RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 8:57:57 AM)

There are no points to address.  It is tinfoil.

In the equation:

2 + 2  = 4, are they the same two's or different two's?

NuevaVida -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 9:18:48 AM)



I read some about him on other sites, now he does some serious word smithing with broad implications while literally saying something completely different.

Hmm, you read about him. I spent the better part of about 4 hours with him. I think I'll go with my personal experience over what unknown people to me have written about him. We talked about a lot of things, not just the holocaust. Like the rose bushes he grows at home, and his wife, and gratitude, and life in general. I found him to be a sincere and dear man.


From other cites I would hammer that guy with crossexamination and make him prove the word "the" every time he used it.

Which, of course, you are welcome to do. I didn't feel the need. I found his expression and demeanor to be credible.


His statements really do not appear to be just a bit over the top?

Depends how you define "over the top." I tend to think what happened to him, his family, and others like him, to be over the top. In our one-on-one conversations, he was very humble.


If he had a more rare skill it was common every day thing for them to get on a train and go to another camp and work there every day for the duration of the job then commute to another camp. That was quite common.

He went to a total of 8 camps. One of his jobs was to make coffee. Another was to feed the German's dogs. Not sure of your point here.


the Kapos hit us with bats and hoses <-- whats up with that?

What's up is that they were hit with bats and hoses.


That burning almost sounds like he had a bad infestation of lice?

I only wrote a small excerpt. He goes on to talk about burned and peeling skin, and the inability to wear clothes for two weeks because of the pain. In person he spoke of his testicles being severely damaged as a result, and his inability to create children in the future as a result, and the many, many doctor appointments in subsequent years to help repair the damages.

I don't think lice infestations do this.


Can you tell me why they shaved his head? Was it some kind of a humiliation thing? or what

I didn't quote anything about his head being shaved; where does this come from?

I did quote about his hair being gone when he emerged from the pool; it was burned off. According to his in person testimony, there was acid in the pool.

LafayetteLady -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 9:22:44 AM)

Interestingly, you never answered my question.  Have YOU been to Auschwitz?

And yes, I have seen some of the items and fabric made from the human hair.  Yes, I did see the rooms where people were sent to die by poison gas.  I'm sorry, but they don't allow you to take pictures.  No, not because some idiot would try to show how that couldn't possibly be a gas chamber, but out of respect for those who died there. 

Not that you are going to listen, but as the war progressed, the Nazis were no longer able to be as meticulous about their records, and a great many Jews in the camps were undocumented.  When the war ended, and before liberation, the Nazis rushed to do two things.  Destroy all the records, and "exterminate" the remaining prisoners.  Luckily, they were not able to complete either thing.

However, you aren't going to listen no matter what anyone says.  You print things you find on the internet as though they must be fact.  NOTHING I have said to you comes from the internet, but from what I have personally witnessed.  Big difference.  But feel free to go on more and more diatribes, it is after all, what you do.

I will close with one last thing.  When people aren't at odds with what Tafkaa is saying, you definately need to rethink your position. 

WantsOfTheFlesh -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 9:25:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

The fact that the nazis kept detailed records of arrests and concentration camp well as all their DOCUMENTARY FILMS I've seen of concentration camp prisoners, starved, dying...and the death-stiffened bodies being bulldozed into pits to be burned/buried (the nazis sure LOVED their movie cameras, they film-documented practically EVERYTHING!), it's completely ignorant to deny all that happened.

My "step father" would always say the films and documents were faked by the Jews and the U.S. government and that we've always been in power with the Jews because well, they're one in the same, trying to take over the know, The Illuminati. [8|]

Yep an' if there waz any doubt dat those dat deny the holocaust are anti-semitic, they always shadow da denial wit old skool anti-semitic conspiracy theories 'bout evil Jews controlling da debate, da media, governments an' all ta invent it.

Real0ne -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 9:43:35 AM)




ORIGINAL: jlf1961
The truth of the matter is that by denying the Holocaust, you are basically calling Jews liars, denying there history.

I disagree. The mass murder during the Second World War of European peoples that practised circumcision (as well as of other peoples such as the gypsies and Dutch resistance fighters) is a fact of history and has got nothing to do with what Jews say.


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
Collarme has decided that holocaust denial is not antisemitic, I think it is, what is your opinions? Should the TOS reflect the given world view on the subject?

In my opinion it is not antisemitic, but instead it is stupid. But I think that Collarme has the right of it: if one poster says stupid things, other posters will shoot down the stupidity.

