Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (Full Version)

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DaddySatyr -> Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 2:56:49 PM)

In a current thread, the horrid shooting in Colorado, earlier today is being discussed.

I suggested that the Gun Control lobby would soon be crawling out from under their rocks and bewailing the need for even more gun control.

Dusky Pearls wrote:


ORIGINAL: Duskypearls


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


stand by for the gun control lobby to jump on this horrible tragedy and use it to their optimum advantage, also.


And here is where I believe it makes a perfect argument and deterrent for others being armed, trained to shoot, carrying, and stopping the perpetrator before he got so far. With him being the only one armed, it's akin to shooting at fish in a fishbowl. Only equal or greater force could have stopped this.

I answered that I was actually of two minds on this and I am.

My gut reaction was: "Was there no off-duty LEO or licensed citizen in the theater to put this animal out of our misery before he did the damage he did?"

On further reflection, I am reminded of an incident in Texas back in the 90s where a guy went into a church, throwing shots and someone in the congregation was licensed to carry a weapon and did shoot the perpetrator. Unfortunately, he also shot a little child (this was late 90s, I really don't remember all of the details).

How's that for an approach avoidance situation?

I'm glad that the dirtbag was taken out but so was a little child (and definitely by the "good guy's" gun). I am not glad about the second part of that last statement.

I have always been a strong advocate of all personal freedoms, including the right to bear arms but being a rational adult, I have to admit that there are arguments on the other side.


Peace and comfort,


Marini -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:05:04 PM)

lol damn it, I think I beat you to this one!

I don't care. we can have several threads on this topic, as long as we don't end up with 50 like the Zimmerman situation.

carry on

DaddySatyr -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:06:40 PM)

Actually, while gun control is a political issue. I'm not even talking about a law. I am more focused on the moral implications.

Peace and comfort,


Moonhead -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:08:06 PM)

Then you're wasting your time: both sides in the gun control debate know that they're morally in the right.

DomKen -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:13:55 PM)

I'm a trained gun user, trained both by the military and my father to an exacting standard. Faced with a dim figure in front of me in a movie theater who is firing into the crowd would I draw and return fire if I was carrying a concealed firearm? HELL NO!

First, there is no way to be sure of a clear target. People are going to be panicing and moving about erratically. The poor lighting coupled with the sounds and lights from the movie itself would make even being sure of who is shooting pretty dicey. For whatever reason he's ok with killing random strangers, I'm not.

Second, most concealed carry firearms are small caliber low power weapons, necessry to be truly concealable and comfortale for full time carry. Even in ideal lighting with no distractions that sort of weapon is of questionable accuracy beyond maybe 20 or 30 feet. Firing a weapon and missing just makes you a target, readily identifiable from the muzzle flash. An AR or AK knock off is far more accuarte and lethal so its unlikely the exchange of fire will go in your favor.

Third, this SOB was wearing some sort of "bulletproof" vest. So my training to shoot for center mass would be useless as there is no way a small caliber round is going through even a steel insert vest much less a decent kevlar one. So in the unlikely situation where my first shot does strike him it is unlikely to kill or even incapacitate him.

Finally if you do survive the gunfight you are now holding a smoking gun in a room full of gunshot victims. Do you realy think the first responders will bother trying to arrest you or will it be shoot first, ask questions later?

thompsonx -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:19:36 PM)



I'm a trained gun user, trained both by the military and my father to an exacting standard. Faced with a dim figure in front of me in a movie theater who is firing into the crowd would I draw and return fire if I was carrying a concealed firearm? HELL NO!

First, there is no way to be sure of a clear target. People are going to be panicing and moving about erratically. The poor lighting coupled with the sounds and lights from the movie itself would make even being sure of who is shooting pretty dicey. For whatever reason he's ok with killing random strangers, I'm not.

Second, most concealed carry firearms are small caliber low power weapons, necessry to be truly concealable and comfortale for full time carry. Even in ideal lighting with no distractions that sort of weapon is of questionable accuracy beyond maybe 20 or 30 feet. Firing a weapon and missing just makes you a target, readily identifiable from the muzzle flash. An AR or AK knock off is far more accuarte and lethal so its unlikely the exchange of fire will go in your favor.

Third, this SOB was wearing some sort of "bulletproof" vest. So my training to shoot for center mass would be useless as there is no way a small caliber round is going through even a steel insert vest much less a decent kevlar one. So in the unlikely situation where my first shot does strike him it is unlikely to kill or even incapacitate him.

Finally if you do survive the gunfight you are now holding a smoking gun in a room full of gunshot victims. Do you realy think the first responders will bother trying to arrest you or will it be shoot first, ask questions later?

If you can not hit a man in the head at 20 feet with a .22 why do you have a gun?

