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Blackmailed into Submission The Betrayal

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Blackmailed into Submission The Betrayal - 8/11/2011 1:09:07 PM   

Posts: 4591
Joined: 9/13/2004
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The twins are flying back to Frisco today, and as much as I like them, it will be nice to have some quiet time around here. Lisa has me jerking off into a specimen jar every two hours as punishment for ruining our play time this week. And she's been  taking my truck to school so she can move the rest of her things out of her apartment, Carrie and Sophie are settling in nicely, and have managed to furnish their house. not as nice as mine though;). Lisa and I went out and bought a bedroom set for upstairs, she chose a queen sized bed with steel rail head and foot boards, perfect for bondage. It seems like everything is going great, so of course that makes me jumpy.

I'm working on a project in the office when Sophie knocks on the door jamb, I look up and smile at her. "What's up," I ask.

"Oh, I just came over to raid your fridge, we haven't had a chance to go shopping yet, and to thank you for taking care of the twins, they had a blast staying with you guys."

"Hey my door is open to them anytime, it was great to hang out with them again. Help yourself to the fridge, there's plenty of cold cuts, and veggies in there... Hey, can I have your Mom's number? I'd like to call her and thank her for the Baklava."

"Gonna call her now?"

"Sure, why not." Sophie gives me the number, and heads for the fridge. I make the call and a strange, but sexy feminine voice answers "hello?"

"Ah hi... This is Chris, is Mama there?"

"Chris? Ohhh Chris! Hi!" The voice becomes friendly and excited at the same time. "This is Daphne, long time no see! How are you?"

The image of Sophie's youngest sister pops into my head, and I picture pig tails and braces. "I'm great, so have you graduated school yet?" It's the best I can come up with, and mentally kick myself.

"One more year, I'm looking into grad schools now, how about you, still working for the government?"

Grad school? I thought she was still in high school! "Yeah, still plugging away for Uncle Sam... Grad school huh?"

"Yeah, one more year to go in Berkley, then on to where ever."

"Wow... That's great, um so what are you majoring in?"

"Hospitality Management, specifically Restaurant  Management... What else?"

"Yeah, right, I remember now, while me and the boys were out goofing around, you were always at the Diner!"

"Yep, while you were having fun, I was learning the family business. Hey, it was really nice talking to you, but I have to get to class, here's Mama."

"Yeah, nice talking to you too, Daphne, good luck with school... Hi Mama, I called to thank you for the Baklava, it is pure bliss, as usual."

"Chris! Wonderful to hear from you, we miss you very much! When are you coming home?"

"I'm hoping next spring, we have a project planned for the Bay, and I'm trying to convince my Boss that she can spare me for a week or two."

"Good! I hope you can convince her... I need to get to the diner, thank you so much for calling. Give your sister a kiss for us, and tell my daughter she doesn't call me enough!"

I laugh and reply, "I will Mama, I love you, say hi to Papa for me."

"I love you too, now you better get your ass out here to see me soon!"

"I will Mama, I promise." I'm still smiling as I hang up the phone, Mama Doukis is probably the finest woman I've ever known.

"Did you know, she had the biggest crush on you?" Sophie says from the doorway, she's munching on a Celery stick covered in Peanut butter.

"Who? Mama?" I ask, confused.

"Daphne dummy! She actually thought you were going to ask her out after we broke up... She was heart broken when you moved away."

"She's just a kid!" I answer, shocked by the revelation.

"She's older than Lisa... Move over, I wanna show you something." Sophie logs onto my computer and pulls up their family tree website. She clicks on a picture of Daphne, and my jaw drops. Her facial structure is not as defined as Sophie, her lips are fuller, and her hair is cut in a shoulder length bob, but she's still quite beautiful.

"That's little Daphne?" I ask in shock.

"That's my baby sister... She's a looker, isn't she?" Sophie asks proudly.

"Almost as pretty as you," I say without thinking. Sophie smiles and kisses me. "We're going out tonight to pick up our tuxes, then to a club for some R&R, Carrie wants to know if you two want to come?"

"I'll have to let you know, Lisa's been moving her stuff after class, I'll ask her and give you a call... Oh, and Mama says you never call!" Sophie sticks her tongue out at me, and heads home.

I text Lisa, then continue to work as I wait for a reply. She finally answers around two twenty. "We have other plans, I'm bringing a friend home for dinner. We want Chicken Parmesan, Fettuccine Alfredo, and Italian Green Beans... And Tiramisu for dessert, we'll be there at six, and I expect dinner to be ready at six thirty sharp! Oh, and make sure your wearing your pink collar and matching panties.

"Yes Goddess," I reply... I guess my break from slavery is over. I take stock of ingredients and take the Honda to Amici's.

When I return, I drop some Cannoli's off at Carrie's and tell them we won't be joining them at the club, and it's best if they don't pop in tonight. I head home and prep dinner, then grab a shower and shave... Who knows what Lisa has in mind for tonight.

I have the chicken in the oven, water on to boil for the pasta, and have just finished rinsing the beans when I hear the garage door lift. I check my watch and see it's five fifty two, she's a little early. I stand by the kitchen door, ready to open it for her as soon as I hear the truck doors close.

Since Lisa didn't tell me what to wear, I dressed in my usual Polo and Dockers, with the hated pink collar, and a red apron I picked up somewhere. I open the door and step aside for Lisa and a pretty, six foot tall African American girl, Lisa is carrying a black plastic shopping bag as she walks past me without a word.

She set's the bag and her purse on the small built in kitchen desk, and finally turns to acknowledge my presence.  She steps up and grabs my hair to pull me into a kiss.

"Pet, this is my best friend Nikki, Nikki, this is my bitch, you can call him whatever you wish."

Taking my cue, I bow my head and say, "hello Miss Nikki, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"From what Lisa told me, I thought you'd be wearing a maids dress... It's nice to meet you finally."

I have to look up at her, she's taller than me even without her three inch heels. "My apologies Miss Nikki, but I am not a Sissy Maid."

"No Nik, apparently he misunderstood my command, you see, he should only have his collar and panties on!" She shoots me a dirty look before continuing, "the apron can stay, the rest goes, then serve us cheese, and wine in the family room."

I hear, "damn girl, I thought you were fuckin with me!" As they go into the family room. I open the wine to breathe, and walk to the bedroom to strip. I quickly slice a Pear to go with the cheese and crackers, and set them on a tray with the wine and two glasses. I step into nightmare! Lisa has loaded The Batman Fantasy DVD into the player, and Nikki is watching with glee. She looks at me, and gives my panties a wicked smile before turning her attention back to the TV. I pour the wine and retreat back into the kitchen mortified. I have to hurry now to finish the Alfredo sauce, steam the Beans, and cook the pasta. I just finish wiping the edge of Nikki's plate when they step over to the table carrying their wine glasses. I serve dinner, then fetch the bottle from the family room. I top off the wine, and set about cleaning up while they eat. I lost the desire to eat as soon as I saw what was on the TV. I'm busy washing the roasting pan when Nikki calls out, "this is really good Lapdog."

"Thank you Miss Nikki."

"Lapdog?" Lisa says with a laugh.

"Yeah, he reminds me of one of those loyal little dogs who loves to please his master."

"Bullshit! You stole it from that movie Brick!"

Nikki laughs as Lisa signals for more wine, as I pour, Lisa nods to Nikki in encouragement, and I feel a tentative hand in my crotch. I try to maintain my composure and not spill any wine, as her really long nails stroke up and down my lace encased cock.

"Would you like anything else Goddess?" I say, while trying to keep my voice steady.

"Nikki?" Nikki shakes her head so Lisa says, "that will be all, you will serve us dessert and coffee in the family room in thirty minutes."

"Yes Goddess, Miss Nikki, how do you like your coffee?"

"Light and sweet, Bitch."

I bow and remove their plates, 'fuck! I can't believe this is happening... Lisa has added another without discussing it with me! And she's showing her my video! My fucking video!' I am busy rinsing the plates, and loading the dishwasher when Lisa walks into the kitchen alone. "I'm sensing some hostility Sweetheart, is something bothering you?" I can see she's got a bug up her ass about something, and is spoiling for a fight.

"No Goddess, it can wait until Miss Nikki leaves."

"I see, but just so you know, I've asked her to spend the night... Not only that, but I have set up your waxing appointment, a Mani/Pedi appointment, and clothes shopping for Juliette tomorrow, and Nikki will be joining us... Are you sure you want to wait?"

"Yes Goddess, I am pleased she'll be joining us, I look forward to getting to know your best friend... Intimately." She knows I'm lying through my teeth, and her eyes narrow dangerously.

"You are treading on thin ice here Pet! Do not piss me off in front of my friend, am I clear?"

"Yes Goddess," 'I wouldn't dream of it, Bitch!' I add silently.

"Good, hadn't you better start the coffee?"

"Of course Goddess, thank you for reminding me."

Lisa returns to the family room, and I start the coffee and plate the Tiramisu and Cannoli. I enter the family room with the tray, and hear giggles, "oh no you didn't! Damn girl!" And "Oohh he begs so pretTAY!" I set the tray down, and then a plate and saucer in front of each girl, I am trying not to blush, and stay out of their line of sight when Lisa's words freeze me cold.

"Tell Nikki how much you love my cock Pet." Lisa pauses the DVD, and the women look up at me expectantly.

"I adore your cock Goddess, it's perfect just like the rest of your magnificent body." I say, blushing furiously.

With a wicked smile, Nikki asks, "and what about my cock?"

"I haven't had the pleasure Miss Nikki, I'm sure it's as lovely as you."

"Oh it is! It's thick, black, and just waiting to be loaded with cum! It's waiting for you in that black bag in the kitchen, will you go load it for me?" As she's talking, her hand slips into my panties to stroke me to erection. I close my eyes and shudder, her sexy voice, and hand job is really starting to turn me on. With a breathless voice I say, "it would be a pleasure to fill your cock Miss Nikki."

"If you're going to beg for her cock, don't you think Mistress Nikki is a more proper  title?" Lisa says seductively. And there it is! The trap! If I call her Mistress, I am willingly surrendering to Nikki. If I don't, I will be punished, probably severely, and risk losing Lisa completely. Lisa ups the stakes by sinking to her knees, sliding my panties down and taking my head in her mouth as Nikki continues to stroke my shaft. Now what healthy young man could possibly resist a Menage Au Trois with two beautiful women? I am fighting human nature, and extreme stimulation when Lisa calls my bluff, (you knew I'd give in, wouldn't you?) and raises by inserting her finger up my ass to tease my prostate.