Now what I wonder about with great wonderment, is why the European nations, after having murdered most peoples that practice circumcision in Europe during WWII, opened their borders to immigration by massive numbers of barbaric peoples that also practice circumcision and that have as high a frequency of inherited diseases as the Jews do in the 1960's and after. Riddle me that.

You will hear many people accused of holocaust denial bring up the reason zyklon b was used in the place.


Memoirs by the French soldiers and their allies indicate that the Polish peasants were infested with fleas, lice, and bed bugs. The peasant homes were so filthy that hundreds of cockroaches swarmed the cottages day and night. Within a few days of crossing the Niemen, several soldiers began to develop high fevers and pink rashes on their bodies. Typhus had broken out in the Grande Armée, and, because of this scourge, most soldiers would not see Moscow.

Typhus has always been associated with war. Indeed, one of its many colloquial names is war fever. Zinsser (1934) stated, "Typhus had come to be the inevitable and expected companion of war and revolution; no encampment, no campaigning army, and no besieged city escaped it." Rickettsia prowazekii (da Rocha-Lima), a bacterialike organism, causes the dreadful disease. The human body louse, Pediculus humanus L., has been a scourge to humans for centuries. It transmits typhus to humans and humans return the "favor" by infecting the louse, which is also a victim of the disease, seldom surviving its attack. Typhus truly is a disease of humans and lice; no animal reservoirs are known to be involved in the disease cycle.

A louse becomes infected with typhus by taking a blood meal from a fever-ridden human. Once in the louse's gut, the rickettsiae reproduce to such enormous numbers that they cause cells in the insect's gut to rupture. The rickettsiae then are present in the feces of the louse. Humans become infected by rubbing or scratching the lice feces into their skin or into their mucous membranes. It is an interesting disease because even though lice imbibe human blood, the parasite is not transmitted to humans during this process. Most of the other diseases carried by insects are transmitted through the bite.

Once infected, humans experience a high fever that continues for approximately two weeks. Simultaneous symptoms may include severe headaches, bronchial disturbances, and mental confusion. Indeed, typhus is from the Greek word typhos meaning stupor. After approximately six days, red eruptions appear on the torso, hands, feet, and face (Fig. 6). Mortality is incredibly high under epidemic conditions, nearing 100%.

The conditions of war are perfect for typhus to explode into a raging epidemic because poverty, crowding, mass migrations, inadequate housing, and malnutrition encourage its spread. The Plague of Athens in 420 B.C., during the Peloponnesian War, may have been the first recorded typhus epidemic. Typhus' association with war and its devastating effect continued until World War II. A potentially horrific epidemic was averted in Sicily and Italy in 1943 through a concerted delousing campaign engineered by the Allies using the then miraculous compound, DDT.

(The Germans did not have the luxury of ddt their only means of lice control at that time was by poison gas to fumigate clothing, complete shaving of heads and bodies, disinfecting the body as best as possible under war conditions)

The French army continued to march east, virtually unopposed. The Russians were simply no match for the Grande Armée. As they have many times in their history, the Russians gave up their land to the invading army, encouraging the invaders to be drawn deeper and deeper into Russia.

Just one month into the campaign, Napoleon had lost 80,000 soldiers to typhus and dysentery (Fig. 7). Moscow was still 480 km to the east. Smolensk fell on 17 August and the battle at Valutino quickly followed, claiming 6,000 French casualties. However, the Russians continued to retreat. By 25 August, Napoleon had lost 105,000 of his central army of 265,000. Two weeks later, typhus and exposure reduced the army to 130,000 (Chandler 1966).

The problem that I see is that people here seem to have some sort of tunnel vision. All they can see is gas murder gas.

everyone is painfully silent when campt entertainment is on the table for discussion or they try to defer to the usual talking points.

What if so many of these people were really killed by an epidemic caused little bug that got out of control?

Why is this being consistently ignored and full focus blame of the death toll put on gas when we know the camps had at least 2 giant outbreaks of typhus?

One when they brought in a large number of poles around about 43 and then another when the allies bombed and they did not have adequate food supplies due to the bombing of german convoys?



I want to see the records that distinguish between typhus death and gas death.

Especially since the americans sent army forensic teams and found no gassing.




How did people on DDay get from this very healthy condition:


to this condition:


Does gas make people turn to skin and bones?

If they were all starved how come so many are so healthy and vibrant?

Why would torture be used to extract witness testimony to the use of gas? What is the significance and why is the use promulgation of human gassing so important?