DaddySatyr -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:21:25 PM)



I'm a trained gun user, trained both by the military and my father to an exacting standard. Faced with a dim figure in front of me in a movie theater who is firing into the crowd would I draw and return fire if I was carrying a concealed firearm? HELL NO!

First, there is no way to be sure of a clear target. People are going to be panicing and moving about erratically. The poor lighting coupled with the sounds and lights from the movie itself would make even being sure of who is shooting pretty dicey. For whatever reason he's ok with killing random strangers, I'm not.

Second, most concealed carry firearms are small caliber low power weapons, necessry to be truly concealable and comfortale for full time carry. Even in ideal lighting with no distractions that sort of weapon is of questionable accuracy beyond maybe 20 or 30 feet. Firing a weapon and missing just makes you a target, readily identifiable from the muzzle flash. An AR or AK knock off is far more accuarte and lethal so its unlikely the exchange of fire will go in your favor.

Third, this SOB was wearing some sort of "bulletproof" vest. So my training to shoot for center mass would be useless as there is no way a small caliber round is going through even a steel insert vest much less a decent kevlar one. So in the unlikely situation where my first shot does strike him it is unlikely to kill or even incapacitate him.

Finally if you do survive the gunfight you are now holding a smoking gun in a room full of gunshot victims. Do you realy think the first responders will bother trying to arrest you or will it be shoot first, ask questions later?

I'm also a trained weapons user although I choose not to own or carry, anymore.

Your first point is well taken but I'm also thinking that of the few people standing (I'm sure some hit the floor), with the light from the screen, one might be able to distinguish a target (especially since reports are that he entered through a fire exit which are almost always "down front").

Accuracy is also a fair assessment and you are correct but, again; as a reasonable, licensed weapon-carrying citizen, are you obligated to try and help your fellow man?

Your third point could not reasonably have been known at the time of the incident so, for the purposes of this discussion, I'm passing it by.

Lastly, once the dirtbag is down, why would you not re-holster or drop your weapon, when the first responders get there? Ballistics will tell your tale, at that point.

Peace and comfort,


Yachtie -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:26:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I'm glad that the dirtbag was taken out but so was a little child (and definitely by the "good guy's" gun). I am not glad about the second part of that last statement.

In that instance the problem was, ignoring the perp, only one was armed. Was it 1 sec, 5 sec, 20 sec till he off'd the perp? Say it was 15 sec for him to acquire a sight picture. Another armed person might have acquired at different angle at 10 sec with no collateral injury. And potentially another at 6 sec.

Another thing to remember, as horrific as it is and as distasteful as hitting that little girl is, she may well have died along with many others at the hands of the perp without his intervention. Sometimes you're damned of you do and damned if you don't. Choose.

Sucks, but there it is.

One other thing. If you're going to carry, go to the range and practice.

DomKen -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:34:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr



I'm a trained gun user, trained both by the military and my father to an exacting standard. Faced with a dim figure in front of me in a movie theater who is firing into the crowd would I draw and return fire if I was carrying a concealed firearm? HELL NO!

First, there is no way to be sure of a clear target. People are going to be panicing and moving about erratically. The poor lighting coupled with the sounds and lights from the movie itself would make even being sure of who is shooting pretty dicey. For whatever reason he's ok with killing random strangers, I'm not.

Second, most concealed carry firearms are small caliber low power weapons, necessry to be truly concealable and comfortale for full time carry. Even in ideal lighting with no distractions that sort of weapon is of questionable accuracy beyond maybe 20 or 30 feet. Firing a weapon and missing just makes you a target, readily identifiable from the muzzle flash. An AR or AK knock off is far more accuarte and lethal so its unlikely the exchange of fire will go in your favor.

Third, this SOB was wearing some sort of "bulletproof" vest. So my training to shoot for center mass would be useless as there is no way a small caliber round is going through even a steel insert vest much less a decent kevlar one. So in the unlikely situation where my first shot does strike him it is unlikely to kill or even incapacitate him.

Finally if you do survive the gunfight you are now holding a smoking gun in a room full of gunshot victims. Do you realy think the first responders will bother trying to arrest you or will it be shoot first, ask questions later?

I'm also a trained weapons user although I choose not to own or carry, anymore.

Your first point is well taken but I'm also thinking that of the few people standing (I'm sure some hit the floor), with the light from the screen, one might be able to distinguish a target (especially since reports are that he entered through a fire exit which are almost always "down front").

Accuracy is also a fair assessment and you are correct but, again; as a reasonable, licensed weapon-carrying citizen, are you obligated to try and help your fellow man?

Your third point could not reasonably have been known at the time of the incident so, for the purposes of this discussion, I'm passing it by.

Lastly, once the dirtbag is down, why would you not re-holster or drop your weapon, when the first responders get there? Ballistics will tell your tale, at that point.

