, I'm not sure what reekon's bringing to the table, or really what he's wanting from CM.

There are plenty of good, stable writers who blog, dc. It just takes a competent editor to figure out what's good. Established, experienced BDSM freelance writers won't write for some start-up without a payoff. If there's no money in it, either the author has to be devoted to the concept, or the people producing the magazine.


reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 5:11:13 PM)

@ RCdc

I understand and have considered laws, model releases, and the whole gauntlet of snags, I am glad i posted this here, lol you all seem like a pretty smart crowd.

For as writers of course I would like a team of dedicated writers but without being able to guarantee pay at first this will be hard to find. This Magazine will have to be a product of love, I know I will not get rich off this, I am in it because I love the art of a magazine. I buy all kinds of magazines just to look at the layout and study the current trend. Not as in fashion but magazine trends like colors they use fonts the use of white space etc... Whoever comes on board will need to do this for the love of their Photography work , the love of their writes, the love of the lifestyle and the need to share it.

mnottertail -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 5:27:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: reekon

well the howto's are more for newbies, and yes the forms are great reads but some of do still like magazines and the more read friendly layout it has. Also it is not 100's of post replys of off topic comments. the magazine offers a more pin point answer are covers a topic better than a message post.

Don't get me wrong I love reading message boards but books and magazines are easier reading

Let me restate, cuz you missed it by several thousand miles.
Peruse the photo section, peruse creative writings, peruse some of the posts here, if you find folks whose works in these areas you like you might cmail them and ask them if they would like to publish on your website, and eventually in your rag. I would love to see a not too cheesey semi LOOK or LIFE magazine/Saga/New Yorker mag but I don't know if that would sell in the BDSM environment when the web is rife with this stuff. 

reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 6:05:55 PM)

Okay i an mobile now so will not make this to long. To the reply that i an only bringing design to the table means what? If you have never design a magazine you would not know that it is a lot of work. The articles have to be well written but there is a whole science behind making a magazine look well and be reader friendly. You also need to know where t put what and how to reduce eye fatigue etc... It is not just slapping picture and text together.

To the guy saying i missed what he said by a mile no i didn't I understand well. My post gas been bounced around by the administration cause even they don't know where to put it. I posted in general area cause i want to here what everyone has to say, i dont just want to hear for writer. I need the input of potential readers as well. I could team up with the best writers u degree the moon but what good us that if no one reads. It???

I posted in general cause i know most cm members would see it.

I am not taking your reply the wrong way and i hope you don't take mine. I love getting input

reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 7:15:05 PM)

Wow Auto correct on this phone sucks

sirssubk2008 -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 8:57:35 PM)

It is apparent by all of your posts that you have put a lot of thought into this idea.
The idea of the 'how to' sections being for newbies, is nice but the other poster does have a point when they mention that everyone has their opinion of 'how to' do something right. The question that I have is how do you plan to use this section to it's full potential? Are you planning to have a main topic and then use more than one 'how to' for each topic? Like maybe a topic of "Submitting" (I know real general idea, but just pulled it off the top of my head) and then giving several ways from the dominant point of view and the submissive point of view?
You mention wanting to interview couples, would you at some point consider interviewing single people as well? The idea of couples is good, and I like it, but I also think that looking at things from a single person's perspective would be good too.

edited because I can't type [8|]

reekon -> RE: BDSM Magazine (2/21/2011 9:15:36 PM)

well the Magazine will cover and touch all forms of kink, I remember when I first got into BDSM I wanted info and the internet is a good choice but it is overload. A Magazine is better cause it is on a topic you like and it will come in small chucks you can digest with out any problem.

I would like to interview coulpes, singles, young, old you name it, everyone has a story to tell. I will also like to cover product reviews, and showcase some photographers. BDSM has some of the most breath taking I have ever seen. Is this Magazine a gamble ? yes, but like I said it is a love I have and the folks who want to help out need this love as well. I am open to all input anyone has to give. I know I can put out a quality Magazine that you would all enjoy reading.

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