RE: Primal Power Exchange (Full Version)

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62704 -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 3:46:19 PM)

I don't give off this vibe all day long. Frankly, I'm glad for that. I'd have made way too many bad choices earlier in life if I had that kind of effect on women.

But I do find that certain women bring that out in me. When that happens, it's indescribably magic, and every bit like a runaway train. But is this the same thing? From the way I'm reading it described, it feels like there's a difference being implied.

I've heard it often said that being in a relationship suddenly makes a person more desireable. But in my case, I've experienced a lot of the kinds of situations FT mentions - but only when I've found a sub who sets me off. Otherwise, I'm 'only interesting'.

Perhaps I just haven't figured out how to reach the on button by myself. Hm.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:12:08 PM)



I've always been able to spot the Dom in any group... moth to a flame. Indescribable, instantaneous zeroing in on.

where do you find them? My answer... everywhere. They were just as drawn to me. It is that mutual energy that collides.

Awesome post and ThankYou.

Yep, I can almost smell them enter a room sometimes it is so thick an aura. Othertimes I have to be closer but it is still there.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:15:49 PM)



i agree there is a difference for me, too. dominance isn't about playing well; the two can totally exist together, but they are not one and the same. when that's not what you're using as your litmus test, it seems like people don't understand that, either. "isn't he awesome! he's been playing for 10 years and knows all about toys!"
okay, that's cool, but where's the part of him that wants to possess? where's the part that wants to take every inch of me and make it his?

Again, Thank You my sweet little sheperdess, right on the money.

Some never can see/tell the difference between a top and a D, but it is usually apparent to me.

Not, by any means, saying one is better than the other, just different.

I can live totally without play in a relationship as long as that sense of power is coming off my partner.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:23:15 PM)



  I think it's difficult to describe 'energy'.  It's there.  You can definitely tell the difference from one person to the next whether it's present or not.  At the same time, I couldn't tell you why it exists with one person rather than another.  It's difficult as all get out to explain it, but you certainly can't deny it when you feel it.

It's not so much an idea of on or off for Me. Depending on the surroundings, it's more like a dimmer switch. I'm more in tune with it in certain settings than others. I'm absolutely more tuned in with spotting the person(s) in the room where the effect is happening when I'm surrounded by kinky folks. I'll stumble across it in other places that would be considered vanilla environment but it's less frequent. I'm more likely to question it or try to ignore it. I've even been known to attempt to convince Myself that it isn't there. My other half gets a kick out of that last one. We have some very interesting conversations during the drive home when that happens.

I'm in firm agreement that some D types are not tops and not all tops are D types. As much as I'd like to say that folks should enjoy just being who they are and enjoying what they do, I know it doesn't really work like that. There probably is some envy for some folks. Some people have the expectations that everybody should be both and there's a subtle pressure in that. It might be exactly why some people give a shot at passing themselves off as something they're not. (The other reasons listed above are in there, too.) I could go on here but it probably deserves a topic of it's own.

You are stil doing a wonderful job here, Thank You again as well. I really appreciate the input.

You are so in line with the thinking and tone of the discussions that have been going on around my house. I've been contemplating giving the bolded section it's own thread but I need to take some tme to word it correctly to avoid hurt feelings and the whole "my dogs better than your dog....." sparring that such a post could incite.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:24:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: FukinTroll

I would love to hear clips experience... perhaps first encounter with you.


Why Troll dear your read my mind. Plus I'd still love to get my hands on the Lady's cutie's cheesecake recipe.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:28:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: porcelaine

I'm looking for something specific, a definite energy or aura of sorts that's magnetic. I've experienced it in the past and immediately tune in when I encounter someone (to my liking) in possession of it. I generally label this as audacity which includes a confident commanding presence that compels. It is seemingly unspoken yet amazingly intrusive. In some respects it feels as if the individual has coiled himself around my person. He didn't bother muttering come, but brought me to him instead.

You stated that with great clarity. I know that feeling, that come hither that is unspoken yet burning in you, a flutter in your belly, a zing in your brain, an irresistable pull to that individual. Wow!

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:30:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

I don't care if she is the most gorgeous woman in the world, if that energy isn't there, I am not going to pursue her.

Woohoo, another D type checking in and giving us the opposite view. Thank you LAT.