It seems so many grossly obvious points simply slip right past people as the beat on their drums.

why are these pertinent issues being simply glossed over?

Does bringing these facts to your attention make me an antisemite?

Zonie63 -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 9:54:29 AM)




ORIGINAL: jlf1961
The truth of the matter is that by denying the Holocaust, you are basically calling Jews liars, denying their history.
Collarme has decided that holocaust denial is not antisemitic, I think it is, what is your opinions? Should the TOS reflect the given world view on the subject?

That doesn't necessarily make you antisemitic. If someone disagrees with the black community on some issue - let's say affirmative action - does that automatically make them racist? If you have issues with US border control do you suddenly hate Mexicans? If you are opposed to the added penalties sought for hate crimes are you now anti LGBT? All of those groups would say you are (usually as a smokescreen to cloud the issue) but that is not necessarily the case.

I think some people might incorrectly assume people's motives when they take a particular stance on the examples you're using, but a lot of that may be based on past experience. I generally try to refrain from assuming others' motives and just deal with the political position and arguments associated with it, if I'm so inclined. If they have any ulterior motive, then that would be revealed soon enough anyway. I might ask directly what a person's motive is, if they're arguing along certain lines - particularly if they show a great deal of passion about the issue.

A few general thoughts about this thread:

I have to admit that I do sometimes wonder why Holocaust deniers go all out and expend a great deal of time and energy on trying to prove that the Holocaust didn't happen. What's the point? Why do it? I would accept that their motives are antisemitic, but even then, it still doesn't make any sense. What are they really trying to say? The Nazis weren't that bad? They forced a dictatorship on their people, passed the Nuremberg Laws, engineered Kristallnacht, invaded countries all over Europe, forced Jews, Gypsys, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, and anyone else they didn't like into camps under horrid conditions, sent Einzatzgruppen into their occupied territories to mow down Jews with machine guns - but just because of some technical discrepancies they've alleged at Auschwitz (along with a swimming pool?),

I just don't get what the conclusion is supposed to be. I've tried to get through some of these arguments, but most of what it seems is like nitpicking at a few questionable points and possible discrepancies to say that the whole thing never happened.

mnottertail -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 10:08:48 AM)


Especially since the americans sent army forensic teams and found no gassing.

No, they did not. that is a knowing lie.

Real0ne -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 10:14:50 AM)






ORIGINAL: jlf1961
The truth of the matter is that by denying the Holocaust, you are basically calling Jews liars, denying their history.
Collarme has decided that holocaust denial is not antisemitic, I think it is, what is your opinions? Should the TOS reflect the given world view on the subject?

That doesn't necessarily make you antisemitic. If someone disagrees with the black community on some issue - let's say affirmative action - does that automatically make them racist? If you have issues with US border control do you suddenly hate Mexicans? If you are opposed to the added penalties sought for hate crimes are you now anti LGBT? All of those groups would say you are (usually as a smokescreen to cloud the issue) but that is not necessarily the case.

I think some people might incorrectly assume people's motives when they take a particular stance on the examples you're using, but a lot of that may be based on past experience. I generally try to refrain from assuming others' motives and just deal with the political position and arguments associated with it, if I'm so inclined. If they have any ulterior motive, then that would be revealed soon enough anyway. I might ask directly what a person's motive is, if they're arguing along certain lines - particularly if they show a great deal of passion about the issue.

A few general thoughts about this thread:

I have to admit that I do sometimes wonder why Holocaust deniers go all out and expend a great deal of time and energy on trying to prove that the Holocaust didn't happen. What's the point? Why do it? I would accept that their motives are antisemitic, but even then, it still doesn't make any sense. What are they really trying to say? The Nazis weren't that bad? They forced a dictatorship on their people, passed the Nuremberg Laws, engineered Kristallnacht, invaded countries all over Europe, forced Jews, Gypsys, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, and anyone else they didn't like into camps under horrid conditions, sent Einzatzgruppen into their occupied territories to mow down Jews with machine guns - but just because of some technical discrepancies they've alleged at Auschwitz (along with a swimming pool?),

I just don't get what the conclusion is supposed to be. I've tried to get through some of these arguments, but most of what it seems is like nitpicking at a few questionable points and possible discrepancies to say that the whole thing never happened.

well if you want to jump to the big picture lets move right on to (are you listening Jeff?), the aristocracies who own everyones asses. Few people truly understand the meaning of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in its original usage because they cannot fathom life as anything but the way it is today.

