In the Trunk (Full Version)

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emeraldgryphon -> In the Trunk (1/30/2012 8:49:00 PM)

The parking building was empty or nearly so as the office buildings across the street shut completely down for the night, except for the janitorial crews and a few dedicated employees staying late on one project or another. One of these now made his way to his vehicle on the third floor. His name was Nigel McClelland and he was a junior partner in a commercial law firm. At 26 he was fairly young, but his sometimes unorthodox approaches to how he handled cases had left his opposition wrong-footed enough to score some major victories. The top brass had noticed, and for two years now his job was also to train new lawyers for the firm in how to think and strategize outside the normal lines and patterns expected. In those two years the firms' success rate had risen significantly.

Nigel approached his car and after satisfying himself that there were no lurkers near he stepped to the drivers side door and unlocked it. As he slid into the driver's seat he noticed a piece of paper under his wiper. Curious, he reached around the windshield and tugged it free. It wasn't a ticket or flyer he could see, it had been folded carefully and was some type of parchment. He unfolded it carefully and found a few short paragraphs written in calligraphy. His girlfriend, Wendy, had calligraphy as a hobby, and this letter was scented with perfume. Grinning, he began to read.

"Follow these instructions precisely. Drive to the seventh floor. You will find a large black car parked in the northwest corner. Park next to the car. Get out and open the trunk, it will be unlocked. Inside you will find further instructions."

Wendy must be planning something, he mused, maybe something very interesting at that. Nigel started his car and carefully made his way up to the seventh level, which was completely deserted except for a large black car, just as Wendy had said. He circled the level twice, making sure no one was hiding in the shadows, but the level was empty except for him. Nigel pulled up to the black car and got out. He pulled a small flashlight from his pocket and quickly scanned the interior of the car. Empty. Moving around to the trunk he carefully tested the latch and found the trunk unlocked. Raising the lid he saw the trunk was empty except for a small briefcase, another letter, and oddly enough, two large steel rings that were bolted to the left and right interior trunk walls. The trunk itself was padded, he saw, and covered with vinyl. Picking up the letter he unfolded it and quickly scanned its brief contents.

"Take the briefcase. Return to your vehicle. Open the case using a key which you will find taped under your car on the driver's side. Follow the instructions."

Dumbfounded, Nigel picked up the briefcase and after glancing around again, returned to his car. Once inside he felt under his door and sure enough, found a taped key. Retrieving it he shut his door and carefully opened the case, staring into it in shock as the smell of well-oiled leather hit his nostrils. Inside he saw lots of black leather straps, the gleam of steel, buckles, various other things half-hidden under the straps, and another letter. Picking it up he read it once, holding it with fingers that shook noticeably as he read more and more of it, his eyes open wide.

"Inside this case you will find a leather body harness, a male chastity belt with an attached butt plug, a steel collar, steel arm and leg manacles, a leather hood with an attached ballgag and blindfold, lube for the plug, and several locks. I have the keys. You are to strip off your clothes and put these items on, tightly, and lock them on. You will exit your car, taking the keys with you, and the last two large locks. You will get in the trunk, shut the lid, attach the blindfold to the hood, and lock your arm and leg chains to the two rings with the last two locks. You have forty-five minutes."

Nigel drew a deep breath, and let it out slowly as he read the letter again. His cock was fully aroused, and his hands were trembling as he held the paper, making it shake. A low moan escaped his lips as he stared at the words. Wendy had really outdone herself this time, he thought, but then he realized he was wasting time. Was he really going to do this? he asked himself, and his only answer was to start loosening his shirt and tie. He quickly stripped, folding his clothing and placing it neatly in the back seat before sorting out the leather items onto the passenger seat and deciding how to start. He first put on and locked the arm and leg manacles, shuddering in arousal as the padded steel cuffs went around his limbs, and again when he slid the padlocks through the locking buckles and clicked them shut. The manacles all had steel rings attached to them, one apiece, and they rang softly like chimes as he moved.
Next came the collar, engraved with the word, "Slave" across the front, and Nigel's eyes closed in pure ecstasy as he placed it around his neck and closed it, slipping the padlock around a special locking post that would preclude any attempt to cut the lock. When he clicked it shut a tremor of arousal and pure submission ran down his spine.

