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New slaves on the villa. - 7/23/2012 10:20:35 PM   

Posts: 122
Joined: 6/29/2007
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The late morning sun slanted down into the stables as the sounds of echoing horsehooves dwindled in the distance, leaving Lars alone in the courtyard, holding a chain of five male slaves, each tightly bound, gagged, and hooded in black leather straps and steel chains. His partner and lover Diana had just left to see about the purchase of a few other slaves, mostly female, intended as serving slaves. They had just moved here recently, purchasing the charming old villa and farm outside of the city after certain investments had paid off handsomely, and Diana had seen immediately that the villa had extensive stables, both for horses and human ponies, and she had set about acquiring good stock as soon as they had finished moving in.

This was the first group, and she had asked him to see to their initial cleansing while she was out, to allow her an easier time of fitting them with proper horsetails when she returned. He turned, leading the chain into the stables and down a short hallway to a larger room, cool and airy in the summer and well insulated and warm in the winter. Near the middle of the room was a long stone trough, set in the floor with a short wall on the backside and a long, low beam on the other side, almost like a hitching post that ran the length of the trough at about two and a half feet off the floor. On the other side of the beam was a wooden pillory, of matching length with the beam, set with wrist and neck openings, with each position opening separately from those to either side of it. There were twelve such positions, and beside of each position on the beam was a tall pole, attached directly to the beam, each one with a rubber bag hanging on it by a hook, and with a hose and nozzle dangling down. Each bag was empty - for now. At one end of the stone trough was a floor drain, and at the other end was a water pump that had its spout directly over the end of the trough.

It was to this arrangement that Lars took the chain, attaching it securely to a stone holding post near the water pump and then taking the end slave off the chain and marching him to the first position. He controlled the male easily, forcing him to bend over the beam and placing his head in the waiting stock and closing it with a mechanical click. The stocks were key-opened, and like everything in the villa there were twelve keys, and the locks for anything could be reset to a different pin set so as to make any key except for the match to the current pin set unusable. Lars had the current key on his belt, and tested it now, satisfying himself that the key was still current. Most of the locks and all of the collar locks also featured an automatic pin reset, usually after a certain number of openings. He then freed the slave's hands, one at a time, and placed them in the waiting wrist stocks. When these were secure he placed steel restraints around the slave's ankles, shortening them so as to force his legs far apart. Bent over like that, feet far apart, in wrist and neck stocks the slave had little balance and little leverage. He would stay right there until Diana returned.

Lars continued, taking each slave from the chain and placing him over the beam like the first, never deviating from the procedure. None of them struggled, after all where would they go? Trussed as they were, hooded and gagged they wouldn't get far. When the last one was secure he went to a nearby shelf and retrieved a large pitcher and returned to the water pump, reaching up to pull down a hose that dangled from the ceiling. It went up to a closed cistern set on the roof where water was heated by the rays of the sun. He screwed the end of the hose into the side of the water pump and opened the valve, testing the heat of the water and mixing it with the cold water from the pump by means of a knob that controlled the cold water until it was still very warm, but not hot. Lars then filled the pitcher and went down the line, filling the open top bags hanging beside each position, making three trips to do so as each pitcherful filled two bags.

As he filled the last bag he found his thoughts wandering back to how helpless they were, and how they were unable to stop what was going to happen to them - cleaned out, harnessed, ponytailed, and hitched to Diana's new cart and used for transport around the farm surrounding the villa itself. He found himself thinking about what it must be like, helpless over the beam, and he realized he was very aroused by the thought of being over the beam as well, bucking his hips slightly as his cock swelled. As he moved he felt the key jingling at his side, and he looked guiltily around, checking the angle of the sun. Barely an hour had passed since Diana had left, and the villa was deserted except for a few house slaves, but they would never venture out here. She wouldn't be back for hours, he knew, and resolved now he turned and emptied the pitcher into the sixth bag on the beam, watching it swell as it filled.

Moving quickly he shut the door into the room and set the pitcher back on the shelf. His heart was hammering in his chest, and he couldn't seem to think straight. He went over to a wall cabinet and after hesitating a moment, opened it to reveal more harnesses, hoods, and gags as he unbuckled his kilt and dropped it to the ground and pulled his tunic over his head. Naked now, he sorted through the harnesses for one that would fit him and after some struggles with it, buckled it around his chest, pulling the straps tight. Next was the gag, fitting tightly into his mouth and buckling behind his head. As he reached for the hood another item caught his attention and his breath caught in his throat as he tugged it free and realized what it was - a locking slave collar like the ones the others wore. It must have gotten packed with the pony gear by mistake, as Diana kept all of the collars in a locked box upstairs.

Gently he picked it up, feeling his cock swell even harder, and he brought the ends together until they clicked shut. He tested it then, trying to open it by strength alone, but it was so tight as to almost be one piece. He grabbed for the key, his pulse pounding in his ears, and fitted it into the collar lock. It opened. He had the collar key as well! He knew this was unusual, because Diana usually kept collars and other locks pin set to different keys. This one had never been reset. He wondered how many times it had been opened, and how far it was from its automatic reset. No worries, Lars thought. Even if it would change pin sets, the other keys are over on the wall, and he would simply be able to get them, going through each one if necessary before Diana returned. He placed the collar around his neck then, feeling himself shudder at the feel of it as it closed, and then with a click the ends closed. He was wearing a slave collar! No, he knew, he now was a slave, a collared one under the law. Of course, no one but he knew what he had done.