"I would love to fill your beautiful black cock... Mistress Nikki," I finally say through a veil of tears. As if I've thrown a switch, all stimulation stops! Lisa pulls my panties up over my erection and sits back on the sofa.

"You are to return to the kitchen, heat up your specimen jar, and carry it, and the black bag upstairs," Lisa says in her command voice. "Once you are up there, you are to get out our toy bag, give yourself an enema, then fill our cocks... You have one hour... Make sure the doors are locked!"

"Yes Goddess, Mistress, if you'll excuse me?" Nikki waves me away with an excited smile, and I beat a hasty retreat.

After I'm gone, Lisa says to Nikki, "that took longer than I expected. He's really improved his self control... Are you sure you want to do this? This is a whole new world for you."

"Are you serious? You have that man wrapped around your little finger! He cooks for you, cleans for you, wears your underwear, and all that without giving any lip! I'd have to be crazy not to want that!"

"But what about the kink? It doesn't bother you that I have my man dressing up like a girl, and sucking cock?"

"He'll no! I mean, yeah it's kind of queer an all, and I wouldn't want some wimp watching my back in a bad hood, but he'll never beat you, and it looks like he's got bank... Ain't nothing wrong with Dat! And, he's pretty big where it counts... For a white man," Nikki says in return.

"Alright then, that was your last chance to back out." Lisa leans in and gives Nikki a passionate kiss, Nikki returns the kiss and reaches a hand up under Lisa's shirt to fondle her tits. Lisa leans back and closes her eyes, enjoying the sensations, "you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this?"

"Oh yes! About as long as I have," Nikki says seductively as she climbs into Lisa's lap, and kisses her neck...

While this is going on downstairs, I'm upstairs getting ready to shove a nozzle up my ass...

*Just kidding readers, let's get back to the good part!*

Nikki lifts Lisa's shirt over her head, and throws it aside, she then unhooks her bra, and wraps her lips around a pink nipple, nibbling until it hardens. She repeats the process with the other nipple, while Lisa's moans of pleasure drive her into a frenzy. Her lips work their way down Lisa's flat stomach, to stop at the top of her low cut jeans.

"Oh God Baby, don't stop!" Lisa pleads, hands clinched into fists. Nikki climbs off Lisa, who stands to strip off her jeans and thong. Her bald pussy is dripping wet, and waiting for Nikki's probing tongue. Nikki strips out of her clothes before sinking to her knees, and resuming her kissing. Lisa palms the top of Nikki's head as she widens her stance. Ever the Dominant, she guides Nikki's face between her legs and let's our a gasp when lips meet lips. Nikki brings her to orgasm quickly, making Lisa's body quiver in delightful bliss.

When her sensitivity falls enough to allow Lisa to move, she sinks to her knees and French kisses Nikki, while her fingers reach between Nikki's legs to rub her clit. Lisa lowers her lips to Nikki's dark brown nipples, and uses her tongue and teeth to bring them erect.  Nikki lays back on the floor and Lisa repeats her trail of kisses ending between Nikki's spread legs. Where Lisa is bald, Nikki still has a trimmed triangle of pubic hair. She hesitates for just a second, to admire the ultra feminine look, before diving in and bringing Nikki to orgasm. They lay in each others arms for a few minutes, sharing tender kisses, and pillow talk. "So you say Chris totally passes for a girl? He even walks like one?" Nikki asks after nuzzling Lisa's neck.

"Wait until you see him in the Catwoman costume, I couldn't believe my eyes... And the dress! I have to show you the dress, and his first real transformation... If you don't swear he's a girl, I'll be your bitch for a month!"

"You already my bitch, Bitch!" Nikki jokes. Nikki watches the rest of the video with fascination, and is laughing evilly, when Lisa pulls the car accident routine. "Damn girl, you fucked him over good! So that's the Molly cunt you been telling me about?"

Lisa's tone is sorrowful as she replies, "yeah, I did fuck him over, big time. Oh Nikki, why? Why am I such an evil Witch?"

"You ain't the Witch Baby, Molly is... You said Chris forgave you right? And he let you move in to this fantastic place, right?"

"Yes, but I make him do things he doesn't want to do, just because it turns me on! Fuck, I humiliated him in front of his twin sister and her lover, just to prove to them that I was the main woman in his life... There's something wrong with me!"

"Knock off the poor little me crap! You told me the guy was smart enough to crack a safe, come up with a password cracking program, then write his own code breaking computer program, now he not smart enough to wrest his freedom away from you?"

"Wrest? You been reading a dictionary or something?" Lisa half jokes, still feeling blue.

"Hey! I have to have a good vocabulary if I'm going to be in front of a camera some day... Listen, that man fucking adores you! He worships the ground you walk on, it's as obvious as the tits on my magnificent chest! I honestly believe that deep down, he enjoys the games you play."

"You really think so?" Lisa asks hopefully.

Nikki rewinds the DVD to the part where I first see myself in the Catwoman costume, she pauses it when my excited face is captured in the mirror. My hands are cupping my breasts, and my delight is plain to see. She stares at Lisa, notices the spark of comprehension, then rewinds the disc further until the scene where I beg Lisa to suck her cock. Nikki pauses the disc, and the image of me looking up into her eyes lovingly, with a mouth full of silicone cock stares back at them.

"I rest my fucking case... Bitch!"

Lisa stares at the TV for a minute before saying, "thank you Baby, why don't you run out to the truck and grab your stuff? I need to go talk to him, then I'll join you in the shower." I've just finished purging, and showering when Lisa walks into the bedroom and calls out, "Chris, can we talk for a minute?" In a panic, I hastily put on the collar, and fresh panties before stepping out of the bathroom.

"Yes Goddess?" I say in a fearful tone.

Lisa smiles sadly, and pats the bed next to her. I can see she's upset about something, and I hope she and Nikki didn't have a fight. "This conversation is between Chris and Lisa, ok?"

"Um, ok... Lisa... Is something wrong?" I sit next to her, feeling foolish in my collar and panties.

"Are you happy with our relationship?"

"What are you asking? Are you asking me if I really do love you, or am I just going through the motions until I can figure out away to free myself?" I am clearly confused at this point, I thought we've already covered this.

"All of it! The dressing, the humiliation, bringing Nikki home?"

"I wish you would have talked to me about your friend, that's what we agreed upon, but I think I know why you did it."

"Why did I do it?" Lisa asks in an intrigued tone.

"Well, I think you did it in retaliation for my decision to let the twins stay without consulting you, I figure you're trying to teach me a lesson about how our decisions affect each of us."

"Well, your right about the retaliation, but I didn't think of it as a lesson. Nikki and I have been attracted to each other for over a year now, but neither of us could work up the nerve to make a move... Dominating you gave me the confidence to finally  make the move, and here we are."

"Ok, I understand, but did you have to show her the video?" I say in a pained voice. "That was supposed to be my fantasy... Our fantasy... Something special we shared together!"

"I'm so sorry Baby, but it's a good thing she saw it... I was beginning to have serious doubts about our relationship until Nikki pointed a few things out on the video."

"And that led you to this conversation... I still don't know what your asking."

"Ok, here's what I want to know, and I want brutal honesty, no holds barred, alright?"

"Oh boy... You sure you want to do this? Now?"

"I have to know before we go any further."

"Fair enough, what do you need to know?"

"How do you really feel about cross dressing? You know how I feel, but how do YOU feel?"

"At first, I was afraid, afraid I would look like a man in a dress, a freak! But the Catwoman costume changed all of that. You showed me that with a little make up, and silicone, my fears were unfounded."  I pause for a minute to gather my thoughts, "then Rori took over, and when I saw myself fully transformed, it shocked me to my core! I couldn't believe that was me standing there in that dress." I lower my face, thinking about that day. "You know what happened outside her shop, I felt like I was kicked in the balls when I realized how good I looked. And it got worse from there, I  fooled Monica, and Roxy, and they see real girls all day, every day. I have to stop again, because my emotions threaten to overwhelm me.

"Please go on, I really need to hear this." Lisa says, encouragingly.

I take a deep breath and continue, "then I saw the dress! Oh how I wanted to wear it so bad! Part of me was scared shitless by my desire to try it on, but the overwhelming majority took control, and stopped me from running out of that shop cscreaming. I'll never forget the look on Monica's face after she finished pinning the dress, and stepped back for a look."

"What did it tell you?"

"The exact same thing your look, Molly's look, Roxy's look... Carrie and Sophie's look did."

"And that was?"

"That I was born to wear that dress! That I was a beautiful Princess! Do you know I saw the envious looks of the other girls shopping that day as Monica brought me back to you guys? They were jealous of a man in a dress!"

"You are a beautiful Princess, MY beautiful Princess, but you can't wear that dress every time we go out."

"I know, but you want the truth, right?" Lisa nods, and I continue, "It's not just the dress... This is embarrassing"

"More embarrassing than the humiliation we put you through?" Lisa says incredulously.

"Yes... You see, for years Carrie, Sophie, and I were inseparable. We did everything together, except..."

"Um, sleep together?"

"NO! Not that! You know, the girly things! Make overs, Salon days, shoe shopping, those things. I wanted to be a part of that so bad!"

"Chris, you lived in San Francisco! If there's ANY place in the world  more open to alternative lifestyles, I'd love to know about it... What the hell stopped you?"

"Ego, pride, testosterone... I don't know! Every year they would try to talk me into dressing... Gay Pride parade, Halloween, but I was too... Macho to even think of it."

"Then why did you let Molly talk you into that bet?"

"Because I was SURE I'd win! Carrie has never finished a project like painting a whole house in a week in her life! I had no idea Molly stacked the deck by enlisting Deanne and her daughter to help."

"But you let me dress you!"

"You seduced me, remember, and this was after you had me suck your cock and fucked me... What's a little make over after that?"

Lisa beams with pride at her seduction skills, "but Sophie couldn't seduce you into it?"

"We were only together for six weeks, remember... I'm sure in time she would have."

"That's right, I forgot. After seeing you with her brothers, I'd have thought you two dated for years."

"No, at first knowing a girl who's family owned a diner, and got you free meals was like hitting the jackpot for a starving student... Ok, Grandpa made sure I didn't have to worry about that, he took care of me financially... But the food at the diner, verses the cafeteria at school? No brainer! That's how I got close to the Doukas family... They kind of adopted me."

"Ok, but back to the dressing..."

"Ok, bottom line... I grumble, and act reluctant, but deep down I am grateful to you for allowing me to become Juliette, and step behind the curtain to become one of the girls... It is a dream come true for me, and that seems to happen a lot with you."

"Do you really mean that?" Lisa asks emotionally.

