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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:02:59 PM   

Posts: 21383
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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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That is his "before coffee" look?


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

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(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:05:40 PM   

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They all wear makeup.    Even Rachel Maddow. 

(in reply to juliaoceania)
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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:07:02 PM   

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Then after coffee....

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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:08:39 PM   

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I like the amazing content. 

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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:10:10 PM   

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Most fiction readers do.

(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 525
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:12:33 PM   

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I have a decent book collection....   none of it is fiction. 

(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:17:33 PM   

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Oh, you're reading your fair share, no worries.

(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 527
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:21:26 PM   

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What I like is how Alex is ahead of the curve.   He reads white papers.   I thank him for his good work.   (Tho I do text- not radio)

(in reply to Musicmystery)
Profile   Post #: 528
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:23:26 PM   

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ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

What I like is how Alex is ahead of the curve.   He reads white papers.   I thank him for his good work.   (Tho I do text- not radio)

Science fiction writers usually are


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

(in reply to pahunkboy)
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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:24:34 PM   

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You are thinking of predictive programming, product placement, and NLP.     

(in reply to juliaoceania)
Profile   Post #: 530
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:25:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
OK, so then what separates the Jews in a given society. Part of it I believe is the split loyalty. Jews always had the vision of returning to their own homeland and that is a big part of their culture. While Belfour(sp) turned that into a reality, this happened before that. So in those countries where most of the people only had one country and were fiercely loyal to it, Jews were seen as friendly acquaintences at best. The type of racism that was prevalent in Europe is hard to understand for many. My paternal Grandfather was Polak, and married a German Woman. Their families almost disowned them. If either would've come home with a Ukrainian or certain other "races" as a mate, the guns might have come out. Their loyalty was almost fanatical. Their views were that Jews never considered the country to be home, what the Jews thought I do not know. Their striving to make Israel a reality does indicate that it may have been true. I am not saying that this is a bad thing. If we in the US were put into diaspora, would we strive to get "our" country back ? I'd bet quite a few would.

Yes and no is the answer as far as I can see it. There was some historical animosity toward Germans and Poles. This was down to historical circumstance (wars, cultural differences etc.) but generally Europeans of largely similar culture/religion were treated with tolerance on the whole. There was a relatively significant French and Roman cultural presence in Ireland and vice-versa for example. You should try to look at Jewish culture with some sympathy for then you may understand the competing loyalties issue better. Jerusalem was central to their faith for several millennia. There was one religious site alone for worship before synagogues developed: the Temple. Mourning their expulsion and wishing to return after being expelled in the second century AD by the Romans became a central part of the Jewish faith. When Jews went elsewhere they were treated with suspicion and animosity. They were not just aliens going into lands where strangers were not welcomed much. Many only knew them to be Christ killers. They were worse than pagans who were ignorant. They were the chosen ones who rejected Christ. Rather than integrate more with society they were pushed around. The blood libel myths developed which often led to pogroms such as in the 13th Century where hundreds of thousands were killed simply because people accused them of poisoning wells with the plague. It is perhaps inevitable that fear and distrust of others would intensify in any group of people subjected to such abuse. Perhaps you can see now why they became gettoised. In fact in some countries they were forced into gettos. In the 18th/19th Century with the Enlightenment many Jews started to assimilate more but fear and suspicion of these people remained (e.g. the Dreyfuss Affair).


Now add to that the fact that - GENERALLY - Jews are more studious when young. they learn things. They become educated and are not stupid. I respect that because my own family is similar. Every Jew I've actually met was at least relatively intelligent and well spoken. With knowledge, they tend to succeed. What's wrong with that ? Well others are sometimes not so diligent about education, and do not enjoy the fruits of study and enlightenment. They do not succeed as much. Then it becomes a matter of jealousy, and the perception of theft from their society. Some of it was true no doubt, but not all. But then the group is demonized for the actions of some of it's members. Typical human behavior actually.

Indeed. This is where anti-Semitism diverges with other forms of racism. Blacks, Muslims etc. can be regarded as stupid, uneducated, violent, barbaric even. The Jew is hated because he is sometimes seen as being better, educated, wealthy/successful. I remember a story that Eric Voegelin recounted. A university colleague in 1938 Austria told the authorities he was Jewish. He wasn't at all. He asked this guy why he did it and this guy replied that he thought he was Jewish because he was so intelligent.


