All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (Full Version)

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SirVVV -> All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 1:54:37 PM)

All men are assholes!!!

I seem to hear that more often these days and most certaily am confronted with this particurar brand of attitude by most women. Why is that? Why are yoy so positively covinced that we ALL are no good waste of flesh???

If that is truly the case... why bother signing up to CM and other sites stating that you are looking for a mam, if you are already conviced that we are all flawed?

You walk around... armed to the teeth with witt, sarcasm, patronizing remarks and stereotypes... ready to fight off another male that comes your way. You get so wound up in it that you don't even know how to act when you come across a decent one.... You stop... and wonder... and then stab the poor sucker in the eye anyway... just for good measure.

It almost seems that half the women here are not looking for a man. They look for reasurance that all men are still assholes and they can go back to their friends to gripe about it.

Well, guess what, if some of you will not open your minds and hearts to even a theoretical possibility that there might still be one or two good ones left... you'll never find one. For you are doing marvelous job of chasing all the guys away... good or bad.

Please do not take this as an attack on wemen, subs/slaves or anyone. I am just trying to understand why.. why do the people that so desperatly want to find a missing man in their lives do such a brilliant job of chasing him away?

I have been away from this lifestyle or any dating scene for a while. Now I am back, looking, talking... but I find myself being ask to prove I'm not an asshole more than ask to say who I am? Why the automatic presumption of guilt? Why don't most ladies here do not want to get to know some one first, then decide if the man is good or bad? Why is it that they want some immediate and irrefutable proof that you are not asshole... and then maybe they will talk to you and get to know you... That is backwards :)

JstAnotherSub -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 1:56:42 PM)

I guess if I said starting this thread to whine was assholeish behavior, that would shock ya huh?

CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 1:56:57 PM)

I am an asshole.

JeffBC -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 1:57:05 PM)

I agree with you. But I don't understand the purpose of a public rant on the subject. Such women reap their own karma just fine without me needing to do anything about it... not even get all annoyed by it.

I'm afraid you're just going to have to deal with the fact that US culture has become strongly anti-male.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 2:06:08 PM)



All men are assholes!!!

I seem to hear that more often these days and most certaily am confronted with this particurar brand of attitude by most women. Why is that? Why are yoy so positively covinced that we ALL are no good waste of flesh???

If that is truly the case... why bother signing up to CM and other sites stating that you are looking for a mam, if you are already conviced that we are all flawed?

You walk around... armed to the teeth with witt, sarcasm, patronizing remarks and stereotypes... ready to fight off another male that comes your way. You get so wound up in it that you don't even know how to act when you come across a decent one.... You stop... and wonder... and then stab the poor sucker in the eye anyway... just for good measure.

It almost seems that half the women here are not looking for a man. They look for reasurance that all men are still assholes and they can go back to their friends to gripe about it.

Well, guess what, if some of you will not open your minds and hearts to even a theoretical possibility that there might still be one or two good ones left... you'll never find one. For you are doing marvelous job of chasing all the guys away... good or bad.

Please do not take this as an attack on wemen, subs/slaves or anyone. I am just trying to understand why.. why do the people that so desperatly want to find a missing man in their lives do such a brilliant job of chasing him away?

I have been away from this lifestyle or any dating scene for a while. Now I am back, looking, talking... but I find myself being ask to prove I'm not an asshole more than ask to say who I am? Why the automatic presumption of guilt? Why don't most ladies here do not want to get to know some one first, then decide if the man is good or bad? Why is it that they want some immediate and irrefutable proof that you are not asshole... and then maybe they will talk to you and get to know you... That is backwards :)

(Wondering if this guy recently attended a movie in Colorado).

fetisheden -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 2:20:25 PM)

i wouldnt say ALL men are assholes,closer to is the ones who lie to get you into bed, the ones who cheat, the ones who try to fuck children,the ones who leave when you are pregnant that are ruining it for the rest.don't complain to women about it. talk to other men.ask them to stop making it bad for you

hlen5 -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 2:36:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: LookieNoNookie

(Wondering if this guy recently attended a movie in Colorado).

Not really funny.

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 2:50:05 PM)

Excuse me, SirVVV -- I have to amend your statement, all PEOPLE are assholes, at least some time. Some are more assholish than others, some can hide that they are an asshole, some have learned to tone the asshole bit down.

Personally I * always* reserve my right to become an asshole if I believe it is necessary.

Speaking of being an asshole . . .

Your gender specific statement is just bullshit to me. Sure some men are primarily assholes, some are not, some women are the pot calling the kettle black. Who gives a fucking shit?

People are what they are, if you don't like them, don't deal with them. If their philosophy does not agree with yours, move the fuck on.

This is the internet; there are assholes. Get. Used. To. It.

GreedyTop -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:02:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: ChatteParfaitt

Excuse me, SirVVV -- I have to amend your statement, all PEOPLE are assholes, at least some time. Some are more assholish than others, some can hide that they are an asshole, some have learned to tone the asshole bit down.

Personally I * always* reserve my right to become an asshole if I believe it is necessary.

Speaking of being an asshole . . .

Your gender specific statement is just bullshit to me. Sure some men are primarily assholes, some are not, some women are the pot calling the kettle black. Who gives a fucking shit?

People are what they are, if you don't like them, don't deal with them. If their philosophy does not agree with yours, move the fuck on.

This is the internet; there are assholes. Get. Used. To. It.


plus I would add that some folks are assholes in such a way that it's appealing to the opposite sex (I can think of several regular posters here that, IMO, illustrate that perfectly).

gungadin09 -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:18:28 PM)



All men are assholes!!!

Hey, now, let's not be unjust. A lot of women are assholes too.