"Brutal honest truth!"

"Oh Chris, that was the nicest thing anyone ever said to me, I love you sooo much! From now on I promise to treat Juliette more like one of the girls, and less like a submissive!"

"Don't change too much Goddess, it might go to my head!"

"I need to get back to Nikki, we'll be back in twenty minutes or so... You want to be one of the girls? You're in for the weekend of your life, my precious precious Juliette."

"Sorry it took so long Baby."

"That's ok, I was just admiring this gorgeous dress! Everything ok?"

"Everything is wonderful, I'll tell you about it in the shower."

"He really said that?" Nikki says, not quite believing her ears.

"I swear to God! Isn't that the sweetest thing you ever heard?"

"Has he got a brother, maybe a couple years younger... And black?" Nikki says with a laugh. As they dry off, she continues, "I'll have to see him dressed to believe everything your telling me... No offense Baby, but seeing is believing."

"I have pictures, and you'll be meeting Juliette tomorrow."

"Well what are we waiting for? Show me the pictures Ho!" Lisa boots up her laptop, and shows Nikki the pictures, Nikki is startled by the transformation, first at Rori's, then the first fitting.

"Dayum! Baby got back! I was expecting him to look like that Queen, Barry that always at the club... Just look at them curves, he's beautiful!"

"She! And she's ours to play with whenever we want!"

"Lisa, you know I love you Baby, but I'm on a mission to get my own!"

"Fair enough, but until then, I'm willing to share," Lisa says with a kiss.

"So, we gonna wear fetish clothes and thigh high boots?" Nikki asks, thrilled by the thought.

Normally I don't, but..." Lisa smiles wickedly, and disappears into the closet. She returns carrying two black garment bags. "I think we can squeeze you into this," Lisa says, and hands her the larger of the two bags. It's our catsuits, and when Nikki see's it, her face lights up.

"I think the boots will be too big, but you'll look spectacular in the costume."

"I brought my Bamboo 3" Ankle boots," Nikki replies.

"The ones with the rope braid? Oh nice! I love those boots!" The girls quickly change, and Lisa has to use my Leatherman to zip Nikki up, but in a matter of minutes, their doing their make up, and walking upstairs. I notice the twenty or so minutes has turned into forty five minutes, and I start to worry the cum I loaded into the dildos will cool too much and become utterly revolting. So I fill the sink bowl with the hottest water I have, and submerge the shaft, and heads of the dongs into the hot water, leaving them literally hanging by the balls on the side of the sink. I'm starting to get worried when I hear the sound of heels coming up the stairs. I stand at the foot of the bed, eyes down, hands clasped behind my back. I feel an erection stirring, and can't stop the hard on as the heels stop just outside the closed bedroom door.

When Lisa and Nikki step through the door, I am struck speechless! My God they are beautiful in those outfits! Lisa, with her long blond hair in a top knot pony tail, and Nikki, with her long straight black hair hanging loosely to her shoulders. Matching thick black eyeliner, heavy mascara, and crimson lips complete the picture. But it's Nikki's long red nails that has me swooning! With a flush of embarrassment, I realize I wish they were my nails.

"Hello Bruce, we meet again, only this time I brought my partner Black Panther!"

Lisa holds up her taser, but frankly I'm too shocked to move. Nikki slinks up to me and seductively whispers "so this is the mighty Bruce Wayne?" Her hands force mine up into a double hammer lock.

Nikki runs her tongue up my neck, and behind my ear before nipping the lobe, and teasing my earrings with her tongue. "It looks like Bruce was going to have some kinky fun... Pink panties Bruce? Really?"

I just about cum then and there! The nails digging into my wrist, the voice, the tongue, Lisa smiling her wicked smile, it takes a supreme effort to hold my load, even though my panties are saturated with precum. Nikki releases my left wrist, and grabs a handful of hair, jerking my head back. "Shall we indulge him before we steal all his money, Partner?"

I swallow hard and in a dry, raspy voice say, "unhand me, you dastardly duo!" Nikki purrs a laugh in my ear and says, "what do you think partner, shall I unhand him?" She has released my other wrist, and uses a nail to gently caress my throbbing Carotid, sending shivers up and down my spine.

Lisa sets down the taser and slinks over to my other side. She places one hand on my shoulder, teasing my Jugular, while the other wraps around my swollen balls, giving them a small squeeze. As I let out a sharp hiss, she purrs, "sorry Bruce, we're hands on kinda gals." And in a seductive tone continues, "where are they Pet?" I'm finding it hard to talk because Nikki has taken the back of my neck between her teeth like a big cat would, and I feel her teeth starting to press down. "You better answer me Bruce, or Panther might become upset."

"Ah, in the bathroom, in the sink staying hot Goddess."

"Panther, I have him, would you please fetch your toy?" Nikki gives a little nip and walks to the bathroom. Lisa let's up on my balls and whispers, "will you be able to kneel for a little bit? I don't want to ruin the ball."

"I should be ok for a bit with the brace on Goddess," I whisper back. She kisses me deeply, leaving my mouth tasting of lipstick, then turns me to watch Nikki walk out of the bathroom wearing a thick, eight inch black cock. I lick my lips self consciously, and Mistress Nikki smiles at my reaction.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Lisa purrs in my ear, and I can only nod in agreement. With a nod from Lisa, Nikki steps up to me and gives me a toe curling kiss. Her palms are on my jaw, and her long nails dig into the back of my head. This kiss is long, deep, and hard, and we're both breathless when she finally breaks it.

Nikki grabs my hair and tilts my head to the side and whispers, "hello slut, I hear you like to suck cock!" Her tongue licks my neck as I hoarsely respond.

"Yes Mistress,"

"Would you like to suck my cock?"

"I would like that very much."

"Then shouldn't you be on your knees like all dirty little sluts?"

I drop to my knees and stare at the life like dick hanging before me, Nikki wraps my hair in her fist, and pulls my head back away from the dildo. "You haven't begged me slut! Do you think I'm that easy?"

While I try to think of something, Lisa smiles and steps to the bathroom for her own cock. "May I please taste your big, beautiful black cock Mistress? It looks so delicious, like a bar of the finest chocolate."

Nikki throws her head back and laughs, after a minute she controls herself long enough to say, "God damn slut, you make it sound so good I wanna suck it myself! Let's hear some more."

"Your cock is so impressive, I can hardly control myself, for you to allow me to even gaze upon it is almost more than I can bear."

"Now that was weak! Do you really think I don't know how perfect my cock is? After all the rest of me is pretty damn perfect too, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes Mistress, you are the most beautiful black woman I've ever had the pleasure to know. You have a body to die for, killer eyes, and magnificent lips... And those nails! I'd kill for beautiful long red nails like yours! But your cock! It's right there, begging for attention. Please let this unworthy slut give it the attention it deserves, please!"

"Ok, that was much better, do you really think I have a killer body?"

"Oh yes Mistress,  big round ass, 34D? Long legs, yes Mistress, I'd say it's pretty spectacular."

"Good guess on my tits, tell me about my eyes."

"They're a soulful shade of brown, with little gold flecks, slightly slanted to give you a most desirable appearance. Perfectly arched brows, giving you the right amount of lid for eye shadow. All in all, everything works in harmony, and is extremely appealing."

"You don't miss much, do you slut?"

"I try not to Mistress."

"Lisa told me that having you suck her cock was the most powerful feeling in the world, I wondered how that could be possible, after all it's just silicone... But I'm beginning to understand..."


"Never mind... You may begin slut." I lean in and my lips wrap around the head greedily, I slowly force the shaft down my throat, fighting the gag reflex
until I swallow all eight inches. I pause to let my throat adjust, and look up to see Nikki staring down at me intensely. Her hand tightens on my hair, encouraging me to speed up, so I lower my eyes and back off the shaft quickly, thrusting my head forward when my lips reach the head.

I can feel the dildo start to vibrate, and Nikki let's out a little moan as the attached button starts to stimulate her clit. Now that my throat has adjusted to the girth, I place my hands on her hips, bobbing rapidly up and down the shaft, causing the vibration to speed up. Nikki is purring now, and whispering "faster slut!" So I increase my pace further.

"It helps if you thrust your hips... Don't be afraid to fuck his mouth, he's here for your pleasure, not his." Lisa says, stepping up behind Nikki and running her fingers over her body. She then places her hands over mine and helps with the thrusting, ramming that big black cock down my throat.

Nikki leans into Lisa who starts licking her neck, which causes her to mew sexily. The dildo is vibrating full speed now and Nikki has her first orgasm in my costume! I'm wondering how she got the vibrator in through the suit when my throat fills with cum! "Suck it all down slut! Nikki whispers as she's in the throes of orgasm.

I start to gag, especially with five inches of silicone jammed down my throat, I can't swallow! I try to back off the cock, but Lisa's "ah ah ah!" Stops me. My face is turning red, and my hands are beating a tattoo on Nikki's hips, when Lisa realizes my predicament. "Let him go Baby, he's suffocating!" Nikki releases my hair, and Lisa pulls her back. The cock slips out of my mouth, and I fall forward onto my face clutching my throat. I cough a few times, to  clear a wad of cum. Lisa and Nikki kneel at my side and rub my back. "Are you ok Baby?" Lisa is asking as Nikki say's "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I climb to my feet, and bend with my hands on my knees. "I'm ok Goddess, It's not your fault Mistress, you just caught me off guard, you came so quickly... I promise to do better in the future."

Nikki looks at Lisa with a mixture of relief and skepticism, "is he for real?" She asks a smiling Lisa.

"Oh yeah, he means every word of it! Let's take a little break and get out of these costumes, Chris, lay down and take ten, I'm not done with you yet."

Lisa and Nikki remove their strapon's, and costumes. I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, taking deep breaths, head hung low when a pair of ebony legs steps into view. I raise my head and look into Nikki's concerned expression. Lisa is in the bathroom, with the door closed, and frankly I'm a bit nervous.

She sits next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder, "you sure you're ok?" She asks softly.

"Yes Mistress I let my mind wander at the wrong time, and was caught off guard."

"What were you thinking about? Molly?"

"No," I blush furiously, thinking about the the little vibrator.

"I'd really like to know, if we're to be... "Friends", there has to be open communication between us.

"I could feel the vibration coming off your vibrator attachment, and was wondering how you managed to insert it through the leather Catsuit." Her laugh starts low and sensual, and builds to a high crescendo, frankly I've never heard anything like it before.

"Oh my sweet little slut, you are one of a kind!"

"What's so funny?" Lisa asks as she returns from the bathroom.

