Forbidden or Just Hidden? (Full Version)

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2obeyU -> Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/13/2004 3:40:39 AM)

From the dawn of civilization, and no doubt before, slave owners have known that eunuchs are more docile and malleable -- and far less desirous of their own sexual gratification -- than men who’ve not been castrated. Yet I’ve not found even one prospective slave owner, on CollarMe, who mentions castration as something she wants to do; nor is it included in the automatically generated list of interests that the site provides.


The surgery is not illegal. A web search will turn up several American doctors who perform the procedure, at least one of them without requiring references from a mental health or other professional. I’d be surprised if there are not other surgeons – and perhaps veterinarians and even registered nurses with operating room experience – who would do the cutting if the price were right.

Are there no mistresses who appreciate the advantages of owning a castrated slave?

For my part, other things being roughly equal, I’d choose a mistress who wanted me “docile and malleable” over one who merely wanted to whip me every time I stepped out of line.

Sylverdawn -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/13/2004 5:34:18 AM)

For me its not that... A it is an incredible radical choice to make.. kind of no like you can say dang I want those babies back... or B. that its about wish fulfillment for the sub not the Mistress.. or even C that it will cause a male body to become more fem over time and I dont like girls.. is simply D.. I LOVE TO PLAY WITH NUTS!!!.... cock and ball torture is to much freakin fun to give up!!!.

MaitresseEden -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/13/2004 7:55:37 AM)

Why would we want to punish ourselves in the process? Why deprive us of something that we enjoy. What you are describing is giving a sub/slave what they want for thier gratification. Most Mistress's won't do that. I enjoy sex, I enjoy CBT, I enjoy more than thing seeing the male wrestle against their own internal desire and submit mentally as well as physically. Castration would remove that element. It alls boils down this: Why should I deprive myself f something that I enjoy so that you can have it easier?


LadyAngelika -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/13/2004 8:53:06 AM)


Are there no mistresses who appreciate the advantages of owning a castrated slave?

I actually prefer them to be very well endowded. How else will they service my "every" need ;)

My image of the perfect sub boy is more like a doberman then a lap dog.

- LA

MistressFire70 -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/13/2004 9:50:40 AM)

I have run into a similar situation where the man wanted to be "forced" into being a woman using estrogen injections and such then, finally, being "forced" to have the surgery. It seemed to me that he was just looking for someone to take the responsibility for his own mental health from him. Life altering decisions, such as castration and gender change, are complex issues where emotional and mental states MUST be considered. It’s just not like a tattoo or a piercing that can be undone, albeit with some work. For me, when it comes to life-altering decisions, it’s not completely up to me, the Master, to decide. Yes, my decision is final, but I’m not going to force you into a life altering decision if you are vehemently opposed to it. That would be damaging to you and if you are damaged good, I don’t get your full loyalty and devotion nor do I get you at your best where I have the use of your full abilities.

My question to you would be: if you desire to serve as a eunuch, why not take it on yourself to have the surgery? Why do you need a Master to tell you to do this? If it means THAT much to you, take it upon yourself. Then, the one you find to serve is truly the one who would accept you in the role you have chosen for yourself. They would value you for YOU. Many subs and slaves I run across say, “I’ll be who you want me to be.” Well, this only works until you’re so depressed at being repressed that you either break down or must be removed from the relationship. What they need to be saying is “This is who I am. I must have you appreciate that in order to serve effectively.” You must be true to yourself first. Only then are you fit to serve another.

I, for one, would welcome the service of a non-sexual person. Right now, I am looking for more of a service oriented slave rather than a sex slave. Does that mean I wouldn’t have a sex slave, given the right circumstances? No. But I am more apt to be poly, having several subs and slaves, each having a specific set of duties.


MiladyElaine -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/13/2004 3:50:58 PM)

Amen Sister![&:] Be true to yourself first!

BeachMystress -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/14/2004 12:41:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

My image of the perfect sub boy is more like a doberman then a lap dog.

Oh yes! What is the fun of someone so pliable that they are anyone's meat? Their surrender to me is meaningless then. I want someone who is a tiger with the rest of the world and has learned to be a pussy cat for me.

