Eases into the hottub... (Full Version)

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Sashareign -> Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 7:41:16 AM)


Very glad to have joined. Interested to see where this goes. I just found this site this past week. I honestly was so impressed with the level of intelligence and often patience/kindness in reading threads that I had to join the site. Some elements of BDSM have always been in my life and to many others I am fairly new; at least on a conscious level. It is hard to know where to start exploring what for me will be largely a new adventure, but I have already found some great advice here and  a reading list or two. I have read a couple of books and was glad to see a couple I am planning to buy in November are practically required reading according to a few with more hands on experience than I.

Getting back to the level of intelligence. I am no snob there, but it was striking. First posts not withstanding by OP’s, the comments that often followed in numerous threads really had me excited. I honestly have not read so many wise and compelling words for a long time on any forums in any area of interest. Pondering this, perhaps it is because the act of pushing the envelope, which I imagine BDSM is for many in the world, requires a good degree of self honesty and often ruthless self examination? This leads to a high degree of clear thinking and wisdom/common sense. Kind of like when the person wearing the collar has wiser words than the priest for young person in crisis…

I don’t want to go on too much, but I have not been this excited for a long time to find a community that is (with or with out the BDSM aspects) so alluring. I just kept saying to myself, “Right on!” Half of you (general estimation) could have doctorates in psychology easily. Maybe that is a side benefit/perk of the work? Or, maybe it is just that highly intelligent and caring people are naturals for a BDSM lifestyle? *wink*

I did try to fill out my profile, but might need to rework it some, I will certainly fill out more when I get the feel for how all of this fits together.

Oh, and if anyone is interested I don’t mind sharing that I turn 42 Thursday! Can’t say I was very excited about 13-40, but maybe things are getting going here after four long decades.

All my best,



p.s.- I think the vanilla ice cream cone is great. Happy to be one.

DarkSteven -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 7:43:48 AM)

Woo hoo!  A hot tub!  Cannonball!

Welcome to collarme, Sasha.  Does that name imply an Eastern European background?

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 7:55:12 AM)

Welcome to the discussion side of CM, Sasha.

ashjor911 -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 8:00:21 AM)

Enjoy the vanilla ice cream cone.... more few post like this & its gone....

Welcome To CM

Sashareign -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 4:16:43 PM)

Thanks for the welcomes everybody!

DarkSteven, the name may imply Eastern European background, but sadly, I cannot claim it. Not under oath anyway. By the way that was one hellu’va good cannonball!

ChatteParfaitt, Thanks for the welcome, I plan on just trying to catch up a little before I join in too much. That said, I am glad to be able to splash a little water now.

Ashjor911, I will enjoy the vanilla ice cream cone. I promise. I am trying to focus on savoring plenty these days. I have accomplished enough of late, and need to remember how nice it is to smell the roses. *Looks askance wistfully, whilst adjusting collar* …And something about the thorns…


Delilya -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 4:52:27 PM)

The forum here is a great read. I've enjoyed and learned so much myself from it. Best of luck to you.

BurntKitty -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 5:25:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sashareign


Very glad to have joined. Interested to see where this goes. I just found this site this past week. I honestly was so impressed with the level of intelligence and often patience/kindness in reading threads that I had to join the site.

Are you sure you're reading the forums here????? [sm=duck.gif]

Welcome Sasha!


Sashareign -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 7:15:48 PM)

Thanks for the wishes and welcomes Delilya and BurntKitty!

Is this the place to ask if I need help navigating the forum? It seems I have found about three different ways to access my profile and am not quite sure what I am doing. Is there a basic primer someplace? Or just trial by fire? I need to know exactly where to change it and where to view how others will see it. I think maybe one of the profiles I was editing for myself was really just for administrative use?

Also, in my original post I said,  

Pondering this, perhaps it is because the act of pushing the envelope, which I imagine BDSM is for many in the world, requires a good degree of self honesty and often ruthless self examination? This leads to a high degree of clear thinking and wisdom/common sense.

  I meant to say,

This then leading to a high degree of clear thinking and wisdom/common sense.

  Can I still edit it or is that window past. I no longer see the edit button.   -Sasha

ashjor911 -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 7:34:58 PM)

If you can not see the Edit botton, then its no longer editable..
If you like to see your profile just like other see it, I would say that you search your self on your location & age.....etc... & see the full profile.
you can edit your entire profile & change everything there (not your screen name) but you can change your sex oriantaion, profile text, & other stuff that you like & you dont like anymore.

Enjoy your time just like me..... I chech this site more than I check my facebook..... I Actually Live here....[:D]

DomMeinCT -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 8:34:07 PM)

Have fun here, Sashareign, but be careful....they don't change the water in the Politics and Religion swamp...uhmm...tub as often as some of the other hot tubs, but it can sure make for great entertainment. [:D]

Sashareign -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 8:48:31 PM)

Thanks DomMeinCT,

I know that sharks can attack even in a foot and a half of water. Maybe even in a hot tub! I have already garnered from some posts that the Politics and Religion section is a firecracker; If that is what you are referring to. I can always get out of the tub if need be. Right now I would just kind of like to get my bearings... Hopefully in a few days. On a side not I always liked Carl Jung and Herman Hesse. I am sure Jung would have seen the internet as the physical representation/manifestation of his collective unconscious.