Did these countries in Europe actually have a better society after a pogrom ? Now there's something for an expert Googlist. I have no idea. I doubt they did much better after expelling the Jews. And really, I can't think of a source with suifficient credibility. Just like the holocaust. Many people do not participate in any census. When they came around here after I refused to answer the long form, I refused verbally to answer many of their questions. They have a right to know how many people live here, perhaps the races thereof and a general indication of economic status. Nothing more.

Generally in many countries it would be illegal not to co-operate with a census resulting in imprisonment and people would be counted even if they refused to co-operate. I can tell you that Austria suffered a lot due to the Holocaust. It was perhaps the most vibrant intellectual environment in Europe until that time due to Jewish interraction at Universities.


So it is very possible that population figures were not quite accurate. If you are an interested party to the subject you are of course familiar with D6MRD. Not every piece of evidence they have is fabricated, just like Alex Jones. But the presentment and the "spin" hurts their credibility. And just for argument's sake, what does anyone have to gain, I mean something tangible, from denying the holocaust ? Opposing reparations ? Almost everyone I know opposes reparations because for one, the dead will stay dead and for two, we didn't do it.

Yeah I have heard of that book. The text is advanced hugely by Holocaust deniers like Robert Furrisson and Stormfront. Indeed it is true that a significant number fled but many stayed because their roots had been in there for centuries and/or no host countries were available. This was a matter of policy for many countries as with the Evian Conference of 1938 - Ireland took in a grand total of six Jews during the Holocaust! The US was perhaps the best for granting asylum to Jewish refugees but even the numbers they accepted were very small indeed and a cause of anger amongst some. Then with war any chance of leaving in effect ended.

There is enough truth in most extremist movements to make them appeal to popular sensibility. That is a critical part in the success of the national socialism in the 1930's.

What do people have to gain from Holocaust denial? What is the one thing that drove anti-Semitism underground? The Holocaust. Those images in papers and in News reels in 1945 shook the world. If the reality of the Holocaust can be undermined then hatred of the Jews can become legitimate again. The horrific genocidal consequences of anti-Semitism when unleashed without inhibition would be divorced from reality. That is why avowedly anti-Semitic people like David Irving turned denying it into life defining careers.


Speaking of reparations, after WW2 the US vehemently opposed heavy reparations being levied on Germany because our leaders saw that this was what enabled Hitler to power. Wish we had people like that today. As imperfect as they were at least they thought of something more than lining their own pockets.

They also wanted a wealthy industrious West Germany to be a big fuck you to the Soviet East.


Enough for now on that. I don't believe anything, and I don't care about governmental endorsement or anything. Everybody lies it seems. Denying that is the worst mistake. Our own government agencies cannot be trusted, and I don't have to prove it, just look at all the times the researchers have reversed themselves.

Were they honest the first time or the next ? Sometimes they made mistakes, but that is unacceptable when you are the de facto authority on a given subject. Like at work, I am the last word on technical issues, when I am wrong it is VERY BAD. So I strive not to be wrong. But sometimes I am anyway. The voice of authority should be used very carefully. I don't mean the authority at the point of a gun, I mean the respect you can destroy by being wrong. The "authorities" are very lucky that people have short memories.

Indeed people fuck up, people are dishonest, people are greedy. Governments are made of people. Their words should be treated with caution, their deeds questioned. But as I said to XX, we need to be careful of accepting and advocating conspiracy theories to explain most if not all of our problems. The consequences could be appalling. This is why I object to conspiracy as a paradigm for understanding the world. Democracy is fucked up. Democracy is disillusioning. Democracy is messy. Thats why fascism appealed in the past.

(in reply to Termyn8or)
Profile   Post #: 531
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:30:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

They all wear makeup.    Even Rachel Maddow. 

It doesnt help in her case either.


Hear the lark
and harken
to the barking of the dogfox,
gone to ground.

(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 532
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 12:33:22 PM   

Posts: 21383
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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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ORIGINAL: willbeurdaddy


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

They all wear makeup.    Even Rachel Maddow. 

It doesnt help in her case either.

She is a lesbian, so I am thinking she doesn't care if you find her unattractive..

