A Helpless Situation (Full Version)

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emeraldgryphon -> A Helpless Situation (1/8/2012 6:47:29 AM)

Corin glided quietly through the darkened halls of the castle, his robed body and slippered feet making no noise as he made his way down to the dungeons. It was late at night, just after midnight, and the whole castle was either asleep or engaged in other pursuits. He had passed more than one door where he could hear the unmistakeable sound of a leather whip, the sounds of chains, or the moans of a human being in pleasure or pain.... or maybe both. Corin had found himself stopping to listen at those doors, his breath catching wildly in his throat with every whip crack, every moan, every cry of pleasure, his hands instinctively wanting to go to his cock and stroke madly for a few seconds of excitement before tearing himself away and continuing down the corridors. It was torture for him - he had not came in over a week, and his built-up sexual energy was demanding release, but he reminded himself that there was little he could do about that right now - later, after he got back to his room, would he feel his first orgasm in ten days. After all, he said to himself, it wouldn't do anyway for someone to come along and see him masturbating to the sounds of female domination.

Corin was thirty-six years old and in great shape from a life spent in heavy armor and in the saddle, with a slender, well-toned body and honed muscles. He had found himself at loose ends after the wars ended, and had went looking for adventure, ending up after two years of errantry at the mountaintop castle of the Duchess Julia - Corin's cousin on his mother's side. He had rode in one morning and had been shocked to find the Duchess ruling over a Court of dominants and willing submissives drawn quietly from all over the Kingdom. The whole castle had been transformed into a giant sexual playground, each room fitted with a devious collection of restraints, unique furniture, and punishment items. Corin had stayed just long enough to rest himself and his horse, but had been drawn back by the erotic, sensual magic of the place and before he knew it a whole month had passed. A month in which he saw slaves, male and female, continually teased, tormented, and tested by their Masters and Mistresses - rarely allowed to orgasm, but kept constantly at a fever pitch of arousal. Most of them were in some form of use constantly through each day, serving as feast slaves, serving slaves, pony slaves, even just used as decorations at certain times or living pawns in erotic games. Their duties ranged from general cleaning and labor to food preparation, laundry, errand running, and skilled entertainment, not to mention their usually more private services as objects of sexual pleasure. In this capacity they served every erotic whim and desire of their owners from being simple pleasure slaves to painsluts, toilet slaves, enema whores, and anything else imaginable.

He started at first by surreptitiously watching public dungeon sessions from the darkened upper balconies, and soon begin to gravitate towards scenes of absolute helplessness and humiliation, gradually realising how aroused they made him as he quietly masturbated in the shadows. One item that made him hot and weak in the knees was the unique chastity belt Julia had devised for the male slaves, similiar to the belts used on the female slaves, but which encased the cock in a steel tube connected to a hinged belt of metal plates that locked in the back. No escape was possible, and Corin was transfixed every time he witnessed a male slave piteously begging his Mistress or Master for the reward of orgasm, rarely given. Corin couldn't begin to imagine what it must be like for them, being the helpless prisoner of such a device and constantly aroused with no relief available, and the keys held by a Dominant all too willing to take advantage of the situation. He had begun to fantasize about being in such a belt, and was terrified that his thoughts might be easily read on his face. Corin had been surprised and mortified at first when he discovered a belt in the bottom drawer of a dresser in his room, complete with keys. Apparently forgotten and left behind by the room's previous tenant, Corin had soon discovered by careful experimentation that the belt did indeed fit him, but he had never tried the locks - until tonight.

