RE: Why do people ignore mails (Full Version)

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GreedyTop -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:04:07 AM)

douchepickles?? I duno, I like pickles.. that could put me off. How about douche-latrines??

kalikshama -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:07:29 AM)


No disrespect intended, but are you saying that the person whose sole accomplishments are being subby and owning a twat is someone less obliged to respond to admirers?

I always answer nice or articulate messages.

Reading the later pages in The worst Dom you've ever met will give you some insight into the sort of mail women here receive. For example:

7/27/12 10:09 PM

I will beat it, burn it, electrocute it, make it available to dick of any species, enslave all children from its body and when I am done with it, I will take its life


7/27/12 9:59 PM
Would you consider being kept as a bi Barbie Doll fuck toy slave by a Fort Lauderdale Florida lawyer Daddy Dom? Very real, very single, very very strict.

The concept is about a pretty submissive who loves to be dressed up and shown off. Do you like older men? Do you like to be to what to wear and be dressed to nines in heels and short dresses? Then taken home a tied and for intense sexual use including rough fucks and extensive bondage. Do you need to be controlled and disciplined? Do you like your looks in Barbie concept-- hair, nails, makeup, corset controlled waist, heels, heels, heels

Do you think those "admirers" deserve a reply?

wnyThroatLover -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:07:38 AM)

I dunno, it just doesn't roll off the fact, when I say it, it makes me sound drunk!

"Waaa, geh mee anuddah beers, you doooshwatreen!"

pyschosubmission -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:10:25 AM)



How about douche-latrines??




SlipSlidingAway -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:11:39 AM)

As has been noted, most folks don't bother to even read a profile before sending an email.  If they did?  Most would not send me any mail LOL.  And that's quite ok- as the profile was written in way to discourage anything beyond friendship. 

Why in the world would ANYONE feel entitled to a reply on a site like this?  I can imagine being disappointed if someone who has caught your fancy does not respond in kind, but to get angry because a stranger who did not ask directly for correspondence did not reply?  *low whistle*

Generally, when I do get a message that I am going to respond to, I look at the senders profile so that I can send a personalized and interesting response.  If, for some reason, the OP had contacted me and I was contemplating a reply?  His profile would have changed my mind in a hearbeat!

The OP's profile says he doesn't care what the slave wants/needs, he's here to get his needs met.  Any female sub/slave who has been here a while would have a fair idea of how well a man like him would handle rejection.  His rant here sort of proves that point.  Sorry, no need to actually encourage negative individuals to continue correspondence.

OP: Until a sub/slave is in a power exchange with you, they have NO obligation to supply anything that you want/need, either.  And that include a reply!

sunshinemiss -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:11:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: descrite

eh...CM has quick-reply buttons for common letdowns ("Busy," "Involved," etc.); how hard is it to click a button? If you really are overwhelmed by all those responses to your profile, perhaps you'd best hide your profile.

Yeah, crazyml, I do answer every piece of (non-automatically-generated) mail I get at home...what kind of jagoff doesn't? Sometimes it takes me a while to get to it, but I eventually do.

I don't think OP is out of line for the general sentiment.


Grammar goes a long way. As does a moderate temperment. Just from your post, I can see why someone might be disinclined to respond.

Nope. I don't owe a stranger anything. I don't know you from borscht. My life is MY LIFE. My time is MY TIME. My energy is MY ENERGY. How I choose to spend those things are MY CHOICE. Some guy comes up to me in real life when I'm in the middle of something, I keep doing what I'm doing. Why should *I* hide MY profile just because other people act like children and stamp their feet and say, "You didn't say hi to me this morning!"

wnyThroatLover -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:11:51 AM)

DICKBLISTER!!!!! I think we have a winner!!!!

kalikshama -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:14:38 AM)


It's the internet equivalent of junk mail. If I get a flyer through for a pizza company, I don't call them up and tell them I'm allergic to cheese and prefer curry anyway. If I get a message and I'm not interested I don't reply.


GreedyTop -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:15:03 AM)

agreed, dickblister definitely has a ring to it!


