RE: Jane Fonda (Full Version)

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NeedToUseYou -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/16/2006 11:23:07 PM)

I'm neither old enough to remember the vietnam war, or saw first hand the fallout for jane fonda's visit. But having watched several interviews with her, and seeing a few news stories on it. I have determined she is a useless traitorous cunt. Anyone helping the enemy in anyway, deserves nothing more than a slow painful death. Opposing war is one thing, going to the country we are fighting and encouraging them, is completely different. It'll be a happy day when her ass is rotting in the earth.

Was that constructive? LOL.

NastyDaddy -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 4:46:49 AM)

Have you all forgotten ''Barbarella''?

It was pointed out earlier that Jane Fonda did not place anyone in any prison in the Nam'... they were there as POW's of an ongoing armed conflict and most were captured combatants. None of those POW's were conscripts, very few if any were draftees (enlisted men who wore stripes were shot upon capture, as the Viet Cong only kept officers as prisoners), so in most cases the issue of finding oneself in the Hanoi Hilton was in large part brought about by oneself, and not Jane Fonda. 

Many mistakes were made by many many people regarding the Nam'.   President Lyndon B. Johnson was our fearless leader quoted on camera as saying, ''I will not send American boys to Viet Nam to do a job South Vietnamese boys should be doing for themselves''... stated just prior to him sending 100's of Thousands of American boys there to do just that.

Jane Fonda thought it was a useless war and waste of over 65,000 American servicemen, and untold numbers of Vietnamese casualties. She was also aware of the US troops being ordered to disperse defoliants such as Agent Orange all over Viet Nam and Cambodia (oops we were not ever really there, right?), and the impact on innocent civilians in both places... and numerous other military genius methods of injuring or killing innocent civilians and noncombatants (the indigenous population of the combat theatre). Jane was aware of quite a few US atrocities such as the Me Lei massacre, our own B-52's bombing Stormin' Norman Swharzkopf's US Army Division in the Nam' (friendly fire??)... and of the political side, such as the massive war machinery industry in Texas which was profitting immensely off American blood loss in the Nam'.

While not defending Jane Fonda's actions, I can agree with her conclusions in many respects. As far as Jane Fonda being guilty of treason, that's a little bit ludicris IMO. Treason is an act that causes grave consequences towards US national security? If memory serves me correctly, we didn't lose the US over her actions, or come close to anything of the sort... so I saw no grave consequences towards the national security of the US. I only saw more awareness in US ''Joe Blow'' citizens that their American service members sons and daughters were coming home in boxes for really no good reasons, and it was time to make a change towards ending the useless war (ahem, conflict).

Mistakes continued.... mistakes or misfortunes, it depended on where you were sitting. When B-52's soared above North Viet Nam and Cambodia, passing through in wave after wave... the North Vietnamese quickly learned that instead of firing one or two missles at a single B-52, it was better odds of a hit if they fired salvo's of 40, 60, 80 or more Surface to Air Missles (SAM's) at a wave of incoming or outgoing B-52's... and they were right. The mistake was forgetting that what goes up must come down... all the missles that missed planes burned their small fuel loads and fell back down as bombs all over North Viet Nam (including schools, hospitals and shopping markets). Often the SAM crews that fired their missles never knew what happened from their missle salvos unless they actually hit a plane with some of them. this went on for several years before the SAM's were then equipped with proximity and altitude fuses so they would detonate upon losing altitude or getting close to a plane or missle in the air. 

Mistakes continue to the present day... in Iraq and Afghanistan... Pat Tilley the pro football player who left the Cardinals to join the Army was killed by friendly fire from his own unit (how can it be friendly if it kills you?). Has anyone been tried for treason or the murder of Pat?