"Oh nothing Baby, just a comment our slut made." Nikki says and kisses my cheek. I excuse myself to use the bathroom, and to gargle some Epsom Salt water, when I return, I see Nikki wiping up my mess with a handful of tissues. Ashamed of myself, I rush over to finish the job.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I should have done that, here let me finish."

"It's ok slut, I've got it." Seeing her on hands and knees naked, ass wiggling with every motion, I feel instant arousal. Lisa's watching me watch her, and smiles slyly. "I think you should kiss her ass and thank her for cleaning up your mess, don't you Pet?" Lisa whispers in my ear. I nod in reply and drop down behind Nikki and slowly kiss her left cheek, she stops moving and looks back at me in surprise. I use my tongue to lick her starting from the outside and working my way towards her anus, repeating the process with the right side as well.

"You are just full of surprises," She says breathlessly. "I've never had anyone kiss my ass before!" I use my thumbs to separate her cheeks, and I hear her gasp when my tongue finds her anus. I slowly build up tempo with my tongue, getting her nice and lubricated. "Don't you dare stop now, it feels so good!" She warns as her hips push back, impaling her ass on my tongue. I wrap one arm around her waist to pull her back farther, as my other hand reaches for her dripping snatch.

"Oh shit Lisa! Is it always like this?" Nikki squeals as my fingers find her button, and my tongue is buried in her ass.

"It can be, if you choose to take charge of your man like I did." Nikki is moaning and bucking now,  I have two fingers buried in her pussy, and my tongue continues it's relentless assault on her sphincter. Lisa's words shock me, I thought Nikki was already a Domme. Nikki's arms go weak and she drops to her elbows as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure overcomes her. Her whole body is wracked with spasms, and her breathing is coming out in harsh gasps. "Stop Pet, I think she needs a break." I slowly remove my fingers, and back off her ass. I climb to my feet, and look at the quivering puddle that is my Mistress. Without being prompted, I scoop her up off the cold floor, and lay her in the bed, covering her with a blanket.

"She looked cold Goddess," I say in defense of my actions.

"You did fine Pet, no, that was very thoughtful. She will be cold once her body adjusts back to normal... Now I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to."

I drop to my knees, and look up expectantly, Lisa shakes her head no, and points to the other side of the bed. "I think your mouth and knee has had enough of a workout for tonight... Face down, ass UP, Pillow biter!" She commands cheerfully. Nikki sits up against the headboard to watch Lisa fuck me. She has the blanket pulled up to her throat, and watches my face intensely, as Lisa kneels behind me, and lubes up my ass, starting with two fingers. "Hmm, getting a little tight, may have to start using a plug again."

"He really enjoys this?" Nikki asks skeptically.

"Answer her Pet."

"Oh yes Mistress, the prostate orgasm is much more intense than a normal male orgasm, it lasts much longer, and comes on in waves like a woman's."

"Oops, almost forgot, be right back!" Lisa says, and hops off the bed. She returns carrying a glass, and places it under my cock. Lisa remounts, and places her hands on my hips. "Did he beg you for your cock Baby?" She asks as she lines up her head for the first thrust.

"Oh yes, he's a silver tongued Devil!" Nikki says with a giggle.

"What did he say, I missed it."

"He said my cock looked like fine chocolate, he had me wanting to suck it myself!" Lisa's laughing as she rams her cock deep. I let out a hiss, memories of my rape flashing back into my head.

"I'm sorry baby, that was an accident," Lisa says with concern.

"I'm ok Goddess, thank you for asking," well she didn't quite ask, but I'm sure it was an accident.

"Nikki continues, "he then told me how my eye features worked in perfect harmony, and how beautiful my body is, he even guessed my cup size accurately."

"Should I be jealous Pet?" Lisa ask playfully, as she slowly builds tempo.

"No Goddess, you are both beautiful, and have assets that stand out." I reply huskily.

"Oh, and what assets of mine stand out?"

I'm finding hard to answer now that the stimulation has started. "You have a beautiful face, everything is in perfect proportion, and blend together very well, while Mistress has the most soulful, exotic eyes. Your body is tight, breasts just the right size and firm, long legs, and the perfect heart shaped ass. Mistress has more curves, but it looks fantastic on her. Her breasts are big and beautiful, ass round and kissable, and she has legs for miles."

"So your saying, I'm prettier than her?" Lisa says, putting me on the spot.

Nikki joins in the game, "that's not what I heard! I got exotic eyes, and legs for miles! Not to mention he said he'd kill for my long red nails!" Oh fuck, how did I get myself into this?

"Long red nails, really?" Lisa pauses in thought... "But I have a perfect face, firm breasts, and a heart shaped ass!"

"And I have big, beautiful breasts, and a round, kissable ass!"

"Ahhh Goddess, may I cum?"

They answer in unison, NO!" And Lisa continues, "not until this is settled!" I feel the vibration building in her cock, and I can tell Lisa is close to orgasming herself, but she insists on continuing the debate. "He told me when I'm around, his dreams come true... Top that!"

"Well, I've only been around him for a few hours, and he finally got to taste big black cock, so I guess I made his dreams come true as well!"

"That only counts if he dreams of black cock... Do you Pet?"

"I ah, I never gave it any thought until Mistress mentioned it downstairs."

"There, I win!" Lisa declares, then has her first orgasm, instead of slowing down, she picks up the pace! She's in the throes of multiples, when I orgasm with a gasp. The continuing stimulation has me on the threshold of passing out when Lisa shoots her load deep in my ass. I collapse forward, and Lisa lays across my back, cock still buried deep. I feel the rim of the glass start to dig into my groin, and ask Lisa if I can remove it before it breaks

Nikki watches with fascination, as Lisa hands me the glass, and I drink the hot spunk down, licking the glass clean. "Does he always do that?"

"It's one of my rules, it reminds him that I own him."

"Does it really work? Or do you only do it when Lisa's around?"

"Yes it works Mistress, every load I swallow reminds me of who has captured my heart."

"So even when Lisa is in school, and you get horny, you don't just nut into a tissue?"

"No Mistress, it's either into a specimen jar for later use, or onto a salad, or as cream for my coffee."

Nikki is staring at Lisa in awe, "damn girl, you got this boy whipped!"

Lisa and I climb under the blanket, I'm laying in the middle, and we're cuddled up together exchanging kisses and heavy petting for an hour.


I wake up early as usual, and find myself sandwiched between Ebony and Ivory, I softly kiss each of my Domme's, and extricate myself from the bed. I grab sweats and a sweatshirt, and step into the kitchen to start the coffee, and put a pot of water on to boil, then head upstairs to clean up and grab a shower.

I'm hoping Lisa and Nikki sleep in a bit, because I plan on making Eggs Benedict for the first time. Lisa does, Nikki doesn't. She walks into the kitchen a bit disheveled, wearing Tweety Bird pajamas. "Good morning Mistress," I say softly. Apparently she's not a morning person, she just grunts and asks if the coffee is ready. I pour her a mug, light and sweet, and set it before her on the breakfast counter. We fall into an awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say, after all we're complete strangers. I go to the fridge and pull out a Pear, Orange, and grab a Banana, slice them up and serve it to her, she grunts a thanks. I decide to break the silence by saying, "so you plan on..."

Nikki interrupts me suddenly by saying, "is it always like this?"

"Is... What always like this?" I ask in bafflement.

She waves her hand around, "this! The cooking, fresh fruit for breakfast, the lack of clutter, the excellent coffee, everything in it's place! Is it always like this, or did you clean it for me?"

"Ah, it's pretty much always like this, I don't like clutter, as for the cooking, it's a hobby I've just picked up, and I like fruit and veggies, so I always have them on hand... I didn't know you were coming until yesterday afternoon Mistress, so I couldn't have possibly had time to clean, and shop."

Nikki looks at me, no stares at me, making me uncomfortable. I busy myself by pulling ingredients out of the fridge, and a package of English muffins out of my pantry. "Why are you still calling me that? We're not in the bedroom."

"Um, Hm, That's what Lisa ordered me to do, I was under the impression I was to serve you as I do her, am I wrong?"

Instead of answering me, she replies with a question of her own. "Why do you serve her? I'm trying to understand your motivations here."

"Well, because I love her, and it's what she desires I guess... Are you upset about last night?" I ask in concern, I can't figure her out.

"Last night? No, I'm just grumpy, and suffering from a sex hangover. I've never had multiple orgasms like that before, and your nothing like the guys I usually hang out with. No offense, but the guys I know wouldn't cook, or have a place like this, and they certainly wouldn't take it up the ass... Again, no offense."

"Mis, ah Nikki, you know who Molly is, but exactly how much has Lisa told you about her... Us?"

"Apparently not enough... Chris, pour me a cup of coffee, Nikki, let's go have a chat and let Chris fix us some breakfast." Lisa is standing on the threshold with a concerned look on her face. I pour her coffee and top up Nikki's. They step into the bedroom, and I wonder what I did wrong.

"Wanna tell me about it Sugar?" Lisa asks after she closes the bedroom door.

"It's this," she waves her hand again, "the perfect house, the perfect gentleman, he cooks, keeps house, caters to your every wish... It''s too... Well perfect! And I just don't get it!"

"Don't believe everything you see Nik, we have our share of fights, and he's far from perfect. I have to discipline him all the time."

"But WHY? Why does he let you control him like this? I just can't understand him, was he always like this? And why you do this?"

"That's a long story, and I did tell you a little bit about Molly, but you haven't heard everything."

"Then tell me! I need to understand what happened last night! Don't get me wrong, the sex was great, but the domination thing kind of freaks me out."

Lisa let's out a heavy sigh, "let me talk to Chris, it's his story to tell... But I can tell you this much, Chris was a normal, successful workaholic when he moved here two months ago."

"What do you mean by normal?"

"Exactly that, a shy, socially awkward, heterosexual man, too busy with his career to date, or go out."

"Wait, you can't say he's straight after what I saw last night!"

"Why not?"

"Cause he sucks dick!"

"He didn't before he met me."

"I'm confused, YOU started all this?"

"I thought you understood Baby? Yes I started this, I seduced him into becoming my slave... But don't use that word around him, he get's upset ok?"

"So this really isn't just kinky sex for you? You really want a Master/Slave relationship?"

"Of course, and I thought you did too? Didn't you feel alive and powerful last night? Didn't you like having your ass kissed, and cock sucked? Didn't you like the way he surrendered to your touch, words, actions? Can't you see how he waits on me hand and foot?"

"Of course, it made me feel sexy, but I thought we would be, you know, normal outside the bedroom!"