Stick to your "you betcha" Barbie, she is more of your intellectual speed anyways


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

(in reply to willbeurdaddy)
Profile   Post #: 533
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 1:52:34 PM   

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Thank you for approaching this touchy subject apropriately, with the caution is requires.

"Yes and no is the answer as far as I can see it."

Well really for there to be one answer there would have to be only one Jew. As I stated it is a human trait to tend to group a "group" together. Whether for good reason or not, Jews have hidden. Sometimes in plain sight. Changing names and so forth, and the Kol Nidre. Are you familiar with that ? I'll say it because others might not know. The Kol Nidre is a prayer that actually amounts to an update of religious law. It allows them to take false oaths. Oh this is so bad ? Not quite. It came out of France where at the time they were required to become Christian or be executed. What would you do ? Lie or die.

I used to have a racist streak in me a mile wide. Over the years things have changed as I have become a bit more enlightened. I still cherish racial differences and racism is not the reason I deplore the "melting pot". I like separatism because it preserves our differences. I like hanging out with people from different backgrounds and from different cultures. Once we are all homogenized, the world will be alot less interesting.

You mentioned religion. Holy shit. PUN INTENDED. The Christians have persecuted many. In fact last I heard they were still at it. The human race really has not grown all that much intellectually. Sure we have technology, but we have not improved ourselves.

That's one things Jews actually do. Mating outside is considered carefully. I really don't have a problem with that because I totally agree with it and actually practice it to a limited extent. I mean I wanted to hook my sister up with a friend of mine just to get his DNA, no shit. The problem is that they denounce the practice. Other than that, I think they are doing the right thing.

"This is where anti-Semitism diverges with other forms of racism. Blacks, Muslims etc. can be regarded as stupid, uneducated, violent, barbaric even. The Jew is hated because he is sometimes seen as being better, educated, wealthy/successful."

That is actually a racist stement. Hopefully people don't take it wrong. My opinion on other races in compare ? First of all Arabs are Semites. Jews seem to consider themselves the only Semites just like US citizens consider themselves to be the only Americans. Pot, kettle, so what. We are all a bit clanish. And from what I understand, when the "settlers" came to conquer this land, they forced the natives to learn their language. Conversely, when they brought the Black slaves from Africa, for a time is was illegal to teach them to read or write. Perhaps they learned something ? Something that was useful in their quest for power ?

I just buried an Uncle today who served in the late part of WW2. I am proud to be associated with that Man, but that does not make me proud of my country's history. We fucked this place up, along with the people who were already here, who were generally friendly and at least at first, welcomed the new settlers. Separate issues.

"Yeah I have heard of that book. "

Not just a book, a website now, unless they have "disappeared". I haven't been there in years, but I know what they say. They are not totally wrong, but I doubt they are totally right. Regardless, if you publicize such views in Germany, you are likely to go to prison. Jews themselves should fight to repeal that legislation, because really I think they could hold their own in an open debate. The legislation indicates fear, which is sometimes borne by guilt. What's more it is true evidence of their influence on politics across the planet. Bad move. Don't forget AIPAC and HR4230. As far as I am concerned they can do whatever they want, but not in MY COUNTRY. See how that works ? That could be the basis for alot of their problems over the last century or so.

Also note that FDR refused mass immigration during WW2. Some Jews came, but some of the people you might call deniers assert that it was a ploy to get the peoples' sympathy. To exaserbate the problem so to garner popular support. That is only theory though. But then I also heard that the Jews were not only allowed to leave before the holocaust, but they were actually encouraged to do so. If all the countries in the world refused them for whatever reason, it's not a theory anymore.

"There is enough truth in most extremist movements to make them appeal to popular sensibility."

To strike the chords...... those are not my words, they are from the Protocols. Since I just mentioned that, I find is hard to believe that anyone else wrote that document, forgery or not.

"They also wanted a wealthy industrious West Germany to be a big fuck you to the Soviet East. "

With a bunch of our money no less. Was there a conspiracy ? How did all these people just happen to further one anothers' goals ? See how it all worked out ? And really, I remember something about a Russian leader recently saying something like communism doesn't work. They certainly tried it. And look at Germany now. First of all if you can look at the big picture without prejudice it is clear that Hitler did alot for that country. He mobilized the workforce damnear without money, and almost conquered a few countries. It happened pretty darn quick too.