Mistakes continue and are often glorified.... there is a video clip being circulated around as an e-mail attachment, it is called NiteOps or something similar. The video is accompanied by a glorified text which describes an AC-130H Spectre Gunship locating Iraqi insurgents setting up an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) or roadside bomb next to a road in order to attack an approaching US convoy. The text states the AC-130H gunship fired its 40mm automatic cannons and wasted the insurgents, the convoy passed by uneventfully and the boys in blue saved some Army guys asses in the convoy. Now if you look at the video you will see a large farmtruck and a smaller SUV type vehicle like a Blazer sitting in the edge of a farmers field with two people by them. One of the people carries a farm implement (freshly sharpened cutting blade from the larger truck) out into the field, away from the trucks and lays the implement down. The person then walks back to the truck to get a tool. Now a farm tractor which is cutting the grain stops next to the cutting blade the first person laid next to where the farm tractor was approaching. As the tractor dtopped, you can see the cutting blade being raised up on it's left side. The driver gets off and walks towards the trucks while the first man starts to work on the raised cutting blade. All the while you can hear voices of the pilots and command post talking... it is actually a US Army Apache attack helicopter, and the pilot is telling his command post he has insurgents insight, and one of them threw a weapon down in the grass. Command Post asks are you sure it's a weapon... pilot replies affirmative, I'm positive. Command Post authorizes the pilot to fire, and the pilot spatters the tractor driver walking towards the trucks all over the field.... then trains the Apache cannon on the first person who is working on the tractor blade, blows him all over the field (infrared viseo showing warm guts spattered all over!)... then the pilot goes after the third person who is still at the trucks but has crawled under the large truck. The pilot fires the Apache cannon at the large farmtruck and hit the third person, who tries to crawl away from the truck... so the Apache pilot trains the cannon on the Blazer and the crawling bleeding injured and unarmed farmer (who looked like a long haired female in the video's beginning)... and spatters the third person's guts all over the farm field.

What I saw in the video was three unarmed farmers who got their asses deliberately blown to hell by exploding rounds from a heavily armed US Apache attack helicopter. I saw no road at all, no attempts of setting up any sort of weapon or IED by the unarmed farmers... what I saw was murder of innocent civilians, farmers. The most dispicable part of the whole thing is that it's now being passed around sugarcoated with disinformation and is being passed off as a glorious enterprise in ensuring freedom and saving US service member's lives in a nonexistent convoy on a nonexistent road. Score: Good Guys 3  and Bad Guys 0... that's the way that mistaken tragedy is going down, so is there any justice in those three farmer's lives being taken???

War and conflicts are often extremely confused and hectic environments, and all kinds of stuff happening at once... decisions often made in microseconds, sometimes beforehand, and throughout it all mistake after mistake after mistake keeps getting made... people die and other people pat themselves on the back, often advocating murder as being heroic.

Picking out one single person to blame for their mistakes in the midst of so many other mistakes, and continually ongoing mistakes is actually rather obscene.

lorddragonwolf -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 5:12:50 AM)

did the soldiers returning from Vietnam deserive to have shit thrown on them? spite on? treated like crap? Are we treating soldiers coming home from Iraq now that way?  No we are not.  I do not believe any hollywood stars have gone over seas and protested the war by joining the Talibane or Iraq Insurgents forces touring their sites as hanoi jane did.  I can remember veterns groups protesting in a town in Ct when the bitch was going to film a movie there.  And she begged them to forgive her. 

This is how i feel if she wants to be forgiven then she must wrap a gasoline soaked flag that is ready to be retired around her body and set it on fire.  But i would not want to tarnish the Great symbol of our flag with her traitorous filth. 

JohnWarren -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 5:15:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: lorddragonwolf

This is how i feel if she wants to be forgiven then she must wrap a gasoline soaked flag that is ready to be retired around her body and set it on fire.  But i would not want to tarnish the Great symbol of our flag with her traitorous filth. 

She probably has a few North Viet flags in her attic somewhere.  I'd be satisfied if she used one of those and even at three buck a gallon I'll pay for the gas.

lorddragonwolf -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 5:24:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: JohnWarren


ORIGINAL: lorddragonwolf

This is how i feel if she wants to be forgiven then she must wrap a gasoline soaked flag that is ready to be retired around her body and set it on fire.  But i would not want to tarnish the Great symbol of our flag with her traitorous filth. 