He picked up the hood and the key and moved back to where the slaves were moaning in the pillory, stepping into position at the sixth place on the beam and reaching down to place the steel shackles around his ankles before leaning forward to lower himself into the pillory. First he locked the right wrist restraint and satisfied himself that he could get the key into the lock before placing his head in the opening and buckling the hood tight under his chin. The pillory gate closed about his neck as he lowered it and it too locked into place. His cock was hard and straight, more aroused than he had ever been as he balanced the wrist pillory on the point of falling into place and quickly lowered his other wrist into the pillory before shaking the pillory with his shoulders. He did so twice before he felt the impact of the gate dropping shut and the click of the lock. He was now held almost as helplessly as the others, unable to see or speak, for all outside observation just another slave in a pillory, waiting for his Mistress to return.

Lars savored the position, feeling how helpless it would be, straining against the pillory, trying to expel the gag, feeling himself drooling around the gag onto the floor below, feeling his ass exposed for what was hanging behind him. He stayed that way for over hour, well past noon before he realized he still had to cleanse the slaves before Diana returned so they would be ready for their ponytails. His arousal was still just as intense as it was before, and he dallied longer still, losing himself in erotic imaginings of actually being helpless in the pillory. Like the other slaves, Lars found himself moving his hips, trying to grind himself to an orgasm, but there was nothing to contact - even the beam was too high. Finally he turned his hand to insert the key into the lock, and found that it was far more difficult to do in this position and unable to see. Terrified of dropping the key Lars carefully turned his hand in the pillory, pushing the key towards what he knew was the strikeplate and the keyhole over and over for the better part of an hour until it finally went in - halfway. Puzzled, he wiggled his fingers to try to push the key all the way in, and it went in further, but he couldn't tell if it was in all the way or not as he grasped it and tried to turn it.

Inside the hood, unable to see or speak, Lars realized the key wasn't turning at all. To his horror he understood that the pin set must have reset itself - and that he no longer had the right key. He thrust his neck against the pillory then, desperately, and pulling the key out he tried to push it into the collar lock, but he knew that those locks generally all reset at about the same time. Sure enough, the key would not turn. Moaning in real terror now, he bucked and strained, fighting the pillory and the shackles, but like the others he simply didn't have the balance or leverage to put any strength behind his attempts to free himself. Nonononononono.

An hour later Lars collapsed weakly in his restraints, exhausted by his failure to free himself, and his eyes closed in sleep, intending to only rest a few minutes before trying again.
He woke suddenly to the sound of voices entering the room, Diana! and her female bodyslave. He froze in terror, unsure of what to do as they moved into the room. "Shall I see to the new serving slaves, Mistress?" "No, stay with me, I'll need some help with this group". He heard Diana's voice as she moved past him on the right, and then she exclaimed, "Where is Lars! I asked him to clean this group out, and he's had all day to do so, and here they are, still in place with full bags! I was hoping to ... take all ... five of them ....." Diana's voice trailed off, and Lars knew that the game was up. Her voice sounded again, much closer. "Tell me Melody, how is it I left five slaves here when we rode out and I return to six?"

Lars heard nothing for a moment, and he was wondering where she was when a hand grabbed his cock. "I know this cock. Why is this cock in my pillory?" The gag was loosened and removed and as soon as it came out words followed in a rush. "Please, I was just trying it out, I wanted to see what it felt like, please let me out." Diana placed a hand over his mouth. "Why didn't you do as I asked you to do? Now I'm behind schedule, as these slaves have to be cleaned out. I won't be able to take them out tonight, as a storm is moving in. I'll just have to settle for getting them ponytailed tonight." Lars tried again, "Please Diana, I'm sorry. Look, let me out and I'll clean them out right now." "Oh no. Melody will see to that. You're not going anywhere until I say so." Somewhere to his left he could hear Melody taking down the hose and nozzle, and the the surprised moan of the first slave as it went in. "Go ahead and nozzle all of the slaves, Melody. I'm going to be talking to Lars a while yet." "So, you just wanted to see how it felt, How do you like it now?" Lars found himself unable to speak from the humiliation of it, and he could feel his cheeks burning inside the hood. He opened his mouth to speak, but he could find no words. To his left he heard the next two slaves gasp in surprise around their gags as their nozzles were inserted as well. Diana spoke again. "You're not answering me, speak up!" His chin was suddenly lifted as Diana cupped it with her hand, and his hair fell back a bit to either side exposing the collar around his throat. "What is a collar doing around your throat?" Her voice was low, and dangerous. "It was in the supply closet with the rest of the gear. I just wanted to ...." "See what it felt like." she finished. Again to his left came the grunt and gasp as two more nozzles were inserted.

"I would have been out of it hours ago but the pin sets changed. This wasn't my fault!" He struggled with the pillory, hearing nothing. Suddenly a hand touched the small of his back and he felt something cold and wet touching his anus. He surged forward as fast he could go, trying to get away. "Now waitaminute Melody!!!" he yelled. "Hey!!! She said nozzle the slaves! Stop!!!" The touch at his entrance hesitated, waiting. "Diana!!" he yelled. Her calm voice came back to him from across the room. "What are you wearing around your neck?" Lars closed his mouth and didn't answer. "Answer me or she puts that nozzle in." Resignedly he mumbled, "A collar." "Whose collar?" "Your collar."
"And who put it on you?" "I did." "Are you aware of what that means?" Lars hesitated for long seconds, but when he felt Melody preparing to push the nozzle home he answered "Yes." Diana walked closer to him, and he could smell her perfume as she trailed fingers down his body before suddenly gripping a nipple and squeezing tight enough to make him cry out. "Yes, Who??" She twisted and pinched hard, making him cry out in pain before he gasped out, "Yes Mistress!" She released his nipple, and as he gasped in pain she replaced the gag in his mouth and walked away. He heard a chair drawn up nearby. "Nozzle him." Inside the hood he cried out in protest and anger, gasping as Melody slid the nozzle inside him and attached a thin leather strap to the beam to hold the thing in. Once it was in she stepped away, leaving him to deal with the intruder.