Julia threw lavish private parties occasionally, with select Dominants and with highly trained submissives in attendence to serve as waiters and waitresses in the hopes of finding Corin and other unattached guests suitable submissives. Julia was forty-four, and still incredibly gorgeous with raven black hair and ice blue eyes. She stayed fit and lean, like a hungry panther on the prowl, and many times he had seen her ruthlessly dominating a slave, or several slaves at a time. Her manner with the slaves was stern and uncompromising, demanding their best service at all times, but with him it changed to a playful older sister demeanor. Corin shuddered in a deliciously erotic arousal every time he thought of her turning those ice blue eyes on him, not as a cousin and friend, but as the High Mistress of the castle. Since his arrival she had seen to it that he was provided with every opportunity to find his own slave, with invitations to private scenes and training sessions, and she had sent him a beautiful black leather cat-o-nine tails studded on the handle with tiny emeralds. He had been introduced to many Mistresses and Masters, and had had numerous slaves brought before him and no few assigned to him in case he took a liking to one or two. But Corins eyes were drawn time and again to Mistress Brianna - a thirty-two year old redhead with long, elegant legs, firm breasts, shapely hips, and killer green eyes with a gorgeous smile. Brianna always wore tall black riding boots, a black leather corset, and a serpent green dress that fell to just above her ankles or jewel green trousers. A long, thin riding crop always hung at her hip, the crop end in the shape of a human hand and the handle studded with emeralds and wrapped in black leather and green silk. It had been a present from the Duchess, and Brianna used it exclusively. Every slave in the castle feared and respected that crop, and it was a common sight to see a slave scampering down a hallway with his ass covered in the prints of bright red hands. Mistress Brianna was from outcountry and spoke with a lilting accent that sent shivers up Corin's spine every time he heard it. She had been invading his dreams of late, and just thinking about her now caused his cock to swell and harden in erotic desire. Every time he had met her gaze he had felt the blood rising to his cheeks and had dropped his eyes in what he knew was an indication of submission, but he couldn't help himself, and once he thought he saw a tiny smile on her face as he hurried away. Of late he suspected he had seen Julia watching him at those times as well, and thought she looked as though something had just been confirmed to her. Certainly her disposition towards him had cooled somewhat, but she was busy lately - she couldn't devote all her time to entertainment.

He came at last to the wide stairs going down into the dungeons, and had to stop for a moment as he steeled himself to continue. Quickly passing the rooms of cages where slaves were slept if they were not in someone's bedroom, the training rooms where slaves were taught to give pleasure, and the rooms of punishment and discipline, Corin entered a smaller room off of the main hall. It was a training room as well, but it had not been used in a while. The main features of the room were a padded sawhorse, heavy in construction, bolted to the floor and with an axle that passed under the main beam that was supported by two posts to either side allowing the whole sawhorse to be rotated 360 degrees, and a large thronelike chair with a toilet opening. Behind the chair was a long, low bench with several tiedown points, and the bench itself went into the chair through the back with the bench end directly below the toilet opening. A wooden bucket sat inside the chair, under the bench. Below the sawhorse was a long trench in the stone floor with a valve and a drain for flushing of bodily wastes. Corin went over to the sawhorse and removed his slippers and the robe, revealing himself to now be absolutely naked except for the shining metal chastity belt he had discovered, now locked around his waist. He had locked it on late last night after having first shaved his genitals smooth and had slept chained at the foot of his own bed, like a common castle slave. Corin padded over to a set of large wall cabinets and a small sink built into the corner. From out of the cabinets he took two sets of manacles, a leather blindfold, a ballgag, several locks with a keyring, four small buckets, and an enema bag made of oiled leather with tubing that connected to a smooth wooden butt plug. To his disappointment he did not find one of Duchess Julia's castle collars.

The plug had been carved with a largish bulb end to completely seal the anus and covered in waxed leather, cunningly stretched over the entire plug. Corin first filled the bag with very warm water from the sink - hot and cold running water was another of the Duchess' innovations, supplied from a giant cistern on the third floor which was kept hot by fires burning in a special room directly below the cistern. Julia had visited the old Roman baths in the south years ago and had been so impressed with the design she had copied it into her own castle - and then Corin hung the enema bag from a dangling hook over the sawhorse and prepared his four small buckets. Two of them had a very tiny hole drilled in their bottom, and these he also hung over the sawhorse on different hooks. Below these buckets were the other two, hanging by a small, complex pulley system. Under one bucket dangled the keyring, and the other bucket had a string attached that ran up to the enema hose and a wooden clinchpin that kept the water from flowing. He then filled both upper buckets with water, which began to slowly drip into the lower buckets, making them heavier and causing them to slowly sink towards the floor. If the keys reached his hands first he could unlock his manacles and prevent the enema, but if the other bucket filled faster it would pull the clinchpin free and he would be forced to endure the enema - and retain it - until the keys dropped low enough for him to get free.