She probably has a few North Viet flags in her attic somewhere.  I'd be satisfied if she used one of those and even at three buck a gallon I'll pay for the gas.

i will help pay for that gas.

meatcleaver -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 5:53:09 AM)

Fonda might be guilty of everything she is accused of but she can't be blamed for what happened when the the veterans returned home. It seems to me Fonda is being used as a scapegoat for collective guilt. It was the nation as a whole that treated the veterans badly, either because the war was lost or for the guilt of fighting a war that was best not fought in the first place.

male59sub -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 6:04:49 AM)

What a hypocritical, ignorant, backwards country we have become.  We pretend to be "christian" but we wish death upon those with whom we disagree.  Jesus said when you pray, go in a closet and pull the door shut first, but we make a show of praying in a public place, holding hands, bowing heads, so everyone else in the restaurant will know that we are "praying".  Jane Fonda admitted she did wrong by posing on that North Vietnamese tank battery, and by meeting with POW's who were forced to meet with her under duress.  People make mistakes, mistakes in what they believe and mistakes in their actions.  I am not saying she was right, but there should have been a debate about the Vietnam War long before we got so heavily involved.  This debate was not held, there was no choice, it was go and serve or else.  In a democracy, we should have more chances and more input than to blindly follow, many to their deaths, a foolish and wrong policy simply because some "leader" says so.  The Germans all said they were "just following orders yet look at the cost the world paid in their doing so under the guise and excuse of "my country right or wrong".  I am not a war hero, but I did spend 4 years on active duty during that time.  If we have bought anything by our service, let it be that we can all disagree without wishing death or having to kill one another.  If we can't, then we are no better than the people in Iraq who also are killing innocent people.  If we are no wiser in our 50's and 60's than we were in our 20's, then we have wasted our time. 


JohnWarren -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 7:02:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: male59sub

What a hypocritical, ignorant, backwards country we have become.  We pretend to be "christian" but we wish death upon those with whom we disagree. 

I'm not a Christian and neither is this country.  It was founded on freedom of belief, something you fanatics seem to have forgotten.

You are free to believe how you wish, but please don't tell me that this country has an official religion that I have to follow or I'm hypocritical and ignorant.

juliaoceania -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 9:01:38 AM)

I think there are some people that need to fnd forgiveness in their hearts and move on with their lives. I have read her book, and yes I like her, but that is not why I say this.

I say this because those people that are going around being so ugly toward this older lady are just hurting their own spiritual condition. BTW she worked hard for different vet groups for many years... Not all Vietnam vets hate her guts, just the ones that are looking for someone to blame for the pain they feel.

Arpig -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 10:38:05 AM)

And what possible importance could there be to an ageing movie star having been a twit in her youth when a lot of people were being twits....and who cares if she is profiled as somebody important...she is important, otherwise she wouldn't be famous, right?
I am constantly amazed at America's love affair with talentless nobodys who are famous simply because they are famous...time was a person had to actually DO somethiong to be a celebrity.

RavenMuse -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 10:38:35 AM)

julia, that maybe your opinion and sure you are entitled to it.... those who have no time for Hanoi Jane are just as entitled to theirs and don't need any supercilious and frankly assanine aspertions cast on the reasons why they feel the way they do.

Kirei -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:10:50 AM)

  I find this whole thread funny really.  We are picking on something in the past we can't change...yet the past is repeating itself.  Why because of the old attage.."if you don't learn for the past you are doomed to repeat its mistakes".
  The news media today only wishes to point out the mistakes.  It doesn't want to make things better, or give people advice on how to go about doing so.  Look at katrina, the Iraq war, the terror war, gas prices, etc.  The list goes on and on.
  In WW1 and WW2 the news printed how you at home can help.   What you could do in your community.  There are no banners, flags, posters, tv ads, newspaper ads, magazine ads, buttons, etc. around today.....helping people to do this, or getting them informed about doing so. 

In my opinion the average american is too busy to care for anything for any amount of time about anything....they are just simply too busy to give up, or sacrifice for it....and so history it seems is doomed to repeat itself.