"Are they all in, Melody?" "Yes Mistress." "Open them. I intend to enjoy this." One by one the slaves to his right all gasped as Melody walked down the line opening the hose clamps, and then he realized she was behind him. He felt the hose shake a little, and then came a click. Almost immediately he felt the first water gush into him, and it wasn't warm any longer. The others were gasping now as the flow continued, and Lars realized his own moans were part of the sounds filling the room. "They're all open, Mistress." Melody said. Diana got up, boots clicking across the stone floor to stand beside him. "Seeing how it feels? How do you like it .....slave?" He could only moan in answer, trying to beg her to stop the water, to take the nozzle out, but the gag was too tight and all that came out were unintelligible noises. "Good. When they've finished evacuating, harness them all with the pony gear and let me know. Once that's done I'll ponytail all six of them and stall them until morning when I'm taking a six pony team out for a ride."
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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 7/24/2012 3:53:57 AM   

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About an hour or so had passed, a very uncomfortable and humiliating hour in which Lars was subjected to two full bags along with the other five in order to ensure his bowels were empty to facilitate the fitting of his ponytail. Unable to see or speak, he could only suffer in silence, able only to moan as he was filled and emptied.

Finally Melody slid a rubber coated finger inside each of them and declared them all clean and emptied. Lars hung weakly in the pillory as he dimly heard the footsteps of Mistress Diana as they approached from down the hall and closer still as she came into the room. "Prep number six first, Melody, I'll start with him."
Lars moaned in terror, unable to get away or close his legs, and he could only hear Melody's footsteps as she again approached his backside and lubed his ass up. He heard a stool set down behind him, and the footsteps of Mistress Diane as she sat down behind him.

Fingers touched him then, lightly circling his anus, smoothing the lubrication well around his hole for several minutes before he felt the first finger sliding into him and sliding out again as she began to gently finger-fuck his ass. He began to loosen up again, and she slid another finger into him, pushing in deeper as he tightened back up again and continuing to fuck him. Soon enough she inserted a third finger as he gasped and struggled in the pillory. "Like that slave? Wait until I get your ponytail in there. You wanted to see how it felt, well you're going to find out. And then you're going to be a pony in my stable." He moaned at that, moaning in denial, and as he struggled she slid in the fourth finger, allowing her fingers to form a square with their tips as she continued opening his ass. More lube trickled down his ass, and she slid them in deeper and faster, laughing as he moaned in time with her thrusts. "Give me the medium size tail plug Melody, he's about ready for it now."

The fingers slid out only to be instantly replaced by the tip of the ponytail and even though he tried to keep it out she pushed it in slowly and inexorably. He loosened every few seconds between tightening back up again, and she gained ground at those times, pushing it deeper inside him as the flared plug widened his anus. He felt as though it was splitting him open, and then he felt the first brush of the ponytail itself against his thighs, and she pushed it in another inch. "Open, open to me slave. Accept it because it is going in, you will be a ponyslave." Lars moaned in pain and arousal both as she pushed it deeper, and then just as he felt it was never going to go in it slipped past his sphincter to seal the base tight against his ass with the ponytail dangling down. A strap was brought up from the front of his harness and the tail passed through a small hole inthe strap, which buckled tight to the rear of his harness. He couldn't believe it - he was ponytailed and she was going to keep him as a ponyboy. His cock was still aroused, but with the full insertion he was hard as steel once more. More items were put on him, ponyboots and other harness goods designed to make him part of a ponycart. He struggled again, and Mistress Diana's voice came from the next slave over where she was opening another ass for the tail. "Stop struggling slave. You wanted this, you dreamed about this, now you're going to get it."

"If, after I've went for a ride in my ponycart, and I need relief, I may use your tongue to please me. You may or may not be sleeping at the foot of what used to be our bed - which is now my bed - but if you do sleep there you are there for my pleasure. Understand, slave?" Lars could only nod, as he was still moaning somewhat from trying to deal with the larger plug and tail. She left him alone then, as thunder rumbled outside, and she continued down the line fitting ponytails to each slave. His ass clenched tightly around the plug, spasming every few minutes and causing him to gasp and moan as the minutes crawled by and he slowly began to get used to the invasion.

The stool slid back and he heard her get up. "Get them loose from the pillory, backbracelet them, and get them on the chain. we'll take them to the stalls and get them settled for the night." A hand encircled his cock again, squeezing and stroking him to full erection. "This is mine. If you aren't backbraceleted you'll be wearing a chastity belt as part of your pony harness. You're going to be teased, aroused, poked, prodded, pinched, tickled, and generally tormented by any villagers we happen by - they love seeing a pony being played with, especially when the pony's cock is in a tight cage."