As he filled the buckets he felt his cock swelling against the inside of the tube, unable to achieve an erection, and instantly filling his loins with an aching pressure. Instinctively his hands went to it but were met with unyielding steel. Corin shuddered in painful discomfort as his cock raged against its prison, trying desperately to become fully erect. Several minutes passed before his cock subsided somewhat, and Corin now wanted nothing in the world more than to unlock the belt and stroke himself to a powerfully erotic orgasm, but the belt keys were back in his room, deliberately left lying on the bedside table. Moving quickly now he manacled his ankles to the sawhorse, inserted the ballgag into his mouth, buckled it behind his head, and pulled the blindfold over his head to just above his eyes. Locking the manacles on his wrists he checked one last time that the keys were dangling in the right spot, and then he slid the blindfold down and inserted the butt plug.

Corin moaned in pain as he pressed the bulbous end harder against his sphincter, feeling it slowly opening around the intruder until it finally popped past the ring of muscle. As it did so Corins' cock sprang violently back to life, surging painfully against the confines of the chastity belt, forcing Corin to clench the sawhorse for support as he fought to regain control before he bent forward and locked his wrists to the restraint ring on the sawhorses' crossmember. As the lock clicked shut Corin moaned again - now he was truly helpless - as much a helpless prisoner of the buckets as he was the chastity belt, and one under threat of enema discipline if he could not get free in time. He settled in, trying to make himself as comfortable as possible, and then for over a quarter of an hour the only sounds heard were the creak of the leather straps, Corins' harsh breathing and occasional moans stifled by the ballgag, and the steady drip every fifteen seconds or so of water into the buckets.

Corin began to lose track of time as he started moving deeper into his own fantasies - unable to see, speak, or get free his brain took over the lack of sensory stimulation. Paradoxically, the further his conscious mind was in his fantasy, the more aware his subconscious was of his environment - so Corin was abruptly aware that something had disturbed the air on his left side, moving past him. He became rigidly still, concentrating on picking up even the slightest sounds as his fingers strained upwards towards the keys which must surely be close now, but the room was quiet and still .....a minute went by, and another, and maybe two more, or was it three? Surely no more than five? Something suddenly brushed Corin's fingertips, swaying back and forth ...Yes! At last! The keys dropped lower and Corin carefully opened his fingers to pull them from their string, tugging slowly and deliberately when he suddenly felt the weight on the string go slack and heard the horrible sound of the keys hitting the stone floor - they had somehow slid off the string!

Corin lurched forward as far as he could go, madly reaching, straining to get his fingers on the keys - his fingers could rake the floor, but even when he felt the area where he knew they must have dropped he still could not find them. He swept from side to side but encountered nothing but cold stone. Finally, exhausted, Corin hung limply across the sawhorse, recovering his strength for another go at finding the keys when something hit him on the shoulder. Corin jumped a little at the unexpected contact but quickly realized with a shuddering moan that what had hit him was the wooden clinchpin! He had forgotten about the enema! A second later warm water began to flood his bowels and he gasped in shock, helpless to stop it, when he suddenly felt two fingers grasp his right nipple and give a firm, hard, tug. At the same time Corin heard the distinct sound of keys jingling from in front of him and up, at about shoulder level.

