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littleone35 -> Return (6/12/2006 1:13:34 PM)

I was away from my Master for 9 days on a trip and i just returned and was in his arms again.  It is the best feeling in the world.  I did not know it was possible to miss someone so much.

I guess this is not uncommon but i was wondering how many people have to travel without their sub/slaves, Dom/me

Matt's littleone

PlayfulOne -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 1:16:28 PM)

There are times when we have to be apart,  not always fun but ya do the best ya can and roll with it.


LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 1:17:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: littleone35
I guess this is not uncommon but i was wondering how many people have to travel without their sub/slaves, Dom/me

Matt's littleone

Sure, my former master was out of town about every other week for work travel, and usually every other month for pleasure. 

I got into the comfy routine of taking care of the place when he was away, knowing he'd be pleased with things and didn't have to worry.

My local partner and I often laugh at how pathetic we are at needing to see eachother so soon after spending a few days together.

Of course, compared to the long distance people who don't see eachother but once every few weeks or months, it can be difficult to bear.

BitaTruble -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 1:24:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: littleone35

I was away from my Master for 9 days on a trip and i just returned and was in his arms again.  It is the best feeling in the world.  I did not know it was possible to miss someone so much.

I guess this is not uncommon but i was wondering how many people have to travel without their sub/slaves, Dom/me

Matt's littleone

Himself takes me on about half of his business trips. The times he doesn't, I stay home and one of the ways I busy myself is to clean. ::laughs:: I also travel frequently to visit family in other states and Himself rarely goes with me for those trips. I'm usually ready to come home by day two because I do miss him despite the fun I have visiting my family. Also, our phone bills tend to sky rocket when we're apart. Just all a part of life. I'm used to him and his ways and I miss the routine when he's not around.


Wildfleurs -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 2:42:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: littleone35

I was away from my Master for 9 days on a trip and i just returned and was in his arms again.  It is the best feeling in the world.  I did not know it was possible to miss someone so much.

I guess this is not uncommon but i was wondering how many people have to travel without their sub/slaves, Dom/me

Matt's littleone

In my previous job I had to travel about once a month.  It was nice but any more than that and I think it would have been more diffiult for my relationship.  In my current job I  only have to travel about four or so times a year and its only for one or two day biz trips.  I've always had that viewpoint that absence makes the heart grow fonder.  I like going away for a day or two, it can be a nice breather from everything (including my owner).  But its a function of balance becacuse for me to much biz travel without him would be to stressful.


Rayne58 -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 4:19:46 PM)

Master is unable to travel for health reasons. Twice during our 2 1/2 years together I have had to fly back to New Zealand for 2 weeks. One of those trips was to my father's funeral [:(] He so wished He could have been there for me.......

Luckily I had computer access so we were able to email each other and even chat on msn a few times. We had arranged that beforehand - because of His health problems He knew I would worry if I didn't hear from Him every day.

I missed Him so much! And I know He missed me too because the welcome home I got both times was just amazing [:D]

slavejali -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 6:46:28 PM)

It's a nice feeling to miss someone [:)] I miss Master when he is at work. When we hear his car pull up, the dog and me have a race to the door.

theRose4U -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 7:41:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: littleone35
I guess this is not uncommon but i was wondering how many people have to travel without their sub/slaves, Dom/me
Matt's littleone

The current one has been in Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Los Angeles, Denver for about 7 hours (and I missed his call), Rome and about now should be waking up in the english countryside. All this in the last 3 weeks!! Can anyone say frequent flier?

fullofgrace -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 10:11:25 PM)

He travels for work rarely...just for day trainings. it's not too big of an issue, since we talk every day and see each other when He's not working, pretty much (or sometimes when He is...i can't wait until a month or so from now, when i'll be able to spend time over more).

i travel when i can for fun. i was supposed to spend a week and a half in toronto, on, canada and a week and a half in emporia, ks recently...i ended up coming home early because i wasn't doing well mentally. i had a hard time being away from Him, on top of that...not enough to make me come home, definitely, but still...being away from people you love is always hard, for however long the separation is.

litleone8620 -> RE: Return (6/12/2006 10:19:15 PM)

Unfortunately, my Master and i live alone, but see each other as often as possible. The fact that i live alone, makes this easier so i have no one to answer to but Him.

Yes the time we spend apart from each other is hard, but W/we deal with it when it comes our way.

ropesubby39 -> RE: Return (6/13/2006 3:55:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: litleone8620

Unfortunately, my Master and i live alone, but see each other as often as possible. The fact that i live alone, makes this easier so i have no one to answer to but Him.

Yes the time we spend apart from each other is hard, but W/we deal with it when it comes our way.

Its the same for me, i live alone and back when i was travelling i did miss my Dom, but i had friendly reminders that He was with me spiritually :)

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