OP, I think there is hope for you, as long as you have patience, are discerning in your search, and continue to have the sense fo humour you have so brilliantly displayed here. IMO, that puts you MILES ahead of most everyone else that comes to the forums seeking a unicorn :) I wish you both all the best!!

searching4mysir -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:15:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: autumnember

the last mail that i ignored was from a gentleman that stated that he wanted me to take a series of pictures for me. If i was to comply i should send him a response that said "yes, Sir" and if i chose not to my response was to be "no, Sir". After i stopped laughing, i deleted unread (because i had just hovered over the message in my inbox). I did that because he was trying to force me into a dynamic right in the first message. I dont need someone that tries to pressures someone that much. It is also the reason i dont go to used car lots.

I wonder what would have happened if you replied "fuck off, twatwaffle." His minuscule brain would have been spinning for days. (but that wasn't an option...I didn't give her that option...I don't understand).

pyschosubmission -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:18:19 AM)

Woo dickblisters all round!

wait a minute... [:-]

autumnember -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:19:19 AM)

haha i will keep that in mind for next time!

Rochsub2009 -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:20:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: OwnerExtreme

It makes mad - not to say: It pisses me off - that people just ignore mails. I am here on this site because I am looking for a (female) slave. I am not a fake, I am for real and I write quite some mails to get to know sub or slave women. i add a picture and I am not offensive - I am polite and well mannered.
I absolutly understand that my liking are not for everybody, but to ignore a mail is (to me) the poorest and cheapest way to say "Thank you, but - no!"
Am I the only one who gets mad about that?

I'll let you in on a secret; your profile sucks.

You start off with a laundry list of kinks, then you insult potential readers. Finally, you include some fantasy crap that makes it seem like you have no real experience. This is taken directly from your profile:

"I don't care about your past or where you come from or what you look like. All those slaves or wannabes who write sentenes like: "I like spanking..." or "I like oral and anal ..." or "My limits are ..." or any kind of bushwa like this, let me tell you: Hey - in what kind of world are you living? I don't care what you like. It is your job to take care of my needs!"

Do you see the problem with that? In an initial meeting, a slave DOES want to make sure that you are compatible with them. They DO want you to care about their likes, dislikes, and limits. To say right off the bat that you don't care about any of their needs/desires makes you sound like a selfish moron.

The real question that you should be asking is; "What sane person would respond to a message from a person with a profile like yours?"

wnyThroatLover -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:25:12 AM)

TWATWAFFLE!!!!!! Female for dickblister?!?[:D]

And...uuh...greedy...we arent the OP here...the OP here is actually kinda a Dickblister

And psycho over there is spreading thread herpes...I'd almost expect to see him popping into totally unrelated threads and just leaving messages like "just stopping in to infect you all" or "Rejoyce and share in the dickblisters!"

searching4mysir -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:27:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rochsub2009


ORIGINAL: OwnerExtreme

It makes mad - not to say: It pisses me off - that people just ignore mails. I am here on this site because I am looking for a (female) slave. I am not a fake, I am for real and I write quite some mails to get to know sub or slave women. i add a picture and I am not offensive - I am polite and well mannered.
I absolutly understand that my liking are not for everybody, but to ignore a mail is (to me) the poorest and cheapest way to say "Thank you, but - no!"
Am I the only one who gets mad about that?

I'll let you in on a secret; your profile sucks.

You start off with a laundry list of kinks, then you insult potential readers. Finally, you include some fantasy crap that makes it seem like you have no real experience. This is taken directly from your profile:

"I don't care about your past or where you come from or what you look like. All those slaves or wannabes who write sentenes like: "I like spanking..." or "I like oral and anal ..." or "My limits are ..." or any kind of bushwa like this, let me tell you: Hey - in what kind of world are you living? I don't care what you like. It is your job to take care of my needs!"

Do you see the problem with that? In an initial meeting, a slave DOES want to make sure that you are compatible with them. They DO want you to care about their likes, dislikes, and limits. To say right off the bat that you don't care about any of their needs/desires makes you sound like a selfish moron.

The real question that you should be asking is; "What sane person would respond to a message from a person with a profile like yours?"

He seems to be under the mistaken impression that what HE wants matters to someone he doesn't own yet and with whom he has not yet established a dynamic. Master would never have gotten the chance to own me had he had a profile like that.

A profile like that says either "I'm an arrogant dickblister who couldn't get laid with a fist full of hundreds...I've never touched a pussy before but I think this is how a dominant is supposed to act" or "I'm an arrogant, ABUSIVE dickblister who is lucky my last woman didn't press assault, battery, and rape charges against me (but maybe that's because they never found the body)".

pyschosubmission -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:35:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: wnyThroatLover

And psycho over there is spreading thread herpes...I'd almost expect to see him popping into totally unrelated threads and just leaving messages like "just stopping in to infect you all" or "Rejoyce and share in the dickblisters!"

