White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (Full Version)

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Aderious -> White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:29:45 PM)

I just sent the following PM to someone. Since I'm highly unlikely to get a response, I figure I'll post the question here:

Why is it that seemingly every non-overweight, non-ugly, under 25, not obviously fake, sub white female on this site is looking for black men only? And why is it that none of them bother to explain this preference in their profiles?

At [their age], how much experience could they possibly have? White men from liberal, SWPL states tend to be pussies. That doesn't mean that white men everywhere are pussies. Why write all white men off? There are plenty of gay blacks, effeminate blacks, blacks with small or average dicks too.

Do these girls reason that they can get enough white men in real life, so they're only going to look for Blacks online? Is that how it works? Do they really think they've met enough white men in their lives to be able to say that none of them will be able to catch their interest?

It's really an amazing phenomenon. When you come across practically any semi-attractive sub female on this site, click on the profile and, if it's not an obvious fake, bam, there it is - black men only. Is this real life?

hardcybermaster -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:34:42 PM)

good luck with this thread mate, you're gonna need it.
Look up generalisation in the big book of words

Tristan -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:36:42 PM)

Brace yourself....

Aderious -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:41:01 PM)

Don't get offended. Just answer the question if you can. If not, then there's no need to post.

I've been on this site for over half a year and I've seen this going on all the time with the <25 sub female profiles. Of course, some are obviously fake and likely made by gay men trying to acquire photos of black cocks, but not all of them give that impression.

kalikshama -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:43:56 PM)


stoni23 -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:44:51 PM)

Your profile pic screams vanity to me. for one. Try a blurred face pic instead. Showing off how hot you think your body is isn't going to help anything. Your only saving grace is that you blurred the penis.

two: you're racist. I browse profiles all the time, I don't see any more black only then anything else. You're simply choosing to see it that way.

three: why don't you try talking to them? I prefer blonds, but will I turn down a brunette? no. You may have much better luck actually communicating with people.

LadyPact -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:45:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: hardcybermaster
Look up generalisation in the big book of words

After which, I'd suggest looking up the word "preference".

That's the only word that is ever really needed when folks come along and say, "why do people write in their profiles that they are only interested in <fill in the blank here>".

sunshinemiss -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:48:49 PM)

Let me introduce you to the word "WOMAN".  But then I'm an overweight, ugly, over 25 year old obviously fake woman.

And here is my honest response to you - I knew by then that white men bored me.  They all had the same guide book for dating.  Men of other races were much more interesting.  And how much experience did I have? Well I'd been dating for 8 years by the time I was 25 (and I was not exactly dog meat ugly or unpopular with the fellows back then)...  I rarely had more than 2 or 3 dates with white men.    So, let's just do a little math shall we?  I did often date during the week but let's just use weekends.  Presuming Fri and Sat nights, 2 dates with one fellow.  That's 52 men in a year x 8 years.... over 400 men.  (I never put that together before). 

Do you really think that's not enough to realize what you like?  I only had to try mint chocolate chip ice cream once to know I didn't dig it.  And those damn gay people who just need to try ONE time and they'd get their fool selves fixed ... tut tut.  Sometimes people actually know themselves and know what they want. 

Now, this thread just might go south pretty quickly considering your bigoted and uneducated remarks, but there you have it.

Good luck,

Lockit -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:49:37 PM)

The old, non skinny women'z buried all those skinny assed wenches in the back forty because we couldn't stand the competition. [8|] I'm afraid you're stuck with our answers.

Really OP... how does one answer that if they are not the young ladies you describe? As for young white men not being pussies... I see enough of them whining that I cannot agree with your assessment. Hell, I'll share just two days email with you if you want proof besides this thread. I'm sure I didn't answer your question, but then I am not a skinny young chick looking for any type of young man.

Aderious -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:49:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: stoni23

Your profile pic screams vanity to me. for one. Try a blurred face pic instead. Showing off how hot you think your body is isn't going to help anything. Your only saving grace is that you blurred the penis.

two: you're racist. I browse profiles all the time, I don't see any more black only then anything else. You're simply choosing to see it that way.

three: why don't you try talking to them? I prefer blonds, but will I turn down a brunette? no. You may have much better luck actually communicating with people.

1) Give me a break. This is a site for finding sex partners. If you have the goods, you show them off. Especially in a profile photo, where the whole point is to draw attention to yourself and make someone click through to your profile. There are thousands of female profiles on this site with profile photos just like mine (a body shot). Do you think they're being vain as well?

2) Choosing to see it that way? I could link multiple profiles here to prove you wrong, but I don't think I'm allowed.

3) You think I haven't tried that? They don't respond. Girls <30 on this site do not respond to PM's about 98% of the time. Regardless of how polite, nice, well-written, interesting, unique, personal, or how many photos you attach (I've done up to 10).

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:50:07 PM)


And why is it that none of them bother to explain this preference in their profiles?
Why do you think they owe anybody an explanation? It's what they are looking for.

Aderious -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:52:12 PM)


Really OP... how does one answer that if they are not the young ladies you describe? As for young white men not being pussies... I see enough of them whining that I cannot agree with your assessment. Hell, I'll share just two days email with you if you want proof besides this thread. I'm sure I didn't answer your question, but then I am not a skinny young chick looking for any type of young man.

