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topofthehill -> Full Circle (8/3/2013 5:00:45 PM)

My positive experience of actually meeting someone from CollarMe.com happened about six or seven years ago (sorry, my perception of time is rather fluid and the further things go back the less clear I am on when they happened!)

Previous to that I had several long-term D/s relationships but with women who just happened to be into what I was into and did not identify themselves as submissive nor were part of the D/s or BSDM community.

After a period of floundering I accepted that D/s was part of my life, started studying BDSM and going to munches. I met some very interesting people and learned even more by having great conversations, but still didn’t meet anyone that I connected with in an intimate way.

I decided to post a personals ad that was specific to my core needs and found CollarMe. I answered some ads and continued to tweak my own for a while and one day there was an e-mail in my box from a woman I had written to.

After we had exchanged a few e-mails she met me at a local coffee shop. I really enjoyed her company, though I got the sense that she had been flooded with responses and was meeting as many people as she could. She already had a boyfriend who she described as being rather sexually disinterested in her which put me off because I had this idea that I would find “the one.” Her having a boyfriend seemed to negate that preconception. Our conversation was pleasant and after a few hours we parted company. I went home thinking ‘well, that was nice, I hope I can keep doing things like that till I meet someone.’

She wrote me an e-mail that evening telling me more of what she was into which certainly jived with me (and I told her as much). I wrote her back with some ideas of my own with the thought that it was enjoyable at least to have someone to correspond with that was into similar things. The next day she called me and wanted to get together.

What followed was an encounter more erotic and intense than anything I had previously experienced; after that we started seeing one another on a regular basis. She took me to the Citadel in San Francisco where I met more great people, the beginning of what was probably my most active year in terms of D/s.

Unfortunately her exploration took her beyond what I could offer (namely she developed a taste for suspension which I had neither the space nor expertise to offer her) so we drifted apart. After a time she moved away and I lost contact with her.

So, after a long hiatus of soul searching, inertia, and a very unsatisfying sexual relationship, I’ve returned full circle and posted yet again. This time though, I’ve decided to join the message board community (I’m still shy but not nearly as much as I was when I first was here.)

Anyway, that was my positive experience of meeting someone here.

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