BitaTruble -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:12:16 AM)

I also read her book. It didn't change my opinion of her or her actions. I don't blame her for the death of my Uncle. I do think she needs to be held accountable for what she did, which, in my eyes, are the actions of a traitor, not a patriot. I certainly don't believe she should be honored by any stretch of the imagination. She's a fucking actress, that's it. My uncle was a patriot and he died for it. You won't see him on any list of the century as some icon of greatness or influence, but you can see his name on the Viet Nam Memorial along with his fallen brethren and that list is worth a whole lot more to me. Celeste

juliaoceania -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:16:25 AM)

My uncle did two tours in Vietnam, he is alive, but will not talk about it much. He does not blame Jane Fonda for anything.... My mom and dad were war protestors.. he still loved them ... actually he understood they protested the war partially because they loved him:) , but that is my experience with my family. I am sorry for your familiy's loss bita

juliaoceania -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:38:18 AM)



julia, that maybe your opinion and sure you are entitled to it.... those who have no time for Hanoi Jane are just as entitled to theirs and don't need any supercilious and frankly assanine aspertions cast on the reasons why they feel the way they do.

You know, I really do not care if people disagree with me. I do not expect people to agree with me or my opinions, but I always chuckle to myself when they are extremely rude about disagreing with me. I guess my emotional well being does not hinge on what others say or do.

To each their own, Lord knows I am not changing my opinon..smiles

BitaTruble -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:40:08 AM)

That you, Julia.. he was the baby of the family and I have only good memories of him  and his incredible sense of humor. My Dad is past 70 now, and even though it's been so long, he still talks about him as his baby brother and best ever friend.


carolsea -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:52:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: JohnWarren


ORIGINAL: male59sub

What a hypocritical, ignorant, backwards country we have become.  We pretend to be "christian" but we wish death upon those with whom we disagree. 

I'm not a Christian and neither is this country.  It was founded on freedom of belief, something you fanatics seem to have forgotten.

You are free to believe how you wish, but please don't tell me that this country has an official religion that I have to follow or I'm hypocritical and ignorant.

You GO, John Warren!!  The fact that there are more of "them" doesn't make them right!

BitaTruble -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:53:18 AM)


xxmstrchasxx -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 11:59:13 AM)

I am a Nam veteran I know for a fact that the allegations are true.  She did pass a note back to the North that a soldier gave her, she had her picture taken with the commander of the North smiling and laughing and having a good time and she was in fact a traitor and cause many POW's  much more torture.

If you remember, her own father would not have anything to do with her.

She should have been shot just like any other traitor or at the very least had life in a prison.  I prefer she have a firing squad. 
Once again a celebrity gets away with murder.

She is nothing but a bitch that should have had her fucking head blown off. Some of the people here that are so forgiving never was in Nam or wasn't even alive when Nam was going on, yet seem to know what the bitch did and caused.

The one person who says their family was in Nam and has no qualms about Hanoi Jane, they are the only people I know that don't that actually fought there.

If you truly think she didn't do anything, talk to a POW that was there when she was and ask them what she did and caused.

JohnWarren -> RE: Jane Fonda (5/17/2006 12:42:12 PM)



I find this whole thread funny really.  We are picking on something in the past we can't change...yet the past is repeating itself. 

One of the reasons I feel so strongly on the subject is that the current administration and its supporters are trying to erase the significant difference between loyal dissent and treason, a difference that Jane Fonda illustrates clearly.  As long as she protested the war, to us, she was on firm ground.  When she traveled to Hanoi on a personal "peace" mission, the ground became shaky.  When she manned an enemy weapon, the ground became firm again... but on the other side of the line.

The Bush apologists like to characterize opposition as being "support for terrorists" when what is really being debated is the tactics and strategy by which the fight can be won and our freedoms as Americans, protected. 

If Cindy Sheehan traveled to Pakistan, consented to be photographed with the al-Qaida leadership and while assembling a bomb, we'd feel about her the same way we feel about Fonda.  She hasn't and she doesn't deserve to be accused of treason when we have a good example of what a treasonous person does.

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