"Indeed people fuck up, people are dishonest, people are greedy. Governments are made of people. "

I am considering that statement as a sig line. The most important thing, no matter what anyone does, is not to hate. It clouds one's judgement. Just like the pogroms, one Jew was an asshole, and they get rid of them all. Along with their possible future contributions to that society. That is not logical. If they really stole all that much, there are legal ways to stop it, especially without a constitution comparable to that of the US.

But people are still all fucked up about facts. Remember Clinton, and gun control ? The police will be more efficient and so on, because nobody will have guns. Remember that shit and the fringe element spouting that Germany did this ? If it happened I'm sure that at that point only Jews were prevented from having guns. The sites and papers that were put out on the subject included many countries, and actually real facts that gun control preceded some sort of what is now called ethnic cleansing. This is the type of shit I don't like. (I do like JPFO)

They go too far. If they just presented the facts it would be fine, but Americans were brought up on sensationalism. That's what they understand, and that is why some are Alex Jones disciples.

This world is pretty fucked up. I'm cooking and it is time for the next step. I'll be around. Again, thank you for engaging this subject without the usual slurs and cliche type response. It's refreshing actually.


(in reply to Anaxagoras)
Profile   Post #: 534
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 2:01:04 PM   

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ORIGINAL: juliaoceania


ORIGINAL: willbeurdaddy


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

They all wear makeup.    Even Rachel Maddow. 

It doesnt help in her case either.

She is a lesbian, so I am thinking she doesn't care if you find her unattractive..

Stick to your "you betcha" Barbie, she is more of your intellectual speed anyways

And 10x your speed, and she isnt "mine" to begin with. Find a single post where Ive supported her. (Defending against defamatory nonsense libs post is not "support")


Hear the lark
and harken
to the barking of the dogfox,
gone to ground.

(in reply to juliaoceania)
Profile   Post #: 535
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 2:10:54 PM   

Posts: 3086
Joined: 5/9/2009
From: Eire
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XS the posts are becoming a bit long. Its partly my fault but will probably put others off reading so I'll keep this as brief as possible. I think things should be toned down because if the invective worsens it'll become a fight which is a waste of time.



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras


George Bush Senior was US ambassador to the United Nations for two years in the early 70's. Linking him to some sort of NWO conspiracy because he was part of some family planning programme perhaps of questionable morality is not sufficient to re-evaluate pretty clear sentiments as expressed in his speech about a stronger UN.
It's a clue as to what he might mean by "credible".

I don’t think so. You can’t alter the obvious meaning of his words based on a single project he was a member of two decades earlier. I don’t know anything about the project in question but assuming a form of eugenics was included in the programme, then bear in mind this was also the case in some European countries up until the 1970’s. Like phrenology, eugenics was a respected part of science for a long time until it gradually became discredited several decades ago and is now regarded as unethical.

Doesnt' mean there aren't still those who subscribe to it, there is quite a large body of evidence here, racism is a political tool as well, and a highly effective one, which is the lesson of NAZI Germany, which in spite of Godwins law, is a textbook example of media manipulation triggering a centripetal defensive response, and inciting widespread mob violence.

I already mentioned ACORN, and a great deal of the resistance to Obama is latent racial stereotypes simmering just below the surface, it's very hard not to see that, even if it's in poor taste to point it out.

I agree with most of that. I believe too many people put down dislike of Obama to racism although its definately a factor for a significant number I believe. I thought the sums Bush Jr. gave ACORN were grossly exaggerated.



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras
I really don't think so. Most conspiracy theories originate from two places principally: the far-right and far-left. The political fringes. They can be unhealthy places morally speaking.

Since when? It's a whole new world, PR wise, viral marketing, virtual networks updated in real time - these things did not exist for practical purposes 20 years ago, and it's changed and accelerated dramatically in the last Ten years, one cannot base assumptions on historical patterns, right wing philanthropies for example, spend huge amounts of money on this stuff, a lot of it comes out of AEI, it's straight up disinformation, and it's disseminated through the various media organs on the internet, the NRO, etc., radio and television, within hours, if not minutes.

Since when? For over one hundred years. The Internet is just a new tool that both the far right and far left use, most effectively I might add. They are one of the big winners of the Internet revolution.