Lars was quickly chained and pulled from the pillory and placed on the chain with the others and marched deeper into the stables. Mistress Diana walked beside him, smacking the backs of his thighs and ass with a riding crop to make him hurry and correcting him as he went. He was bringing up the rear, and the other slaves ahead of him were being hustled by Melody, who also wielded a crop. "Keep your knees up Lars. You know how a pony marches. I won't tell you again." She punctuated her words with painful blows of the crop, making him jump and highstep. The plug shifted in him with each step, sending pulses of pleasure through him as well as being uncomfortable at the same time. They turned a corner and the chain halted in a room smelling of fresh straw and wood. Mistress Diana unclipped his collar from the chain and led him forward. Straw crunched under his feet and he only took six or seven steps when she halted him with a tug on his collar. "Kneel, slave - knees wide." He did so, going down slowly and carefully with the plug shifting inside him.

Mistress Diana unbuckled the hood and pulled it up over his lower face, exposing his gagged mouth and nose. The fresh air on his skin was a cool blessing after the hot dark interior of the hood, but she didn't pull it up over his eyes and he couldn't see a thing. Hands grabbed his head, and suddenly pulled his face forward into her pussy as she stood in front of him. She had dropped her riding breeches and his face was now being ground into her wet folds. She was highly aroused, he realized, and she ground desperately against him until he was rock hard again. She pulled away then, and tugged the hood back down and rebuckling it. "You're going to smell me all night long in there slave. Hope you enjoy it." He was pulled forward to rest on a padded bench, his hands securely manacled behind him, and his coller clipped to the front of the bench. Other restraints were added, and while he couldn't get off the bench he could still move around quite a bit. He suddenly gasped and moaned loudly as she grabbed the ponytail and worked it deeper into him, pushing the base flat up against his ass and grinding it into him. "Just wait slave - I fuck my ponyslaves. I fuck them all night long....with a strap-on, in their ass, bent over a fucking bench. Ponyslaves are my bitches, my ass slaves. You're my bitch now."

"First you're going to spend all day in my ponycart team, and then tomorrow night you're going to be on my fucking bench taking all of my strap-on up your ass. Sweet dreams."

(in reply to emeraldgryphon)
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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 7/24/2012 8:09:57 AM   

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 7/27/2012 9:46:10 PM   

Posts: 5178
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Well done! Just one itty bitty thing I noticed:


after I've went for a ride in my ponycart

This is a common 'oops'. Substitute 'gone' for 'went' and it will be perfect!

Love your writing, emerald! The details and imagery are spectacular! Looking forward to the next one. Keep up the good work :-)

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/21/2012 10:08:47 AM   

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The night passed slowly and fitfully. It seemed that the moment Lars was able to fall asleep something woke him up, usually his body as he tried to move around on the bench in his sleep and was prevented by the restraints. Sometimes it was by his own powerful arousal, triggered by the musky smell of Diana's pussy inside the hood. Unable to see any indication of how long the night had wore on - positions of stars through the windows which he knew were open because he could feel at times a warm breeze, or the height of candles burning in their wall sconces, lars could only guess at what time it was.

Several times he struggled with his restraints, trying to get a finger on the buckles to release himself, but over an hour passed before he was able to barely brush the buckles, and his heart sank as he realized they were locked with small padlocks. Frustratedly he fought the bench, trying to break free, but he was held perfectly.Finally, exhausted, he dozed off.

Lars woke to the feel of a leash being attached to his collar and then being clipped to his ponytail. Melody's voice came, stern and demanding. "Up, slave, on your feet!" Her command was punctuated with a stinging tattoo of the crop across his buttocks, and he struggled up off the bench backwards, nearly overbalancing until Melody steadied him. "Back up. Four paces. Now." The leash tightened against his collar and he felt the plug in him shift up, impaling him deeply yet again until he backed up as fast as he dared go. His legs struck a wall behind him, bringing him to a halt and at the same time his collar touched a bar behind his neck, keeping him from overbalancing again. Melody worked quickly, attaching leaders to his wrist manacles before unlocking them from each other and swiftly drawing them up beside him to positions on the bar a foot or so to each side. Lars heard the draw of pulleys as his hands were secured, and he realized he simply wouldn't have had been able to fight the mechanical increase in Melody's strength.

Once his arms were secure she set about finishing his carraige equippage, lacing his ponyboots tight to his feet, fitting bells to his harness and attaching tiny belled clamps to his nipples. His cock was pulled into a leather sheath, jutting out from his body and also fitted with bells - a humiliating addition, and one designed to jingle with every sway of his aroused cock. The sheath cunningly incorporated a tight-fitting cock ring, designed to keep him aroused and hard for quite a long time. Finally, the hood was removed, and Lars stood blinking in the stables as his vision adjusted. It was a bright morning, warm and windy, and Melody tightened the ballgag yet another notch and then reached around behind him and inserted another enema tube into a receptacle in his ponyplug.

"I'm going to sleeve and backbracelet you again, one arm at a time, and if you so much as struggle once, you'll get what's hanging behind you, and it has a ginger solution in it that'll make you itch and itch and itch - all day long until we clean it out. You're going to behave, aren't you, slave?" Melody's eyes bored into his as she held his jaw firmly, and he could only moan "Yes" around the ballgag and try to nod. "Good, slave. Now, don't move."

Melody fitted a leather sleeve to his left arm, lacing it tightly from his bicep to his fingers, encasing them in a mitten of some type before releasing his left arm from the bar and letting it dangle beside him before sleeving the other arm. Once she was finished she began to lace both sleeves together into an armbinder, pulling the crosslaces tighter with each set of eyelets until he grunted and moaned. Once she had them tightly laced together she allowed a little slack until he breathed in relief and then buckled them shut. A splendid head harness was then brought over, and tightly buckled around his head. It had bilateral blinders and a ponybit which replaced his ballgag. He didn't dare object or even speak as he knew that such could be interpreted by Melody as justification to open the hose behind him, and he stood perfectly still as she completed his equippage, buckling his arms into the harness so he couldn't move them at all.