He turned next to the chastity belt, lubing the butt plug and setting it carefully aside. He was hard, and incredibly aroused, so it took long minutes before he could calm himself sufficiently to slide his cock into the steel cage attached to the front of the belt and then, lifting his hips, he maneuvered the plug into position and allowed his weight to slowly push it inside him as he gasped. It felt very large, but as the bulbous end finally slid past his sphincter he moaned in relief and the flared base came to rest right against his ass. Taking the straps up tight he applied the padlocks to the locking buckles on each hip, shuddering in returning arousal as they clicked shut. This time however, his erection quickly filled the cage which kept it uncomfortably compressed, with his cock bulging out between the closely spaced steel bars.

Nigel picked up the leather harness and tightened it around his body, attaching it at four points to the belt, and then pulled the hood over his head, tightening the laces in the back for a secure fit and again applying a padlock at the back through a locking buckle. He slid the ballgag attachment into his mouth, attaching it to the hood with snaps and a retention strap, and then placed the blindfold on, attaching it only on one side to allow him to see. He realized he was now completely bound in leather, locked in, and would not be getting out until Wendy freed him. Nigel was looking forward to whatever delicious games she had in mind, but again his arousal was held completely in check by the confines of the cage.

Looking at his clock he realized he only had fifteen minutes left, and he quickly scanned the area to make sure no one was around as he exited his car and grabbed the last two padlocks. The concrete felt rough and cool under his bare feet as he moved around to the trunk of the black car and opened the trunk. He had locked his car and now took his car keys and hung them from a small hook near the front of the trunk before climbing in onto the vinyl and pulling the lid shut with a decisive click and plunging himself into darkness. Arranging himself between the two rings, Nigel bent down and placed the padlock through the attached rings on the leg manacles and through the restraint ring, squeezing it shut.
He then secured the blindfold across his eyes, engaging the snaps and tightening the restraining strap before he firmly grasped the final buckle and reached up to the ring above his head, locking his manacles to it with one final click.

Nude, bound, and completely helpless now, Nigel settled in to wait, getting as comfortable as he could as his body nestled down into the padded trunk. He strained his ears for some noise or voice but for long minutes all was silent as he readjusted his position somewhat. He was lying on his right side, somewhat curled up, and only needed to make minute changes in his position, so he instantly heard the sound of footsteps coming from a distance, probably walking towards him from the other end of the parking building, near the emergency stairs. As they drew closer he could tell that the crisp clicking was being made by a pair of high heels, probably boots by the slightly heavier tone of the footsteps.

Nigel felt his cock straining against the cage as the person outside stepped right up to the trunk, and he waited with baited breath until he heard a key sliding in the lock. Cool air flooded over him as the trunk was opened, and he moaned gently, knowing Wendy was standing there looking at him bound and naked. A slight jingling sound reached his ears, and he realized she had retrieved his car keys just as the trunk lid slammed shut again. He heard the footsteps move around to the driver's door, open it and get in, the car shifting somewhat as she dropped into the seat, but then he heard his car door open, and then shut. Wendy had someone else with her! And they had doubtless seen him in the trunk! A wave of humiliation washed over him as both cars started up, and he felt himself moving as the driver backed up and headed for the exit ramp. Nigel racked his brain wondering who the other person was - maybe Wendy's sister Abby, or her best friends Sharon or Debbie, or maybe even someone from work she knew. He felt the car slow down as it exited the parking building, and then turned left. He attempted to estimate where they were by feeling the turns, but soon became hopelessly confounded by turn after turn.

The car drove on, and it grew hot in the trunk where he lay on the vinyl as sweat began to trickle down to pool between him and the smooth surface. At one point he knew they had gotten onto the highway because their speed had risen dramatically, and after their speed had slowed again they had went over railroad tracks several times, and up a twisting road with tight curves. Nigel had lost all track of time, but was sure they had been driving for at least an hour. Where was Wendy taking him?

Finally the car slowed, and made a right hand turn onto a long graveled driveway, and then onto a concrete surface before stopping and shutting off. A minute or so later his car pulled up to his left, shut off, and the door opened and closed. He waited nervously until he heard the drivers side door open and the sound of heels again came towards the trunk. By the echoing sounds he was certain he was in a garage or building of some type, probably a garage - the echoes were fast and quick, not hollow and booming like they would be in a larger building. The lid opened and cool air once again washed over him, causing him to shiver. Suddenly hands grabbed his arms and legs, one person at each end, turning him onto his stomach, and he felt the leg manacles unlocked from the ring and fastened to a short chain. His hands were also freed from the ring and pulled behind his back before he could struggle. A short chain was locked to each manacle, but this chain also locked to his chastity belt at the small of his back. The hands then picked him up and set him onto the cool floor on his knees, and Nigel felt a leash snapped onto his collar as his knees were forced widely apart.