"Looking for these? My, my my. How positively helpless you are, and by the looks of things you've done it all to yourself." The voice was feminine, low, and very sultry - the voice of a woman who is very pleased, or who has just been given something she has wanted for a very long time, but it sounded both familiar and wrong, somehow, at the same time. Corin jerked at his manacles, trying to pull free, but the increasing pressure in his bowels forced him to quickly cease his struggles and take several deep breaths. "That's it, just relax. Feel it filling you up." The voice had moved close to his right ear, and he could feel warm breath on his cheek. "Just relax. You know you want it." Her hands began to roam over his body, gently caressing his stomach, inspecting the security of the chastity belt, and increasing his arousal as well as his discomfort. The warm water continued to run into him and he knew that inevitably the whole bag would empty down the tube. Soon the urge to expel was overwhelming, and Corin began to plead with muted sounds around the ballgag for her to give him release, squirming wildly on the sawhorse. "Oh, no, not yet, my pet. There's just a little left to go - and then you must hold it for a little while." Fingers again gripped his nipples, both of them this time, and began to twist and tug on them, eliciting moans of pain from Corin. The voice that had been tormenting Corin finally clicked into place and he recognized it, to his supreme humiliation, as Mistress Brianna, even though she was trying to mask her accent. Embarrassed and humiliated to be so revealed in front of the woman who figured so prominently in his fantasies, Corin blushed a deep red, mortified and shamed beyond his darkest, deepest, most secret desires.

There came a tiny click as Mistress Brianna shut off the tubing. "There we go, the whole bag. How does it feel? Does it arouse you? Is your cock stiff in its cage? Good. Get used to it - you may be waiting a long time before you orgasm again." Corin leaned heavily into the padded top of the sawhorse, breathing heavily, making tiny noises behind the gag as he struggled to relax and to control the cramps that tightened in his gut. What did she mean it might be a long time before he orgasmed again? Surely she couldn't mean..but if she did, how could he stop her? And Julia would not even listen to him he knew, if she found out how he had been caught. He heard scraping noises and realized Mistress Brianna had pulled a chair up in front of him and sat down. She was watching him, he knew, but as to what she was going to do he didn't have a clue. "I really must commend you on a job well-done here - you would have gotten free had I not loosened the knot just before it reached you. I just wish you could have seen your face when the keys slid off the string."

More minutes crawled by, and Corin was sweating now, stretching and straining against the sawhorse as the cramps began to come more frequently, and he was moaning and grunting loudly in distress and pain. He had been retaining the enema for fifteen minutes at least he thought when suddenly he felt himself rotated backwards into almost a sitting position. Water began to gurgle under him, and he realized she had turned on the floor valve to wash everything down the trench drain. As the horse rotated back it kept his feet and legs pointed straight out and spread apart, and then he felt her hand quickly removing the butt plug, sliding it out of him in a lightning quick movement. His ass felt open and gaping and then the water began to flow out of him. He heard her retreat to the other side of the room as he expelled into the floor trench, and over the sounds of the floor valve and his own expulsion he thought he could hear running water from the side of the room as well as the opening of the cabinets along the wall. She returned and rotated him back to a standing position, massaging his belly from right to left, tracing the path of the colon. Soon he began to cramp again, and she returned him to the second position. This continued until he was totally empty, hanging weak and drained in his bonds. He moaned weakly into the gag as she returned him to the upright position and he heard her taking down the empty enema bag, but she continued working with the suspension hooks for a few moments. Then her hands parted his buttocks again and he felt the nozzle re-entering his ass. "I've filled and hung two more bags above you - you'll take two more enemas for me until the water runs clear - I want your ass clean for me when I take it with my strap-on cock." Corin protested wildly with moans and muffled yells as he heard the tiny click of the tubing and his bowels began to fill for the second time.

