Ear Infections (Full Version)

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siamsa24 -> Ear Infections (11/16/2004 5:14:58 AM)

This has to do with health, but not really with BDSM so if it is in the wrong place please let me know.
I get ear infections about 6 to 10 times a year, this is not only painful, but inconveniant as well (it also causes all kinds of problems in my dancing ability, but that's another topic). Is there a way that I can prevent these ear infections? I wear a hat when it is cold out and I never go out with wet hair. I stopped swimming [:(], but nothing seems to have helped. The doctors that I have gone to can't give my any good advice except for what I am already doing. Can anyone here help me out?

velvetvixen -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 6:54:55 AM)

Well, I have had ear and sinus problems for my entire life, getting rid of one or the other and within weeks it seems starting all over again. As a child I had 4 or 5 sets of ear tubes but once I reached 16 or 17 I didn't have them replaced and they were never mentioned again, even though the ear infections didn't stop. I just assumed I had to live with it forever.

About 4 years ago a new ENT came into town and I went to see him, just to see if he had any new thoughts. I ended up having both nasal and sinus reconstruction which did resolve the sinus problems. He also implanted "permenant" ear tubes, which will last 5-7 years. I have had those about 3 years now and have not had one ear infection and I have been swimming AND dancing--[:D]

Before he put the perm tubes in, I let him but the type like children get, the ones that fall out after 10-12 months, just to see if tubes were the solution, and they were. He put the temporary tubes in duing an office visit, which hurt like hell, but no anesthesia and no down time. The permenant ones are sewn in, so you do have to have those put in under general anesthesia.

If you want to ask me more about this, email me.

Good luck, once you get those ear infections resolved, life is so much better.

Destinysskeins -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 8:05:42 AM)


Thank you for posting this, siamsa! i've recently developed the first ear infection of my life (which after reading your post makes me appreciate the fact that i've made it 26 years without one!!). i'm currently on antibiotics to treat it but would greatly appreciate any home remedies for easing the symptoms that you or any others might be able to contribute! Wish i could offer some assistance for your chronic problems with this but unfortunately i'm lost trying to combate this simple, acute infection. [:@]

Well wishes!

siamsa24 -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 8:22:31 AM)

I would do this, but without health coverage that gets too expensive. Maybe when I can afford health insurance (or get poor enough for Medicaid again) I will be able to have it done, but until then I have to use cheaper ways to manage my infections

siamsa24 -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 8:24:54 AM)

I tend to use a hot water bottle held against my ear, sometimes that helps ease the pressure. Sometimes, if there is not a hot water bottle available, I will pull on my ear (pull it away from my head) and that sometimes eases the pressure.
I hope that helps

Yankeestick -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 8:29:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: siamsa24

This has to do with health, but not really with BDSM so if it is in the wrong place please let me know.
I get ear infections about 6 to 10 times a year, this is not only painful, but inconveniant as well (it also causes all kinds of problems in my dancing ability, but that's another topic). Is there a way that I can prevent these ear infections? I wear a hat when it is cold out and I never go out with wet hair. I stopped swimming [:(], but nothing seems to have helped. The doctors that I have gone to can't give my any good advice except for what I am already doing. Can anyone here help me out?

You might try an energy baded medicine approach, like Reiki. There also could be diet/body chemistry issues involved (and I am NOT a person who could get more specific than that in this area.)

I probably don't need to tell you, but with energetic/alternative therapies YMMV - bigtime.

Good luck -


Sundew02 -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 12:05:26 PM)

Hello, After suffering massive ear infections for years they have finally stopped. Dr. talk normally to me until they look in my ears then they start to shout at me, laughing. They see all the scar tissue in my ears and think I am deaf!!! Anyway some home remedies that might and I mean might help. Buy some baking potatoes and nuke or bake, the wrap the hot spud in a thin towel and hold to ear until it is just warm, many times this will temporarily kill the pain, and you have food to eat! The chewing action following the heat sometimes helps work some of the infection out of your ears. Also warm sweet oil, you can buy Over The Counter, just put a few drops in the ear or ears that hurt, it should reduce the pain. I heard the last part of an advert that mentioned a new product OTC that is suppose to help or prevent ear infections, unfortunantely I did not hear the name of the product. Most people that get repeat ear infections have short tubes that lead from their ear to the back of their throat, so blowing your nose carefuly, and making sure you take care of colds and use decongestants can help prevent another round of infections. Drink lots of warm liquids that also will help clear the tubes. I hope this helps. Take care, Sundew

INSIDEYOURMIND -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 3:28:00 PM)

I too have suffered all my life with bad ear infections, typically it is a signal that something else could be wrong.
I am a diabetic, which increases my chances of getting infections, and increasing the severity as well.
When my ears are really bad, (more often than I would like) I use a solution called Acetasol. It is a combination of Hydrocortizone, and Acetic acid, it has and continues to be very effective.
My ear DR, also has suggested cotton balls with vaseline in my ears during showers, the key is to keep your ears as dry as possible, and keep Q tips out of the ear canal.

TaurusMCMLVIII -> RE: Ear Infections (11/16/2004 9:46:47 PM)


The doctors that I have gone to can't give my any good advice except for what I am already doing.

I am surprised that the doctors haven't mention ear tubes. These are common in children who have chronic ear infections. I suggest getting a good recommendation for a specialist in your area. He should have suggestions for other solutions that may be less invasive.

Katriina73 -> RE: Ear Infections (11/17/2004 6:33:43 AM)

I don't know if this will work, but it has worked in the past for my Husband, my mom and my sister, and was especially great for removing ear wax. My mom swore by them, and it did wonders for her when she had a sinus infection............It is a product called ear candles. It is a long, linen cone that has been dipped in wax. The candle is slid into a paper plate with a hole cut into it, and placed in the ear. Then the end is lit, and the smoke creates a vacuum, which sucks out any debris in the ear. They usually come with an instruction sheet too, so it makes them easy to use. It really only works if you have a friend to help you out with the process.
Sounds strange but I have seen it work many times in my family. You can buy them at health food stores, and they cost only a few dollars a pair. Hope this helps, and take care of that ear!


siamsa24 -> RE: Ear Infections (11/17/2004 10:34:20 AM)

Again, I have no health care coverage. I go to free clinics whenever the pain gets to be too much for me. In these clinics there are no specialists and they don't have a copy of your medical records, they just go off of what you tell them. If specialists ever start free clinics believe me, I will be the first in line.

Thank you all for your wonderful at-home adivce. I will be sure to try them.

Destinysskeins -> RE: Ear Infections (12/7/2004 10:58:16 AM)


i found another little tidbit that might help you...

After showering, bathing (or anything else that might get water in your ear) use a hair dryer set on the lowest setting to dry out the ear thoroughly. This helped in my instance (swimmer's ear type of infection) and was directed to me by a doctor.

Hope this helps!

siamsa24 -> RE: Ear Infections (12/7/2004 11:33:51 AM)

Thank you, I will try that.

velvetvixen -> RE: Ear Infections (12/7/2004 3:14:49 PM)

I just saw an ad on tv the other day for something called similisan. I don't know anything about it, have never used and don't know anyone who has. The ad featured children, I suppose becuase they are more prone to ear infections?

siamsa24 -> RE: Ear Infections (12/7/2004 4:12:53 PM)

I have never heard of it either, but a google search revealed that it is a non-perscription medication and has the added bonus of being homeopathic. I'll have to find it and give it a try. I'll let you know what I find out [:)]

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