Instant mass media has only been around since the Fifties, the internet as a widespread medium, only since the Nineties, they're both very different than print media the immersion factor is very different - I think you mentioned the Protocols, that was disseminated through print media, and hardly the first of such things, pamphleteering is as old as the printing press, but it wasn't coming at you 24/7 from every direction, you could read it and think about it, discuss it, etc., now you can isolate yourself to a specific channel, Fox, Limbaugh, NRO, for example, and really have no idea what is going on outside that channel - that's all you're accusing Hunky of, but both channels are rife with conspiracy theories, you can't just pick and choose which ones you prefer, you're going to have to apply critical thinking here, check sources, make some effort to determine what the reality of the situation is.

Fair point about the media having greater power today. I know people have issues with Fox but its not nearly as bad the Alex Jones type outlets. Anyone can take issue with their discussion jocks but at least its pure news casting is reasonably accurate although I'm sure plenty of others will scoff at that remark. BTW you're forgetting radio since the twenties.


It's the nature of modern information stream - infotainment - I linked to several credible sources, that deal in fact, not sensationalism, but at least one of them is out of business because not enough people are looking - Jones appears to not have the same problem, he's at least getting people to look, and that's how free speech works when it comes to media - viewership = advertising revenue, it's as simple as that.

The dumbing down of news is a problem. It became more acute in the 80's. The situation with the media is not ideal but I don't think it is merely a puppet of the authorities. If anything I think it can have excessive sway on governance.



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras
People wheel and deal all the time. Many people are greedy and self serving. The same goes for organisations. Its an unfortunate part of human nature. Yes there is corruption and often a lack of transparency. Reality is messy. People are messy morally speaking. Same goes for some institutions all of which are human made. I can accept those points and question the morality of politicians etc. without going through the conspiracy theory portal of believing for example that the US government would willingly kill 3,000+ of its own people. This is a key point about conspiracy theorists. It is a re-orientating of one's perception of reality to become a conspiracy theorist. Such people look for it under every stone. Any lack of clarity, any contradiction spells evil intent, Goldman-Sacks and the NWO. That is a perverse paranoia where mere doubt can validate views. You should appreciate that there is a distinction between accepting that governments can be corrupt where conspiracy can happen, and allowing it to infuse entire worldviews. The latter is corrosive to society.

Lol, corruption is corrosive to society, free speech is all that stands between us and corruption, that is the purpose of the bill of rights, all of our freedoms are predicated on free speech, that, not the government, is the ultimate guarantor of your rights, of everyone's rights, it's worth the price of listening to a few rants - right wing conspiracy theories do real damage, Jones isn't telling anybody to kill people, he's not trying to overthrow the Constitution or the Bill of rights, he's ostensibly advocating enforcing it - unlike others I could, and have mentioned.

You seem to be implying I made points which I have not made. Of course free speech is important as is an open society and of course corruption is corrosive too. However, spreading fear where it is not warranted, seeing evil intent where it cannot be reasonably inferred has the potential to be hugely damaging to civil society even more so than corruption unless the latter is so severe that it gravely undermined the functioning of society in its totality. It’s not a matter of believing that conspiracies do sometimes happen. It is a matter of seeing them all the time, everywhere one looks. It is a fundamental re-orientation of perception.

Uh, corruption typically consists largely of spreading fear where it is not warranted, seeing evil intent where it cannot be reasonably inferred, it inherently involves "a fundamental re-ordering of perception". You are responsible for your perceptions, it's your duty as a citizen to check facts, and you can't check them if you never hear them - what world do you live in? Is there some ultimate, absolute and infallible source of truth I don't know about? If there were, we wouldnt' be having this conversation.

Have the organs of corporate media not been implicated in racism, or the Red Scare, anti-Union activity, smear campaigns on people with inconvenient views? Happens all the time, and it generates a certain degree of reasonable paranoia - corruption is the source, conspiracy theory is a symptom of it, when it isn't a tool of corruption itself, free speech is the antidote, and that means you're going to have to do better than try to conspire to selectively censoring points of view you don't like because you consider them "dangerous" - that's a tool of facism, Who decides, and where do you stop?