"Why would I want that? I want things MY WAY, I'm the one in charge, and I found a man willing to give me what I want, in AND out of the bedroom, is that too difficult to understand?"

"Why  he call me Mistress this morning?"

"Oh boy... I'm sorry I haven't explained this better, the way you seduced him last night had me believing you understood this wasn't just a kinky sex threesome... We seduced him into submitting to you, so now he see's you as his Dominant, just as he see's me. He's been conditioned to please you now, in AND out of the bedroom... If this isn't what you want, tell me now, and we'll leave last night a fond memory."

"I I have to think about it... Is it ok if I use the shower?"

"Of course it is, tell you what, I'm going to talk to Chris, why don't you decide if you want to go forward with this, if you don't, you can take my car back to the city, and I'll pick it up on Sunday."

"You said your taking him shopping, and to get his nails done, right?"

"And for a Brazilian, yes."

"And he'll be cross dressed?"

"For some of the time, does that bother you?"

"I have a lot to think about... I'll let you know."

Lisa returns to the kitchen and wraps her arms around my neck, she kisses me warmly before saying, "you were wonderful last night... I'm sorry I sprung Nikki on you, and I promise never to do it again."

"Is she ok? She seemed upset this morning."

Lisa sits down on the stool vacated by Nikki and takes a bite of Pear. "I don't know, I don't think she quite understands the D/s dynamic... I may have made a mistake bringing her home."

"Oh shit, what did I do wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong Baby," Lisa says with sympathy, "I failed to explain our relationship clearly, and Nikki is having a hard time understanding us... She asked to know about Molly."

"I thought she knew? She mentioned her last night!"

"I haven't told her anything about what happened, only that Molly fucked us over... I told Nikki it was your story to tell."

"Do you trust her enough to tell her?"

"I think it would go a long way into explaining why you submit to me... Yeah I trust her."

*Sigh* "Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes Goddess, we can tell her over breakfast."

"Thank you Pet, I'm going to go grab a shower." Lisa kisses me again, and heads upstairs to give Nikki time to think. I cheat on the Hollandaise by using a package, and have just finished setting the table when Lisa reappears.

"Goddess, can you please tell Mis, er Nikki that breakfast is ready?" Lisa gives me a look, then walks over to fetch Nikki. I plate the poached eggs on the muffins, and Canadian Bacon, then drizzle Hollandaise over the open face sandwiches. I set the plates on the table and grab a carafe of coffee, and a carton of Orange Juice.

The girls return, and Nikki gives me a weak smile. Just as they sit down, there's a knock on my back door. I excuse myself and answer the door.

"Good morning Bro, can we borrow a pot of... Oh, I didn't know you had company, I'm sorry."

"It's fine Sis, come on in, I can have the coffee ready in a few minutes... Nikki, this is my sister Carrie, she lives next door... Sis this is Lisa's best friend Nikki."

The girls exchange hello's and pleased to meet you's as I start a pot of coffee. "Something smells wonderful," Carrie says.

"I made Eggs Benedict, want some?"

"YOU made Eggs Benedict? This I gotta see!" I have Carrie sit in my seat, and quickly poach another egg for myself.

"This is very good Chris, we don't have anything like this in the... Where I live, unless you count Egg McMuffins."

"Thanks Nikki, this was my Grandfather's favorite breakfast."

"That's right! I forgot about that, this is really good Bro, Sophie's gonna be jealous!"

I look at Lisa and she shrugs, "we have plenty of time, why not? Carrie, why don't you call Sophie and have her join us?"

"Ok, Chris, can I borrow your phone?" I hand her the phone, and start more eggs, I'm heating up the bacon when Sophie knocks and walks in. Introductions are made, and I set a plate in front of her. "Anyone for seconds?" I say, stomach growling, three hands go up. The girls are all talking like old friends, (I told you everyone likes my sister) and there's smiles and laughter. I make myself a fuckin McMuffin and tell nobody in particular that I was going to take a shower, no one is paying any attention to me... Women!

I'm toweling off and just stepped out of the bathroom when Lisa and Nikki step into the room.
"There you are! We were wondering where you went... Carrie and Sophie are coming shopping with us, and your sister is taking us to dinner.

"They um, know about the, ah cross dressing?" Nikki asks in surprise.

"They know everything about us Mis, sorry, Nikki... Ok Goddess, what time are we leaving?" Lisa's phone rings, and holds up her hand to answer her phone. She steps away to talk, and Nikki steps over to me.

"Thanks for breakfast, you cook really good. I like your sister, she and her and her friend are really cool."

"Thank you... Nikki, I'm happy you enjoyed it. Soo, what's the plan?" Before she say's anything, Lisa returns, cursing under her breath.

"What's wrong Goddess?"

"Oh I got all wrapped up with plans for Juliette and forgot about my Tux, it's ready, but the shop is in the city!" I shoot a nervous glance at Nikki when Lisa says Juliette. She winks at me with a smile, and says, "I can take your car and go pick up the Tux while you girls get your Brazilian. We can meet back here, then go shopping."

"You're a life saver Baby! Let me grab the receipt." Lisa grabs her  purse, and hands it and the car keys to Nikki. I grab my wallet and hand Nikki a hundred, "in case you need gas." I say, and she surprises me with an intimate kiss.

"Thank you Pillow, now you behave for your Goddess, or I'll have to teach you some manners." She says with a wink. I look at Lisa, stunned! She's beaming, and shrugs like she had no idea.

"Well, I guess we know her answer."

Carrie's House...

"Hello?" Carrie say's into her iPhone.

"This is Joe McNamara, I have some information for you Miss Madsen."

Carrie say's "I'm listening, Uh huh, really, I see, ok thank you, go ahead and email me the photos... Yes go ahead and charge the credit card... That's fine, thank you very much."

"The P.I?" Sophie asks, stepping into the family room.

"Yes, Molly's on her way to Chicago with, get this, her Sister!"

"She never mentioned having a Sister! Oh shit! Tell me everything."

"Molly met with her younger sister on Sunday, the sister spent the week shopping for BDSM gear, and going to BDSM clubs."

"This isn't good! Did they learn anything about the sister?"

"It's all in the report, their emailing me copies as we speak."

"You think she'll try something this soon?"

"No, I don't think Molly's ready to make her move yet, she's a long term planner... Don't worry, we'll keep him safe until I can go see Johnny."

"Are you sure that's the smart thing to do? I mean, if she does try anything, what can we do?"

"Molly isn't going to try anything in a public place, I think she'll watch and plan her next move, and we'll be there to watch HER."

"Eight eyes are better than four Lover."

"Chris has enough to worry about, his first formal ball, Lisa, and now this Nikki."

"Nikki? What does she have to do with this?"

"Oh come on Lover, you couldn't tell they were "playing" last night?"

"I noticed! I'm just kinda surprised they would add another so soon... She's very attractive."

"Yes she is, I guess we'll know where she fits in this afternoon... Let's read over the report, shall we Lover?"

Miami International Airport...

"Why are we dressing in drag and going to this Ball again?" Mandy asks Molly as they wait to board a flight to O'Hare.

Molly has short, spiky Platinum hair now, and has lost ten pounds sparring with her sister. "I told you, I want to observe their behavior, and let you get eyes on our targets! We need to know for sure that Lisa has taken the dominant role, if my plan is to succeed!"

"And what IS your master plan? You haven't told me shit!"

"Do you want the fucking money, or not?"

"I'm here aren't I?" Mandy shoots back, "I can help with the fucking plan!"

"The last time I let you help, things went to shit, and we lost seventy five thousand dollars! No, I do the planning and you execute it, end of story!"

"Fine, how long is this gonna take? I have things going in New York..."

"You can fly back to New York on Sunday, I'll even pay for the flight... You just better be ready to come when I call, and know your shit!"

"You think I'd miss out on a half a million dollar payoff? You know I'll be ready... Sissy."

I'm ready to eat glass when Lisa and I walk out of Aloha Waxing. Lisa can tell I'm very angry, and has a good idea why, so she remains quiet until we climb into the truck. I flip down the vanity mirror and stare at my mutilated eyebrows. "Calm down, they'll grow back."

"Grow back! Look at me, I look like a damn freak! How the fuck am I going to explain this to the guys Sunday!"

"I said calm down! You do not look like a freak, you look just like Carrie. You don't have to worry about Sunday, the Bears have a bye week, remember?"

"Goddess..." I stop to think very carefully about my next words, "I've done everything you asked of me, I've degraded myself, suffered humiliation, ate my own cum... Wasn't that enough?"

"And I've fulfilled your fantasy, made your dreams come true, and given you fantastic sex... It's not like I had them lasered off and tattooed new ones on... They will grow back! Now, one more word and I let Nikki teach you some manners, ghetto style!"

I look in the mirror again, and I do look like Carrie now... If she had short, shaggy hair. I flip up the visor, and we drive home in silence.

We get home and Nikki is there, watching some daytime talk show, she mutes the TV and joins us in the kitchen. I grab a beer, still simmering with anger, while Lisa asks how it went.

"Just fine, I had no problem picking it up, I hung it in the closet, I hope that's ok... How's our boy? He looks angry."

"He's a little upset with his eyebrows, he'll be fine, right Pet?"

"Yes Goddess, I'll deal."

"Finish your beer and let's get you dressed. Nikki, can you go next door and tell the girls we'll be ready to go in an hour?"

"Sure, which way?"

"Go out the French doors and look to your left, you'll see a gate, and that leads to their back yard."

"Ok, be right back, but first I want to look at our Pet." Nikki steps over to me and tilts my face toward the light. "Very nice, you look just like your Sister now."

"Thank you Mistress," Nikki smiles at the title, and kisses me.

I follow Lisa to the bedroom, and strip so Lisa can start the transformation. Lisa has already glued the tits on, and I'm in my bra and padded pantie when Nikki walks in. "They'll be ready, Carrie suggested we take her car."

"Good idea, we can all ride together." Lisa has me sitting in front of the built in vanity, and Nikki has to step around her to get a look at me.

Her eyes go wide and her hand comes up to cover her mouth. "Oh my God, I just left you!" She leans in for a closer look and shakes her head. She looks at Lisa, then back at me, "amazing, your tits look so real!"

"Thank you Mistress," I respond, as Lisa finishes up my foundation. Lisa looks at me and asks, "shall we tell her everything now?"

"After you finish, it might be hard to talk while you're... Making me beautiful." Lisa nods, and tells Nikki we'll join her in the family room in ten minutes.

Lisa finishes my make up, and helps me with my garter belt and stockings. I slip into Sophie's dress yet once again, and I reach for the Leoboutin's.