Two hours had passed and Mistress Brianna had mercifully let him rest after making sure his bowels were totally empty of water and waste. Corin could feel her hands unbuckling the ballgag and popping it out of his mouth, but she didn't remove the blindfold. "Please, please, let me go." "Tsk. Tsk. First words out of your mouth and you have already incurred discipline. First, you shall always address me as Mistress. Second, you will never beg for mercy - not from me. Third, I didn't put you here, you did. You are obviously a slave in your heart and desire - I am just giving you what you want, and getting myself a personal slave in the process. Fourth, you didn't ask permission to speak - but don't worry, I've got a better use for that tongue of yours." She rotated the rack forward, lowering his head by a few inches, and then Corin heard the chair being pulled closer. She sat down again in front of him and he felt her twist his hair into a ponytail and wrap it tight in her fist. She wiggled closer, and one of her nipples brushed his lips. He knew what she expected and got busy kissing and licking her breasts, worshipping her silky smooth flesh. He knew he *should* be fantasizing about getting free and carrying her to his bed, but all he could think about was being collar-leashed, naked at her feet. Corin moaned softly in fear as he heard Mistress Brianna sliding her prized riding crop from her belt and reaching over his back to lay the leather hand on his buttocks. "Now you will count each lash up to thirty. If you miss a count I will continue until you resume your count, starting again from one. Your oral service will continue thru your punishment, and if you are not pleasing the count will be increased by 10 each time. Do you understand, slave?" "Y..Yes, ..Mistress." To his credit Corin only missed once with an ending total of 55 strikes of the hand-shaped crop and only one 10 crop penalty, and mercifully Mistress Brianna got up and finished the last fifteen standing behind him..

Corin was half in shock afterwards, but Mistress Brianna didn't give him time to protest when she stepped around in front of him and slid her strap-on cock between his lips. "Lick and suck on it, my pet. Believe me, you'll want it as wet as possible when I slide it up your ass." Corin believed her, doing his utmost to lubricate the waxed leather clad phallus, taking it deep in his mouth and lavishing his tongue on it for long minutes until she pulled away and moved behind him. As she leaned in he prepared himself for this latest invasion of his ass, but he felt instead her fingers smoothing lubrication well into his crack and into his hole. "I was just joking - I never take a slave's ass unlubricated - unless he's been really bad. But I wanted to see how well you would worship my cock with your mouth - and I must say I think you are a natural at it - you were very enthusiastic." Corin lowered his head in mortification and shame as he heard her laughing lightly at him. Then something else touched him and he felt his ass opening wide around her strap-on. Corin moaned as it stretched him open and she slowly sank it to the hilt, grinding her hips against his buttocks before pulling it back out and then all the way back in, starting a slow, painfully erotic rhythm that soon had him gasping in pain and pleasure. Mistress Brianna was also gasping in pleasure, and Corin realized the dildo was double-ended and penetrated her too - she was going to have an orgasm by taking his ass! She began to slam against him harder and faster now, moaning in passion, and Corin was deeply grateful for the chains holding him in place - without them he'd have been bucked right off the horse. He could feel his own cock rigid in the chastity belt, and knew that he was oozing pre-cum from out the end of the cage. Within seconds she was crying out in ecstasy, wildly pounding his ass and holding tight to his hips. He barely felt her withdraw a minute later, but he felt his cuffs being unlocked from the horse, and was embarrassed again to feel tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks as she helped him to stand. But before he could do much more than steady himself Mistress Brianna had pulled his cuffs together at his belly and locked them to the leading ring on his chastity belt, and then unlocked his ankles. Tapping the belt she inquired, "Where are the keys for this?" Corin dropped his eyes as he explained that he had left the keys on his bedside table, ostensibly to be used to unlock him after he had finished his little adventure. "Well, that won't be happening for some time, slave. And if and when it does you will be securely chained to the foot of my bed before the belt comes off, and until after it goes back on. Your orgasms are now totally under my control."

Removing the blindfold she kicked his legs out from under him, and once again seated herself in the chair. As he painfully struggled up to his knees she pointed to a place on the floor a foot in front of her. "Kneel here, slave and get your tongue busy licking my boots." "Yes, Mistress." As Corin hastened to obey her he got his first look at how she was dressed, and felt his cock swell painfully in the chastity belt. Mistress Brianna was wearing knee-high black leather riding boots, with deep green trousers tucked in at the tops, a black leather corset bustier that buckled around her torso worn over a blousy white shirt with puffed sleeves, and laced cuffs, and a green velvet sash knotted around her waist that now had her riding crop thrust through it. Her rich red hair was piled on top of her head and held with long, carven hairsticks. She wore little cosmetics, and over her face was the flared black leather dungeon mask she favored when training slaves. To Corin she was a Goddess.