I disagree, corruption occurs for a few different reasons and has differing symptoms, and we are not fully responsible for our perceptions, most are involuntary. No of course I don't have any definitive source of truth. I wish I had. I look at the mainstream media. I usually read or watch a few sources if I have the time and try to build up a picture as best as I can.
As I said to Termy, all human institutions are fallible and imperfect. Yes indeed it is well known that some media institutions pursue direct political agendas. It shouldn't necessarily generate paranoia but simply a level of scepticism. This has been understood for a long time, resulting in the common adage "don't believe all you read".

I really don't think conspiracy is simply a result of corruption. Conspiracy theory has existed for a very long time and seems to be generated by a variety of factors including hatred and prejudice.


You say, "I can accept those points and question the morality of politicians etc. without going through the conspiracy theory portal of believing for example that the US government would willingly kill 3,000+ of its own people.", but it happens all the time, it's a matter of historical record, Operation Northwoods was a Pentagon generated strategic study that concerned doing exactly that, the Lusitania, even Pearl Harbor - you telling me the entire Japanese fleet was able to steam within striking distance of Peal Harbor and nobody noticed?

The notion that there was no deception or conspiracy is the thing that begins to strain credulity here - the CIA was running cociane into the country in the Eighties, it's a matter of historical record, established in a United States court of law, it's not a theory, it's a fact, it's a fact that it enabled them not only to fund covert operations in other countries, but drove down real estate prices in select markets here, and that certain people "coincidentally" made a lot of money off that, people with CIA connections - it wasn't "the government", the postal service wasn't involved, the FBI wasn't involved, I doubt sincerely that the bulk of the CIA itself was involved, it was a select group of people with an agenda, operating with public resources, under government auspices, with no accountability or oversight.

Wouldn't you want to know if that were true or not?

It is, look it up - there's money involved here, people playing hardball, it's not some abstract ideal of good and evil, it's people doing what people are prone to do, have been doing for Thousands of years - sweeping it under the rug isn't going to make it go away, it just enables it.

You are still suggesting that I am saying there are no conspiracy theories or that they should be silenced. I have actually said the opposite to you repeatedly. I don't want ot start another shitstorm as I don't like entering into eternal debates which are wasteful of time for all involved but there is no robust evidence I know of that proves FDR knew about the Pearl Harbour attack before hand even though he did want to bring the US into World War Two. The theory that the CIA ran cocaine into the US in the 80's is not as clear cut as you suggest. It may have happened but its unclear if it did or not:



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras
Conspiracy theorists forward the view that the government is extremely evil. One of the biggest theories is 9/11. What conclusion does this theory forward: at will the institution that should protect its civilians can kill large numbers of the people it represents for no other reason than to start war. That is an assertion so beyond the pale in terms of reason that it’s an absurdity to even countenance. All they would have to do is invent having one of their ships and a couple of planes destroyed by a foreign force to invent cause to start a war. It would be far easier to do and essentially as effective. The thing is that if people truly believe their own government would cynically kill a huge number of innocents at will then trust breaks down to such an extent that all authority becomes the enemy. People would understandably pick up guns and an amass against this enemy. Some have to an extent with unofficial militias and heavily armed families often retreating into the back of nowhere. If such ideas became mainstream beliefs then the damage they could cause would be immense. It could destroy the country.

No, but it could certainly destroy the careers and reputations of the people involved, I fail to see how that would be a bad thing - because some of them worked for the government? all the more reason - you have every right to know what the idiots you elected, and the idiots they hired, have been up to.

In this case, that particular conspiracy theory is neither right nor left, and as far as "anti-government", the entire justification for a government is to protect the rights of the individual - if it isn't doing that, its already destroyed - the "government" is just people, and we all know that not everybody is trustworthy.

It's your goddamn duty as an American not to trust the fucking government - that's why we have checks and balances and free speech, so you can get some idea what the hell is going on, because the second people think they can get away with shit, they will.

You seem to be essentially denying here hardcore conspiricism could cause serious destruction despite some significant indicators to the contrary. Thus we will never agree on this issue. I never said trust the government but I did say we shouldn't see the government as intensely evil either unless there is genuine cause and unproven conspiracy theories are not a sufficient reason to do so. BTW I'm not a "goddam American" - look up the info next to my profile.



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras

I think he comes up a bit short of messianic status, he's a shock jock, but like I said, he covers a lot of stories that get short, or no play in the mass media, more power to him.