Lets talk about how britain treated the american indian, shall we simply turn our hears the other way and dismiss how they stole everything from them, in nearly the same manner is being done this very moment to afghanastan and iraq?

Whats in a name?

Who is trying to prove anything about the holocaust being nonexistant?

Why have we not been told all the details?

Why do you use the pejorative term "Holocaust Denier" as a blanket allegation if you claim to be an educated neutral and unbiased historian?

So do you believe simply listing points and putting them on the table for discussion to determine or illustrate fraud (or least nondisclosure and misinformation) may be at foot comes under holocaust denial?

Real0ne -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 10:19:24 AM)

cite official paperwork please

mnottertail -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 10:22:30 AM)

You are the one with the horseshit lies.  You have no proof of anything of the sort, because it did not happen, in any of the various ways you have said it. 

Real0ne -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 10:31:10 AM)

Thanks for your input ron, however without citations of official paperwork, your position is a PLONK.

mnottertail -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 10:34:58 AM)

Thats right, no citations of anything, and useless tinfoil for others, you got shit, it is all horseshit from start to finish.  You have no official paperwork on anything about anything.

Rule -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 11:09:17 AM)


Memoirs by the French soldiers and their allies indicate that the Polish peasants were infested with fleas, lice, and bed bugs. The peasant homes were so filthy that hundreds of cockroaches swarmed the cottages day and night. Within a few days of crossing the Niemen, several soldiers began to develop high fevers and pink rashes on their bodies. Typhus had broken out in the Grande Armée, and, because of this scourge, most soldiers would not see Moscow.

Apparently Napoleon quartered his soldiers on farms?


You will hear many people accused of holocaust denial bring up the reason zyklon b was used in the place.

Typhus has always been associated with war. Indeed, one of its many colloquial names is war fever. Zinsser (1934) stated, "Typhus had come to be the inevitable and expected companion of war and revolution; no encampment, no campaigning army, and no besieged city escaped it."

Mortality is incredibly high under epidemic conditions, nearing 100%.

The problem that I see is that people here seem to have some sort of tunnel vision. All they can see is gas murder gas.

As I said: those targetted for murder were murdered in various ways. Some were shot point blank. Others had camp commanders who enjoyed seeing people starve to death.

Now let's say that we have a fictitious dialogue between a fictitious New York banker and a fictitious USA president.

NYB: "Hiya Mr. P. As you very well know, I, a Jew, am a prosperous and beautiful man with perfectly healthy children and I am a capitalist. However, most Jews in the world are poor and ugly communists and they have lots of children with inherited diseases. We think that it would be a boon to mankind to rid the world of them; God does not want such people in Heaven anyway. Would you?"

USAP: "Why, Mr. NYB, I think that is a fabulous idea and I wholeheartedly support it. But I cannot have that in our country, for my citizens would hold me responsible and I cannot have that."

NYB: "Well what about limiting it to non-USA countries then, in particular to European countries."

USAP: "That would be perfect! No-one would suspect me then. I could be the good guy, me and the Brits. And the Germans could be the bad guys. How do you intend to go about it?"

NYB: "We want to round them up in kill places, like sheep."

USAP: "That is good thinking. May I suggest that you hand them out blankets infected with smallpox in those places? It will kill most of them and no-one will suspect that their deaths were intentional."

NYB: "That is a good idea, Mr. P., but unfortunately most Europeans have been vaccinated against smallpox. So we propose to gass them instead."

USAP: "That is a bad idea: everyone will know immediately that you murdered them."

NYB: "There is that, but we see no other, more efficient and more humane way..."

USAP: "Hm, hm. Of course, if you afterward have the Germans remove the gassing installations, I could instruct my liberating officers to inspect the facilities after the war and to establish that there was no gassing equipment at those facilities..."

NYB: "That would be perfect, Mr. P. But how do we explain the large quantities of gas that we have to buy to gass all of them people? People will still suspect that we gassed all those people with that gas."

USAP: "Well, bless me, I have got a solution! The Germans have got to pretend that they use the gas for another purpose entirely: that they use it to save the people in the kill places! Let's see, let's see... some disease..."

NYB: "That is an excellent idea, Mr. P! Let's see ... a disease, a disease, preferably carried by insects..."

USAP: "What about Typhus? We had a Typhoid Mary here. Typhus is a disease that is carried by lice and lice can be killed by gassing them. We just have to choose a gas that can also kill humans."

NYB: "Mr. P., you have got it! You are a genius! We will breed lice and infest the kill places with them and then we will have Typhoid Mary's travel from camp to camp and infect everybody there with typhus. Everybody will think that the Germans used the gass to kill the lice and no-one will suspect that it was used to kill the people too!"

