Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (Full Version)

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irishbynature -> Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:02:15 AM)

I was a fan of the Dixie Chicks long before they got into their quarrel with country music and GW Bush. Natalie Maines (Lead Singer) made the comment to the effect, "I'm ashamed that GW Bush is from Texas and spending our troops into harm's way...."

I realized first and foremost that she is an American, and free speech is promised to all citizens.  I still admired her music and talent. And, I actually agreed with what she said.

The aftermath of her words are what really bothered me. I'm sure many of you saw people lining up and burning their CD's, and even, throwing them in piles for a bulldozer to crush.  History demonstrated to us that the Nazis engaged in this behavior. This is what bothered me the most.

Regardless, their CD's still top the charts. They were just featured on the cover of Time Magazine as well.

Her new song, "Not Ready To Make Nice" was written in one night, after she was told to "make nice" with the Country Music industry and GW Bush. She refused and wrote this song. It's powerful. Any comments?
(Please note the highlighted section in pink...that did happen to her).

Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting

I'm through, with doubt,
There's nothing left for me to figure out,
I've paid a price, and i'll keep paying

I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should

I know you said
Why can't you just get over it,
It turned my whole world around
and i kind of like it

I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,
With no regrets and I don't mind saying,
It's a sad sad story
That a mother will teach her daughter
that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.
And how in the world
Can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Saying that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over

Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting

Level -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:19:43 AM)

I enjoy the Chicks music-- I liked it before the blow-up, and I like it now. It bugs me that country radio, or much of it, has such a narrow mind that they can't find their way to playing their music anymore. It's their right to do so, and it's my right to think they're dumbasses for doing so.
Irish, I would hesitate to equate C&W fans with their panties in a knot over what they percieved as an insult to their country, as nazis, though. Some of them, anyway.

peterK50 -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:26:22 AM)

I have no problem with people using their celebrity to voice their opinions, I think it is their right & duty. Sometimes it's not obvious how bad things are until you look back on them. Having lived through the Vietnam era I can attest to that & I believe the current regime will be looked on with great distain in the future. At the Nuremburg war trials at the end of WWII an S.S. General was asked , How the Holocost happened? His reply was simple , "One step at a time"

meatcleaver -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:30:19 AM)

This story got around Europe and I know a lot of people heard of  The Dixie Chicks for the first time. I think they improved the perception of Texas, certainly over here anyway and the commotion didn't do their sales any harm either.

feastie -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:33:33 AM)

I tossed my DC cd's.  I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think that people of celebrity often take their celebrity too far and abuse it.  Natalie Maines did just that and lost any respect I personally had for her. 

I don't think music stars, movie stars, tv stars have any better opinions on the world and politics than the rest of us do.  I believe it is wrong for them to use their celebrity as a platform to push their personal beliefs and agendas on the rest of us.  I'm not gullible enough to fall for it, but there are many people that are, just because they've seen such and such in a movie or on tv.

I don't think celebrities should be allowed to make their voices louder than mine, as I have just as many beliefs, ideas and opinions about politics and the world at large as they do.  I just don't have the availability of a stage and a microphone.

I avoid the movies, music, etc., of celebrities who have political agendas they present in public. 

I don't really care what Natalie Maines thinks of George Bush.  What I do care about is that she maligned the President (it could have been Kerry, or Ronald McDonald, it wouldn't have mattered), on foreign soil in a very public way.

This is the type of thing that makes our country weaker, not stronger.  It makes us appear weak to the very people who wish to do us harm.  Thanks for opening that door a little wider, Natalie, ya idiot.

pahunkboy -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:35:11 AM)

Clear channel had no right to ban their music!  I can take or leave their tunes. It was sorta distasteful to ran THERE- and not HERE. IMO the opinion should have been voiced on US soil...it looks like- well fishy- that they blab there 1st.

When i go to the dentist- i coul;d care less who he did in bed- and if he supports the war- my concern is competent performance of service.

swtnsparkling -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:44:02 AM)

Once again Feastie - So very well said. Thank you

MyMasterStephen -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:44:07 AM)

In response to feastie...

Free speech is weakness now, is it?  Celebrities who can be heard should be stifled, whilst the "little people" who have minimal influence can speak freely?  Dissent should be stamped down and debate should be censored.

An interesting concept of democracy...

How strong is the nation which cannot accommodate freedom of speech - and, of necessity, freedom of thought?  What DID you people achieve on the 4th of July?

No wonder people the world over hold you in contempt.

irishbynature -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:50:16 AM)

So celebrities shouldn't voice their opinions?

servantforuse -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:52:54 AM)

The Dixie Chicks can say whateer they want to say, but words have meanings. i also have the right to not listen to their music and no longer buy a concert ticket to see them. They have canceled several concerts because of low ticket sales. Such is life.

Manawyddan -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:54:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: feastie

I tossed my DC cd's.  I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think that people of celebrity often take their celebrity too far and abuse it.  Natalie Maines did just that and lost any respect I personally had for her. 

I don't think music stars, movie stars, tv stars have any better opinions on the world and politics than the rest of us do. 

