Whip Question (Full Version)

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Slimwants -> Whip Question (5/10/2013 2:15:52 PM)

I have a question about whips. I have limited experience and knowledge about them and was asked by a member here if I used wood or metal crackers. I have only ever heard of leather and nylon. Do these exist and if they do wouldn’t they be very dangerous?

mnottertail -> RE: Whip Question (5/10/2013 2:20:56 PM)

they are hosing you.  forget it.  ain't happening.

LadyPact -> RE: Whip Question (5/10/2013 5:21:29 PM)

OP, it's a jab at your inexperience.

littleclip -> RE: Whip Question (5/10/2013 11:58:49 PM)

whips are a very imposing tool and it can cause great harm if used improperly. i have also seen a whip master use a 12ft whip on a 2 ply tissue and only break one ply. to get that level of skill there is manny hours upon hours of practice on plants stuffed animals to get there. for me i dont mind the kiss of the whip but the crack of it as i have been in combat before and flinch each time and cant get to a good space with that noise.

btm2us -> RE: Whip Question (5/29/2013 11:03:48 PM)

i agree with littleclip. start off with a small flogger. those are pretty safe and you'll "outgrow" it at some point. just go with another slightly more severe and soon you'll have a collection.

nephandi -> RE: Whip Question (6/23/2013 5:03:32 AM)


Yes wooden an metal whips exist. You have wooden canes for example who are often made of wood, and there are whips made out of chains, however both of these can do allot of damage to a person unless they are used with allot of care and skill so I do not recomend them unless you are very experienced and know how to use them safely.

I wish you well

paulio96 -> RE: Whip Question (6/23/2013 1:03:25 PM)

I was surprised how much a simple flogger hurt the first time I felt it so I'd start small...

MissDiandSirHugh -> RE: Whip Question (6/23/2013 6:20:00 PM)

you are being had and who ever asked you that was indeed haveing a go at you.
The cracker is the small piece of material at the very end of the whip that is sent through the air and not the handle it can be made of nylon or a good thing to use is horse hair as well as many other materials, it cracks because it breaks the sound barrier.

nephandi -> RE: Whip Question (6/24/2013 1:25:44 AM)


Well it could be that the person in question just did not know about the terminology and was thinking about the entire whip. I mean I do not know how many I know who call their entire computer the hard drive. Yes I agree the original poster was most likely being had, but it could be someone who meant the entire whip as well.

I wish you well

hrxxx -> RE: Whip Question (6/29/2013 11:46:32 AM)


wood or metal crackers

I've seen one make whips of steel wire with nylon, but I would not regard it as particularly safe, but some like it hard than others, just not my thing.

MasterCaneman -> RE: Whip Question (6/29/2013 1:45:49 PM)

I'm not a big fan of impact play, but I can make my whip sing when needed. Beware the wood and metal crackers-they're for profession whip-cracking contests (duh). They can and will do lasting damage to your hide in the hands of an amateur, semi-amateur, or dyed-in-the-wool sociopath. Soft leather or horsehair only. Start with a small one and low speeds and work your way up, and inspect it before use. Sometimes the leather gets nicked up and "grows teeth",little triangular bits that stick up. I use an emery board to smooth them out. Saddle soap and conditioner will soften them up, but if you can, get one that's seen some action beforehand. It won't be as stiff and if the maker applied varnish or sealer to make it prettier in the package it'll have worn off by then.

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