USAP: "Thank you! I know that I am the best. It is all in a days work, you know. As a matter of fact, I can solve simple problems like this in a matter of mere minutes. There is one more problem, though: people will want a fall guy to take the blame. Do you have one?"

NYB: "We anticipated you there. We have one already, goes by the name of Hitler, Adolf."

DomYngBlk -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 11:30:50 AM)

Not sure if it is antisemitic or not but I do know that it makes those who argue it the most laughable people on earth. Not only are you calling jews liars you are calling everyone in the western world liars and dupes.

deniers are usually the same people that say obama isn't strong enough for isreal. interesting

Rule -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 12:16:21 PM)


everyone is painfully silent when campt entertainment is on the table for discussion or they try to defer to the usual talking points.

What about the entertainment? It deflects suspicion, serves in a similar way as the last meal for a man sentenced to death and as such is a humane gesture, and it provides an opportunity to save a number of people that in a last selection are deemed to better be removed from the kill lists.


What if so many of these people were really killed by an epidemic caused little bug that got out of control?

Then it is a case of a successful biological warfare. Why do you think that disease in this case
was not applied as a means to purposefully murder?


then another when the allies bombed and they did not have adequate food supplies due to the bombing of german convoys?

That merely goes to show that the Germans and the allies had the same purpose: to murder those people and to provide the Germans a pretext for the buying of yet more of the gas.


I want to see the records that distinguish between typhus death and gas death.

Me too! (But in both cases I say that it concerns murder, both by biological warfare and by gassing.)


Especially since the americans sent army forensic teams and found no gassing.

Because they were removed before the Americans arrived?


Does bringing these facts to your attention make me an antisemite?


vincentML -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 12:21:29 PM)


That merely goes to show that the Germans and the allies had the same purpose: to murder those people and to provide the Germans a pretext for the buying of yet more of the gas.

This is disgusting shit . . . as was your imagined dialogue with a US President.

thezeppo -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 12:26:06 PM)

Ok. Last try.

Your discussion of swimming pools is a strawman. The evidence you have presented so far refutes the assertion that life in concentration camps was uniformly awful, for every inmate, for 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That is not my position, yet you say only by defending that position can I make a reasonable rebuttal. I accept that different people would have different experiences of concentration camps. I'm even willing to accept that some people may have had a positive experience or two amidst the horror. Such is the triumph of the human spirit. What I do not agree with is your assertion that the evidence you have provided is sufficient to cast doubt on the general nature of life in the holocaust. Six interviews from a youtube video and some black and white images that haven't been verified is just not enough for that, especially when stacked against the overwhelming wave of evidence suggesting the opposite to be the case.

Finding specific facts to cast doubt on is all well and good, but you are only proving historians wrong if you think historians agree to begin with. They don't. There isn't a point when challenging small assumptions will lead to the whole idea of the holocaust coming into question, unless you successfully challenge the Wannsee Conference, Eichmann's testimony, Mein Kampf and cumulative radicalisation, which to me is the best narrative available to fit the facts. This is what perceptions of the nature of the holocaust are based on, not a lack of swimming pools.

You are accusing me of having tunnel vision, or of ignoring your points, when you are completely ignoring everything I am saying.

Rule -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 12:26:53 PM)

Thank you. I admit that I do not suffer from a lack of paranoia.

Real0ne -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 12:48:06 PM)



Not sure if it is antisemitic or not but I do know that it makes those who argue it the most laughable people on earth. Not only are you calling jews liars you are calling everyone in the western world liars and dupes.

deniers are usually the same people that say obama isn't strong enough for isreal. interesting

hold that thought for when I get into the how the blacks got fucked.

you do not need to lie, all you need do as a government is give the wrong impression and claim it never meant what you said!

One that should sock everyone in the jaw is "Social security" which was advertised to the public as "social insurance" a program you pay into for your own old age that now has somehow evolved into a "benefit" by government no different than robbing the money out of your bank account and giving it back to you as a disbursement.

mnottertail -> RE: is holacaust denial antisemitic? (1/25/2013 1:02:16 PM)

Yeah, social security, and blacks (although they are of the Jewish faith in some small numbers) does not have a fucking thing to do with antisemitism concerning holocaust deniers, nor does anything you have projectile vomited here have any fact or credible citation associated with it. 

Stay on the topic, not all this geyser of fucking stupidity to and fro like shitballs rolling free.

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