I seem to hear that more often these days and most certaily am confronted with this particurar brand of attitude by most women. Why is that? Why are yoy so positively covinced that we ALL are no good waste of flesh???

Trends sway public opinion. Right now it's kind of hip to hate men.


If that is truly the case... why bother signing up to CM and other sites stating that you are looking for a mam, if you are already conviced that we are all flawed?

You walk around... armed to the teeth with witt, sarcasm, patronizing remarks and stereotypes... ready to fight off another male that comes your way. You get so wound up in it that you don't even know how to act when you come across a decent one.... You stop... and wonder... and then stab the poor sucker in the eye anyway... just for good measure.

The internet provides a platform for certain people to spew their angst at others. It must be gratifying.


I have been away from this lifestyle or any dating scene for a while. Now I am back, looking, talking... but I find myself being ask to prove I'm not an asshole more than ask to say who I am? Why the automatic presumption of guilt? Why don't most ladies here do not want to get to know some one first, then decide if the man is good or bad? Why is it that they want some immediate and irrefutable proof that you are not asshole... and then maybe they will talk to you and get to know you... That is backwards :)

I suppose you could look at the bright side. Anyone who acts like that saves you the trouble of getting to know them. Consider yourself lucky.


Lucylastic -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:22:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: ChatteParfaitt

Excuse me, SirVVV -- I have to amend your statement, all PEOPLE are assholes, at least some time. Some are more assholish than others, some can hide that they are an asshole, some have learned to tone the asshole bit down.

Personally I * always* reserve my right to become an asshole if I believe it is necessary.

Speaking of being an asshole . . .

Your gender specific statement is just bullshit to me. Sure some men are primarily assholes, some are not, some women are the pot calling the kettle black. Who gives a fucking shit?

People are what they are, if you don't like them, don't deal with them. If their philosophy does not agree with yours, move the fuck on.

This is the internet; there are assholes. Get. Used. To. It.


LadyHibiscus -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:27:29 PM)

Seems to be that being a jerk is not gender specific.

Whining is *always* unattractive, though.

sexyred1 -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:27:41 PM)

Interesting rant OP.

I looked at your profile before replying and if you had written to me, I automatically would have assumed you were a bit delusional, if not an actual asshole.

Why? Well, you are new here since 7/6/12, you are already whining and have placed this rant in your journal, where it belongs, instead of making a concerted effort to be interesting and introduce yourself in INTRODUCTIONS. You are wearing a spongebob t-shirt and I despise spongebob. You have 2 photos of yourself in that shirt and then a bunch of photos of women taken off the web or past partners of yours or someone else's and we have no idea if you had permission to post them.

You also put very cliche ridden statements about your dominant self in your profile instead of being simple and intriguing.

You have demonstrated a lack of patience and judgement in yelling at everyone on this thread and now every woman who may be your target audience can reference your forum posts on your profile, as well as read the journal whine.

In addition, you say that you should not have to prove you are not an asshole and while that may be an ideal way of being, unfortunately, this being the internet, one does have to behave in manner consistent with not being at least a blatant asshole.

Because as well all know, sometimes it takes a while to figure out how big of an asshole someone really is unless you help them figure it out sooner.

I hope you have a better online experience at Collarme moving forward.

GreedyTop -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:29:48 PM)

*loves me some sexyredilicious*

sexyred1 -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:30:16 PM)

Love's you back!!!

LadyPact -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:30:22 PM)

Lots of people are assholes. Gender on that isn't a determining factor. Watch.

I can damn near guarantee that there will be one day of the month that I will come straight out and say "men suck". I figure if I have to have PMS and men don't, I at least get to bitch.

No, not everybody here is looking for a man. I already have two and that's enough for now.

If (and this is just a guess here) women are responding to you that way when you are sending them email, the common denominator on all of those exchanges is you.

Have a nice day.

JanahX -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:37:38 PM)

Sounds like a personal problem to me.

Because I cannot relate to what youre going on about.

- and then reading SexyReds summary of your profile... STUPID IS, IS WHAT STUPID DOES.

writing shit like what you just did, will bring the hoards of women to your door. Get ready to put a barricade on your front door.

Some people are so absolutely clueless Im surprised they survive into adulthood.

SirVVV -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:56:13 PM)

Wow :D I thought this would stir up some raw emotions, but your responses exeeded my expectations.

I must say, after reading some restonses, it is no longer gerder specific. Guys appearently are just as capable of slapping the labels on people.

I have posed a simple, philosophical question: "Why do I have to prove that I am NOT something/someone.... before you even care to know what or who I am?" This was not intedned as whining about how all these mean women badger poor ol' me. It was not intended to rant generically about womens opiniont towards men either. Most of that opinion, unfortunately, is well deserved.

Most of the responsed do in deed prove my point. We are much to quick and eager to slap labels on people: whinning, ranting and so on.

Stop for a minute, listen... and I mean really listen to what a person has to say and then draw your own conclusions.

My intension was to bring attention to the simple fact that nowadays, when it comes to meeting new people, there is no longer any kind of presumption of innocence. Everybody is a creep, crook, asshole or whatever other label you have habdy at the time.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 3:57:52 PM)




ORIGINAL: LookieNoNookie

(Wondering if this guy recently attended a movie in Colorado).

Not really funny.

Wasn't intending it to be.

searching4mysir -> RE: All men are assholes!!!..... Really? (7/20/2012 4:05:06 PM)

I generally give people the benefit of the doubt on being an asshole. I know I can be rather cuntish myself (judging by an email exchange I'm currently having with a 20 yr old "dom" who told me he had my Master's permission for me to give him my yahoo I've just found that many people show their true colors pretty quickly if you are just a little patient.

I don't hate men. I love men. I wouldn't have come here to find Master unless I did. He was one of the few men on this site who never flew the asshole flag in dealing with me.

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