Taking hold of the leash she disconnected the tube from his plug before tugging him forward. "Good pony... I'll be sure to tell the Mistress how compliant you were, and how well-behaved." She led him outside into the yard where the carraige waited. The other ponies were already there, splendidly equipped the same as he was, and already harnessed into the carraige. There was one empty place left, and Melody now led him towards it, keeping the leash short and taut.

(in reply to MistressDarkArt)
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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/21/2012 2:50:20 PM   

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Melody placed him in position, attaching stout leather straps to his harness by means of the steel rings sewn into it in the back and putting the heavily decorated and silver gilt leather waist belt around him, sliding it under the harness straps and triple buckling it in the rear. He was guided back and he felt the pole behind him as the heavy belt was clipped to it with heavy snap hooks. Each pony stood in front of a similar pole that transversed the carraige tongue, and each was attached to it by their waist belts and the snap hooks.

She moved in then, even as he realized he was fully outfitted, harnessed in place, and a full pony, and she began to tweak his nipples, playing with the bells and reaching down to squeeze his cock until it was at full strength and standing rigidly at attention. "That's it pony. Keep that cock hard and straight - the Mistress likes all her ponies to perform under arousal." She lightly bit at his ear then, gliding her fingernails over his body and across his ass before taking firm hold of the tail plug and working it into him again. "And just think about what will happen later tonight." His eyes went wide at that, remembering the other part of Diana's promise, and he gasped quietly in helplessness and humiliatingly enough, excitement, as he saw in his mind's eye his own body bent over with Diana's strap-on taking his ass. Melody laughed lightly, her hand returning to squeeze his cock as she leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I see that thought excites and arouses you. Can't wait for the Mistress's cock between your cheeks, can you?" Lars moaned, flushing red in his humiliation and struggling with his restraints as she continued to squeeze his cock. "Don't worry, She'll make sure you're well-greased for it - there's nothing that turns Her on more than to get the whole strap-on inside a pony and listen to them moan. Eventually you'll grow to like it - most of Her ponies instantly get aroused just seeing Her with it on."

She left him then, sweating and moaning in the traces, and it wasn't long before he heard booted feet crunching across the gravelled walk, and then a shadow slipping up beside him. Arms circled his chest, and fingers deftly played with the nipple bells for a moment before Diana stepped into his view on the right. Tears streamed down Lar's face as he tried to plead with her one last time to end this, set him free, and to let him forget the whole humiliating experience, but She put a single finger to his lips, shushing him quietly. "Step high, and lively. Try to follow the lead of the ponies in front of you, and remember to start with the right foot first. I may love you, and you may be my heart's mate, but I won't let that stop me from disciplining you the same as any other pony." She leaned in then and kissed away his tears, licking his face tenderly for a moment and then, more possesively, kissing him around the bit and tasting him with her tongue. He shuddered then, in pure arousal, melting to Her as he tried almost instinctively to press against Her. She pulled back then, and the look in Her eyes was feral almost, a long, deep, wicked look of animalistic desire and lust. Her hands tightened on his harness, pulling him towards Her as far as the straps would allow and grinding Her hips against him as his leather-clad cock slid between her trousered thighs.

He gasped and moaned as Her thighs squeezed him painfully, and a low growl of heated passion escaped Her, rising low in her throat as She forced his head to one side and her lips and teeth attacked his neck for long moments until he cried out in pain. she pulled back to view Her work, a purplish bruising on his neck that showed quite clearly and beyond any chain or collar that he was Hers. Frustratedly She tore herself away then, but before She moved away to enter the carraige She murmured, "Just wait until tonight. That ass is mine, all night long."

(in reply to emeraldgryphon)
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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/21/2012 3:44:22 PM   

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The carraige behind him rocked a little, and he knew She had stepped up into it. A few moments passed that stretched into a lifetime, and then came the command, "March." punctuated by the crack! of the carraige whip overhead. The ponies instantly leaned into their harnesses, pulling against the poles, and Lars did the same, and then suddenly he was raising his right foot with the others and it began. A slow walk at first as they headed for the gate, and Melody was there smiling at him as they passed along with the other houseslaves, gawping in amazement at him. Then the pace increased to a trot and then a run as the Mistress cracked the whip twice. Pain exploded over his ass then, a liquid line of fire. "I said keep those knees high and lively, Lars. You too, Anders, you know better - I shan't be so lenient again. The next pony to look even an inch less than my expectations gets five lashes."

They were out on the road now, running smoothly as the track turned to the left, towards town. Occasionally they passed other ponycarts, some with as many ponies at bit, some with less. Most of the road travellers were afoot, and the rare rider came by seated on a real horse from time to time. The morning sun beat down on their backs as it rose higher, and soon came the tug on their leads that indicated a walk, allowing them to cool down for many minutes before running again. The Mistress alternated in this way for over a half hour, and then guided the team to a clearing by the nearby stream with a small barn and water trough. As they came to a halt, breathing heavily and sweating, a man and a woman came out of the barn with towels and buckets of cool water. Lars was towelled off and given water by the woman, using a clever dipper that incorporated a funnel-like spout that slid past his bit, allowing him to gulp small mouthfuls of water until he shook his head.

