SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (Full Version)

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marsman -> SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 3:24:22 PM)

Peter Acworth, owner and CEO of Kink.com ... was arrested on suspicion of possessing cocaine for personal use and booked into County Jail.


muhly22222 -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 3:42:55 PM)

Seems fairly minor to me. He'll plead guilty, to a low-degree felony or perhaps a misdemeanor, he'll probably spend no time in prison, and everybody will forget about it in about 6 months.

Really, this is just a person getting busted for having drugs. It happens all the time, regardless of the person's wealth, fame, or status.

With that being said, there could be an interesting legal issue here. Without a lot more facts, I couldn't begin to answer it, though. It is possible that the search that resulted in his being found in possession of cocaine was an illegal search. A mere failure to open the door promptly (what does that mean? 2 seconds? 10 seconds? 30 seconds?) wouldn't give the police probable cause to believe a crime had been committed, and therefore the search would not have been constitutional, which means that the evidence would have to be thrown out. There aren't enough facts in the news story to say whether probable cause existed, though, so again, I don't know what the result of something like that would be.

marsman -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 4:28:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: muhly22222

Seems fairly minor to me. He'll plead guilty, to a low-degree felony or perhaps a misdemeanor, he'll probably spend no time in prison, and everybody will forget about it in about 6 months.

Really, this is just a person getting busted for having drugs. It happens all the time, regardless of the person's wealth, fame, or status.

With that being said, there could be an interesting legal issue here. Without a lot more facts, I couldn't begin to answer it, though. It is possible that the search that resulted in his being found in possession of cocaine was an illegal search. A mere failure to open the door promptly (what does that mean? 2 seconds? 10 seconds? 30 seconds?) wouldn't give the police probable cause to believe a crime had been committed, and therefore the search would not have been constitutional, which means that the evidence would have to be thrown out. There aren't enough facts in the news story to say whether probable cause existed, though, so again, I don't know what the result of something like that would be.

After re-reading the article it says that "someone reported seeing an online video of people shooting guns inside the hulking building at 14th and Mission streets".

If this is the basis for a search then it sure does sound like an illegal search.

Movie makers often "shoot guns", but these are always fake shootings.

It is ironic that the "building" in question is the old San Francisco Armory...


Lynnxz -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 4:31:24 PM)

I am 100% not surprised that the head of a major porn studeo does cocaine.

marsman -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 4:52:14 PM)



I am 100% not surprised that the head of a major porn studio does cocaine.

I agree.

But I also think it is a very bad idea for Dominants or Dungeon Masters to be using drugs or alcohol.

Notsweet -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 7:14:42 PM)

I'm shocked. Shocked to find gambling in this establishment!

LadyPact -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 8:04:00 PM)

Why did this thread suddenly remind Me of the film "Boogie Nights"?


ORIGINAL: marsman
I agree.

But I also think it is a very bad idea for Dominants or Dungeon Masters to be using drugs or alcohol.
The DM part I'll give you. However, if somebody isn't currently topping anyone, I don't see the issue.****

****Please note that I am not advocating illegal drug use.

littlewonder -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 8:34:38 PM)

Now there's a shocker.


LafayetteLady -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/12/2013 8:36:44 PM)

Well, considering he isn't a dungeon master or a dominant, but a studio owner, I really don't see the relevance.

Lynnxz -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 3:10:20 AM)

I think I'd be more shocked if he didn't.

marsman -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 5:54:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady
Well, considering he isn't a dungeon master or a dominant, but a studio owner, I really don't see the relevance.

Recently Acworth opened a full bar near his main studios.

Now he is now arrested for cocaine use.

First as the head "Dungeon Master" of kink.com, Acworth sets policy for the behavior of his employees.

Is it okay for other employees to do illegal drugs and/or alcohol while filming?

Is this a safe work environment for submissives and others working for the company?

Second I think it is a question of the public image of BDSM.

The movie industry often portrays BDSM in a way that is not consensual and violent.

Can the public now add drug addiction and drunkenness to the BDSM list?

muhly22222 -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 7:03:46 AM)


First as the head "Dungeon Master" of kink.com, Acworth sets policy for the behavior of his employees.

Is it okay for other employees to do illegal drugs and/or alcohol while filming?

Is this a safe work environment for submissives and others working for the company?

Second I think it is a question of the public image of BDSM.

The movie industry often portrays BDSM in a way that is not consensual and violent.

Can the public now add drug addiction and drunkenness to the BDSM list?

