New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (Full Version)

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angelikaJ -> New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (3/16/2014 9:20:48 AM)

"The study, published in Cell Metabolism, tracked more than 6,000 adults above the age of 50 for 18 years. Some people were on an animal-protein rich diet like Paleo or Atkins (remember when Atkins was a thing?); some were not. And those who ate the animal-protein heavy diet fared way, way worse than others: They were 74% more likely to die early than those who followed a low-protein diet. "

""We provide convincing evidence that a high-protein diet, particularly if the proteins are derived from animals, is nearly as bad as smoking," said Dr. Valter D. Longo, lead author of the study. "

FeralFoxy -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (3/16/2014 10:00:35 AM)

There are many ways to do paleo, some better than others. My diet, for example, is not particularly meat centered. It is vegetable centered, with a limited amount of local, pasture raised meat and eggs, and some raw/organic dairy. There is a huge difference between that and a heavily factory farm meat based diet.

Paleo certainly isn't for everyone, but it has been shown to help with a variety of health conditions. I know I feel healthy and strong when I stick to it. Maybe I will die earlier, maybe not, but in the meantime I'll feel great, instead of having no energy and feeling trashed all the time like I do when I'm off it.

Dietary advice changes so often, and research so frequently comes up with contradictions, that it's hard to know what is right. Just eat real food (paleo, vegan, whatever makes you feel healthy), exercise in whatever way makes you comfortable, and stop worrying so much about what might or might not kill you. Life will kill you eventually no matter what you eat, so try your best to enjoy it.

kalikshama -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (3/16/2014 10:11:08 AM)


My diet, for example, is not particularly meat centered. It is vegetable centered, with a limited amount of local, pasture raised meat and eggs, and some raw/organic dairy. There is a huge difference between that and a heavily factory farm meat based diet.

Yes, as I was driving the the farm stand one day I heard a story on NPR about a study that indicated that it's not meat per se that's bad, but excluding veggies while focusing on meat .

I'm with you regarding factory farmed meat.

kalikshama -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (3/16/2014 10:17:04 AM)

...The study, spanning 18 years, was published in Cell Metabolism on March 4 and shows that people aged 50-65 who eat a diet high in animal proteins from meat, milk and cheese suffer increased risk of death as compared to people within the same age group who consumed low-protein diets. The study also identified the role that a hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF-1, plays in driving diseases like cancer. The study included the observation of 6,831 middle-aged and older adults. Those with diets consisting of more than 20 percent of their calories from protein were four times more likely to die of cancer.

So, it seems that a high-protein diet is just bad news for people, especially ones who are middle-aged, but the study is misleading as it concerns Paleo eaters.

- First, strict Paelo eaters avoid dairy altogether while other Paleo eaters who do consume milk and cheese, limit their intake and choose natural dairy products over processed ones.

- Second, strict Paleo eaters avoid processed and hormone-treated, grain-fed meat, a major source of IGF-1, along with cow’s milk.

- Third, people in Dr Longo’s study were considered high-protein eaters if they met the threshold of their diet being at least 20 percent protein. How much of the other potential 80 percent of those eater’s diets were carbohydrates, which Paleo diet observers dismiss as unhealthy, and what portion of those carbohydrates were in the form of processed carbs and food high in sugar?

There is more to this study than is being reported on and that makes it a poor weapon against Paleo in general.

The study also found that a high-protein diet, which was detrimental to the middle-aged people observed, was beneficial for people of advanced age, likely due to the fact that older people do not produce as much IGF-1 on their own. So the study consisted of people who both suffered and benefited.

Gunter Kuhnle, a food nutrition scientist from the University of Reading, warned that it was dangerous to say protein consumption was as bad as smoking by saying, “Sending out statements such as this can damage the effectiveness of important public health messages.” This study is worthy of exploring, especially as it relates to consuming processed, grain-fed meat, as well as milk and cheese. But if one knows anything about the Paleo diet, they would realize that the findings of this high-protein risk study is misleading for eaters looking to make smart nutritional choices.

OsideGirl -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (3/16/2014 10:56:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: kalikshama


My diet, for example, is not particularly meat centered. It is vegetable centered, with a limited amount of local, pasture raised meat and eggs, and some raw/organic dairy. There is a huge difference between that and a heavily factory farm meat based diet.

Yes, as I was driving the the farm stand one day I heard a story on NPR about a study that indicated that it's not meat per se that's bad, but excluding veggies while focusing on meat .

I'm with you regarding factory farmed meat.

I believe that the report said that it was the hormones, etc that was fed to the animals is what caused the problem. So, it wasn't necessary the meat that was bad for you, but what modern farming has done to that meat that is bad for you.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (3/16/2014 12:07:46 PM)

My diet currently isn't meat heavier than it was before I started paleo. I couldn't have ate much more meat than I already did before starting paleo. I don't think my body is capable of processing much more protein than I put in it.