"Let's go with your Catwoman boots today, I think the lower heel will help your knee." Lisa goes to the closet for the boots, as I swap one small set of hoops for a much larger set. Lisa returns carrying the boots and brown Catwoman wig. I look at her in confusion, and she explains, "let's try a new look, I have a feeling Carrie might react strangely if you look too much like her."

"That's good thinking, I think she'd get a kick out of it, but you never know."

Lisa quickly uses a brown eye pencil to darken my brows, and pins the wig in place. She spritzes me with perfume, and steps back for a look. Her smile tells me all I need to know, and I turn to see a brunette in the mirror. Lisa places a couple of gold necklaces around my neck, and ties the red silk scarf in a feminine knot around my throat. She hands me three bangles and a small watch for my wrists, and is finally satisfied.

"Why don't you go talk to Nikki while I get dressed?" Lisa suggests. I nod and and grab a wad of cash from my stash, throw my wallet and the cash into my purse, and walk to the family room. Nikki is sitting there  waiting, she appears nervous because her leg is bouncing. She stands when she hears me coming, and once again her hand covers her mouth.

"You look really pretty Chris, no you look great! Just look at that body!"

"Thank you Mistress, please call me Juliette... Have a seat, can I get you anything to drink?" I reply nervously.

"I think you better, what have you got?"

"Tequila, Scotch, Bourbon, Vodka, and beer."

"Vodka, better make it a double, on the rocks." I walk to the kitchen, remembering Monica's advice, and fix a Vodka for Nikki, and, a Tequila for myself. I return to the family room, hand her the Vodka, smooth out my dress and join her on the sofa. She clinks her glass to mine and says, "here's to a long relationship."

We settle back and I start, "it all began September ninth..." Nikki sits and listens raptly, keeping her questions to herself. I tell her everything except the bugs, and the money.

"And somewhere along the line I fell in love with Lisa, and agreed to be her slave." Nikki sits there, digesting everything I told her. At some point she's finished her drink, so I offer her another. She declines, and finally speaks.

"I don't know what to say, I can't believe my best friend helped do that to you! Molly had you raped? I'd have got a gun and killed them." Her words come fast and I hear the real anger and pity in her voice. " How can you love Lisa after all that?"

"When she touches me, I literally feel an electric current run through me, she does things to me I can't explain, I love her more than I've loved anything in my life... I know Molly had more on her than she told me, and one day she'll tell me the whole truth, but it doesn't matter to me, I've forgiven her... You should too."

"Juliette, why don't you go next door, we'll be over in a few minutes," Lisa says, eyes bright with tears. I squeeze Nikki's hand, stand up and give Lisa a tight hug. I grab my phone, purse, bomber jacket, and walk out the back door.

"I thought I knew you... How could you do that to him?" Nikki asks in a pain filled voice.

Lisa starts pacing and tells Nikki the rest of the story. Once again Nikki sits there in silence, and absorbs Lisa's story. When Lisa finishes, Nikki sits there for a moment, then stands up. She picks up our glasses and carries them into the kitchen with Lisa following, head hung low, tears streaming down her face. Nikki places her palms against the counter and tilts her head back in thought.

"Please don't hate me Nikki, I did what I thought best to save my family!"

Nikki finally says, "if I was in yo shoes, I  have found a couple of pipe swinging Nigga's and killed that bitch, instead of giving in to her!... You don't deserve Chris, you know that?"

"I do!"

"Then remember that, next time you think he needs punishment!"

"I will, I promise!"

"I gonna hold you to that! Now let's go fix your make up and join the girls."

Lisa hugs her fiercely, and whispers "thank you" over and over...

We're sitting in Carrie's kitchen, waiting for Lisa and Nikki, I'm surprisingly relaxed around Carrie and Sophie, maybe it's because they chose to compliment me on my brows instead of giving me shit, or maybe it's because we'll always be the Three Musketeers. They both love the brunette wig, and I'm doing my Joe Doukas imitation, telling them about Kostas. We're laughing when Lisa and Nikki knock on the back door. Sophie let's them in, and they gather up their things to go. I notice Nikki is looking nervously at us, and take her by the arm to step out on the deck.

"What's wrong Mistress?" I ask softly, after closing the door.

"You all look so pretty in your dresses, and all I have to wear are these jeans and this sweatshirt!" Nikki says sorrowfully.

"You look fabulous in those jeans... But if it bother's you that much, why not go and buy an outfit while I get my nails done?"

She looks at me tearfully, "because I can't afford to Chris!"

"Please call me Juliette when I'm dressed ok? Do you have any of the hundred I gave you earlier?"

Nikki nods, "I wanted to get back as soon as possible, so I figured I'd fill up when Lisa took me home."

I reach into my purse and grab two more hundreds, and try to hand them to her. She shakes her head, and say's "I can't take your money, Sweetie."

"Listen, this isn't my money, it's Molly's... She gave it to me to pay for my medical bills, remember?"

"Yeah, but you'll need it," Nikki says stubbornly.

"Mistress... I work for the US Government, I have one hundred percent medical coverage, I don't even have a deductible, please, take the money and consider it a gift from Molly!"

Nikki reluctantly takes the money and shoves it in her purse, she grabs me in a hug, and whispers, "thank you... Juliette." Lisa pokes her head out and asks, "ready to go?"

She grabs my arm and we walk through the kitchen and into the garage. Carrie say's "Sophie, you better drive, Nikki can sit up front with you, and us petite girls will sit in back... That jacket looks terrible with that dress Juliette, you should be ashamed to wear them together." I am mortified! "But it's cold out!"

We go to Yorktown Mall, and Nikki is impressed, I guess they don't have malls this nice "where she lives." I leave the bomber in the car and brave the cold. While Lisa and I got to Secret Spa to get my nails done, Carrie, Sophie, and Nikki split off to shop. Lisa and I use the deaf girl routine, and Lisa tells them I had an appointment for a manicure/pedicure. I'm expecting her to request a French Manicure like her's, but she gives me an instant hard on when she says, "medium long, and painted crimson, toes too." I'm thankful my panties are made if support material, and keeps my erection hidden. I remove my boots, and stockings, and settle in to enjoy the experience.

Ninety minutes later I have gorgeous long, red nails. Lisa helps me with my stockings and boots, then I pay cash for the service. I can't take my eyes off my nails as Lisa takes my arm and leads me from the salon. "Ah Goddess, I have to use the bathroom," I whisper. Lisa smiles wickedly and answers,

"We'll go together Juliette, I think I need to keep an eye on you." It hits me that dressed like this, I'll have to use the ladies' room.

We search the map to find the closest restroom and walk over to it. "I still can't believe that walk, what exactly did Monica tell you?"

"Pretend I am walking on a line down the center of the road." Lisa try's it, and her stride reminds me of the exaggerated steps of a fashion model. I catch up to her and ask, "does my ass really sway like that?" Lisa nods with a giggle. In the bathroom, I find out that my nails may look great, but they are impractical for wiping my ass!

I'm thoroughly washing my hands when Lisa walks up with a laugh. "You could have warned me!" I say softly. She just winks and says, "reapply your lipstick Darling." We meet up with the others, and I let out a low whistle when I see Nikki. She's wearing a brown suede skirt, cream colored silk blouse, and knee high brown leather boots with four inch wood heels. I can see she's feeling much more comfortable now. I give her a subtle thumbs up, and she winks at me. The girls all ohh, and ahh over my nails, and I actually feel like one of the girls. We shop and shop and shop! I try on dresses, skirts, tops, and shoes. I notice that none of them chooses a single pair of pants for me, but Sophie finds me a coat. Somewhere during the shopping I develop a slight limp, Lisa asks if I thought we should stop, and I assure her I'm fine, and I think it's my "walk" aggravating the injury. Our last store is Victoria's Secret, where I end up buying a weeks worth of bra's with matching panties, a silk robe, and baby doll night gown. The girls insist on going for accessories, but I tell them to go ahead without me because my knee needed a break. Nikki chooses to stay with me, and the others go on ahead.

"I wanted to tell you that this has been the best two days of my life... Thank you for everything," Nikki says, holding my hand while we sit on a bench outside Victoria's Secret.

"You're quite welcome Mistress," I answer, embarrassed. "You look absolutely incredible, by the way, those boots are gorgeous."

"Thank you Baby, I saw them and just had to have them... Promise you won't get offended if I tell you something?"

"That this dress makes my ass look fat?"

Nikki laughs and says, "no, your ass is very nice," she gets serious as she continues, "when Lisa first proposed introducing us, I was hesitant, I thought you were too old for her, and white."

"What changed your mind?"

"I really wanted to sleep with Lisa, I've had a crush on her for a year."

"I see," I say, starting to have Sophie flashbacks.

"Please let me finish," she places her hand on my knee and continues, "and when I first saw you, I thought you were kinda cute, but still too old for us, and definitely not my type. I like, young, athletic black guys... I went along with Lisa just to see if you really did suck dildos, and take it up the ass... I never saw a man do that before, and I was curious, you know?"

I lower my head, and fight to stay calm. She continues, "I couldn't understand why you allowed her to use you like that... But now that I know you, and know the whole story, I am very grateful I stuck around. I did feel powerful last night, but not because you sucked my dildo... I felt powerful because of YOU, you gave yourself to me willingly, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that... I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm falling for you, you're the nicest guy I've ever met, and I hope I can live up to the title of Mistress."

"I've fallen in love with you too, but I have to tell you that Lisa owns my heart."

"I know, and as long as she's willing to share, we all win." We hug each other, just as the girls walk up.

"Alight girls, enough with the PDA's," Carrie says with a smirk, "Juliette, do you think the hot tub will help your knee?"

"Wouldn't hurt," I answer.

"Well we better find you the proper sized suit then, hadn't we?" Since it's the end of October my choices are limited, I choose a Kenneth Cole Monokini in black, Lisa chooses a Slingshot Bikini with a Thong back in Hot Pink. I ask for a vote, hoping my Sister and Sophie would choose mine... I guess if there's a bright side, Nikki bought the Kenneth Cole for herself.

My limp is getting more pronounced so Carrie and Lisa decide we'll stop at Malahini's and bring the food home instead of dining out. We arrive back at Carrie's and Lisa fetches my brace and crutches from home. She's upset that I didn't tell her my knee was hurting this much, and I mention that I could have worn the brace if she didn't insist I wear slutty dresses.