For me, I've meet folks and flatly stated "sorry but we can only be friends" so I get it.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:35:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: leadership527

II'm not really interested in anything else. But somehow it reads like it's coming out of a different galactic quadrant and I don't yet get why I think that.
phenomana was real. So I turned for help here.

Do not feel alone, just keep checking back here, hopefully another poster will find a way to express it that makes sense to you.

My trying to explain this "thing" to another coupled with a few of the other threads going around is what prompted this one. Try as I might I simply could not convince my friend that this phenomana was real. So I turned for help here.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/25/2011 6:36:27 PM)



I've experienced a lot of the kinds of situations FT mentions - but only when I've found a sub who sets me off. Otherwise, I'm 'only interesting'.

Perhaps I just haven't figured out how to reach the on button by myself. Hm.

Or perhaps as I stated in an earlier reply, yours tends to remain at a low level until a certain someone sets it off.

LPslittleclip -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/26/2011 5:52:45 PM)

when i first met my Mistress there was no play with me yet but i did get to see Her play and as i sat there i felt as if i should have been there long before and forever more. it took a little time to be able to fully articulate it but it is a wonderfully thing to see the baggers and checkout persons respond to Her when She is in full Dom mode like when going to a event and stopping for something most of the time She wont even notice it till someone mentions it. now as far as how it feels for a masso slave to play with a sadist Mistress it can be fun just to see there are times when at the dungeon in Atlanta that most all play had ceased to watch Her and i play. for my part it is a cathartic thing playing with Her all else will become nothing no other sounds no other smells no other sensations are noticed.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 6:02:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: LPslittleclip

when i first met my Mistress there was no play with me yet but i did get to see Her play and as i sat there i felt as if i should have been there long before and forever more. it took a little time to be able to fully articulate it but it is a wonderfully thing to see the baggers and checkout persons respond to Her when She is in full Dom mode like when going to a event and stopping for something most of the time

Thank you, LP, for allowing Clip to post here.

Thank you Clip, such poetry of expression, it is stunning to hear and be allowed to share the depth of your feelings for your lovely Lady.

Amazing how on those rare occasions one we interact with can bring forth such raw beautiful emotions.

Now about your cheesecake recipe...........

LadyPact -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 7:33:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: LPslittleclip

when i first met my Mistress there was no play with me yet but i did get to see Her play and as i sat there i felt as if i should have been there long before and forever more. it took a little time to be able to fully articulate it but it is a wonderfully thing to see the baggers and checkout persons respond to Her when She is in full Dom mode like when going to a event and stopping for something most of the time She wont even notice it till someone mentions it. now as far as how it feels for a masso slave to play with a sadist Mistress it can be fun just to see there are times when at the dungeon in Atlanta that most all play had ceased to watch Her and i play. for my part it is a cathartic thing playing with Her all else will become nothing no other sounds no other smells no other sensations are noticed.

Without attempting to sidetrack the thread, the highlighted above is very much what I meant in My earlier post about trying to deny it or ignore it.  Sitting here this morning, I think it's My way of not getting My own version of Domme's disease.  FT might agree with Me on this.  When the phenomenon of what we are calling here Primal Power Exchange happens fairly frequently, it's easy to fall into that trap.  There's something to be said for the difference between what you 'could' do and what you 'will' do.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 7:37:46 AM)


There's something to be said for the difference between what you 'could' do and what you 'will' do.

excellent point. i imagine not everyone who sets it off is good for you, really, just the possessor of something that triggers a response.
it's easy to fall into that trap from the other side, too -- people have triggered a response from me who were also people i rationally knew were BAD for me. "the feeling" isn't reason or justification for acting every time.

LaTigresse -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 7:53:41 AM)

As usual, I agree very much with what LP is saying. Long before I discovered all of this, I had people telling me I had 'It' and I didn't have a clue what 'It' was. I knew people involved in BDSM and power exchange on both sides of the kneel, they also told me I had 'It'. I laughed because I had a very skewed idea of what BDSM even was. I was utterly clueless.

I actually like that I walk around basically clueless 90% of the time. There was a time when I began this particular little journey that I was walking around with quite a cob up my arse. I was a royal cunt. Fortunately I've got enough people in my life that have no reserve in knocking me off my self built pedestal. It's a good thing.

