What if O loses? (Full Version)

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Yachtie -> What if O loses? (9/20/2012 6:37:46 AM)

Are Obama insiders secretly making retirement plans for the Obamas with the expectation the president will lose his bid for re-election in November?

Very quietly, Obama’s chief financier, Penny Pritzker, has entered the Hawaii housing market to buy a retirement home for the president and his family that will be available not in 2016, but in January 2013, according to a confidential source within Pritzker’s Chicago organization

The source told WND that highly confidential internal polls conducted by the Obama campaign indicate Obama cannot win re-election, despite public surveys that show him in the lead.

“The public polls are mostly political,” the source argued. “Obama radicals want Romney supporters to feel discouraged and give up. Truth is that Romney’s winning.”

“It was fun while it lasted,” HillBuzz.org quotes Robinson as saying, “but wait until you see the place they’re buying for Michelle and Barack!”

Perhaps they're financing it through Bain? [8|] /sarcasm

LaTigresse -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 6:40:55 AM)

I am gonna guess that is a right publication spouting much like Faux news does?

mnottertail -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 6:41:47 AM)

And WND is not the asshole of insightful journalism, but you can see the offices of Breitbart from there.

So, my bets are that when he is thru with his second term, he is gonna hang out and accept speaking gigs time to time, probably not go into the office for a while.

I don't quite get the insidiousness of buying a house.

I think that the right wing is shitting its pants and gladly suffering in its delusions. 

But, if Obama loses, I would bet pretty even money Willard would win.

SpaceSpank -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 6:44:37 AM)

Despite Mitt's catastrophic failures as a candidate, it's still going to be a close race solely due to the economy.

Everyone knows it's not going to be a landslide either way. If you had a close to 50/50 chance of being out of a job and moving, wouldn't you be looking to secure for your future as well?

And nothing is stopping him from going there part time even if he is president. Bush Jr spent time at his Texas Ranch as well, not just the White House and Camp David.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Marc2b -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 6:47:59 AM)

Short of Obama being filmed using kittens as targets while skeet shooting, he is not going to lose... which, given the economy (which people usually hold the President responsible for) should give you an idea just how far off the deep end the Republicans have gone. This election should be a slam dunk for them.

If, however, Obama does loses, prepare to see a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth here on CM and a lot of other places.

fucktoyprincess -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 6:54:13 AM)

Obama's kids are still in school - they are not retiring to Hawaii even if he loses this election. Their residence is in Hyde Park, Chicago, and that is likely where they would return. They might be buying property in Hawaii, but since when did that mean anything. Romney has multiple homes. I guess he's not planning on being president if he isn't consolidating all of his real estate in the Washington D.C. market right now. [8|]

OttersSwim -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 6:58:49 AM)

I guess Mitt will go back to living in his son's basement...

fucktoyprincess -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 7:02:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: OttersSwim

I guess Mitt will go back to living in his son's basement...

Well, he should crawl back from wherever he came from....

vincentML -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 8:06:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: fucktoyprincess


ORIGINAL: OttersSwim

I guess Mitt will go back to living in his son's basement...

Well, he should crawl back from wherever he came from....

Mitt and Ann ride off sideways on her dressage pony?

Lucylastic -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 8:14:57 AM)

aaaaaah the WND website, such a bastion of facts and truth
LMAO, like saying
The biggest Birther site on the web.
It makes fox and drudge look positively truthful.
slow news day I guess
If O loses..He loses,
There is really no reasoning with the stupid.

FMRFGOPGAL -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 8:16:38 AM)

One of my staffers, an intern with a double in Poli Sci and Computer science pulled up the page and began laughing saying.... This "SITE" is a couple of free Joomla templates that aren't even completed. I guess Mr Harvard is one of those bitter senile old republicans with too much time on his hands. No professional developer would turn out a site for prime time usage in this shape".
I trust Max. It's foo foo journalism.

DomKen -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 8:27:08 AM)


WingNutDaily article by Jerome "birther nut extraordinaire" Corsi.

WND has admitted in the past that it posts entirely ficticious news reports. Also no one even remotely associated with the Obama's would talk to Corsi much less feed him secrets.

Lucylastic -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 8:28:48 AM)

hes wound tightly with the birther queen Oily Taint

FMRFGOPGAL -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 8:33:03 AM)

It should also be noted that Penny is WAY above hunting houses.
They're also acting like Penny Pritzker has come down with verbal diarhea. She has a reputation for being extremely close-lipped with anyone who iswn't in her inner circle. And here's grampus making out she's striking exit deals. That is just total bullshit. They aren't showing up on radar here and she wouldn't be making them if they were.
  The old fart is just taking one of the highest names on the totem pole and implicating her in his fantasy Lucy totally nailed this guy.

FMRFGOPGAL -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 8:49:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

hes wound tightly with the birther queen Oily Taint

Oh please no, not the famed crusader who was so rabid she ignored something on the order of a 1/2 dozen contempt warning shots by the California bench and kept on with her libelous filings to the point where they just wacked her with a $20k fine and an order to pay it in 30 days.

The wiki page on her alone is one of the funniest tales of  a specious mad woman I've read.
She's probably still reporting in to Putin and Mitch McConnell.

subrob1967 -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 9:49:40 AM)

When Obama loses "I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth."[;)]

FMRFGOPGAL -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 9:55:18 AM)

Blow your wad now little man. Come november it's trail of tears time for orca fanciers.

Hillwilliam -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 9:57:56 AM)

I'm not that familiar with the housing market in Hawaii but if it is anything like the typical "Vacation home" market it is depressed. Second home markets are the last to pick up during a recovery.

What does this mean? Quite simply, it means that it is a buyer's market. IF someone has the cash handy and you don't need liquidity and you're willing to go long term on your investment, it is a really good time to purchase a vacation home.

Could it be that the Obamas are killing 2 birds with one stone?

On the unlikely but possible chance he has to move out of the WH in January, he won't have to move to Chicago. (Ive been in Chicago in Jauary and it fucking SUCKS.)
If he wins in 6 weeks, he has an investment that he can hold onto and then when he sells, his cap gains will be at the lower "Long term cap gains" rate.

FMRFGOPGAL -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 10:02:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

Could it be that the Obamas are killing 2 birds with one stone?

On the unlikely but possible chance he has to move out of the WH in January, he won't have to move to Chicago. (Ive been in Chicago in Jauary and it fucking SUCKS.)
If he wins in 6 weeks, he has an investment that he can hold onto and then when he sells, his cap gains will be at the lower "Long term cap gains" rate.

sure anything COULD BE... but in this case, it just probably ISN'T.

Politesub53 -> RE: What if O loses? (9/20/2012 11:22:40 AM)

I see out independent thinking poster is up to his old tricks of reading anti Obama web sites. [;)]

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