2obeyU -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 1:00:41 AM)

I’ve read the responses with interest. Each is certainly valid from its writer’s perspective. My comments:

1. I am not eager – and I would not ask – to be castrated. When or if I am enslaved, I would consent to castration if my mistress/owner wanted me neutered – and if my consent was required. The reasons I suspect she might are explained in my original post.

2. I have no wish whatever to be feminized, much less to become a “woman” (an impossibility even with sexual reassignment surgery). The purpose of castration would be to achieve those goals by slashing the amount of testosterone my body produces.

3. In my career I was ambitious and ruthlessly competitive. Steady discipline and punishment when merited might rein those qualities sufficiently to make me a useful slave. Or they might not. If they didn’t, my mistress/owner might or might not see castration as a way to mold me into what she wants.

4. My ideal mistress/owner would be an exuberant sadist. If she enjoyed torturing testicles more than having an entirely submissive slave – and if those were her alternatives – then of course I’d expect, and want, to remain whole. (Alas, in scouring CollarMe, I’ve found only two dominant women who seem “exuberantly” sadistic.)

5. I’m surprised that so many dominant women on CollarMe want a submissive or slave with whom they can experience intercourse. All my BDSM sessions have been with prodommes. Only one has permitted any sort of sexual pleasuring. That said, I’d point out that castration does not necessarily render a man incapable of erections.

6. My surprise also reflects my recognition that – however aggressive a woman may be – the acts of penetration and pounding are inherently dominating; and being penetrated and pounded is equally submissive. Even so strident a feminist as Camille Paglia has acknowledged, however ruefully, that most women love having their wrists held or tied above their heads during coitus. That is surely a manifestation of submissiveness.

7. Though one is primarily a means of obtaining money through sex and the other is not, I see parallels between prostitution and slavery. A whore “chooses” her pimp, just as a slave chooses his/her owner (assuming, in both cases, that the dominant one wants to control the other). In choosing, the whore or slave looks for qualities s/he wants in a pimp or owner. S/He may even set conditions under which s/he will serve – though once a whore is “copped” or a submissive is enslaved, the pimp or owner will do as s/he sees fit. Finally, both whores and slaves may be sold, traded, or given – or rented or lent – to other people; and they may also be set free.

8. All the same, the differences between prostitution and slavery are greater than the similarities. A whore does not sign a contract; a slave does – or should. A whore can easily escape, even if only to the stable of another pimp; a slave’s contract should provide sanctions for attempted escape or for the aftermath of her/his recapture or voluntary return. A whore may be mutilated, but usually only as punishment; a slave can be bonded to her/his owner in rites that include body modification: brandings, tattoos, and piercings as well as castration and other amputations.

LadyBadger -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 2:24:08 AM)

in my understanding of the nature of life, relationships, etc. is that nothing is forever (except death & taxes - LOL!)... extreme body mods may be enticing as a fantasy or in the moment, but if seriously considered, need to be understood as irreversible with potential unforeseen consequences...

castration will have effects beyond the bedroom or personal relationship... you describe yourself as "ambitious and ruthlessly competitive"... unless you are looking to change careers or independently wealthy (or seeking same) and/or looking for a live-in 24/7 situation, reduction of testosterone may have undesireable effects in your career... while reducing testosterone levels will NOT negate what you've learned (knowledge, habits, mannerisms, etc.), I would think it would reduce the drive/push that has made you who/what you are today...

just a thought...

as for "exuberantly sadistic", I like that description... ::grin:: it's refreshing to notice a male sub/slave who is NOT expecting a physically sexual experience... in my play, *I'm* the one who does the touching...

I like how you write/think...

LadyAngelika -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 5:06:29 AM)



I’ve read the responses with interest. Each is certainly valid from its writer’s perspective. My comments:

1. I am not eager – and I would not ask – to be castrated. When or if I am enslaved, I would consent to castration if my mistress/owner wanted me neutered – and if my consent was required. The reasons I suspect she might are explained in my original post.

As LadyBadger pointed out, nothing is guaranteed in life (except death, taxes and spam!). Just looking at the rate of divorce in your country and mine, I figure there are a whole lot of people who made the promise of “till death do us part” and later changed their mind about that one. Realise that if you let yourself be castrated, you’ll be giving up a whole lot more then words.