Of course there are times when I am feeling particularly 'It' and get more notice while in public but for the most part I've learned that life is a lot easier if I make a concentrated effort to tone it down and not do the QueenoftheFuckingUniverse schtick. I have been able to find a balance, a way to project expectations and chill the arrogance or demand.....if that makes sense. I prefer to hold myself to high standards and appreciate others efforts of such, in their own way.

Basically, I try not to take myself too seriously but really dig when others do more than I, and show it of their own desire rather than my expectation. It happens frequently but not so much so to give me a fat head.

If that makes a lick of sense.[:D]

porcelaine -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 9:39:47 AM)


There's something to be said for the difference between what you 'could' do and what you 'will' do.

QFT. Well stated.



it's easy to fall into that trap from the other side, too -- people have triggered a response from me who were also people i rationally knew were BAD for me. "the feeling" isn't reason or justification for acting every time.


I don't react to much but when I encounter someone that trips my switch I immediately take five. I cannot allow myself to be swept up in whatever the heck that is without an honest assessment of who I'm responding to. If I get bowled over by the what I'm apt to find its guise is not in my best interest.



LaTigresse -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 10:34:18 AM)

Excellent points. And I think an important difference in people that have sucessful relationships and the train wrecks we see discussed on here, and in our daily lives all the time.

We all have to learn when to act upon our primal urges and to when it is in the best interest of ALL involved, to walk away.

sexyred1 -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 10:44:37 AM)




There's something to be said for the difference between what you 'could' do and what you 'will' do.

excellent point. i imagine not everyone who sets it off is good for you, really, just the possessor of something that triggers a response.
it's easy to fall into that trap from the other side, too -- people have triggered a response from me who were also people i rationally knew were BAD for me. "the feeling" isn't reason or justification for acting every time.

This. It is also something that sometimes take a while to surface. When it does, you are already entrenched and then wonder why you did not recognize it earlier.

But it is never too late to walk away and you learn to spot the bad, or not ignore it, much more quickly.

porcelaine -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/27/2011 11:04:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

We all have to learn when to act upon our primal urges and to when it is in the best interest of ALL involved, to walk away.

Bingo. You've got to know your triggers and weak spots. Otherwise you'll find yourself on a continual cycle of rinse and repeat.



0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/28/2011 3:35:25 AM)



There's something to be said for the difference between what you 'could' do and what you 'will' do.[/color]



. i imagine not everyone who sets it off is good for you, really, just the possessor of something that triggers a response.


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

We all have to learn when to act upon our primal urges and to when it is in the best interest of ALL involved, to walk away.


ORIGINAL: porcelaine

You've got to know your triggers and weak spots. Otherwise you'll find yourself on a continual cycle of rinse and repeat.


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

This. It is also something that sometimes take a while to surface. When it does, you are already entrenched and then wonder why you did not recognize it earlier.

But it is never too late to walk away and you learn to spot the bad, or not ignore it, much more quickly.

Thank you one an all. Collectively you made an excellent point.

Feeling and acting do not have to be simultaneous, it if often best if it is not.

Both the D and the s types should be responsible for their actions. Though even then it is possible to be deceived.

Though there are those occasions when that energy is flowing, and oh my......

porcelaine -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/28/2011 4:15:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: 0ldhen

Both the D and the s types should be responsible for their actions. Though even then it is possible to be deceived.
Though there are those occasions when that energy is flowing, and oh my......

Thank you for the compliment. You're correct in your assessment and I contemplated addressing that angle in another post. Using myself as an example, the primal aspect is of greater importance than most realize. It is definitely a deciding factor, but it isn't finite and has three different manifestations in the men I converse with. There are those that I find mentally engaging and others that are aesthetically appealing, and a special category that defies explanation save for my deep desire for him. Needless to say the latter is a delectable enticement that I should avoid but I usually don't. [:D]

The interesting parallel is found in their response. The mentally astute relate to me in one manner. And the visually appealing in another. However, the one I crave most generally is more assertive and oftentimes very determined to get what he wants. He seizes his prey and goes about it rather methodically. Every man that has claimed me in the past has come from that final group. Especially the dominant ones.

I don't ignore the energetic flow you've mentioned. As a matter of fact, it's what I'm looking for and one of the things that will compel me to take notice.

Great thread! :)



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