How to answer if you don't fit into the aforementioned demographic? Try to give an objective, impartial assessment of the situation. Don't come in with a chip on your shoulder. Surely the over 35's realize that there is a younger crowd on this site, both male and female (primarily the former, obviously).

Do you get those whining PM's from males calling themselves Doms as well? What about black men?

sunshinemiss -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:52:16 PM)

I think your profile pic looks like a switch plate for lights.  FYI, not everybody is here to find a sex partner.  You may be thinking of AFF.

Aderious -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:53:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


And why is it that none of them bother to explain this preference in their profiles?
Why do you think they owe anybody an explanation? It's what they are looking for.

Often, they take the time to fill out their profiles and write a lot about everything besides that. Failing to provide an explanation in their profile is simply asking to get flooded by PM's from white guys looking for an explanation, such as myself.

tazzygirl -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:54:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aderious


ORIGINAL: stoni23

Your profile pic screams vanity to me. for one. Try a blurred face pic instead. Showing off how hot you think your body is isn't going to help anything. Your only saving grace is that you blurred the penis.

two: you're racist. I browse profiles all the time, I don't see any more black only then anything else. You're simply choosing to see it that way.

three: why don't you try talking to them? I prefer blonds, but will I turn down a brunette? no. You may have much better luck actually communicating with people.

1) Give me a break. This is a site for finding sex partners. If you have the goods, you show them off. Especially in a profile photo, where the whole point is to draw attention to yourself and make someone click through to your profile. There are thousands of female profiles on this site with profile photos just like mine (a body shot). Do you think they're being vain as well?

2) Choosing to see it that way? I could link multiple profiles here to prove you wrong, but I don't think I'm allowed.

3) You think I haven't tried that? They don't respond. Girls <30 on this site do not respond to PM's about 98% of the time. Regardless of how polite, nice, well-written, interesting, unique, personal, or how many photos you attach (I've done up to 10).

Damn, and here I brought my own sex partner to the party!  why didnt someone tell me this wasnt bring your own?

sunshinemiss -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:56:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aderious
Failing to provide an explanation in their profile is simply asking to get flooded by PM's from white guys looking for an explanation, such as myself.

Is that what they are doing?  Ok.

Aderious -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:58:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Let me introduce you to the word "WOMAN".  But then I'm an overweight, ugly, over 25 year old obviously fake woman.

And here is my honest response to you - I knew by then that white men bored me.  They all had the same guide book for dating.  Men of other races were much more interesting.  And how much experience did I have? Well I'd been dating for 8 years by the time I was 25 (and I was not exactly dog meat ugly or unpopular with the fellows back then)...  I rarely had more than 2 or 3 dates with white men.    So, let's just do a little math shall we?  I did often date during the week but let's just use weekends.  Presuming Fri and Sat nights, 2 dates with one fellow.  That's 52 men in a year x 8 years.... over 400 men.  (I never put that together before). 

Do you really think that's not enough to realize what you like?  I only had to try mint chocolate chip ice cream once to know I didn't dig it.  And those damn gay people who just need to try ONE time and they'd get their fool selves fixed ... tut tut.  Sometimes people actually know themselves and know what they want. 

Now, this thread just might go south pretty quickly considering your bigoted and uneducated remarks, but there you have it.

Good luck,

Did you try white men from different parts of the country? What about different countries altogether? European men are nothing like white Americans. There is simply far too much diversity out there for me to believe that a young girl could be turned off by "all white men". We DON'T all play from the same rulebook. What's likely happening is that these girls are encountering some white pussies in their local area and then making the fale assumption that all white men are the same. An American girl who's never been with a Euro man has no idea what "all white men" are like. For example, what would a guy from Russia have in common with an American man raised in a liberal, progressive area? Absolutely nothing.

Incidentally, what were your actual complaints/dislikes about white men? What's in that book?

Lockit -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:59:23 PM)

LOL... don't come in with a chip on my shoulder?

Dude... the mirror, the mirror... look in it.

Objective? A whine is a whine coming from anyone whining and yes, I get them in all flavors. Why don't they like me? Why do they like those others? That is a whine. There are enough women around that you can find someone your age that will like you. I don't recommend your picture, because even young chicks don't care for the focus. Show you have some smarts and class... stop feeling neglected or rejected and get your ass out there in a manly fashion and find a chick.

If you can't... I would have to say after all my years in this life... you would be the first that fit that couldn't find someone unless it was his attitude.

tazzygirl -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 4:59:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aderious


Really OP... how does one answer that if they are not the young ladies you describe? As for young white men not being pussies... I see enough of them whining that I cannot agree with your assessment. Hell, I'll share just two days email with you if you want proof besides this thread. I'm sure I didn't answer your question, but then I am not a skinny young chick looking for any type of young man.

How to answer if you don't fit into the aforementioned demographic? Try to give an objective, impartial assessment of the situation. Don't come in with a chip on your shoulder. Surely the over 35's realize that there is a younger crowd on this site, both male and female (primarily the former, obviously).

Do you get those whining PM's from males calling themselves Doms as well? What about black men?

Just to point out something... this over 35 year old, overweight woman is in a relationship.

You, a young stud, under 25m are still looking for a relationship.

May want to examine why that is beyond blaming it on other people wanting something you obviously are not.

BonesFromAsh -> RE: White Sub Girls for Black Men Only? (8/17/2011 5:00:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

I think your profile pic looks like a switch plate for lights. 

There's something so much more classy about David's....um, stance. [;)]


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