Corin knelt at her feet, worshipping her boots with lips and tongue for over twenty minutes while she corrected his posture and technique with stinging, painful blows from her wicked little crop until she commanded him to kneel up in front of her with his chin up and eyes down. Removing her boots she crossed her knees and pointed her toes at his mouth. "Take them in your mouth, my pet, and do just a good a job with them as you did my strap-on. I am taking you as a personal slave, to be trained to my own specifications. You will learn to serve me sexually with your tongue, as your cock will stay in chastity except to be cleaned. Your nipples will be pierced with rings, and your ass will be trained for buttplug wear except for evacuation, which will take place on a set schedule. No doubt you will require enemas until you become accustomed to your bowel schedule.
You will also become my toilet slave whenever I need to urinate. You will be subject to discipline at any time, and will obey me in all things, addressing me and any other free person as Mistress or Master and asking permission to speak unless spoken to first. Do you understand, slave?" Corin had maintained position while she was talking, and now straightened up a little, and very deliberately slid his knees even further apart. "Yes, Mistress. May I speak, Mistress?" She looked at him for a second and slapped her riding crop into her open palm. "Speak, slave - but I had better like what you say." "Yes, Mistress. I want to be Your slave. I've wanted it since I met You, I just couldn't admit it to myself, let alone You. You have been in my dreams, my fantasies, in my thoughts every waking moment, and I have dreamed of being Your slave. I will strive to please You and will obey You in all things, my Mistress." He then opened his mouth and began to lick and suck on her toes, remembering how he worshipped her strap-on earlier and redoubling his efforts.

Mistress Brianna smiled wickedly, replacing her boots and lifting a steel collar that had been lying beside her. Engraved on its surface was the words, "I am the property of Mistress Brianna. Please return me to her." As Corin watched from under lowered eyelashes Mistress Brianna placed the collar around his neck, and after making sure it fit properly, brought the two locking ends together with a decisive click. "Your name is Cor." The new slave trembled under the newness of the collar and his new name, flushing in arousal at the realization that he was now just another collared, belted slave in Duchess Julias' castle and would be treated just the same as the others - trained to become a source of pleasure for his Mistress. Now it would be him serving with the other slaves at Mistress Julia's parties, under Mistress Julia's stern ice-blue eyes, under Mistress Brianna's riding crop, and soon it would be him begging piteously at her feet for the reward of orgasm.

Mistress Brianna then snapped a leash onto his collar and allowing the middle of the leash to lay on the floor, placed her boot over it and pulled, dragging Cors' head to the floor. She attached a short leather strap to a ring located at the bottom of the belt and just behind the chastity tube. The strap had a thick butt plug attached to it, and quickly lubricating it she slid it deftly inside his ass. She pulled the strap up tight and locked it to the waistband of his belt. She then stood up, and simply said, "Follow." Knowing he had not been given permission to rise Cor followed as best he could on just his knees, feeling the plug shift inside him with each movement, and his hands still closely cuffed to his chastity belt. Mistress Brianna led him over to the low bench and placed him on it on his back, quickly criss-crossing his body with thick leather straps and then tightening two large clamps on either side of his head so that he could not turn to either side. As his weight settled firmly on his bottom he could feel the plug being forced deeper into his ass by the bench, and the anal stimulation was keeping his cock hard and throbbing in its prison. Smiling evilly she slid the bench into the rear opening in the throne of humiliation until it locked into place. Cor was breathing rapidly in a near panic as his head and shoulders entered the opening, and then he was looking up through the seat opening, his lips almost flush with the seat as his Mistress came about the side and lounged against the arm of the throne. "Scared, slave? First I'm going to teach you how to control your breathing while I am sitting on your face with a little suffocation, then I am going to teach you a little about how to service me, and then I might be ready to start your toilet training."

Cor could do little more than watch as Mistress Brianna unlaced her trousers, pulling them out from under the corset and out of the boots before unlacing the sides to pull them free - the green sash she unknotted and swirled around her hips to form a skirt or kilt before turning around and lowering herself onto his face. She moved up, completely covering his mouth and nose with her nether lips and cutting off his oxygen. "I could smother you like this, slave, and you would not be able to save yourself. But I will instead teach you how to survive under your Mistress." She suddenly moved back, just enough that Cor was able to gasp in a deep breath, and then back onto him. Cor himself was incredibly aroused, and his poor cock was doing its level best to rip the chastity belt apart, but Cor knew the belt was just laughing at him. He was concentrating hard on remaing passive and making the most of his oxygen between breaths, when Mistress Brianna slid back a little, allowing him to drink in deep lungfuls of air.