Once the whole team was dry and watered the woman returned to look at him, reaching up to turn his head this way and that, and grinning when she saw the bruising on his neck. She was a gorgeous redhead, with soft curls framing a heart-shaped face and tanned skin. Diana was gorgeous too, with dark brunette hair that fell to her waist, usually kept pulled back into a braid, but he had never been appraised like this before by anyone, and the woman's closeness made him very nervous and unable to do anything except watch her face. "He's a new one, isn't he?" she said, looking over his shoulder back to where the Mistress sat in the carraige seat.

"Well, he's a new pony, but you could say I've had him for awhile - I've just been waiting to get a tail in his ass." Diana replied smoothly, and Lars could hear the smile in her voice and knew without looking that She was grinning, pleased with Herself at Her joke - a joke he knew was meant for him to hear, and he shuddered again, aroused at the possibility that She had been contemplating this course of action and that whatever ambivalence She might have had disappeared the second She saw him locked in the pillory. "He's a nice one," the woman said. "He doesn't have the leg muscles of a pony yet, but that'll come after he's been out on a few runs."

(in reply to emeraldgryphon)
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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/21/2012 4:42:09 PM   

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His mortification was complete when she reached down to squeeze his leather-clad cock. "Oooh, m'Lady - he's got a nice one. My compliments." Diana tugged on the reins then as the woman turned away and started the team moving once more. As they moved back onto the road and the small farmstead dropped behind Lars heard her say, "Did you hear that Lars? You're an attractive pony. I should have done this ages ago."

The evening sky darkened slowly as, hours later, the carraige made its way back to the villa. Mistress Diana was running them far less now, and allowing them to walk for the most part. Once inside the city outskirts and market quarter the team had been stabled because large carraiges tended to clog up the streets, and Mistress Diana had rented a two-pony rickshaw. To his amazement Lars was unhitched from the main team with one of the others and placed in the left side position of the rickshaw. Diana had then climbed aboard with a much shorter carraige whip, almost a crop and had them serve as Her ponies for over three hours. If She wished to come alongside of a vendor's table She guided them with light tugs on their reins, and if She wished to go inside a shop they stood at attention, not moving, until She returned.

Many times did hands snake out of the surrounding crowd to squeeze, poke, pull, caress, and otherwise tease and torment him, and when they were standing still outside of one shop two young women approached them and teased them unmercifully, slapping their cocks, pinching their welts, and grabbing their tails to make them neigh and stomp like horses as they worked the tail plugs inside them. "I bet I've got something to shove up your ass - would you like that, pony?" Lars could only neigh as instructed and the woman laughed, delighted with her control over him and intoxicated by the power of dominating him. "I'd fuck you all night long, and make you eat me until I came all over your face. I know a pony like you would like that - your cock is hard and throbbing." She ground the plug up into him until he finally cried out, raising up on his tiptoes. Suddenly the pressure was gone as well as the touch of the woman's skirts. "Of course he's hard and throbbing." came Diana's voice from behind him. "He knows what's going to happen to him later on, don't you pony?" Lars could only neigh softly as his face flushed again in humiliation. The young woman stepped in again, raising his chin so she and her friend could both see, and then Diana stepped close and unbuckled the bit, pulling it free to dangle down past his jaw. "Tell them what's going to happen to you later, pony, why your cock is so hard now. You have permission to speak."

Lars turned his head to the side, agonized, to look at Diana before whispering, "Please....please...don't make me do that...please..." "Must a command be repeated, slave? I said tell them."

His face heated and blushing, Lars lowered his eyes in humiliation before speaking. "I am to be placed over Mistresses' fucking bench and fucked with Her strap-on all night. Afterwards She may allow me to please Her with my tongue while I am chained at the foot of Her bed." Shuddering, he finished, and Diana replaced the bit. "You see he knows exactly what is in store for him later on."

The villa was coming up now in the deepening gloom as they turned back to the right around the same curve they had taken only a few hours ago, but to Lars it might have been a lifetime. He was shaken to his core, humiliated and aroused all afternoon for the amusement of whoever took notice of him. They slowed as Melody opened the gate, and tyhey passed through into a ring of torchlight. "Melody, get the other slaves to help you stable them and get them bathed, then take out their plugs and let them evacuate. If any of the ponies don't evacuate give them a quarter of a bag and then get them fed. When you're finished with that, give Lars a half bag of warm soapy water followed by a rinse and then bring him to my chambers hooded and gagged."

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/21/2012 5:22:20 PM   

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Two hours later Lars was carefully guided upstairs by Melody, who led him on a leash once again. He could see nothing inside the hood, and could only moan around the tight ballgag. His hands were manacled behind his back, and his legs were chained with about two feet of chain, attached in the middle to a longer chain which ran up to his collar and lifted the ankle chain high enough to keep him from tripping on it. Melody halted him twice to squeeze his shaft and tease him until he moaned and snapped his hips, trying to drive his cock faster through the soft passage formed by her hand. Immediately she had ceased and had turned to lead him on, moaning and highly aroused.

Finally he was taken through what he knew was had been his bedroom door, and then into Diana's playroom. He was trying not to shudder, but his heart was hammering in his chest and his breathing was quick and deep, and he was barely in control of himself. Melody pulled him forward roughly then, and he stumbled forward a few steps before slamming into a padded bench and nearly falling over it. It was soft, deeply padded and very wide - Diana's fucking bench, Lars realized, and before he could straighten back up Melody had pulled his leash through a ring on the front side and tied him off. Panicked now, and unable to straighten up, Lars struggled hard until Melody cracked a large paddle over his ass, turning it a bright red and settling him down quickly. His ankles were then firmly strapped to the base of the bench, then his thighs, and then several straps went over his back and around his upper arms, and Melody tightened them until he couldn't move at all.