2. I have no wish whatever to be feminized, much less to become a “woman” (an impossibility even with sexual reassignment surgery). The purpose of castration would be to achieve those goals by slashing the amount of testosterone my body produces.

Why is it that you consider becoming a woman an impossibility. Do you mean for yourself or in general? If you meant for yourself, no problem as you know yourself better then anyone here. But there have been many people who have been successful with the process.

3. In my career I was ambitious and ruthlessly competitive. Steady discipline and punishment when merited might rein those qualities sufficiently to make me a useful slave. Or they might not. If they didn’t, my mistress/owner might or might not see castration as a way to mold me into what she wants.

There are less drastic and safer ways to mould someone. I have had male subs who never serviced me sexually and even put chastity devices on them to make it very painful for them if they did get erections. That was edgy for them and drove the message home.

4. My ideal mistress/owner would be an exuberant sadist. If she enjoyed torturing testicles more than having an entirely submissive slave – and if those were her alternatives – then of course I’d expect, and want, to remain whole. (Alas, in scouring CollarMe, I’ve found only two dominant women who seem “exuberantly” sadistic.)

Trust me, there are a whole lot more of us then you think ;)

5. I’m surprised that so many dominant women on CollarMe want a submissive or slave with whom they can experience intercourse. All my BDSM sessions have been with prodommes. Only one has permitted any sort of sexual pleasuring. That said, I’d point out that castration does not necessarily render a man incapable of erections.

Check out the thread on Dommes and penetration.

6. My surprise also reflects my recognition that – however aggressive a woman may be – the acts of penetration and pounding are inherently dominating; and being penetrated and pounded is equally submissive. Even so strident a feminist as Camille Paglia has acknowledged, however ruefully, that most women love having their wrists held or tied above their heads during coitus. That is surely a manifestation of submissiveness.

That is such a black and white way of seeing the world… next you’ll tell me that if I have a man’s cock in my mouth I’m submitting to him.
Domination and submission are states of mind boy…

7. Though one is primarily a means of obtaining money through sex and the other is not, I see parallels between prostitution and slavery. A whore “chooses” her pimp, just as a slave chooses his/her owner (assuming, in both cases, that the dominant one wants to control the other). In choosing, the whore or slave looks for qualities s/he wants in a pimp or owner. S/He may even set conditions under which s/he will serve – though once a whore is “copped” or a submissive is enslaved, the pimp or owner will do as s/he sees fit. Finally, both whores and slaves may be sold, traded, or given – or rented or lent – to other people; and they may also be set free.

First of all, I find it highly unlikely that a prostitute “chooses” her pimp. If a prostitute had her own choice, she’d be self-employed or in another field all together.
Insofar as your information regarding the selling and trading of slaves and whores, I think you will find that in the Western world, it is not a common BDSM practice to do so (I’m not saying it is never done, I’m just saying that it isn’t common.)

8. All the same, the differences between prostitution and slavery are greater than the similarities. A whore does not sign a contract; a slave does – or should. A whore can easily escape, even if only to the stable of another pimp; a slave’s contract should provide sanctions for attempted escape or for the aftermath of her/his recapture or voluntary return. A whore may be mutilated, but usually only as punishment; a slave can be bonded to her/his owner in rites that include body modification: brandings, tattoos, and piercings as well as castration and other amputations.

See my comments to point #7.

2obeyU… you seem to have some extreme desires (from your post here and from reading your profile). I don’t judge you for them but do realise that even in this marginalised society, you seem to push things one step further then most. That doesn’t make more or less “true” or “real”, just more extreme. And in the end, if it makes you happy, more power to you ;)

- LA

UtahGoddess -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 6:34:47 AM)


For my part, other things being roughly equal, I’d choose a mistress who wanted me “docile and malleable” over one who merely wanted to whip me every time I stepped out of line.

And for me....

I want to inspire a slave to choose my will over his own. I want his service to me an active decision. In his internal (and external) struggle with his desire to comply to my desires, his submission is deepened and honed. His personal reflection, his failings, his amends, his internal battle with his own will, his pleasure and his pain, his love and ego ..... are all facets of my slave I value.

For me there would be little value in the submission from a boy who was chemically/physically altered to be "easier". For ir is not so much the things he does willingly and flawlessly that endear him to me, so much as it is in his effort to keep his place when things are challenging.

