the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (Full Version)

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kiyari -> the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/10/2013 9:01:35 PM)

This guy Ariel Castro
picked young women/teens off the street
and held them as sex slaves with a great dollop of sadism.

Yea, mebbe he did not overtly identify with S/m or Gor...yet he was living a BDSM fantasy, in a way.

Do por favor opine

littleclip -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/11/2013 12:50:45 AM)

fantasy at least but the bdsm lifestyle is chosen by the participants the girls did not chose that and it shos as a black eye on the lifestyle
just clip

littleclip -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/13/2013 9:20:10 PM)

in the news today the psych analist said he was sexualy sadistic and followed that it was a bad part of him i knew it would not be long befoer the lifestyle began hearing about this guy

ShadowsSon -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/14/2013 7:04:46 PM)

Yes he did, although it ruins it knowing he started with children.

sexyred1 -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/15/2013 12:49:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: kiyari

This guy Ariel Castro
picked young women/teens off the street
and held them as sex slaves with a great dollop of sadism.

Yea, mebbe he did not overtly identify with S/m or Gor...yet he was living a BDSM fantasy, in a way.

Do por favor opine

No, this was not consensual, that is the difference and to even suggest that is abhorrent.

takendownanotch -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/15/2013 3:49:54 PM)

No, what's abhorrent is that you, someone who's still mentally healthy enough to be able to distinguish between consent and non-consent, find situations that can only come about as a result of non-consent sexually arousing (and are proud of that fact).

The only difference between Ariel Castro and someone who wants to play his role in a recreation of his actions is that Castro accepted who he was at root, and acted upon it. If there's a difference between a literal sadist kidnapper and a rapist and just a make believe one (and I recognize that there is), that is what that person should be celebrating (and trying to make his essence) through sexual experiences. Not his similarities to the real thing.

sexyred1 -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/15/2013 10:21:08 PM)

Are you stupid or just lacking reading comprehension?

I have no idea where you got any idea that I, personally, could find a disgustingly evil non consensual situation as the kidnapping to be arousing.

You should stay away from posting if you do not understand the answers you receive or ask for clarification.

I thought I was crystal clear that I found that criminal behavior to abhorrent and found your suggestion that he was living out a BDSM fantasy to be abhorrent.

ResidentSadist -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/16/2013 7:35:39 AM)

That is one whack job of an OP you got there.

Dollop: “small amount of something”

I do not think beating someone until you kill the baby and catching a murder charge for it constitutes the definition of a dollop. What would you consider a moderate amount . . . is mass murder mildly sadistic and the holocaust fairly sadistic?

Sadism in the BDSM context is paraphilia, someone who pairs well with a masochist. As consent is the difference between sex and rape, so it goes with sexual sadism and sadistic personality disorder. You know, spanking or torturing someone that likes to be spanked or tortured. I don’t think he kidnapped three masochists that liked to beaten until their babies died, so it wasn’t BDSM in anyway shape or form.

I have yet to see an indication of sadistic personality disorder, like pulling wings off of flies and torturing cats when you grow up. I see nothing about him torturing the girls for his own pleasure. He did it to control them and/or to cause miscarriages. He was a whack job, not a sadist.

Fortunately for us in the lifestyle, not even the drama thirsty dogs in the media, that will look for anything to help spice up a story, made a BDSM association in their reports. Seriously, he kidnapped young and underage girls, starved them to get compliance and beat them when they pregnant to cause miscarriages. I cannot believe you thought your OP through very well.

Did you think Hitler was living a BDSM fantasy?

SeekingTrinity -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/16/2013 7:58:19 AM)

~FRing it~

OP, I frankly do not agree at all with the link you made between BDSM and what that sick fuck in Ohio did. There is a night and day difference between the consent an adult submissive gives to a dominant and the NON-CONSENTUAL kidnapping/abuse/sexual assault/torture of teenaged girls as Castro is accused of doing. What he did is in no way BDSM!