Then he felt the base of the bench separating, and his ankles were pulled with it, moving wide to each side, and he gasped as he felt his ass open and wide for Diana's planned invasion with Her strap-on. Melody once again lubed his ass, working it well into him until he gasped, and then she was gone, her footsteps retreating out of the bedroom apartments and he heard the outer door shut with a thud.

Again he had to wait, held helplessly, until he heard the door open once more. He began to tremble as he heard footsteps approaching, and then the thunk of shoes hitting the floor and the swish of clothing as it was discarded. Little half-noises came to his ears, but he had no way to tell what they were until he heard a drawer opening in the room somewhere to his left and Diana began to hum a popular tune. The unmistakeable sound of leather straps and steel buckles reached him then, and he heard the sound of those straps being buckled and tightened, then nothing. Diana continued humming to herself, and she walked across the room twice, doing what he knew not, until she finally stopped behind his exposed ass. The crack of a bottle lid being opened sounded and then he felt more lubricant being applied to his ass before her hands gripped his hips tightly. "Mmmmm. I've been waiting to fuck this ass all day long." She reached forward then to reach his shoulders with Her nails, and as She did so Lars felt the strap-on slide itself between his thighs for the first time. She raked him with Her nails as She straightened back up, and then She reached down to raise the head of the phallus, centering it directly over his ass as he gasped and shuddered, held perfectly for his taking.

(in reply to emeraldgryphon)
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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/29/2012 12:08:18 PM   

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So, so <i> very </i> hot.

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/31/2012 9:17:01 PM   

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The phallus lingered at his entrance, circling it, pushing lightly against it, sliding easily across his lubricated flesh as Lars wriggled and moaned in his bonds. "Feel that, pony? Wait until you feel it fucking you, ramming deep inside your ass. You'll be feeling it very soon now." Lars moaned, drooling around the gag as she began to thrust the head lightly against him, bouncing it off of his opening again and again.
Her hands circled his chest again, reaching between him and the bench to firmly grasp his nipples and squeeze them, rolling them back and forth until he gasped and shuddered. Diana smiled at that, feeling the tiny thrust of his hips against the bench and she knew she had him.

She let go of his nipples then and firmly grasped his hips as she once again centered the phallus, thrusting against him again, but this time with a little more pressure each time. She could feel his ass starting to open a little more each time, and then the head was firmly lodged inside his entrance. She stopped bouncing the phallus then, and simply increased the pressure behind the phallus in order to force it deeper into him. Lars moaned, a long, low moan of pain and desperation as it slid deeper, and he went absolutely still as it invaded him. Diana watched as he shuddered in front of her, and watched the phallus disappear completely into his ass until her hips were flat against his ass. She then slowly pulled it back out about halfway and then slowly back in - over and over, watching Lars as his back rose and fell in front of her, breathing heavily and trying to deal with both the physical and psychological impact of his taking.

Lars could feel the phallus sliding in and out of him, forcing his passage open, and stretching him wide open. He gasped with each thrust in, trembling all over. His mind was a frantic mess, bent over in such a vulnerable position and helpless to stop his violation, he was humiliated, mortified, and aroused all at the same time, and humiliated because he was aroused. With every thrust of the phallus he could feel his cock throbbing, and knew she was stimulating him deep inside, but was unable to not respond as his own body betrayed him.

Diana changed the pace then, sliding it almost all the way out and then all the way back in, thrusting faster and cracking a leather slapper over his ass with almost every thrust. The sensory overload proved to be too much for Lars, and an almost incoherent sound escaped him from around the gag, a ululation rising in volume and pitch with each thrust, punctuated with sharp highs on every hit from the leather. He was gasping for air now, with tears running down his cheeks, and Diana laughed as she slammed up against him. "Like that, slave? Remember, you ... just ... wanted ... to ... see ... how ... it ... felt." With every word she thrust all the way in, and Lars could make no other noise now except for a violent moaning with each thrust. Diana reached down between his legs, and Lars could feel her hand as she found that he was oozing semen. This brought him up short then, and he realized her internal stimulation of him was causing his balls to empty but he wasn't having an orgasm.

"Feel that, pony? That's called being milked. I can empty you without allowing you to climax. Your orgasms are completely under my control now. If you ever want to come again you'll beg me for the privilege on your hands and knees at my feet."

She fucked him harder then, until he screamed from the sensation long and hard, and then pulled out, leaving his ass open and gaping. Lars didn't have long to wait, as she slid a plug into him and locked it into his harness. He lay across the bench, gasping and psychologically shattered, and he didn't resist as she rechained his arms behind his back and freed him from the bench, pulling him to his knees with the leash and dragging him back into the bedroom. Lars could only moan as he tried to keep up with her pace, and the plug shifted inside him erotically with each forward motion until he heard her sit down on the bed. She pulled him in close then, and Lars gasped as she tore the gag from his mouth, fixing her hands in his hair and forcing his face between her opened legs. "If you don't please me you're going back on the bench pony. Get busy."