"Manners Juliette!" Sophie says with a glare... I can see Lisa is not pleased with my tone. I'm about to retort when it dawns on me that this is the first time all afternoon anyone's treated me like a submissive, so I meekly reply "I'm sorry Miss Sophie, it's a beautiful dress." Nikki nods in approval. We enjoy our dinner, then change into our bathing suits. I feel entirely exposed in mine, and ask Lisa if I can change into the white suit. Even with tucking my package as far back as it can go, thanks to the thong back, my  bulge is quite evident, and I'll pop right out if I get an erection. Lisa's adjusting the cups and says, "for Heaven's sake! You've slept with three of the four of us, and ALL four of us has seen your cock in the last month... NO you may NOT change!" She's wearing her green Triangle Top and Thong.

'When did I become such a deviant?' I wonder. My thoughts trail off when first Sophie, then Nikki join Lisa and me in the kitchen. Sophie is... Sophie, all five feet seven inches of Greek beauty, while Nikki is a six foot Nubian Queen, she looks spectacular in her new Monokini. Carrie steps out in an aqua Bandeaux Top and Thong bottom, and we all kind of stare at each other in silence. "Why even bother wearing suits?" I ask no one in particular, "I mean, none of us are really covering anything." The girls all look at each other and shrug.

Carrie finally says, "I thought we were wearing them for you... You're the one who has a problem with naked bodies." My mouth opens to protest, then closes again, I don't know how to reply to that!

Sophie is the first to remove her suit and let it fall to the floor, quickly followed by the others. I reach up to untie mine when Lisa stops me, "I think you should leave yours on Juliette, what do you think girls?"

Nikki steps in for me and says, "I don't know, we're ALL girls here, why should she be left out?" Sophie agrees with Nikki, but Carrie, remembering our fight about half naked women her first trip to Chicago, sides with Lisa.

"Since she's my bitch, and I happen to love how she looks in pink, I say she leaves it on!" Lisa declares, and no one argues.

We're all soaking in the tub, and I keep my eyes closed, head tilted back, thinking about an engineering problem one of my team has. I'm afraid that if I open my eyes, and join the girls in girl talk I'll get a hard on. Lisa leans in and whispers, "what the fuck are you doing?" I open my eyes and look at her puzzled. "You wanted to be one of the girls, join the conversation!"

"I'm sorry, you're right, this IS what I wanted, please forgive me."

"Not this time, we'll discuss your punishment at home."

"Yes Goddess."

"You two ok?" Carrie asks, and we smile and nod. Carrie turns to Nikki and asks, "so are you staying all weekend?"

Nikki replies, "I was planning on heading home tomorrow afternoon when you left for your party."

"You're not coming with us?" Carrie asks in surprise.

"Speaking of the Ball, I requested the Limo pick us up at the Train station downtown... I didn't want to try to explain this to the neighbors!"

With a nod of approval, Lisa adds, "I wasn't even attending until... And with everything that's gone on, I didn't think to invite you, I'm sorry Nikki."

"It's ok, until yesterday I didn't even know none of you all, except Lisa... And it'll be too late to rent a Tux now." Nikki replies with a smile. "I'll probably hang out with some friends, or rent a movie."

Carrie turns to me and says, "Juliette, would you mind if she stayed at your house for the weekend? I'd feel better knowing someone was keeping an eye on things while we were gone... And it would be nice if someone was here to hand out candy to the kids"

I look at her in alarm and ask, "have you heard anything about Molly? We told Nikki everything." Carrie looks surprised that Nikki knows, "no, I'd just feel better, she knows we'll be out tomorrow night, and I don't trust her."

I turn to Nikki, "what do you say Mistress, Can you stay? I'll make sure you get a ride home on Sunday." Carrie shoots Sophie a knowing smile when I say Mistress.

"I don't know Pillow," Nikki says, getting in on the game, "big screen TV, cable with premium channels, high speed internet, I'm afraid it's just not enough... You'll owe me a repeat performance of last night if I agree."

Lisa is giggling, and Sophie says, "Pillow?"

"You don't want to know the details, remember?" Lisa says with a laugh. I can tell she's pleased I've shown my submission to Nikki in front of the girls.

"Mistress, you don't need an IOU, all you have to do is ask," I say.

"And clear it with ME!" Lisa adds.

"I can get a ride back to the city with Lisa on Monday." Nikki says, looking at all of us with a smile... I promise Sophie I'll return her dress after I had it cleaned, and we gather up our things to go home. I grab the leftover Chinese cause I'm starving, and heat up a plate while Lisa and Nikki unload my purchases from Carrie's trunk. Lisa set's my things on the bed and stomps toward me from the bedroom. She thrusts two Vicodin out at me and barks, "wheelchair, NOW!"

Nikki grabs the wheelchair from the office and rolls it over to me saying, "Ohh you in trouble, Pillow!" They disappear into the bedroom to put away my new wardrobe, and leave me sitting in my swimsuit wondering what I did wrong.

Nikki walks out carrying my new pink with white polka dot lace trimmed baby doll, and bikini panty set and hands them to me. "Why is she so angry Mistress?" I ask, standing to change. The panties are almost as bad as the bathing suit I notice as I slip the baby doll over my head, adjusting it to fill out my bust.

"I don't know Pillow, I'll try to find out, go ahead and sit back down." She takes my Slingshot into the bedroom, leaving me to worry.

"You're being pretty harsh with Juliette, what did she do?"

"Nothing really, she was actually very good today," Lisa says, examining my new little black dress.

"Why the act then?" Nikki asks in confusion as she hangers a low cut red silk blouse, "I love this blouse..."

Lisa glances at the blouse, "yeah, it will go well with the black leather mini, and her boots... I'm keeping him off balance, he and I agreed to his dressing only four times a year, but I don't wanna waste this opportunity."


"So, I pretend to be mad at him, and as punishment I plan on having him live as Juliette all week!"

"Oh that's down right nasty! I love it."

"It's what I want, and that's what this is all about!"

"But I thought you loved him?"

"Oh I do! More than you can imagine, but I still want him obeying my every desire... Can't I have both?"

"You already do, as long as you don't fuck it up!" Nikki concludes in warning.

I'm rinsing off my plate when I feel a hand land on each of my shoulders, causing me to jump out of my skin. I whirl around to face Lisa and Nikki, "Jesus Christ, I thought you were Molly!" I say through shuddering breaths.

"Why the fuck aren't you in your chair?" Lisa demands to know.

"I was just cleaning up Goddess, like I always do."

"Get your ass back in that chair, we need to talk about your terrible behavior!"

Lisa grabs an ice pack out of the freezer, and a dish towel out of the drawer, and thrusts them into my chest before wheeling me into the family room. They sit on the couch and stare at me, Nikki's expression is neutral, but Lisa looks pissed. "Ice your fucking knee, or else you'll be useless tomorrow!" I quickly wrap the ice pack in the towel and set it on my knee.

Lisa waits a beat before she says, "Mistress Nikki, if Juliette says one word other than yes Goddess, I want you to go upstairs and get your cock, and shove it down her throat!"

"Let me go get it now, I don't want to miss the lesson." Lisa nods and Nikki runs off, she returns carrying the eight inch cock and waggles it in warning.

Lisa stands and paces around me as she starts her narration, "what were you thinking about in the hot tub?" I start to answer, but she holds her hand up and I fall silent. "I don't really care Juliette... However I do care about being lied to!" Once again I start to answer, but her sharp "Mistress!" Cuts me off.

"Did or did you not tell me you were jealous of Carrie and Sophie's girl time together? "I was jealous of their salon days, and make overs!" You said..." She says in a mocking tone. "So to show you how much I love you, I took you to the salon today. I got you the long red nails you said you'd kill for, took you shopping, and treated you like one of the girls! And how do you pay me back? By insulting Sophie's dress, then tuning out girl talk to think about cars, or calculus, or whatever the fuck boys think about! I AM VERY UPSET WITH YOU!.. Now you just suck on that cock while you sit there and think about what I just said! Your Mistress and I are going to go discuss your punishment!"

Nikki sticks the cock into my mouth, and they walk to the bedroom as I lower my head in shame. Tears are flowing down my cheeks, as wrap my lips around the shaft to keep it in place. I think about what she said, and know she's one hundred percent right. She did fulfill another of my dreams, and I was too stupid to appreciate it...

"That was some award winning acting right there!" Nikki says in awe. Lisa giggles and says, "that was pretty fucking good, if I do say so myself!"

"You got him so twisted up, he doesn't know if he's a man, woman, submissive or slave!"

"And I plan on keeping him that way!"

Nikki takes Lisa in her arms and kisses her deep, Lisa returns the kiss, as her fingers slip into Nikki's wet pussy. Nikki returns the favor, inserting two fingers deep into Lisa. They get each other off standing there, then move to the bed for some sixty nine action.

I must have been sitting there twenty minutes when I hear, "Juliette, you forgot your purse, and your phone is ringing!" Carrie call out as she walks through the kitchen and into the family room. She takes one look at me, giggles, and says, "see you tomorrow, don't forget to lock up... Love you... Sis."

Lisa and Nikki step out of the bedroom when they hear Carrie call out. They pass in the hall, and Carrie throws them a wink and a smile.

"Now that's one cool chick!" Nikki says, watching Carrie's ass. Lisa and Nikki return to the bedroom to wash up and fix their hair before rejoining me in the family room.

"Have you thought about what I said?" Lisa asks calmly. I remove the cock from my mouth and answer, "yes Goddess."

"Are you ready to hear your punishment?" "Yes Goddess."

"Unless I'm mistaken, Molly arranged for you to have this next week off work, didn't she?"

"I'll have to check my schedule online, but I believe she did, yes Goddess." Lisa goes to the office and returns with my new laptop, I pull up the schedule and show her I do have the week off.

"Excellent!" Lisa beams, "Since you begged me to allow you to become one of the girls, I've decided you'll need at least a week to catch up on the latest gossip, make up tips, and what boys really want in bed... Juliette will be staying all week!"

My jaw opens and closes a few times while I try to come up with an argument... Begged her to become one of the girls? "But Goddess..."

"Mistress, the dick!" Lisa says, eyes narrowed. "Wait, please!" I say hastily, Lisa holds up her hand to stop Nikki.

"We have an agreement, don't we?" I plead with Lisa. "We do, but you're not living up to it, are you?"

"I don't understand? I've done everything you asked of me, haven't I?"

"For the most part, yes... Except for two eensey teensy little things."

"And they are?"

"One, we never set a duration for Juliette's visits, we never agreed on how long each of her four visits would last, and two, YOU AGREED TO OBEY MY EVERY COMMAND!" Lisa ends with a snarl.

I lower my head and close my eyes, "fine, Juliette stays... But she'll need to expand her wardrobe..." 'did I just say that?' I continue, "unless you want her to wear her... club clothes all week... And a pair of flats, her heels are tearing up her knee... She wants pants and maybe a pair of jeans to wear."