His stories get little coverage in the mainstream media for good reason. Most are quite frankly nuts so no, definitely not “more power to him”. There needs to be more factual accountability for these people.

We agree on the accountability issue, we just disagree about which people should be held accountable and to whom, Jones is only accountable to his audience, in spite of your alarmism, he is not holding the lives of billions in his sweaty little hands, paranoia is not illegal.

How about Jones' "alarmism"? Could that be damaging? I think Jones is accountable to everyone in the US if he is putting damaging lies out there which are instilling undue fear in people of the authorities. Paranoia is not illegal but is it a good thing? Paranoia, the very word you use repeatedly, is by definition a fear or anxiety that is typically not warranted: "Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat towards oneself."



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras

Sure, Conspiracies happens all the time, so what are you saying? Pretend it isn't there? If there are conspiracies, there will be conspiracy theories, you want to end conspiracy theories, end the conspiracies - not gonna happen, we'll have to keep limping along with all of it, one thing that doesn't change much is human nature.

I never implied we should pretend conspiracies never happen. It depends on what you mean by conspiracy. There is criminal conspiracy. That happens quite a lot. There are low level conspiracies that occur as a result of corruption, but that’s just people wishing to feather their nest rather than bring in grand plans covertly. There probably are higher level government conspiracies that do happen on occasion. Things like Watergate. It is the latter that conspiracy theorists see as happening all the time and they conflate it with corruption. Then they throw other elements into it such as fiendish desires to control or kill off the populace. They also integrate personal prejudice such as an unhealthy obsession over Jews. Now there is the internet this stuff can go viral which makes it extremely dangerous. Regardless of actual conspiracy, there will be conspiracy theories where there is radical doubt and certain kinds of hatred. We should encourage greater transparency and accountability in governance rather than going off the deep end and feverishly imagining the government is out to get us somehow.

But it is, always has been, since the dawn of time, that's what the American Revolution was all about, that's why the constitution was written the way it was written, because men wanted to be free of corrupt, arbitrary, fiat rule - it was a conspiracy - though in this case, it's a conspiracy that succeeded - and one that history remembers somewhat more fondly than it remembers others.

Yeah revolutions start as conspiracies and some are good but we're talking about a somewhat different phenomenon here.



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras

"When the government is honest, the people are simple, when the government is corrupt, the people are devious".

--Chinese aphorism.

Well I don’t know how much stock to put in a Chinese aphorism but many who live under pretty good governance yet are very dissatisfied with it. Our perception is just as much a factor if not more so.
People are never satisfied, there's always going to be drama queens, it's a way of getting attention - again, you are responsible for your perceptions, there is no final authority here other than the empirical evidence.

I disagree, I dfon't think we are responsible for our own perceptions. We can't knowingly shape he we wish to see the world. Perception is a complex mix of education, social background, upbringing etc. We can make an effort to educate and better ourselves but that is guaranteed to change our perceptions. I agree though that there is no final authority other than empirical evidence. And yet even when presented with it, many conspiricists simply reject it. This is one reason why I think it is unhealthy. One example would be Obama's birth cert, the veracity of which is still denied by many.

(in reply to xssve)
Profile   Post #: 536
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 2:46:18 PM   

Posts: 11894
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The re should actually be

"Alex Jones creates hysterical laughter when rational human beings read posts from his adherents"


Hear the lark
and harken
to the barking of the dogfox,
gone to ground.

(in reply to Anaxagoras)
Profile   Post #: 537
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 2:47:49 PM   

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ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

You are thinking of predictive programming, product placement, and NLP.     

You are thinking of paranoia.

(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 538
RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 4:50:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Sorta sums it up.

Looks like a pro wrestler with a really bad haircut


If you have sex with a siamese twin, is it considered a threesome?

The trouble with ignorance is that it picks up confidence as it goes along.
- Arnold H. Glasow

It may be your sole purpose in life to simply serve as a warning to others!

(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: Alex Jones Creates Hysteria Amongst His Readers/Lis... - 6/28/2011 4:58:58 PM   

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ORIGINAL: SilverMark


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Sorta sums it up.

Looks like a pro wrestler with a really bad haircut

Or Nancy Pelosi after trying to fix her makeup in a turbulent end to one of her cross-country flights.


Hear the lark
and harken
to the barking of the dogfox,
gone to ground.

(in reply to SilverMark)
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