The reports are that he entered by an emergency exit and started firing so he was off to the side. Would you really fire across the crowd if you were on the far side? Also the light from the screen was presumably the movie not a plain white light. Not going to be great illumination and prone, especially if there was loud noise on the soundtrack at the same time, as has been reported, to add to the confusion.

TBH I'd never carry concealed. The handguns involved are crap and do not strike me as being really useful in case of this sort of incident. If I was carrying a traditional holstered pistol, my pref would be a good quality 1911, then a lot would depend on the situation. The scenario as it occured strikes me as one where another person firing just increases the chances that innocents will die.

It's not like vests are not out there. Shooting at a person who has brought multiple weapons and a smoke bomb without taking into account the possibility of a vest is dumb.

The guy drops down out of sight so you drop or holster your weapon? Really? I thought you claimed to be well trained in using firearms? The first responders are unlikely to reveal themselves to a potential shooter. They are likely to take up a concealed position and simply shoot anyone firing or holding a weapon.

hardcybermaster -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:36:36 PM)




ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I'm glad that the dirtbag was taken out but so was a little child (and definitely by the "good guy's" gun). I am not glad about the second part of that last statement.

In that instance the problem was, ignoring the perp, only one was armed. Was it 1 sec, 5 sec, 20 sec till he off'd the perp? Say it was 15 sec for him to acquire a sight picture. Another armed person might have acquired at different angle at 10 sec with no collateral injury. And potentially another at 6 sec.

Another thing to remember, as horrific as it is and as distasteful as hitting that little girl is, she may well have died along with many others at the hands of the perp without his intervention. Sometimes you're damned of you do and damned if you don't. Choose.

Sucks, but there it is.

One other thing. If you're going to carry, go to the range and practice.

so lets say loads of people were armed, there is a fair chance that even more innocent people will be shot with bullets flying everywhere.

I don't think the range can come even close to preparing someone for a situation like Denver, dark,loud, people running everywhere screaming. There were hundereds of people in that cinema(?) if only 10 or 20 had been armed I think the body count would have been higher

Musicmystery -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:36:37 PM)


Stepping aside from the political stances, I was thinking earlier today about this.

Would I want to be someone who carries a gun everywhere? What a headache. What a load to carry (metaphorical load), what a mindset. It's not a world I'd want to live in, let alone create for myself.

We can look at numbers, and they show America as a place where we shoot people. However we crunch them, we're left with that. Far more people than the average nation.

What do we do with that?

Someone on another site trotted out the tired sound bites. "What about hunters?" I live in a rural area, and no one hunts with automatic weapons. Deer aren't that hard to kill. "When guns are illegal, only the criminals will have guns." Right--like only the criminals have nuclear weapons, and only the criminals get to kill, and only the criminals speed, and only the criminals drive's pseudo-reasoning, not an honest look at the question.

Reality is, whatever legal/moral stance we choose, we make it easy to kill a lot of people in this country. No, we can't outlaw everything, yes, people get killed by all sorts of means in all sorts of places, but these aren't reasons to dismiss control out of hand either.

Personally, I'd feel far safer in a theater full of unarmed people, criminals or not, then one where everyone is packing. The wild west was not safer for abundance of firearms.

DomKen -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 3:50:22 PM)

Really effective gun control can be done.

First require all gun manufacturers, distributers and retailers to track every individual weapon. End gun show sales not requiring background checks and paperwork. Any weapon used by someone other than its registered owner could then be tracked to where it entered the illegal market or at east to the last legal owner.

Second stop the nonsens of banning individual models of guns. Outlaw certain capabilities. For instance semi automatic action. Hunters can use bolt action. Same goes for removable magazines. Single shot or stripper clips work fine for hunting but do not permit the sort of mayhem an AR-15 with a 30 round magizine does.

Finally the nation would have to accept that in the short term these meaures would be imperfect but as illegal weapons are found and destroyed and the stream of straw purchases dries up the number of guns would decline.

TheHeretic -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 4:09:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Would I want to be someone who carries a gun everywhere? What a headache. What a load to carry (metaphorical load), what a mindset. It's not a world I'd want to live in, let alone create for myself.

Muse, it would seem there are still some shreds of common thinking between us. There are very rare occasions when I carry, based on circumstance (I'll be packing the day of the Zimmerman verdict for example), but I never want going out to a movie to be one of those times.

thishereboi -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 4:20:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx



I'm a trained gun user, trained both by the military and my father to an exacting standard. Faced with a dim figure in front of me in a movie theater who is firing into the crowd would I draw and return fire if I was carrying a concealed firearm? HELL NO!

First, there is no way to be sure of a clear target. People are going to be panicing and moving about erratically. The poor lighting coupled with the sounds and lights from the movie itself would make even being sure of who is shooting pretty dicey. For whatever reason he's ok with killing random strangers, I'm not.