There is no indication that Acworth used cocaine while filming (if he even engages in filming anymore?) or engaging in any sort of kink; this double standard that you say is so troubling doesn't appear to be an issue. I doubt Acworth would have a problem with one of his models going home after the shoot and getting high; if he did, that would be a double standard.

Now, the public image of BDSM...maybe I'd be concerned if people from all walks of life didn't do drugs and drink. People are perfectly capable of differentiating the two. You know who else has a major drug and alcohol problem? Professional athletes...and that doesn't seem to be hurting the public image of the various sports leagues. Believe it or not, everything that is somehow related to kink will not be magically associated with BDSM's public image.

SeekingTrinity -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 9:01:34 AM)

~FRing it~

I agree with LadyPact and muhly22222. If the guy was not actively engaged in DM duties or participating at all in filming, I fail to see what the problem is aside from the fact that he was violating the law by possessing cocaine. There is a huge difference between possessing something and being under the influence of something. I have alcohol in my house, but if Im not drinking it at the time...Im not under the influence of it. Im just in possession of it. Now if he was actively participating in either filming or DM duties or the person who was actively topping in the scene that was being filmed was high as a kite or drunk off their ass, that Id have a problem with too. Same goes for the bottom in the scene.

littlewonder -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 9:35:59 AM)

He's not tainting bdsm. He's just living up to his role as a porn studio owner.

Lynnxz -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 1:36:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: marsman


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady
Well, considering he isn't a dungeon master or a dominant, but a studio owner, I really don't see the relevance.

Recently Acworth opened a full bar near his main studios.

Now he is now arrested for cocaine use.

First as the head "Dungeon Master" of kink.com, Acworth sets policy for the behavior of his employees.

Is it okay for other employees to do illegal drugs and/or alcohol while filming?

Is this a safe work environment for submissives and others working for the company?

Second I think it is a question of the public image of BDSM.

The movie industry often portrays BDSM in a way that is not consensual and violent.

Can the public now add drug addiction and drunkenness to the BDSM list?

Whoa whoa whoa.... You have a problem with him opening a BAR too? Someone in my immediate family runs several nightclubs, which also have kinky themed nights on occasion. BRB telling her she's tainting BDSM.

theRose4U -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 5:54:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Notsweet

I'm shocked. Shocked to find gambling in this establishment!

Well that is the porn secret hand shake...what do ya wanna bet new george is bigger than rick & a better lay than dave?

LafayetteLady -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/13/2013 6:46:41 PM)

Didn't you know that anything that doesn't portray BDSM as a bunch of happy, well adjusted people taints kink in the whole?

marsman -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/19/2013 9:32:20 AM)

This thread is not about me.

It is about Peter Acworth and his drug possession arrest at 14th and mission streets in San Francisco.

Just one block away is a public housing project.

Just two blocks away at 16th and mission is a BART station and a notorious area for drug dealing.

I used to be more "liberal" and thought that the drug laws were draconian and unfair.

But at my age after knowing several people who died from drug use, I now realize that arresting someone can often save their life.

SeekingTrinity -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/19/2013 2:11:21 PM)

~FRing it~

Meh, the US "War on Drugs" is largely a crock of shit sporting a Superman cape and proclaiming itself as the second savior of the world. Drug laws are draconian, punitive, and havent proven to do much of anything except growing the prison industry into the behemoth that it is. Ive been involved in the public health field dealing with drug users for over 2 years now and Ill be the first one to tell you that arresting people doesnt really do anything to save lives. Ive personally lost well over 10 clients over the past 2 years due to overdoses. Aside from addiction, want to know another common thread that tied them all together? Yep, you guessed it. All had multiple arrests/convictions for drug related crimes.

Providing those who want it (and there are many who do, but get shut out because they cant afford it) with drug treatment works. Providing them with information and ways to keep themselves safe as they possibly can (known as harm reduction) works. But arrests and convictions without viable alternatives hasnt really proven to work very well. But if your line of thinking works for you, more power to you and I wish you well.

LafayetteLady -> RE: SF porn studio head charged with cocaine (2/19/2013 3:42:03 PM)

The point is that still has nothing to do with BDSM, other than that being the type of movies the studio produced. Did getting caught with such a small amount of cocaine for personal use be the thing that sends him crying to rehab so he can work on the errors of his ways? Maybe, but I doubt it.

This thread isn't about you, however, when you make ridiculous statements like the two above, yea, you are going to get called on it. First you say he is tainting the whole of BDSM by being caught with cocaine (like it or not, safe or not, people do drink and imbibe in illegal substances when they play). Now you talk about what is nearby, yet what is nearby isn't a daycare, school or the local YMCA filled with impressionable children.

So exactly what point are you trying to make now?

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