"Low rise, feminine jeans?"

I nod in dismay, at least it's not a slutty dress. "Agreed!" Lisa says with a smile, she looks at Nikki and say's "shopping Sunday?" Nikki grins and say's, "you need to ask?" I look at her, feeling sorry for myself.

"May I?" Nikki asks, Lisa gives her a puzzled look, but nods.

Nikki looks at me sternly and say's, "I didn't like that comment about slutty dresses Juliette, so as part of your punishment, I require you to practice applying your own make up until it's perfect, you will text me a picture twice a day so I can watch your improvement... You never know when I might want a REAL SLUT  to come suck a cock, and Goddess might not be around to help you." Fear crosses my face, did she really mean that? "Yes Mistress," I reply weakly. Lisa is smiling with approval, and holds up a hand for a high five. "Why don't you look to see who called you?"

I dig through my purse and fumble with my phone, it's a text  from Tom, it says, "BOOM HEADSHOT!" I actually giggle and show it to Lisa. I quickly text him back, "can't kill ya Bro, partying with Lisa's friends this weekend, talk to you guys later."

"Goddess, I've been thinking..."

"Yes Sweetheart?" Lisa says sweetly now that she's getting her own way... We're sitting in the family room watching TV.

"Now that Mistress has joined us, and we'll be spending much more time with Carrie and Soph, I think we should trade your Honda in for a bigger car."

"I love my Honda! Why not your truck?"

"Well, um, it's my truck! It's always good to have a truck handy, and it has four wheel drive for winter driving." I know my argument is lame, but damn it, it's my idea, and MY TRUCK!"

"And my Honda gets forty miles per gallon, I commute farther every day, not to mention Chicago has an excellent snow removal plan... Plus my Honda is a 2009, and only has seventeen thousand miles on it... What year is your truck?"

"2005," I mumble, afraid to mention the 172,000 miles.

"Come, sit between us," Lisa purrs, and I know I just lost the argument. I sit between them on the couch, and Lisa turns to sit on her side, leaning in to me. One hand starts playing with my wig, just above my ear, her other hand teases my inner thigh, just below my pantie. Nikki follows Lisa's lead, and I swallow hard. Nikki starts nibbling on my ear, and I whisper, "oh God."

Lisa asks seductively, "how many miles does your truck have?" Before I can answer, her hand reaches into my panties, and takes hold of my cock.

"Answer your Goddess, Pillow." Nikki says, teasing my balls with her nails.

"Ah, 172,000 Goddess," I say in a harsh whisper. "Oh my... Let's do the math, six years, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY TWO thousand miles, verses Two years,  17,000 miles... Ten minute commute, sixty minute commute... Now logically, what vehicle should we trade in?" Her hand is doing a slow, steady stroke, driving me fucking bananas. In a last ditch effort, I say, "but we'll get more in trade for your Honda!" Lisa's hand reaches down and grabs my balls, she gives a little squeeze and I gasp.

"Ok Goddess, you win! I'll trade the Toyota... But I hate driving cars!" I end softly. "Then buy a SUV, I never said you had to buy a car Sweetheart." Lisa stands up suddenly, and says, "cmon, let's go car shopping!"  Her tone is cheerful, and my erection completely forgotten. Lisa leads Nikki into the office, and I get back into the wheelchair to follow them. God, being a slave is frustrating business!

"So, just like that?" Nikki asks Lisa. "What Baby?" She replies absently.

"He's buying a brand new car, just like that?" Nikki repeats in astonishment, "yeah, just like that." Lisa says with pride.

"Is he rich or something?"

"I honestly don't know, I've never asked."

I roll into the office and Nikki says, "why you need three computers and a laptop?"

"Well, Uh Mistress, the one on the left is my work computer, the one on the right that Goddess is on, is my personal computer, and the one over there is Lisa's gaming computer... I bought the laptop when I was hiding out from Molly."

Nikki looks at Lisa and says, "and you have a laptop in the bedroom, and one just for games?" "Yes, Chris built that one so I can play games with our friends."

"What you mean, he built it?" I notice that the more Nikki talks, the more "ghetto," she sounds, and wonder how that will affect her career.

"I told him I liked to play video games on Monday, and when I came home, it was sitting there waiting for me. He bought the parts and built it."

Nikki looks at me strangely and says, "I wanna live in your world!"

"You are," I answer, while learning I can't type worth a shit with nails. Frustrated, I roll back and say, "Goddess, if you would?"

I glance over to look at Nikki, and she's just standing there staring at me. "Are you ok Mistress?"

"What did you mean by that?"

"By what?"

"By you are?"

I turn my chair to look at her closely, I wave her to my empty office chair and sits facing me. "You've accepted me as your submissive, didn't you?" Nikki nods, so I continue, "the way I see it, it's my job to make your life more comfortable... So if it's in my power, I'll do whatever you require."

"So if you had a million dollars, and I axed for it, you would give it to me?"

"Not quite... I wouldn't bankrupt myself just to please you, although I see a lot of girls online trolling as "financial Domme's"... No, what we have is more of a contract, I rely on you to keep me safe, and keep my best interest in your heart, and in return, I'll do everything I can to take care of your needs, and make your life more comfortable.

"And if either of us feel the other isn't living up to this "contract", we end the relationship?"

"Exactly," I say with a warm smile.

Nikki smiles back, and takes my hands in hers. "Since I'm new at this, you'll have to give me some leeway, ok?"

"Sure, we'll go over my limits on Sunday, and you can tell me yours."

"I don't know what mine are."

"Since you'll be here alone tomorrow, why not use the computer to do some research, and let Lisa coach you, as you can see, she plays me like a piano." Nikki leans in for another toe curling kiss, and whispers, "I so want you inside me!"

Equally as soft, I reply, "that's up to you Mistress... Goddess doesn't seem to mind.

We break the embrace, and I pivot to see Lisa watching us. She's smiling, and throws me a wink...

Researching SUV's takes about an hour, I avoid the luxury models, and Crossovers because I want something that drives like a truck. We look at Tahoe's, Expeditions, Durango's, Grand Cheorkee's, Pilot's, Pathfinders, and Two Toyota's. I like the 4Runner, and the Sequoia, while Lisa likes the Pilot. We agree to test drive all three... After Juliette does her time, and she magnanimously leaves the final decision in my hands. Nikki remains quiet, even though I ask her opinion a few times. It's just after eleven when we decide to clean up and get ready for bed. We remove my make up, and wig, and Lisa informs me that cleansing and moisturizing were now part of my nightly routine, even in male mode.
I climb into the middle of the bed, and roll to my right to kiss Lisa goodnight, I then roll to my left, to find Nikki's beautifully round ass inches from my face. "Aren't you going to kiss me goodnight Pillow?" Nikki says seductively. I lick her crack from tailbone to crotch, then back to her anus. I rim her for ten minutes before she rolls over, and takes my cock in her mouth.  Lisa pushes on the back of my head, and buries my face in Nikki's sopping wet pussy. I bring her to orgasm quickly, and she has me very close, when she stops, and rolls me onto my back. Nikki rolls a condom down my shaft, and turns around to mount me, while Lisa throws a leg over my head to sit on my face, facing Nikki.

Nikki is tight as she slides down my shaft with a sexy moan... I've got a face full of Lisa, and a black beauty fucking me, and all I can think is, life is fucking good! Nikki cums quickly, and often, followed by Lisa.

I beg to cum, and Lisa looks at Nikki, "well?"

"A...Few...More...Minutes...Bitch!"Nikki huffs, really rocking the house. I hold out as long as I can, then explode, thrusting my hips up to bury my shaft deep. We climb out of bed to clean up, and I beg Lisa to sleep in the recliner for my knee. They reluctantly agree, and they return to my... Our bed.

Lisa and Nikki are petting each other as they lay in bed, Lisa says to Nikki, "I'm so glad you stayed, I don't know what I'd do without you in my life."

"I'm glad I stayed too, Pillow is a mother fucking beast in bed." Lisa starts giggling, and Nikki, says, "what?"

"Why do you call him Pillow?"

"Pillow Biter! I like the sound of that better than slut, and you call him Pet."

Lisa is giggling out of control now, Nikki looks at her, giggling too. When Lisa finally regains control she says, "I thought it was a racial slur, because he's white, and soft... You know, like you guys calling us white folk Cracker!"

Nikki and Lisa ares laughing so hard, I'd bet the whole block hears them.

Two Am Saturday October 31st...

"So that's his place?" Mandy asks from the passenger seat of the rental.

"Yes, the one in the middle was mine, now his sister and her girlfriend live there."

"Are we going after them too?"

"Not if we can help it, I don't think they're involved, and the girlfriend is pregnant."

"I don't fuck with pregnant people!"

"Like I said, they aren't involved, other than buying my house for a steal."

"They actually paid you for it? Why didn't he just take it?"

"Because Chris has this fucked up sense of honor, he forced me to sell the house for a hundred, because that's all the sister could come up with."

"But then took a half million from you? I think there's a lot to this story you aren't telling me! I don't like not knowing!"

"Just do your research, learn how to dominate, and I'll tell you everything before we strike, ok?"

"Fine, but I want the truth, not some Molly made to look gullible bullshit! Let's go back to the hotel, I'm tired."

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RE: Blackmailed into Submission The Betrayal - 8/12/2011 10:44:51 AM   

Posts: 152
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Great post as usual, subrob but where's the betrayal? 

(in reply to subrob1967)
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RE: Blackmailed into Submission The Betrayal - 8/12/2011 11:52:33 AM   

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Nikki... Lisa adding a third without talking to Chris first, and completely disregarding his limits... He's already starting to have Sophie/Carrie flashbacks... I could say more, this story is just pouring out now, but I don't want to spoil it.

Things do get ugly in this next chapter, you'll see.


(in reply to MCLady)
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RE: Blackmailed into Submission The Betrayal - 8/12/2011 1:08:47 PM   

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I thought it might be Nikki but since Lisa apologized and they were all getting along so well I changed my mind but you're right, he is having the flashbacks w/Carrie & Sophie.  He also flashed back (albeit briefly) when she used the dildo on him but she apologized immediately afterward which seemed to make him feel better.......and better....and better

(in reply to subrob1967)
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RE: Blackmailed into Submission The Betrayal - 8/12/2011 7:43:33 PM   

Posts: 4591
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I think you'll love the next installment. It's not quite done yet, I have a few scenarios to write... It even has a cameo appearance I think you'll enjoy


(in reply to MCLady)
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