Second, most concealed carry firearms are small caliber low power weapons, necessry to be truly concealable and comfortale for full time carry. Even in ideal lighting with no distractions that sort of weapon is of questionable accuracy beyond maybe 20 or 30 feet. Firing a weapon and missing just makes you a target, readily identifiable from the muzzle flash. An AR or AK knock off is far more accuarte and lethal so its unlikely the exchange of fire will go in your favor.

Third, this SOB was wearing some sort of "bulletproof" vest. So my training to shoot for center mass would be useless as there is no way a small caliber round is going through even a steel insert vest much less a decent kevlar one. So in the unlikely situation where my first shot does strike him it is unlikely to kill or even incapacitate him.

Finally if you do survive the gunfight you are now holding a smoking gun in a room full of gunshot victims. Do you realy think the first responders will bother trying to arrest you or will it be shoot first, ask questions later?

If you can not hit a man in the head at 20 feet with a .22 why do you have a gun?

If you think firing a gun in that situation is the way to go why do you have a gun?

Personally, given the same situation, I'll go to the movies with DK[8D]

DaddySatyr -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 4:44:37 PM)


The guy drops down out of sight so you drop or holster your weapon? Really? I thought you claimed to be well trained in using firearms? The first responders are unlikely to reveal themselves to a potential shooter. They are likely to take up a concealed position and simply shoot anyone firing or holding a weapon.

What I actually said was:


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Lastly, once the dirtbag is down, why would you not re-holster or drop your weapon, when the first responders get there? Ballistics will tell your tale, at that point.

Not that he "dropped down"; that I dropped him. Also, please notice the: " ... when the first responders get there" part.

Please don't strawman me. I like to think that you're one of the few people around here with whom I rarely agree that has some level of integrity.

Peace and comfort,


kdsub -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 5:00:01 PM)

Better idea...rather than issue hand guns to amateurs and have a shoot out in a crowded dark theater and hope for a super duper expert like our Annie Oakley wantabe thompsonx...why not hand out body armor at the door...that would work better in our 2nd Amendment nutcase society anyway.


dcnovice -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 5:07:41 PM)


CNN's website had an interesting essay by a criminologist:

Gun control or carry permits won't stop mass murder

PeonForHer -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 5:14:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I suggested that the Gun Control lobby would soon be crawling out from under their rocks and bewailing the need for even more gun control.

Only an American could say that. Seriously.

"Crawling out from under their rocks" - so nicely put. Those uncivilised scum and vermin who go around saying that the free availability of such weaponry had anything to do with this mass-killing. Jesus Christ, why can't those anti-gun types grow up and become civilised, and thereby realise that the proper, sensible, mature and enlightened response to this incident is to have freer gun control? A properly civilised world is one in which *everyone* is tooled up, and finger-on-the-trigger ready to blow the fucking brains out of everyone else. (It probably even says that in the Bible somewhere, if only one were to look hard enough.) Even that baby that was shot at point blank range. *It* should have been packing at least a small Armalite, too, presumably? A sign of the world we all want, then, is one in which people go to a cinema to watch a film, but everyone in the auditorium, kids included, should be ready to fire his or her weapon at a second's notice?

How the *fuck* does this qualify as a civilised society? It barely even qualifies as a childish society!

"Crawling out from under their rocks", indeed. Great. I've got to say, it's some pretty damned impressive achievement when a person who wants fewer killing-tools so widely available has now come to be considered to be lower and more morally-reprehensible than those who want more of them available. (Was that written in the Bible somewhere? Ah, who cares. Fuck that debate, it was left behind a long, long time ago. The Bible has in it whatever we *want* to have had written in it.)

DomKen -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 5:25:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


The guy drops down out of sight so you drop or holster your weapon? Really? I thought you claimed to be well trained in using firearms? The first responders are unlikely to reveal themselves to a potential shooter. They are likely to take up a concealed position and simply shoot anyone firing or holding a weapon.

What I actually said was:


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Lastly, once the dirtbag is down, why would you not re-holster or drop your weapon, when the first responders get there? Ballistics will tell your tale, at that point.

Not that he "dropped down"; that I dropped him. Also, please notice the: " ... when the first responders get there" part.

Please don't strawman me. I like to think that you're one of the few people around here with whom I rarely agree that has some level of integrity.

It was not an attempt to strawman your position. I simply wanted to point out the difficulty of even knowig when you've stopped the target in such a situation. Just because you can no longer see him and think you hit him doesn't actually mean he's dead or wounded.

As to the first responders, do you really envision them telling you to freeze or some such? I think it much more likely a cop would see you concealing your pistol and shoot you thinking you're the shooter attempting to escape.

TheHeretic -> RE: Gun Control Saving or Costing Lives? (7/20/2012 5:46:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Please don't strawman me. I like to think that you're one of the few people around here with whom I rarely agree that has some level of integrity.

Good luck with that...

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