"Now, slave, you are going to please me as best you can - while being smothered, but first, the basics." She moved forward again, but didn't quite cover his nose, not yet. "First, lick and kiss just the outside of my lips - and show as much devotion to them as you did my boots. And there is no need to talk." Cor extended his tongue as she sank back in the throne and began to worship her most secret places, planting kisses up and down each lip and caressing them with the tip of his tongue, lightly dancing and darting across the moistening cleft and even teasing the tip between the folds, smelling and tasting her musky scent. She stretched back in pleasure and reached down to caress his face. "Good, good slave. You have a talent at this I think ... you may be down here more often than I planned. Now gently go inside me, but do not touch the clitoris until I tell you to." Cor was going deep into his own subspace as he obeyed, and felt that this was where he definitely belonged, under Mistress Brianna, serving her pleasure and worshipping her pussy. As he began to delve deeper into her recesses she moved back up, cutting off his air again. "Don't stop, slave." she growled warningly, and for emphasis he felt the stinging slap of her crop across his thighs. She began to tattoo his legs with the crop, smacking him with hard, stinging slaps if his tongue faltered. He made his air last as long as possible, and then she rose up a little for him to take two breaths before burying his face in her cleft again. She was really getting wet now, and her juices were covering his face as he plunged his tongue inside her. "Now please me fully Cor - I want to come on your face." Again a breath or two of air, and this time Cor was licking and sucking on the little nub of pleasure that made her moan and arch her back in pleasure, stabbing at it with his tongue and swirling around it in figure-eights and this time he nearly passed out from lack of oxygen as she suddenly spasmed and jerked, moaning in pleasure, almost screaming out as her orgasm took her, riding his face back and forth as her own come washed over his face before sliding back a bit on the throne and succumbing to the orgasmic afterglow.

Deep within the confines of his chastity belt, Cors' cock was struggling to get free and even as Cor lay there, exhausted for the moment, he knew that he had never been this aroused in all his life, and that he could never go back to being what he was before - he loved being a slave, loved being Her slave. "Definitely a keeper." Mistress Brianna said as she sat back up on the throne and covered his mouth again. "Open your mouth Cor, and seal it over my opening. Don't spill a drop or there'll be hell to pay with my riding crop." She giggled a little, "Hey, that rhymed!" Cor tilted his head up and locked his open mouth over her as she tensed a little - and then her stream of urine hit the back of his throat and rapidly began to fill his mouth, before he began to swallow, gagging a little at the strong taste. Six, seven mouthfuls went down his throat before her stream trickled to a stop and Cor began to enthusiastically lick her clean. She looked down at him and moved back up, fully onto his face again. "Keep doing that, slave - you're going to make me come again, and then afterwards I'm going to pay the Duchess a visit to show off my new pet. She's been wondering about you, since you never seemed to show any interest in Mastering a slave she thought maybe you wanted to instead be the slave. Looks like she was right. That chastity belt you're wearing - did you really think someone left it behind accidentally? It was planted there by Julia as a test, a test of your slave nature. The keys for it don't work, and if you had tested them first you would have known that. The real keys are with Julia. It was sheer coincidence that I caught you tonight - Julia wanted to wait two weeks before checking to see whether your curiousity had gotten the better of you. I can't wait to see her face when I march you up to her on your hands and knees, naked except for your belt."

subrob1967 -> RE: A Helpless Situation (1/8/2012 9:09:49 PM)

Another well written story, I'm enjoying the world you're created.

emeraldgryphon -> RE: A Helpless Situation (2/17/2013 6:25:29 AM)

Well. it's based on the world Anne Rice created in her Sleeping Beauty trilogy, but thank you.

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