Hours had passed, during which Diana came several times on his face, until she finally chained him to the foot of the bed on a mat and crawled into the bed, exhausted. He had slept fitfully, waking to tiny sounds and dreams, wondering if he was about to be used again. Sometime near morning he woke to the feel of hands on him intimately, and he could feel his cock and balls being placed in a cage that locked to his belt harness. Diana's breath came hot against his face as she crushed her mouth against his and her hands roamed his body possessively. Her tongue slipped between his lips and he kissed back, feeling her body tight against him and knew she was aroused again. She placed her hands on his shoulders as she crawled into his lap, straddling him, and then she pushed him down, climbing up his chest to mount his mouth. Her nether lips opened over his mouth and he didn't have to be told to start licking her and doing his best to please her, licking her and stabbing her most sensitive flesh as she writhed on his face and moaned in pleasure.

She didn't let him up until almost light, and then she took him by the leash and took him to the door, chaining him outside in the hallway. "Melody will be coming for you shortly, and you're going to spend the morning in the stable yard with the other ponies doing exercises, trotting, walking, running, and learning how to pull various other carts. Around noon you'll be harnessed in the cart again, as I want to go out for another ride." She caressed him, deliberately exciting and arousing him. "You'll learn to keep this cock aroused for me, and eventually you'll learn to realize you liked what I did to you last night, and you'll beg for my cock in your ass. Now, kneel with those knees apart, back straight. That's how you'll always kneel for me, and if you aren't hooded you'll keep that head up and eyes down. If you ever meet the eyes of a free person uninvited you'll be placed in the stable pillory and whipped. Kiss my feet and thank me, slave."

(in reply to MzWhipplash)
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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/31/2012 9:27:09 PM   

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Delicious. Very accurate and hot

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/31/2012 9:44:12 PM   

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Thank You M'Lady. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/31/2012 9:47:24 PM   

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Very much. If this were a book I would buy it. Smiles I love pegging my bitch males.

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/31/2012 10:25:43 PM   

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I think that's pretty hot myself. I'm glad I was accurate - I've had some experience to draw on.

What part or parts did you like best, if I may ask?

< Message edited by emeraldgryphon -- 8/31/2012 10:30:05 PM >

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/31/2012 10:41:27 PM   

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The use of laguage first. "Invading him...' Then it's in the specific details of flicking open the lube bottle vefore plunging in the tube to anally clean the slaves before plugging them.

Lars panick when he was unable to release the hood, gag and collar and the build up to Diane pegging him.

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 8/31/2012 10:43:32 PM   

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Thany You M'Lady. Again, I am glad my story pleased You.

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 9/2/2012 10:41:15 AM   

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Lars knelt forward and kissed Her feet for long minutes, thanking Her for enslaving him while She stared down at him, still amazed that he was now Her ponyslave and so aroused by that knowledge. She should have done this ages ago. His body trembled in arousal from this helpless and submissive position, and from what he was doing, and She knew he was hard as he could be in the cage without even having to look. Suddenly she reached down and unchained him from the wall, dragging him back up to his feet and pulling him back inside. Once the door was closed She headed straight for the playroom and threw him against the fucking bench. "Bend over that bench, spread your legs, and don't move." She quickly chained him down, much as he had been the night before, and grabbed Her harness. Buckling it on she picked up the bottle of lubrication and prepared him. "Do you want this, slave? Do you want my cock?"

Lars was indeed hard in the cage, and was severely conflicted and agonized by his situation. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out except for the barest beginnings of words. Too many answers flooded his brain, and trying to say them all he found he could say nothing at all. "Answer me. Do you want this?" Diana cracked the slapper back down on his ass, making him cry out. "Answer me." Crack. "Do you want this?" Crack. "Do you need this?" Crack. Crack. Crack. Tears streaming down his face, his soul raw and exposed, Lars mumbled a single word he could barely believe he was saying. "yes."

Diana smiled wickedly to herself. She had heard him quite plainly, but wanted him to understand that there would be no doubt as to what he had said. "What did you say slave?" Crack. Unable to get away Lars said it again through his sobs. "Yes, Mistress." That would usually have been enough for Her, but She wanted him to beg for it. "Yes, Mistress, what?" Crack. Lars moaned in total helplessness as the leather made him writhe and twist, struggling animalistically against the restraints. "Please... please don't make me say it, Mistress, please." Crack. Crack. Crack. "Say it, slave." Her voice was again low and dangerous, and She swung the slapper harder now, making him cry out and jump with every hit to his increasingly sore ass. Finally he could take no more and almost screamed it as the words tumbled from his mouth. "Please, Mistress I beg your cock in my ass!! Please, please, please - I need it!! I want it!! Please, a slave begs!! Please!!" Laughing lightly She stopped striking his ass and grabbed both cheeks, making him gasp and cry out again in pain as She spread them open and stepped forward. "You begged for it. Remember that, slave."

Lars felt the phallus open him again, pushing inside and spreading him wide as he moaned and sobbed. She began to fuck him then, slowly and deeply, watching his responses and making him moan in surprised pleasure. "Oh, you're going to like this. You're going to learn to like this." The phallus was slightly different from the one She used last night, Lars realized. This one was softer, warmer somehow, and as it fucked him he could feel waves of pleasure coursing through his lower body. He was oozing come again, dripping to the floor as She moaned in sheer delight and animal lust behind him. Lars loved it, loved Her, and loved being Her pony, lost in the pleasure he was feeling.

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 9/2/2012 4:25:54 PM   

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Nicely done. Surprising tenderness at the last sentences.

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RE: New slaves on the villa. - 9/2/2012 6:32:58 PM   

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Mmmmmm....what a wonderfully delicious read.

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