This last bit I agree with. Consrquently, I completely ignore political pronouncements by celebrities. They have every right ... as do all of us ... to speak their mind in public, but a celebrity could be right wing or left wing, it's irrelevant to me (I suppose some movie star could endorse genocide, and I'd have to draw the line there, but that's a fairly extreme example).

I believe it is wrong for them to use their celebrity as a platform to push their personal beliefs and agendas on the rest of us.  I'm not gullible enough to fall for it, but there are many people that are, just because they've seen such and such in a movie or on tv.

I don't think celebrities should be allowed to make their voices louder than mine, as I have just as many beliefs, ideas and opinions about politics and the world at large as they do.  I just don't have the availability of a stage and a microphone.

I avoid the movies, music, etc., of celebrities who have political agendas they present in public. 

I don't really care what Natalie Maines thinks of George Bush.  What I do care about is that she maligned the President (it could have been Kerry, or Ronald McDonald, it wouldn't have mattered), on foreign soil in a very public way.

This is the type of thing that makes our country weaker, not stronger.  It makes us appear weak to the very people who wish to do us harm.  Thanks for opening that door a little wider, Natalie, ya idiot.

pahunkboy -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:55:38 AM)

what she means is celebrities ought to stick with what they do best.

LaTigresse -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:55:56 AM)

I have 5 close members of my family that are either current or former military. Some of whom were and still are fans of the DC's.
What most of the narrow minded country music fans that have bashed this group, for being esentially American, do not realize is that by their very attitudes and behaviour THEY represent the United States in a much worse light not any celebrity or entertainer.
I have always been a fan of the Dixie Chicks and am even more one now.
If the day comes when ANY United States citizen cannot voice their opinion of ANY government official then everything my family members and all other soldiers that have served and continue to serve for turns into worthless rhetoric.
In this country we like to pretend to be oh so open minded and proud of our freedoms while our fears and narrow minded opinions are actually driving us backwards.
As an American I support anyone's right to voice their feelings and opinions wether I agree with them or not.

And BTW, Texas can take the Bushs back and keep them........[;)]

subedana -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:57:08 AM)

I happen to like their music and always have. I may not agree with their oppinions but I will defend to the death their right to voice them from the roof tops if they choose to.

LaTigresse -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 5:58:58 AM)

AND if celebrities should not be allowed to voice their opinions then people with money should not be allowed to run for office. The way our elections work now, it is not the best person for the job, it is those with money that can afford the advertising campains that turn THEM into celebrities!

PoisonRoses -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 6:00:35 AM)

Dixie Chicks had just as much right to state their opinion as the redneck hillbillies who came out with their flagwaving, lying-ass songs trying to reconfirm the lie that Iraq had something to do with 9-11.   It is NOT unpatriotic to question your government and we do not have a King.  Would rather a man release his frustrations getting a blowjob then to release them invading a soverign nation we had just beaten down several years prior.

Level -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 6:07:08 AM)


feastie wrote:

I don't think music stars, movie stars, tv stars have any better opinions on the world and politics than the rest of us do. 

Except when they do [:-].

I don't think celebrities should be allowed to make their voices louder than mine, as I have just as many beliefs, ideas and opinions about politics and the world at large as they do.  I just don't have the availability of a stage and a microphone.

Well, either you are free to speak, or not. I prefer that freedom, even if it means loudmouths get more attention than others.

I don't really care what Natalie Maines thinks of George Bush.  What I do care about is that she maligned the President (it could have been Kerry, or Ronald McDonald, it wouldn't have mattered), on foreign soil in a very public way.

I've voted for Ronald McDonald. [:D]


pahunkboy wrote:

Clear channel had no right to ban their music!

Yes they did. I don't like it, but there is no law saying they have to play anyone's music.


MyMasterStephen wrote:

Free speech is weakness now, is it?  Celebrities who can be heard should be stifled, whilst the "little people" who have minimal influence can speak freely?  Dissent should be stamped down and debate should be censored.

An interesting concept of democracy...

How strong is the nation which cannot accommodate freedom of speech - and, of necessity, freedom of thought?  What DID you people achieve on the 4th of July?

All well said. Freedom of speech is easy until you get to dissenting voices, that's when the proof is in the pudding, or not.

No wonder people the world over hold you in contempt.

Oh, lots of nitwits the world over hold us in contempt for assinine reasons; I hardly think this is one.

irishbynature -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 6:07:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: PoisonRoses

Dixie Chicks had just as much right to state their opinion as the redneck hillbillies who came out with their flagwaving, lying-ass songs trying to reconfirm the lie that Iraq had something to do with 9-11.   It is NOT unpatriotic to question your government and we do not have a King.  Would rather a man release his frustrations getting a blowjob then to release them invading a soverign nation we had just beaten down several years prior.


irishbynature -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 6:10:33 AM)

"I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,
With no regrets and I don't mind saying,
It's a sad sad story
That a mother will teach her daughter
that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.
And how in the world
Can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Saying that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over "(Natalie Maines)

The reaction of people to her words are what concerned me.

pahunkboy -> RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? (7/4/2006 6:11:35 AM)


pahunkboy wrote:

Clear channel had no right to ban their music!

Yes they did. I don't like it, but there is no law saying they have to play anyone's music.

  dont forget we the public own the airwaves, not clear channel. 

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