- I've switched to pasture raised meat, that's hormone free
- I eat TONS more vegetable
- I eat TONS more fruit
- I eat TONS more seafood and fish
- I'm not in chronic pain that prevents me from even walking anymore, so I've started exercising again
- I'm losing weight (so is my husband)
- My husband is off blood pressure medication altogether now, despite still drinking alcohol several times a week
- My husband has dropped his anti-anxiety meds altogether now, and so far (6 weeks) seems to be fine without them

If that'll kill us sooner, then so be it. I'm doing this to be able to enjoy life today.

I don't put much faith in an article on yahoo that doesn't properly cite sources anyways so thanks kalikshama finding sources for the actual thing.

I do find it interesting that the article mentioned this:


People who love the Paleo diet are often quick to dismiss naysayers. (I know because I have, like, eight of these friends, and they're cult-y about it.)

Because that's exactly how I felt before starting on it. I spend about 2 weeks reading several books and websites about it, and I kept telling my husband "This cannot be real. These people claim that this diet does too many miracle things. It's impossible that this one diet can do all these things these people claim. It all sounds very mass-hysteria or cult-y." And now, here I am, being cult-y about it, to the point that I'm preaching about it to strangers online, and I've bought half a dozen copies of the books and send them (internationally) to various family members that I think would benefit from them. People who know my posting history here should know that I'm not one to preach yet another fad diet every other month... so take the fact that I AM preaching now as you wish. [;)]

ShaharThorne -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (4/8/2014 3:24:17 AM)

I am doing the 85/15 portions of the results so far but then I have been having trouble walking with my hip (2 sciatic nerve procedures within a month). I am eating more greens but still have some dairy and grains (mainly oatmeal). I am cutting down on my chocolate (You just don't realize how hard it is to resist solid chocolate bunnies).

In reality, ALL diets will have their naysayers. The main thing is to find the one you are comfortable with that is healthy and start exercising. I still get hip pain when I am standing up too long but I can walk a bit now. I am going to ask Mom to get the bike/elliptical machine out of her room so I can start working out on it.

MissMorrigan -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (4/9/2014 1:44:27 AM)

My hospital consulting team put me on a paleo diet which includes some dairy as part of the requirement for qualifying for my surgery. The first week on the diet I was detoxing and felt horrible, by week two I did a complete turn around and felt wonderful. Post surgery and I'm sticking with the paleo diet, quality and not quantity. My body is still adjusting to the restrictions of the diet but the weight loss I've experienced and general health benefits ensures I see no reason to change this, certainly not on the evidence of a research that should apply to all people that eat factory farmed meats and who should be more conscious regarding what they pump into their bodies, and the effects those hormones will have.

goodsubinCO -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (5/7/2014 11:01:57 AM)

Not sure exactly what i eat is called... but when i buy groceries i make sure that i buy whole foods that my great grandmother would instantly recgnoize if put on her table a century and a half ago. I read all labels on canned food, if I can't prounounce it I don't eat it.... I make my own bread, pasta, buy fresh eggs from a neighbor... prefer meats like deer and elk due to no human intervention. Try to grow my own veggies.. And do my own canning of fruits and veggies... sheryl

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (5/27/2014 10:46:21 AM)

I think this approach is called "clean eating".

Phoenixpower -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (5/29/2014 12:09:32 PM)


Maybe I will die earlier, maybe not, but in the meantime I'll feel great, instead of having no energy and feeling trashed all the time like I do when I'm off it.

Dietary advice changes so often, and research so frequently comes up with contradictions, that it's hard to know what is right. Just eat real food (paleo, vegan, whatever makes you feel healthy), exercise in whatever way makes you comfortable, and stop worrying so much about what might or might not kill you. Life will kill you eventually no matter what you eat, so try your best to enjoy it.

This [:)]

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (6/2/2014 6:38:36 AM)


SinfulBashful -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (7/1/2014 8:22:37 AM)

Our great grandparents lived as long as they did because of how they ate, not despite it. Heart disease was unheard of until sugar started being added to everything. Animal protein is not bad, eating so much that you go into protein oxidation is though. (Got bad breath on a diet? You're eating too much protein!) I resent covert vegan propaganda.

mnottertail -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (7/1/2014 8:24:57 AM)

Not so much of that, as that they expended more calories, they had less convieniances, and walked more, labored harder, and took stairs, raked the yard and mowed lawn by hand...etc.

crazyml -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (7/1/2014 8:29:03 AM)

Meh. Let's wait 48 hours for a report that bashes Veganism and promotes Paleo

graceadieu -> RE: New Study Delivers Bad News on Paleo Diet (7/6/2014 11:19:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: SinfulBashful

Our great grandparents lived as long as they did because of how they ate, not despite it.

The average life expectancy of my great-grandparents' generation was less than 50 years. Whatever the merits are of a diet of mostly potatoes and fat, I don't think that saying "eat like them and you can live 30 years less!" is really a ringing endorsement.

I think the issue isn't really about eating a lot of protein, even a lot of animal protein, it's eating a lot of animal fat. The human body can't metabolize enough protein to live off of (IIRC, you can only break down 800 calories worth a day), which means you need the rest of your calories to come from some combo of carbs and fat. Low-carb diets like Atkins say that the rest should be mostly fat. But eating 150g or whatever of fat every day, especially animal fat, just isn't very good for you.

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