He waited, nervous. He could tell she was standing there, watching him. He then felt her loosening the restraining strap to his blindfold, and as she tugged the covering loose he squeezed his eyes shut to let them adjust slowly to the light. Nigel slowly opened them, and the first thing he saw was black leather boots in front of him, and as he lifted his eyes he saw she was wearing stockings, a short leather skirt, long leather or latex opera gloves, a stiff leather corset and...

It wasn't Wendy. He stared at her in shock for a moment, taking in the long brunette tresses of hair, the deep brown eyes, the heart-shaped face, and the mask of black leather that obscured the rest of her features, and then he jumped in pain and shock as he was hit from behind, a stinging pain spreading across his ass, and he cried out behind the gag.

The woman in front of him spoke. "Head up, eyes down. Never look me face to face. Do you understand, slave?"

Nigel dropped his eyes instantly and nodded once. The person standing behind him moved to kneel beside the woman in black and he saw it was another woman, a blonde, dressed in a white latex one piece, with soft slippers. She wore a steel collar around her neck. Glancing around quickly he could see he was in a small garage, but beyond the woman in black was an archway that opened into a larger room lined with cages. Many of these cages were filled with men and women, all collared like him and in various states of restraint. There were numbers printed on each cage, and a small board affixed to the front of each cage door with what looked like notes. Nigel's eyes widened in terror when he saw that several of those boards were stamped "SOLD" across them in large red letters.

Nigel struggled then, realizing for the first time just exactly how bad of a situation he was in, but the chains held him perfectly. At least Wendy would report him missing, he knew, and there would be a search begun he thought, but then his last hope was dashed as the woman turned and pulled him into the room by the leash, and as he struggled to keep up on his knees he saw Wendy directly in front of him - caged, bound, and naked, her tear-filled eyes watching him as he was pushed into a cage across the room.

eight1000m -> RE: In the Trunk (2/8/2012 6:02:29 PM)

Well, where is the next installment?!?!?!?

suitYouSir -> RE: In the Trunk (2/29/2012 11:05:46 AM)

omg more

kajiruspet -> RE: In the Trunk (3/8/2012 11:12:49 PM)

great stuff - please follow on!

emeraldgryphon -> RE: In the Trunk (7/7/2012 10:20:21 PM)

Working on a follow-up. I'd love to be taken like this.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: In the Trunk (7/8/2012 1:03:03 PM)

Wonderful writing. You have a real knack for it! Keep up the good work :-)

emeraldgryphon -> RE: In the Trunk (8/31/2012 11:59:51 PM)

Nigel was forced into the waiting cage at the point of a cattle prod which delivered a stinging shock when he balked and resisted at the gate to the cage, but at the painful shock he screamed and jumped forward and heard the cage shut and lock behind him. The women gathered around the cage as he looked out through the bars at them. He was crouched in the back of the cage, as far away from them as possible, his eyes wide and frightened as he watched the tip of the prod. The woman wielding it smiled sadistically and squeezed the button, causing it to crackle with electricity. Nigel jumped and cringed as far back as he could go, and the woman laughed at him. "That's it, slave. You'd better fear it - obey us perfectly and maybe you won't feel it ... as much."

The others laughed at that as they checked the cages and left the room, turning the lights out as they shut the door. Nigel heard it lock. From somewhere across the room he heard Wendy whimper and he moaned back, but they were unable to communicate in any effective manner. A heater kicked on in the darkness, the fan rattling and squeaking, and Nigel could feel the warm air moving through the room. At least they wouldn't freeze, he thought, and he thought back to the extreme measures that had been taken with the trunk padding in order to ensure that he wouldn't be bruised by the bumpy trip. That meant that wherever they were going they were expected to be in good shape. From the quick looks he had taken before the lights went off there were at least twenty slaves in the room. Carefully and quietly he tried to test the security of the cage and bonds holding him, but all he found was the unyielding steel and stout chains and bars.

He woke the next morning to the blonde in white hanging a sign on his cage, She smiled at him as she noticed he was awake. "Well, well. You're awake. Count yourself lucky ... or not. You've already been sold, You were purchased early this morning, almost as soon as we put you up on the website. You'll be shipped out later this afternoon with the other sales."

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