I suppose that's why diamonds are more valuable than the coal from which they are born. Diamonds, like swords, are born from heat and stress.

As for the latter.....I would be unhappy with a boy who needed me to whip him for getting out of line. I prefer to whip him for towing the line. <winks>

My $.02

Ms Sandi

perverseangelic -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 8:29:04 AM)

I'm sorry for posting on this topic, but this quote--


6. My surprise also reflects my recognition that – however aggressive a woman may be – the acts of penetration and pounding are inherently dominating; and being penetrated and pounded is equally submissive. Even so strident a feminist as Camille Paglia has acknowledged, however ruefully, that most women love having their wrists held or tied above their heads during coitus. That is surely a manifestation of submissiveness.

--moved me to do so.

All of that is enjoyment of a -sex act-. IMHO, those sex acts which one enjoys are -not- indicative of -anything- except that an individual enjoys that act.

Men who enjoy anal sex aren't inherantly gay. Women who enjoy penetrating men aren't inherantly dominant. Women who enjoy being peentrated aren't inherantly submissive. All of those are just acts which bring physical senseation.

In my mind, sexual orientation, role, or anything else beyond simple, physical feelings, is first mental- that is, one thinks of ones self as a given orientation. Within that self-identificaton, behaviors and practices vary. There isn't -one- way to be sumbmissive, or hetero, or pansexual.

I think that believing that given acts, and enjoyment of them, somehow tell about someone's identification is a flawed idea.

LadyAngelika -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 2:51:25 PM)


All of that is enjoyment of a -sex act-. IMHO, those sex acts which one enjoys are -not- indicative of -anything- except that an individual enjoys that act.

I want to quote something that MizSuz wrote in another thread



I like to fuck. I even like the missionary position a lot (although it's not my favorite). Anatomically I am built in such a way that, believe it or not, doggy style is usually most satisfying for me. How's THAT for a vision of "non-dominance"?

If I am sexually intimate with my property it is because it is what pleases me. I happen to like very rough, animalistic sex (giving and receiving). I see no conflict with my dominance in this. It's what I enjoy and as the dominant it is my prerogative to dictate and even make demands regarding how my enjoyment will be manifested, and what form that will take.


Food for thought - If we concern ourselves over much with whether or not our pleasure meets someone else's notion of 'dominant' are we not conforming to the BDSM 'norm' and thereby negating (or at least compromising on) not only our non-conformist ideals but also our dominance? For me this is truth.

I need NO ONE'S permission to be the glorious slut that I am, as I see fit.

Ok... am I the only missing MizSuz's posts right about now?

- LA

stef -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 3:29:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

Ok... am I the only missing MizSuz's posts right about now?



topcat -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 4:39:23 PM)


Ok... am I the only missing MizSuz's posts right about now?

Yeah- Me three...

perverseangelic -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/15/2004 5:27:51 PM)


She put it better than I did, anyway.

Sundew02 -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/16/2004 1:24:37 AM)

For me the answer is simple, I love to touch and control a male. The fact that he can and does WANT to be controlled should be a part of his makeup. If I wanted a female (nutless) slave I would advert for one. Yes, you can have a male deballed, now you have the issues of body changes; softening of muscles, and loss of body hair, etc. And like every female dominant I know I would be without the use of one important part of owning a MALE slave. No thanks. Sundew

MistressFire70 -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (11/22/2004 7:49:58 PM)



6. My surprise also reflects my recognition that – however aggressive a woman may be – the acts of penetration and pounding are inherently dominating; and being penetrated and pounded is equally submissive. Even so strident a feminist as Camille Paglia has acknowledged, however ruefully, that most women love having their wrists held or tied above their heads during coitus. That is surely a manifestation of submissiveness.

Sooooo...according to this logic, if I tie your balls to the doorknob and THEN have you pound into me, experiencing excruciating pain with every movement while I experience pleasure, this is a submissive act on MY part and a Dominant act on YOUR part just because YOU happen to be doing the pounding?

Or how about if I have you pound into me, getting me off again and again and then you get put up hard and wet? Is THAT still me submissive and you Dominant?

How about the concept that I'm just making you do all the work, with or without pain, because I plain old want to get fucked hard without all that work on my part?