Thanks to you also ashjor911! I would like to find a place where I can garner some enjoyment. Maybe this is it!


GreedyTop -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/9/2011 11:18:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: BurntKitty


ORIGINAL: Sashareign


Very glad to have joined. Interested to see where this goes. I just found this site this past week. I honestly was so impressed with the level of intelligence and often patience/kindness in reading threads that I had to join the site.

Are you sure you're reading the forums here????? [sm=duck.gif]

Welcome Sasha!


HAHAHAHA!! Excatly what I was thinking!
WElcome Sasha! Enjoy!!

xxblushesxx -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 2:42:20 AM)

Is this where the nekid hot tub party is being held? (I hope so, cuz I've only got a towel and a smile...[:)])

Welcome Sasha! You sound like you'll be great fun!

DeviantlyD -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 4:34:12 AM)




ORIGINAL: BurntKitty


ORIGINAL: Sashareign


Very glad to have joined. Interested to see where this goes. I just found this site this past week. I honestly was so impressed with the level of intelligence and often patience/kindness in reading threads that I had to join the site.

Are you sure you're reading the forums here????? [sm=duck.gif]

Welcome Sasha!
Welcome to the nuthouse![/image]

HAHAHAHA!! Excatly what I was thinking!
WElcome Sasha! Enjoy!!

Moi aussi! ;)

Doesn't burntkitty find the best LOL stuff?

Welcome Sashareign :)

OohAahMrs -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 5:17:57 AM)

Welcome sash, be careful it does'nt turn into a time machine!

Sashareign -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 5:59:17 AM)

Thanks GreedyTop,

Looking forward to day two.

Great pic by the way. The low camera perspective makes it. That and the way you are holding the broom.

Xxblushesxx, thanks much for the welcome, I will take all I can get. And it is clothing optional. All you need is your smile. Browsing the forums before I signed up, I had read your quotes from Maya and especially ‘delighted’ in the second one.

DeviantlyD, thanks for your welcome. Getting a welcome from Hawai’I is kind of like getting a postcard from there. So much appreciation. Were/are you a fan of Israel Kamakawiwo’ole? I was just listening to his Somewhere Over the Rainbow again last night on YouTube. Such a beautiful soul.

OohAahMrs, with a smile I regret to say I  am lost on the time machine reference. Maybe it is already too late! But thanks for the tip ;) Oh, and I want a pear orchard!

Hope everyone has a great week!


Sashareign -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 6:33:07 AM)

Quick question, is it ok on this site to say, "I bought it on Amazon? Or I watched it on YouTube?" I was looking for that rule in the TOS but didn't see it. To be honest though I think I got a little cross-eyed reading all the legal formalities; so it might have been there.

Another quick question on Netiquette. I did read all the official posts here on that. At least the ones I found. I think it was in the FAQ from this section. My question is - what are some general perspectives on listing Likes and Dislikes. ie when I am listing my Likes or Loves, say collars, and then listing my dislikes, is it pretty understood I am not expressing my disapproval of certain activities for others but rather just for myself. I wouldn't want someone to take it the wrong way and think I have disdain for what may be their favorite flavor of ice cream at the moment. And I certainly reserve the right to love tomorrow what i dislike today! I have however seen a number of people who skip that section. Just wondering if this was why.

Oh, and one more. Is there a newbie section for questions like this or should I just keep asking away in this Introduction area?



xxblushesxx -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 11:25:07 AM)

We can bring up any other site, even kink sites. Many here post links to youtube videos they like or to Ebay auctions, or almost anything. (Lots of I can haz cheezburger!)

The reason many of us skip that section (or at least the reason I skip certain things in that section) is because I really didn't want complete strangers thinking about what kink things I may or may not like. To me it was like talking about a very private subject with everyone and anyone, and you'll find there will be a lot of people who contact you (and even more who just read your profile) that you are not interested in. It creeped me out (personally) to think of them thinking much at all about my private interests. So, at least for me, it didn't have any bearing on offending/not offending anyone, just a general "ick" factor...I figured if I was interested in someone, and we developed a friendship, and then a mutual attraction, we could then discuss likes/dislikes. It worked out very well for me. : )

(edited because I left out a big important *if*)

Lucylastic -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 11:27:13 AM)

just popping in to add my hello to Sasha, welcome to the funny farm:)

LanceHughes -> RE: Eases into the hottub... (10/10/2011 11:45:53 AM)

As to a "new-bie" forum.... nope.  You just jump in.  That's why you were warned away from posting in the "Politics & Religion" forum.  Sometimes an "old timer" will go over there and come back, shaking thier head, saying,  "Why did I do that?  I know better." LOL!

Maybe just start a string for your question in the appropriate forum and see what happens.  BUT! Before you do, please use the search function - upper right on every page in CollarChat.com - which is where you are.  (The "other side" - as it's called - is the profile side of CollarMe.com)

Please do NOT start strings such as "What is the difference between sub / slave / bottom."  This has been debated / discussed .... let's see.... 9 bazillion, 48 gadzillion, 876,543,210,999,999,345,678,901,234 times, last time I counted.  (BTW, the answer is "Whatever you want to define those terms as for yourself and your partner - if there is one - or more.)

Seems like YOU will have a great time here.  Your approach is right-on!


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