Actually my "chat up" line used to be "I'm a zombie... want infected?"

Strangely enough, it never seemed to work [&o]

needlesandpins -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:36:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: descrite


To expect a complete stranger you've never met to respond to your advances stinks of an overblown sense of entitlement. They don't know him, clearly they don't want to know him, and quite possibly the mail has went straight to the bulk folder anyway

Harlan Ellison responds to all his fan mail. Piers Anthony does, too. Orson Scott Card employs someone to help him in the effort. I remember my little brother getting a signed photo from Barbara Feldon when we were kids.

No disrespect intended, but are you saying that the person whose sole accomplishments are being subby and owning a twat is someone less obliged to respond to admirers?

I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "entitlement." Someone who thinks so little of the admiration of others, someone who expects the offers to continue pouring in, even when they are negligently rude after having invited the attention, that is the person who has a sense of entitlement.

Bound-- I said it before: just hide your profile. Your profile is an explicit (not even tacit!) invitation for communication; by failing to respond, you're basically telling men to audition for you, then ignoring their performance when they do. That's a shitty thing to do to anyone.

Another solution: include this on your profile-- "Sorry...I'm overwhelmed by messages at the moment, and I'm looking for something specific. If you're not [in the area/over 6'0"/hung like a musk ox], please don't send me a message right now." Then feel free to ignore the ones that don't meet the criteria and response anyway. At least then they'll have an idea why you ignored them. Fair?

Man...that idea is bugging me. Who has so much attention that they can spurn some more? I have replied to every message anyone has ever sent me, here, FL, Facebook, they attractive, in my region, or even the wrong gender. I'm always flattered when someone has something nice to say about me, and took the time to tell me. That takes guts, to initiate that communication. I respect the hell out of anyone who does that, and respond in kind.

here's what you seriously need to know; You are not a Woman. hence you have no idea how much mail we get.

now my profile very clearly tells everyone that i am here for the forums, and just don't bother because i ain't interested no matter how amazing you think you are. i still get tons of mail a month, all expecting me to reply.

now, i do not have to hide my profile, and i certainly don't want to. why the hell should i just to suit some whining arsehole?

just because you are the way you are doesn't mean that everyone else has to be. nore does it mean that you get to be the profile police telling everyone else what they should, or shouldn't do.

men need to show a damn sight more respect, and some fricking imagination! cut/paste....ignore, random twat asking about my sex life....ignore, random moron that can't read, and respect what is there.....depending on mood.....sarcasm, snark....ignore, asking for anything of me, do i want anything of them.......ignore.

in fact the only mail i always respond to is mail from someone on here if it needs it, or someone paying me a compliment.

also, if you really do answer every single last piece of mail you get through the door then serioiusly, you need to get off of your computor, and get a real life outside with real people. any crap coming through my door that i didn't ask for is put in the bin.

lastly; You are not a Female, therefore you have no idea just how much mail we get, or the abuse if we say thank, but no thanks.


GreedyTop -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:41:36 AM)



agreed, dickblister definitely has a ring to it!


I think there is hope for you, as long as you have patience, are discerning in your search, and continue to have the sense fo humour you have so brilliantly displayed here. IMO, that puts you MILES ahead of most everyone else that comes to the forums seeking a unicorn :) I wish you both all the best!!

edited to aim this post at the cute couple from NY....

wnyThroatLover -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:45:41 AM)

Yea, psycho, I can see that working about as well as, "nice shoes, wanna fuck" or, "baby, you remind me of my big toe...I'm gonna bang you on every piece of furnature in my apartment!"......though in a strange turn of events, I've successfully used the first of those.........once..........and there wasn't actually any fucking....but we did share a lovely meal, some wonderful conversation in which I was thanked for rescuing her from the large group of rubes vying for her attention (incredibly attractive woman in a county of inbred, toothless, sheepshagging motherhumpers)

Thank you greedy, I like to think we are alright peoples

pyschosubmission -> RE: Why do people ignore mails (10/10/2012 6:46:22 AM)

Also, everyone don't google dick blister...

...if you do though you get these 3 images. IN THIS ORDER




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