Being Dominant isn’t about being on top or in back; being submissive isn’t about being on the bottom or in front. Hell, it isn’t even ABOUT sex to a lot of us.


MizSuz -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (12/22/2004 1:39:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

I want to quote something that MizSuz wrote in another thread



I need NO ONE'S permission to be the glorious slut that I am, as I see fit.

Ok... am I the only missing MizSuz's posts right about now?

- LA

How very kind of you to think of me and to say so! The same for everyone else who was kind enough to speak up. I'm quite touched (these days literally).

As to the original poster (who may or may not be still following this thread), I certainly hope that you are not using the ads alone to determine the quantity of women on this site who are 'exuberantly sadistic' because if you are you are overlooking a lot of quality women. It would also mean that you're basing your assumptions on false data.

In your numbered dissertation you made a number of statements put forth as fact; I have no problem with most of them as you seemed to be enumerating your own reality (although I wouldn't agree with most of them for myself). One of them (#6), however, I take issue with. You say:

"6. My surprise also reflects my recognition that – however aggressive a woman may be – the acts of penetration and pounding are inherently dominating; and being penetrated and pounded is equally submissive. Even so strident a feminist as Camille Paglia has acknowledged, however ruefully, that most women love having their wrists held or tied above their heads during coitus. That is surely a manifestation of submissiveness. "

You are operating from the assumption that sado-masochism is also inherently Dominant/ submissive. It's a false premise that skews your (and others') conclusions. It is not at all uncommon for someone who is a sensation player to be into extremes as both giver and receiver - and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with D/s (although it can also manifest there). As I have previously suggested on these boards, I prefer a tiger who knows when to cave. Their struggle with their free will is what sends me. The notion that they willingly give to me what is so difficult they would give to no other. The same can be said for my sex. I like the storm, I like the eye of the storm, and I like the fresh, clean aftermath. For those looking for docile servants - I believe Honda recently debuted a robot that can even run.

Your experience extends to two sessions, one was with a hooker with a whip (no judgment, just calling it the way you described it). My suggestion would be to take that ambition and competitive streak you profess to have and channel it into getting more r/t experience before you make such definitive statements about other people.

I bet you'll find that the more you're exposed to the LESS you'll know about other people's kink, which is as it should be. You may also find that your new-found lack of assumptions is quite attractive to the discerning woman (who may be the kind who doesn't place ads - instead preferring forums where she can get to know someone a bit before bothering with mechanics of it all).

As to the efficacy of castration as a means to create docility - that hasn't been empirically proven in adult males although there is much written about the eventual effects of castration on pre-pubescent males. Even these writings were from long ago (it's my understanding that the last 'castrati' singer, Giovanni Velutti, retired in the mid 1800s). As you say, in adult males the loss of the testicles doesn't mean erection isn't possible, or so it's been written. However, I wouldn't ask this of anyone. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't ask for body mods, I have and do. It means that I have no interest irrevocable modifications that COULD result in my NOT desiring the property. To quote a former submissive of mine who received a prince albert piercing at my request, when asked if he would take the piercing out after leaving my service, "Why would I take it out??? It'd be like removing an option. You wouldn't take a sunroof out of a car, would you???"

Good luck in your search.

sting516 -> RE: Forbidden or Just Hidden? (12/22/2004 3:01:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: MaitresseEden

Why would we want to punish ourselves in the process? Why deprive us of something that we enjoy. What you are describing is giving a sub/slave what they want for thier gratification. Most Mistress's won't do that. I enjoy sex, I enjoy CBT, I enjoy more than thing seeing the male wrestle against their own internal desire and submit mentally as well as physically. Castration would remove that element. It alls boils down this: Why should I deprive myself f something that I enjoy so that you can have it easier?


The struggle against one's own nature is one of the things that excites me the most about the past, on other threads i'd spoken of enjoying forced bi, and being made to lick cum from the Mistress...for me, the excitement of this is that i'm submitting my own natural desires for the pleasure of the Owner.

That said...when i read of things such as extreme feminization or castration, it's something i find interesting...would i want to be castrated, it's against my nature...though the knowledge it might happen..or at least knowing that the Domme might want that for me is arousing...though i've found i can be aroused by a good many things...guess that makes a pervert out of me!!! LOL


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