Malkinius -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/17/2013 10:52:07 PM)

When the OP started this thread, most of what we now know had not yet come out. All we heard about were ropes and chains and girls kept for sex. I think we can all see that if you just heard that, you would make a possible BDSM connection. As we have found out more, we have a better idea what happened and to some extent why. Yes, a very sick man abused 3 women for years because of his own need for sex and control. He used abuse and restraints for control with some mind games thrown in to reinforce them. The same mind games he had been doing with his family.


Powergamz1 -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/17/2013 11:04:43 PM)

The notion of an overlap is about as rational as saying that serial killers are part of the military re-enactment 'community'.

njlauren -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/19/2013 4:15:58 PM)

I am amazed that no one is saying this is BD/SM related, at least in rags like the NY Post and such, but they haven't. Maybe we have grown up and realized the difference between abduction and consensual sexuality, I have heard no one discussing the case saying anything but the guy was a sick piece of shit. I personally don't believe his family didn't know, I just can't believe he was that good at covering it up.....I could be wrong, but it didn't sound like he was that isolated.

mons -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/24/2013 7:22:14 AM)

This monster is no way BDSM man what he did was to make one woman lose her face, she was beaten so
bad she will need, this give me nightmare for weeks, I do not understand this type of animal!

If anyone believes he did this with anyone who was willing,is nuts then they were children and he kept them this way,
he rip duct tape from their faces and hair he pull skin as he did this!

No he is no a part of our lifestyle everyone, no children no one who is not willingly is ever taken!!!!!!

I am sick to think he has put a black mark on this lifestyle by acting out his monster ways on innocent children!
They will be forever stuck in that mind set of when they were taken by him, I never take a ride from anyone, even now!!!

GoddessLily6 -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/29/2013 1:10:12 AM)

This was not BDSM. BDSM is about being safe and consensual, those girls DID NOT consent. Simple as that.

Moonlightmaddnes -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (5/29/2013 5:05:44 PM)

How can anyone think this has anything to do with BDSM? I have stayed away from news reports on this simply because what I heard people talking about was bad enough. Those poor girls :( I heard they were just teenagers. I never even thought this was any closer to kink then when I hear an amber alert. From what I heard one was assumed to have run away and her family was not even looking for her. It is so heartbreaking thinking of the years of torture they endured. I hope they somehow heal from this and have a happy life now.

Kana -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (6/2/2013 10:16:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: GoddessLily6

This was not BDSM. BDSM is about being safe and consensual

It is?

Powergamz1 -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (6/2/2013 3:23:09 PM)

Only if you have an aversion to close spaces, like prison cells.



ORIGINAL: GoddessLily6

This was not BDSM. BDSM is about being safe and consensual

It is?

littlewonder -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (6/2/2013 4:09:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Powergamz1

Only if you have an aversion to close spaces, like prison cells.



ORIGINAL: GoddessLily6

This was not BDSM. BDSM is about being safe and consensual

It is?

I dunno-not everyone follows SSC ya know...

tj444 -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (6/2/2013 4:28:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: kiyari

This guy Ariel Castro
picked young women/teens off the street
and held them as sex slaves with a great dollop of sadism.

Yea, mebbe he did not overtly identify with S/m or Gor...yet he was living a BDSM fantasy, in a way.

Do por favor opine

when did starving & beating the crap outta a child you raped and got pregnant at least 5 times to abort your babies become part of the bdsm fantasy?

eta- these were not women off the street, they were friends of his kids and he targeted them (at least 2 of them).. do you got kids? planning on having any? how would you like if your child was stolen away from you by the father of one of her friends?

ShockTherapy -> RE: the Cleveland Abduction (current) Incident (6/2/2013 4:34:59 PM)

Since people turned into idiots is when. hell I've talked to girls (read slaves) who want their next home to be their last to the point of their Owners killing them. People have honestly become so stupid and "extreme" it's ridiculous. Bunch a fuckin nutjobs if you ask me. And then to top that off the admin's have the audacity to cop an attitude if we cut on anybody's kinks. There's kinks and then there's fucked up bullshit. I wish they'd learn the difference.

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